The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 23
Posts: 834
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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26 Oct 2021
Food / Poland-Tea or coffee land? [114]

Poland was never a coffee society until the recent western influence of starbucks and such.
26 Oct 2021
Life / Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland? [645]

every woman in poland over the age of 50 is literally backwards and a racist. Ive tried to meet or fuk or go out with soe off sympatia and theyre all deranged right wingers and racists stuck in the past. they are worse than the men and this is the inbkly country or culture i have seen like this with women being ore right wing or conservative or backwards then man of any age group.
26 Oct 2021
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [558]

"There wouldn't be demonstrations, there would be riots, and people would leave Poland by the millions for other EU nations."

no there wouldnt be. and they couldnt leave after it happened or theyd be undocuented migrants and like me when caught by any traffic violation or even jut a border check be right away deported back to poland.

" let me educate a state employed teacher who has to grow vegetables to feed his family in the ways of civilised and refined men."

lol what a loser.
26 Oct 2021
Life / Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland? [645]

what I find odd is how so many women claim theyre not gold diggers or about money or want a particular man or have expectations but want true equality yet why do they always ask on sympatia or similar sites whether you have a car or about your job or how much you make if they want such equality in payments and dividens? The older Polish women are the worse like over 50 or those who grew up in prl thats why i totally stopped hitting on them anywhere or even using sympatia. the young ones are full of hookers and spam bots. but yea the women like over 50 are all money hungry. its like they dont even want to have sex or are asexual to them only a wallet matters.
26 Oct 2021
Life / Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland? [645]

I cant stand western activists. Anyone else? Sanctimonious ***** getting up in others faces screeching about how their behaviour doesn't conform to some arbitrary flavour of the week morality.
25 Oct 2021
Life / Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland? [645]

feminism in poland isnt true feminism. they still want dudes like me to be walking the around and buying everything spending all the zlotys and oneys and shet and being walking banks while they reep the benefits. true equality would put an end to gender relations during dating and expectations from the opposite sex. everyone would be on equal terms no opening doors buying flowers buying dinners etc.

its called having your cake and eating it too thats what women want.
25 Oct 2021
Love / How to find Asian Girlfriend in Poland [56]

Ive recently met a cute tartar girl from lodz on a teen chat but she has been quiet and not talking to me lately. She is about to turn 17.
24 Oct 2021
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

lol poop all over belarus. and what makes you think poland and its economy without nato and eu would be beyyer than the donets basin? you think the coal production in slask is better than the breadbasket of the ukraine and its black sea trade routes?
24 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

yes but it seems surprising since the guy is white and not a muslim.
24 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

so no guns in sweden huh? famous rapper form sweden shot at a night club:
18 Oct 2021
History / Recommended Poland's history books [177]

Przedwiosnie or the coing spring is literally the ultimate best historical (albeit historical fiction) book and novel ever written about poland or out of poland. it is like gold man. Like this novel is gold because it shows how we were with russia at one point or russians basically. But the idea behind it is the coming spring or coing new country forming called poland where everyone is migrating to across the entire empire (russian empire) from baku oils etc. all over trains filled coming home thats why its called the coing spring.

an I think Im in love with them.
13 Oct 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

This joker Pawian is an example why all Polish people are racist and ethnocentrist doesnt matter their political meanings and why when Biden dies Kamala Harris and POC or black lives matter will cancel culture poland and ut a second yalta conference on when biden dies of heart failure.
13 Oct 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

"That is a symbol of milenium-long strive of Poland to become a European nation, instead of being an Eastern mess under the Kremlin boot."

You mean another Belarus?

"PIS and neofascists are doing their best to make us return to that half-European, half-Asian barbarism again. "

You sound pretty racist and ethnocentrist here. Asians accomplished much more I would say than oland in its history. Ever been to Tokyo or Japan lately?
8 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Still alive and well [341]

cupcake lol she called you a cupcake.
3 Oct 2021
Work / Teaching English in Poland....CELTA or TESOL certificate? [66]

Not sure I only applied to a few schools that advertised on facebook or on or similar sites. I got back into freelance writing and translation so I quit teaching as so many of those schools required b2b contracts or me to set up some business identity.
3 Oct 2021
Work / Teaching English in Poland....CELTA or TESOL certificate? [66]

You can get away teaching without a certificate at some private run language schools. Poland is still pretty lawless or flexible in that regard I think. I used to do it from time to time and even found privates or people to teach privately. I gave it all up tho and I dont remember why and started drinking and just focusing my energy on sex.
3 Oct 2021
Love / Help my Polish wife hates sex [41]

Do you guys think Polish women are known to fake orgasms like American women do or less so?
3 Oct 2021
Life / Polish films in Hollywood arrangement [28]

"With Fire and Sword, a historical story from 17 century, Polish-Cossack war: fights, battles, love, hussaria."

Lol I love how they show the genius of Polish soldiers at work when the mud defeated their great cavalrly. they got crushed by the mud trying to charge their enemies across it and died.
3 Oct 2021
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [558]

But their official ideology is progressive, it is about equality for all, it is about atoning to their sins of the past, and making the world a better place.
3 Oct 2021
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [558]

That is why they are called woke. Because they awakened from their former prejudices, racism nationalistm etc. This is the west not backwardness that is currently in Poland.
3 Oct 2021
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [558]

Not true. People who are woke or westerners got over that manyd ecades ago. Only eastern europeans (******** of the eu) or second third world people are what you describe. The world already moved on. Look how germany are some of the most tolerant liberal people and hate their past dont try to sugercoat it. At least you can see your hypocrisy. The idea is to see ones faults and work on them.
3 Oct 2021
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [558]

"The world view of Poland is taking a beating for any number of reasons on the extreme political left"

what do you call the extreme political left? CNN? I mean most woke people and liberals are not extreme left. Poland is extreme right. The extreme left is like communism. Youre way too right wing and biased it seems to get it. And a country that openly plays movies about some historical events on ukrainian immigrants it invited over and has an open racist policy against them how is that not extreme right wing and only took them in because it had to and otherwise it wouldnt even taken anyone in? again how are you blaming extreme left for being against such a racist country toward its economic migrants for instance? Constantly having talking heads on tv or playing movies or organizing some marches against **** that happened 80 yrs ago no one is alive for anymore?

You can tell a country is racist by listening to the people or their conversations on the street level at the pubs bars etc. pijalnia wodkis etc. How they dont care about Belarus. They dont care about refugees or human rights. They openly are racist and hostile on ukrainian migrants etc. Its not just pis but the mentality of the people. WHy would anyone woke want anything to do with such people or country?

The only not extreme right or normal Polish people are those like me who have to be ehre due to things like deportation or not being able to afford living abroad or those who live abroad and visit and see it and hear it and know the truth.
29 Sep 2021
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [244]

"I don't care if the west thinks he is a hero as they need fairy tales to explain a reality they will never understand."

how is that different than being a usa ***** or yes man like you and your fellow bretheren are while laughing stock over there in california? kissing asses to america and getting mcdonalds while not sharing their multiculturalism values?
29 Sep 2021
History / Do you regard the Polish Communist Partizans as heroes? [36]

I cant understand why kamala harris and joe biden dont sell you true poles out already and do a second yalta and move the troops out thats what i cant udnerstand. why support a racist right wing backward turd world country just because they are anti russia everything against the woke culture?

listen to what he says and learn pollacks:

Ive never seen any other country but polackistan claim you have to be right wing or nazi or nationalist to be a pollack. Maybe afghanistan but no white country before.

America is known for its multiculturalism by the way ask johnny and thats what makes it exceptional or great. ask trump or biden.

You people are a shame. This is not the Poland the great hero walesa fought for.

"Nia za taka Polske walczylem"
29 Sep 2021
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [244]

He brought down communism and the wall and started a movement called solidarity. Today he is only remembered outside of poland as a hero and the united states children are taught in schools about his great deeds. only in poland do people have such attitudes and only due to propaganda and lies against him to discredit his great work so he can never gain power again (fear of his presence and anti establishment attitude).