The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 29 Oct 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Aug 2011
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Speaks Polish?: some

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9 Oct 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

I have to say that I don't hate Poland at all

I agree with you. Its been over a year and although its not all roses no place is. I have lived in other places as well and its fine here. No matter where you go there you are. If you dont like yourself than you wont like anyplace. I mean you as in one not anybody in particular.
13 Oct 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

by all means do not go to india. they are the worst or best line skippers and starers. I got into a nice shoving match last time I was there although I actually enjoyed it and had a laugh about it with the guy later when he was standing behind me
16 Oct 2008
Work / What Jobs are there in Poland for an Englishman besides teaching english? [70]

I think a trained, qualified, experienced chef can work anywhere in the world. short of that I bet there are many IT jobs available. but if you are not qualified in any specific field than english teaching is the most viable option. you can try it you might like it. for years I thought I would hate it but I actually really enjoy it.
6 Dec 2008
News / Dalai Lama says: "POLAND HAS RETAINED ITS SPIRIT" [77]

what is interesting and in some ways forgotten perhaps is that poland itself did not exist for over a hundred years due to occupation. perhaps this is what the dalai lama is referring to in a message of hope to his people. in some ways it is a similar situation. i am going to see him speak on Thursday in warsaw
7 Dec 2008
News / Dalai Lama says: "POLAND HAS RETAINED ITS SPIRIT" [77]

ok fair enough seanus but he is teaching the middle path more out of practicality than anything else. a direct uprising against the chinese will only result in a massacre and he realizes that. what else can he do?
7 Dec 2008
News / Dalai Lama says: "POLAND HAS RETAINED ITS SPIRIT" [77]

no its cool seanus I didnt take it as a slight of the man at all. all public figures are open to critical analysis. nobody is pure. its a tough situation there in tibet thoug.
7 Dec 2008
News / Dalai Lama says: "POLAND HAS RETAINED ITS SPIRIT" [77]

yes its just that he is pretty old now and I wonder about the future. the tibetans are not peaceful people they have a peaceful religion. they are fighters at heart
29 Jul 2009
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

I like the great communist things left over except for the awful redtape of administration. the little shops and local cultural centers with people selling toilet paper on the side of the street
5 Aug 2009
Life / Things that annoy you in Poland. [133]

got to agree. seems like one of the basic needs of a society. to provide drinking water for the people...
11 Aug 2009
Life / Gyms in Warsaw [44]

you should try to local sport halas. there is one on obozowa in wola one tram stop before deotymy. those are for polish people and will be cheaper
9 Sep 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Behind the times

I like Poland but the fashion sense can be a bit dated at times but I just think its funny. I don't hate it nor do I really care about fashion. And wow I have seen some great mullets here!
9 Sep 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Nobody can criticise the US for not being fashionable

oh you can find many dated fashions in the rural parts of the US for sure. Like I said I don't care much about fashion so I am going into an area that I don't really know. But for instance those belts the girls wear here with the metal things on them, the fake leopard skin dresses and blouses many women wear. But of course the average Pole will always be better dressed than an American. I can always tell the American tourists because they are dressed like they are on the way to the gym. I have exhausted my fashion knowledge now and will have to consult my gf from here on out haha I like it here so I cant really say there is anything I hate but I wouldn't say that people are on the cutting edge of fashion here like in Italy or somewhere but I find that type of fashion obsession over the top.
9 Sep 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

military uniforms

seriously though camo clothes are extremely popular here as well

the girls

depends on the girl.
12 Feb 2010
Life / Warsaw - what's there to love? Semi-livable city? [42]

Vancouver? If you like rain, drugs and junkies its a great place. I have been there twice and can't say that I was so attracted to it... I live in Warsaw and like it. Gdansk seems to be a nice place as well. Haven't been to Wroclaw. Krakow although interesting is too small for my tastes...
6 Jul 2010
USA, Canada / To move back to Poland from the USA or not to move back....that is the question [119]

First just come here and see if you like it before making a big move. Common sense. Secondly Polish people WILL NOT consider you Polish or having a pure Polish heart or whatever imo. You are American with Polish roots. That isn't saying that they will not be nice to you but you will not be considered Polish. If you get your citizenship then ok maybe but since you are not born here... So before selling the farm and shipping it all over here take a test run and see how it goes would be my advice. As well with American pp it isn't easy to stay here in the Schengen so u would have to get your Polish PP to stay longterm hassle free. A lot of Americans find it difficult to live here.
14 Apr 2011
USA, Canada / Polish women are not to be trusted! They are out to get American men just for money. [62]

Yes 2 women speak for a nation of millions. Nothing like stereotyping and generalizing! Be afraid, yes be very afraid... Hahahaha The only thing to fear is fear itself. I personally don't believe this story at all. "My 2 friends had this happen..." Probably just a case of jealousy against a Polish girl...