The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Avalon  

Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - S
Last Post: 6 Dec 2015
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6 Dec 2015
Life / Poland is something special [9]

Sorry but if you can't master Spanish or rather trying to fool everyone here that you can and hope nobody will notice then no wonder why you can't master Polish which is much harder language to learn.

Had just spent 6 hours drinking your excellent Polish piwo and watching, 3 La Liga, matches and reflecting on why I feel so privileged to live here. Wulkan, you can spend you time mocking the foreigners that live here,but, at least appreciate the ones that actually, stick up for and like your country. Special offer at Lidl, 16 bottles of Harnas for 2.20 a bottle and I took advantage. You have my sincerest apologies for any mistakes I made.i can only hope to achieve the sublime infallibility that exits in your life. Until then, via con Dios, my friend.
6 Dec 2015
Life / Poland is something special [9]

My partner is an English teacher. She learns something new every day. Both from me, and, from her students. I try to help her as much as I can. My daughter speaks mainly Polish and I do not try and force her to speak English.

Here, the family is everything. The love and care I have been shown is exceptional. When I go into hospital or see a specialist, nobody, asks me why I do not speak Polish, they are more interested in why I chose to live here. 14 years and I still find it difficult. Je suis Francaise, ich sprekcan kaan Deutch, mi habla Espanyol, but I cannot master the Polish language.

I live here and have everything that I need. The health care is out of this world, I would be dead if I was still in the UK. Yes, I have to give a Pesal number. but, I pay into the system and get what I deserve. I normally pay privately for Dentist, specialist etc, but, this is so cheap that it is not worth worrying about. I live in a large house that would have cost me at least 1 million in the UK. We live next to the lakes and forest, about 10km from the town. Big deal, there is no bus after or on Sunday. There is no crime or drugs, we suffer that in silence. My friends and family that visit me from the UK, cannot believe, how beautiful or how cheap it is to live here.

We park, swim in the lakes and cycle through the forests at "no cost", tennis courts, ice skating, football are all included in the local taxes which are around 40 pounds a year.

I have an apartment in Barcelona and a house in the UK. This country has everything I need. Yes, if you do not have money, you may have problems, but, you only need a fraction of the amount that it would cost you to live in most European countries.

Poland, like the UK, still has its own currency which enables it to remain stable. It also, controls its borders which, unlike, most of Europe, is not conducive to allowing, undesirables to enter. If you want to subsidise the rest of the world then stay where you are, Europe, needs you.
1 Oct 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Even preschool/kindergarten kids are for EU:):):)

Of course they are?
16 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

I was quoting Inpolska not you (post 64). My reply was to him/her. I never accused you of anything.

Then you should not have addressed it to me.
15 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Rational observers know that the only protection Poland has is from the EU, even if it's not perfect.

Delph, WTF are you trying to pull here? We have NATO, that is the agreement, you attack one, you attack all. The EU is not a country, it has no physical power. It tries to use trade as a weapon. We can see how well that has worked with Russia.

You cannot interfere with sovereign countries, that is the whole problem with the EU. They either own you or the destroy you. Some choice.
15 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Plenty of chance, especially as the EU wouldn't be able to influence the UK anymore on the matter.

To kick out the Poles, the UK would have to leave the EU. If they did, the EU is finished anyway. 3rd, largest nett,contributor. We both know that Germany would not stay, especially with the hit from Greece and having to pay for all the migrants they have just imported.

The EU was recently awarded the Nobel peace prize, and, yet, they will be the most likely cause of civil unrest/war in Europe.
This bunch of sanctimonious idiots are only trying to secure their jobs and fat pensions and they will do anything, yes, anything to prolong this farce. No matter the cost in human lives or suffering.
15 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Good luck paying increased taxes to cover the huge cost of resettling 2 million+ unemployed Poles.

If we cannot kick out murderers and rapists, what chance have we got to kick out hard working Poles?. Get real.
15 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

But hey if you hate Poland so much you are free to leave :)

Do you understand English? What makes you think I dislike Poland?
15 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

Everybody, keep to the topic please.

I am sorry for replying to Inpolska's post, but, she seems to be under the impression that I am not qualified to discuss Poland. I have been here for 13 years and I do not live in a multi-cultural society. I left that behind, Deo Gracious.
15 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

@Avalon; you and your friends don't mind living in multicultural societies, which offer you more than what Poland shall ever offer you ;).

What part of "I live in Poland", confuses you?

Everybody, keep to the topic please.
15 Sep 2015
News / Should Poland exit the EU immediately? [377]

1.Nearly 1million Poles would be expelled from the UK - that according to Mr Tusk, himself, would be an economic disaster for a country

Untrue, Cameron has already stated that those already employed would not be asked to leave.

Then there is the state or federal government- just check the responsible ministry websites and you will see how important E.U funding is to this country.


The EU is a joke at the taxpayers expense. Everything they do is an epic, fail.
11 Sep 2015
News / Nazi gold train 'found in Poland' [90]


Now Junker will say that Poland can take a few more thousand.

A Polish man on Friday claimed he has found a massive underground shelter built by the Nazis capable of accommodating thousands of people.
6 Jul 2015
Classifieds / Random Classifieds Ads Poland [261]

For partition walls its better to use metal studwork (timber can warp). Two layers of 12.5mm plasterboard to each side gives a 1 hour fire rating and 100mm glass fibre insulation between the joists will sort out your sound proofing. If you already have doors and you need to match, check to see if they are already re-bated, as you will need to insert a ready made, metal door lining into the framework.

If you are going to use a door blank, you can get a timber door lining run out at Castorama or Nomi, it should be wide enough to extend 3mm either side of the plasterboard to allow for plastering/architrave or if you are going to tape and joint the plasterboard, you can caulk the joint between architrave and plasterboard.
5 Jul 2015
News / When will Poland take on the EURO? [47]

Interesting artical which throws some light on adopting the euro. Good chart which illustrates how countries have fared outside of the euro over the past 14 years. I wonder if this will be reproduced in the Polish media?
16 Jun 2015
News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ... [343]

@Dougpol: the European Commission is to table a deal with Poland where it drops opposition to re-settlement of 60,000 refugees EU wide, in return for support v Russia.

I am curious as to why you think that Poland should accept any of these refugees. These people speak mainly French, German or some English. Poland was never a colonial power and the Polish language is difficult for most Europeans, let alone people from countries with rudimentary, education systems.

Do you really think it would be fair to place these people in a country which is staunchly, Catholic, where they will not be able to find work or be able to integrate, and, which has a harsh winter climate that they would never acclimatise to.

France, Germany and the UK have overly, generous, benefit systems which is why these refugees would not want to be settled in Poland, trying to exist on 800 złoty per month, or do you propose giving them more than a pensioner or unemployed Pole.

The EU is offering approx. 4,600 euros for every refugee/economic migrant taken in. The estimate in the UK for supporting a refugee is approx. 20,000 GBP per year, that is a conservative estimate which does not take into account his/her human rights to have their family join them. It seems that Italy and Greece are not that impressed with the help given by the EU commissioners so why should Poland create a huge problem for its people
13 Mar 2015
Real Estate / Building a house in Poland need advice from anyone that has built [100]

This is Poland so get everything in writing.

Good advice. Get any contract translated if you do not speak/understand, Polish.
Beware of clauses, such as:-
Full payment will be made even if we do not finish.
We have the right to use second hand materials if they are cheaper.
We reserve the right to decide what is an acceptable standard of workmanship.
Deadlines and timescales will be adjudicated by the standard reference. (Grimms fairy tales)
Any disputes will be settled by the building inspector who is a friend of ours.
European edicts on unfair contracts/consumer law will be superceded by Polish Law.
29 Sep 2012
Law / Poland economy is slowing down - how does it affect you? [117]

that's all well and good Milky but where exactly do you think the Polish Government is going to get the money?

Easy one SeanBM, they simply borrow the money from the ECB and the IMF. Every one can live well in a socialist paradise until it has to be paid back, simple.

I mean, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, all have a higher standard of living and higher salaries, it works in those countries so why can't the Polish government do the same here.
29 Sep 2012
Law / Poland economy is slowing down - how does it affect you? [117]

Sounds like the UK, where many can't even do basic maths or spell everyday words (according to many employers).

It was the same in the UK 10 years ago when I left, nothing has improved.

Might be work for them as teachers in some small Polish towns, apparently.

They will never know unless they get off their backsides and try but I would have thought it would be much easier for them to claim benefits.
22 Sep 2012
Food / Where can I buy lamb in Poland? [89]

Just bought a half of lamb from a friend who has relatives in the Tatras, 17 PLN per Kilo, still have two unopened jars of mint sauce from the "English week" at Lidel, sound job.
4 Sep 2012
Life / What are the best cars to buy in Poland? [63]

From your writing, I would suggest Corgi or Dinki, but, beware of the low profile models which tend to vanish in pot-holes. How about Volkswagen.
9 Jul 2012
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

There are loads of places with worse driving conditions and worse drivers.

I have driven in many countries and have never seen anything like Romania. Overtaking on blind bends is the norm and with a mobile held to the ear.

I spent about 10 hours driving from North to South-East and in that time saw a head on smash, Lorry turned over and 3 trees that had fallen across the main road.
9 Jul 2012
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

What about road deaths! Polish drivers are the worst in Europe and constantly blame the road (whilst using a mobile phone whilst driving)

Nah!! Just drove down through Romania, they have the Poles beat "hands down". I will never complain about Polish roads or drivers again. I am coming back through Serbia and Hungary, I do not care how much further it is, I love my family too much to risk it. I cannot believe they have the nerve to charge to drive there, they should compensate people for having to replace their suspensions and tyres.
28 Jun 2012
Love / What strange/unnerving/funny things do your Polish wives do? [153]

Funny! :):):)

I will tell you something funny. You mocked me once when I complained about the stupid things that the authorities do here.
My partner went to get our "health cards" so that we can go on holiday next week. The helpful lady in the office, said that she needs to get permission of her ex-husband who she divorced 7 years ago.

Even though we obtained these cards last year with no problem, apparently, the rules have changed. Her ex-husband has signed a declaration that she is part of his family and is a non-earner, despite the fact that she has been a state teacher for the past 20 years.

She now has to spend half a day going to the factory where he works to get a letter to say that she is nothing to do with him. You think that this would happen in a normal country?. You want to re-new your driving licence and they tell you that you have to take another test? When you need to re-new you passport you have to prove your citizenship?

F-kin ridiculous. The only problems I ever have here is when we have to deal with the authorities.

Yes I am angry and I am not blaming you. Just wish that Poland could get it together and stop these things happening.