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OP Polonius3  980 | 12275
13 Nov 2015   #481

LEWACKI, LEWAK - radcial leftist, ultra-leftist
20 Aug 2017   #482
"Murzyn" is neutral, but its not coming from English word "*****" but much more neutral"moor" meaning "someone dark skinned" and it used to describe people from whole Africa, including Arabs and Berbers. Much later on it has been made the difference between Arabs and people living further south, that were used as slaves.

Shakespeare's Othello is described as Moor, "Murzyn" in Polish translation (although later translations use the word "Maur", to show that he had Arabic rather than deep African origins).
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
21 Aug 2017   #483
Murzyn isnt a slur. It never was. Homo is not a slur as Hetero isn't a slur. Those are just ways to describe people.
cms  9 | 1253
21 Aug 2017   #484
Ways to describe people you don't like ?
gumishu  16 | 6182
21 Aug 2017   #485
how do you call a murzyn cms - here you can make yourself more PC than you actually are
kaprys  3 | 2076
21 Aug 2017   #486
I wouldn't say it sounds racist but then again we live in the times of political correctness andsome may argue it does.
But should we censor 'Murzynek Bambo' then?
Wulkan  - | 3136
21 Aug 2017   #487
Ways to describe people you don't like ?

That's irrelevant
gumishu  16 | 6182
21 Aug 2017   #488
But should we censor 'Murzynek Bambo' then?

"Murzynek Bambo" is as racist as you can get, the most racist thing about it is of course this line: 'Murzynek Bambo lives in Africa' everyone knows that Murzynek Bambo lives in Detroit or London
jon357  72 | 22979
21 Aug 2017   #489
But should we censor 'Murzynek Bambo' then?

We should see it as a thing of its time. Plenty more stories to tell in schools, plenty written all the time, plenty of old ones that endure through the ages. No reason to fetishise tales from a century ago that only became popular because there wasn't as much new stuff around at the time than there has been since.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866
21 Aug 2017   #490
ut should we censor 'Murzynek Bambo' then?

yes, it's offensive. There used to be 'little Black Sambo' in UK children's books as well, but times have changed.
gumishu  16 | 6182
21 Aug 2017   #491
yes, it's offensive

yes it's offensive 'cause it says - 'czarną ma skórę ten nasz koleżka' (black-skinned is our little bloke) - everyone knows that most blacks are actually brown
jon357  72 | 22979
21 Aug 2017   #492
in UK children's books as well, but times have changed.

Some people just get all hot and bothered about making minor but sensible changes, while ignoring the bigger issues.
gumishu  16 | 6182
21 Aug 2017   #493
yes, it's offensive.

btw I haven't seen 'Murzynek Bambo' in current Polish school books if you are so sensitive - looks like a non-issue after all
jon357  72 | 22979
21 Aug 2017   #494
btw I haven't seen 'Murzynek Bambo' in current Polish school books

No bad thing at all, however it does still crop up in schools.
kaprys  3 | 2076
21 Aug 2017   #495
And it ends with: Szkoda, że Bambo czarny, wesoły nie chodzi z nami do szkoły.
Bambo in the poem acts like any kid. It shows that both black and white (are 'black' and 'white' still acceptable? 'Black' may not...) kids are in fact similar. Quite an approach for the first half of the 20th century.

What if someone calls me white? As pale as I am, at least in winter, my skin colour is not actually white.
jon357  72 | 22979
21 Aug 2017   #496
And it ends with

There are probably a hundred other, better, kids fiction books that have just the same message.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866
21 Aug 2017   #497
if you are so sensitive

no, just a normal 21st century European..:) Why so snippy?

As pale as I am, at least in winter, my skin colour is not actually white.

oh please, spare me.
kaprys  3 | 2076
21 Aug 2017   #498
I'm not trying to be provocative.
I just think we are getting carried away with political correctness sometimes.
And Tuwim was great.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866
21 Aug 2017   #499
I just think we are getting carried away with political correctness sometimes.

so you think it is 'getting carried away' to desist from using terms which the groups they refer to find offensive?
Yeh i have met people like you before, nasty little toerags whining that they are no longer 'allowed' to be publicly offensive. Aww the poor little things! No longer permitted to use overtly racist terms....

my heart bleeds.
kaprys  3 | 2076
21 Aug 2017   #500
So I am nasty because I don't find 'murzyn' offensive? I'm sorry but it is not an overty racist term. I'm not defending the cz- word - that is offensive, indeed.

I have just googled 'murzyn'. Both Miodek and Bralczyk consider it neutral. So does John Godson.
And I do think the society today sometimes gets carried away with political correctness. Just like several years ago when Pharrel Williams was criticised for wearing a Native American headdress.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866
21 Aug 2017   #501
So I am nasty because I don't find 'murzyn' offensive?

nor specifically, just your whine about PC. Tell you what if you dont like PC you poor poor little white boy, go up to the next black man you see and say whatever you class to be suitably non PC.

Have a nice day!
gumishu  16 | 6182
21 Aug 2017   #502
So I am nasty because I don't find 'murzyn' offensive?

you are a bloody racist, what is worse you didn't even know about it, you must have sucked racism with your mother's milk
jon357  72 | 22979
21 Aug 2017   #503
go up to the next black man you see and say whatever you class to be suitably non PC.

Keyboard warriors, Roz. Just grumbling about change, and how the wicked world happens without them.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866
21 Aug 2017   #504
you must have sucked racism with your mother's milk

probably. my we are getting upset arent we?
Good grief my Polish sister in law and I were laughing about little Black Sambo or whatever the Polish name was, 20 years ago.
kaprys  3 | 2076
21 Aug 2017   #505
I'm sorry but I'm female and I'm not into fights.
I'm sorry to surprise you but I don't have a problem with black people.
It's easy to judge people, huh?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866
21 Aug 2017   #506
I don't have a problem with black people.

oh well that's lucky for them , then, isn't it?
yes, I do judge people that whinge about 'PC' 'gone mad' - they are invariably ...idiots..
gumishu  16 | 6182
21 Aug 2017   #507
I'm sorry to surprise you but I don't have a problem with black people.

you surely have a problem with black people - didn't you know they find the word 'murzyn' offensive - they don't want to be called Moors anymore - they want to be treated as human beings - calling them Moors suggests that you think they are from Mars - how more offensive can you get
kaprys  3 | 2076
21 Aug 2017   #508
Why would it be lucky for them?
gumishu  16 | 6182
21 Aug 2017   #509
don't worry kaprys - rozumiemnic is just passive aggressive, that's all
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866
21 Aug 2017   #510
no i am not, I am just making a point. It's called a 'forum'.

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