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Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation

Lenka  5 | 3471
16 Jan 2021   #1201

Not yet, it was a hint :)

Btw, I have no idea about yours...
OP pawian  219 | 24592
16 Jan 2021   #1202
To blacken someone.

Yes. Do you know the origin of it?

hiding away and isolating oneself from people?

Nope, although Lenka jokingly agreed.
I think this sand can also be translated as dust meaning dirt.

to be tickled pink - I am not sure but I guess when people praise you, your face blushes with embarassment. hahaha
16 Jan 2021   #1203
Not yet, it was a hint :)

Nie yay :(

Go to a desert? Completely bury oneself in sand?

I have no idea about yours...

Let's see if anyone else can guess before I give the answer. I would say the idiom is not so commonly used these days so this one might be a bit harder.
Lenka  5 | 3471
16 Jan 2021   #1204
Think about at what point in life something like that happens to people...
16 Jan 2021   #1205
Do you know the origin of it?

Mediaeval criminals were hung along with dogs to humiliate them apparently.

at what point in life something like that happens to people...

I think I've got it then. Substitute sand for dirt, and it's when you die and are buried in the ground?

I guess when people praise you, your face blushes with embarassment

It means to be very pleased with or amused by something, but I wouldn't be surprised to find that the origins lie in the face changing colour :)
Lenka  5 | 3471
16 Jan 2021   #1206
it's when you die and are buried in the ground?

Yes :)

to kick the calendar
16 Jan 2021   #1207
Yes :)


to kick the calendar

We would say to kick the bucket. To die.
17 Jan 2021   #1208
Najlepsza rzecz od krojonego chleba.
Ironside  50 | 12312
13 Feb 2021   #1209
That too easy Chem. I won't spoil it for others. Unless you want me to.

You damn snowman!
15 Feb 2021   #1210
Unless you want me to.

Well no-one else replied and I posted it a month ago, so you might as well Iron! I'll have to think about the snowman........
Lenka  5 | 3471
15 Feb 2021   #1211
I posted it a month ago,

Threads get forgotten..

An easy one:
to suck it with mother's milk
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2115
15 Feb 2021   #1212
You damn snowman!

You Idiot! Or maybe perhaps more like "Numnut!"

Where two are fighting, there the third gains
Ironside  50 | 12312
16 Feb 2021   #1213
Najlepsza rzecz od krojonego chleba.

the best thing since sliced bread.
Either overt the top enthusiasm for something/someone/ or (more oft in my opinion) a sarcastic way of saying that something is foolish or somebody has a foolish idea.

You Idiot!

I would translate it as a dolt.
17 Feb 2021   #1214
o suck it with mother's milk

I'm not sure how well I'll be able to explain this. Does it mean that someone has inherited their mother's qualities ( cechy?), followed in her footsteps so to speak? To be just like her in manner and talents?

Where two are fighting, there the third gains

A third person benefits from the result of two fighting e.g 3 kids are watching TV and 2 of them are fighting over which channel to watch. Their mother comes in and sends the 2 fighting kids to their room. The 3rd child now has the TV to himself and can choose what he wants to watch.

Either overt the top enthusiasm for something/someone/ or a sarcastic way of saying that something is foolish or somebody has a foolish idea.

Pertfect Iron :)
Lenka  5 | 3471
17 Feb 2021   #1215
Exactly Chemikiem!

to eat your teeth on something'
17 Feb 2021   #1216
To have expert knowledge of something because someone has been doing it for a long time?
Lenka  5 | 3471
17 Feb 2021   #1217
Damn girl! Give me some time! ;)
Easy one

to make water out of somebody'sbrain
jon357  72 | 22778
17 Feb 2021   #1218
Giving someone deliberate false or confusing information or advice?
Lenka  5 | 3471
17 Feb 2021   #1219
Exactly. Quite often for romantic/sexual reasons
17 Feb 2021   #1220
Damn girl! Give me some time! ;)

I'll slow down I promise! ;)
Lenka  5 | 3471
17 Feb 2021   #1221
to be an eagle
18 Feb 2021   #1222
To be the best, the brightest and most gifted?
Lenka  5 | 3471
18 Feb 2021   #1223
to have two left hands
19 Feb 2021   #1224
to have two left hands

I think that might be the equivalent of ' to be all fingers and thumbs'. To be clumsy and moving hands in an awkward way?

A new one:

Każda chmura ma srebną podszewkę.
Lenka  5 | 3471
19 Feb 2021   #1225
Not just there yet. Think alongside a handyman...

Every cloud has a silver lining means that in every bad moment there is something good .
20 Feb 2021   #1226
Not just there yet.

Hmm, so it's not exactly how I was thinking. Does it mean that someone is good for nothing, the handyman does nothing, doesn't lift a finger?
Lenka  5 | 3471
20 Feb 2021   #1227
Exactly! Of course it doesn't apply to a handyman but in my family was usually used in the context of small repairs etc.
21 Feb 2021   #1228
Every cloud has a silver lining means that in every bad moment there is something good .

Perfect :)

A new one:

Strzał w ciemno.
15 Mar 2021   #1229
Strzał w ciemno.

Guess no-one's going to have a try. Shot in the dark - to have a wild guess at something.

Maybe someone will have a go at another:

Trzeźwy jak sędzia.
28 Mar 2021   #1230
You would have to ask Pawian as I was answering his idiom. That appears to be what you are doing now though.

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