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Posts by OdrowazP  

Joined: 31 Aug 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Feb 2023
Threads: 8
Posts: 40
From: United States of America
Speaks Polish?: Not Yet
Interests: Looking to capture and preserve a little of my Polish heritage

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11 Feb 2023
History / Szeptunka Greek Catholic? [2]

I'm still looking into who my Great-Great-Great-Grandmother Bieszczak, but I've been thinking. My Grandfather described her as a "Healer," which I believe in Poland is called a Szeptunka, a Christian Folk Healers. I haven't read so much yet, but it appears they lean more towards the Orthodox Church. I believed the paternal side of my family came mainly from a Roman Catholic background, but is it possible to find szeptunkas among GREEK CATHOLICS as well? I ask because is dropping hints of certain Bieszczaks / Biszczaks around Lesser Poland who are Greek Catholics.
20 Jan 2023
Genealogy / Zofia Bekasz (Pękalska) [3]


Hello, I tried emailing you. I wonder if you got my email.
17 Jan 2023
Genealogy / Finding my Great-g-g-Grandmother Bieszczak [NEW]

I need help finding my Great-great-great-Grandmother. Born before 1880, she lived at point in Lesser Poland, married to Jan Bieszczak. Her maiden-name is not known. She has at least two children, my Great-great-Grandmother Maria Pękalski (nee Bieszczak) and her brother Leon (John) Bieszczak. Her two children did go to America, but she and her husband Jan remained in Poland. The only other thing I know about her from my Grandfather is that she was a healer, szeptunka I think he meant, which might mean she was Orthodox, while my Pękalski/Penkalski side of the family is Catholic. I even tried to use with different spelling variants, but cannot seem to find any woman married to Jan Bieszczak, mother to Maria and Leon, getting hits for Maria with a father Jan and mother Katarzyna or Teresa, but no Leon to confirm. Can anyone here help?

  • Screenshot_20230116_.png

  • MyHeritageFanChart.png
25 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Morally speaking, shooting children at a school is no different from carrying out or getting an abortion. Take a one-year-old onto the counter and cut his head off with a butcher knife. Morally no different from abortion. Put a plastic bag over a disabled elderly person's head. Morally no different from abortion. Abortion is just a different word for baby killing.
14 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


It (woman's life being more worthy than that have a fetus) is. Which is why most places allow abortion and will continue to do so.

Challenge: why is the life of the woman more important than that of the fetus?
14 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

No, occasionally I won't need quote marks. If anything, in order to make fetuses more human, we must use the word more to legitimize its usage within the category of human being.
14 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

@johnny reb
You are correct, a fetus is a human being. I'm just embracing the term "fetus" as another stage of what is considered human, not to dismiss its Humanity.
13 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


It's not a 'baby'. It's a foetus.

I already went over that earlier. A fetus is not a baby. Neither is a baby a child. We may look at teenagers as children, but the term teenager still implies something more than just any child. Children are not adults whatsoever, though there is a blurry line between teenager and adults. Nevertheless, every single one of them are human beings.
13 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


If not posssible that would try to save the one that has a better chance of surviving. That mostly mother.

That's partly but I mean, if you had a chance to save only one life, and the baby was bound to die regardless, and save the woman. But, I still maintain that if the baby is perfectly healthy and has a chance to survive, save the baby, while making every best effort for the mother is survival, without compromising the well-being of the human being whose only crime was existing. And again, majority of abortions carried out are scarcely for the woman's survival, but merely out of convenience.


Misandrists are rare, not that it's relevant.
A woman's life is worth more than that of a foetus.

There are a lot more misandrists then you think. Ask for the woman's life being more worthy than that have a fetus, I already mentioned earlier that's even the toddler throwing a tantrum is more morally reprehensible than a crimeless fetus.
13 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


But you are happy to have the women die. Why? Is she not innocent?

To the contrary, death by pregnancy is tragic. But at least murder was not committed. As far as the Innocence... we all are a lot more guilty of evil then a "fetus." Go ahead pile on top of that intention to kill

Well for nisandrists, men are scum and are worthless, isn't that the case too? At the end of the day, we all suck. The, feti....? The whatever the plural form of fetus just happens to suck the least in this world. A rapist is worse, a murderer is worse, a child who throws a tantrum over broccoli is worse then the fetus.
13 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Oh I will agree with you there a lot.
There should be thoucg a lot more embracing of the word "fetus" from Latin fētus meaning "offspring." Embryo, fetus, baby, they're all stages of human development, and we can't let people get away with using the word fetus to dismiss the humanity of the "baby.:
13 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


They all said, "My baby just kicked".

Not sure what the opposition is. The point was raised to me that a fetus is not a baby, which I deemed irrelevant. Just as an adult is not a child and a teenager is not a toddler, a fetus is not a baby. But all are still human beings.
12 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


A fetus is not a baby.

Like a child is not an adult, irrelevant.

A fetus that threatens the life of the mother might have to be killed.





No, the intention is to save mothers health/life but the treatment kills the baby.

But there is an innocent life.
12 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


But its still killing the mother.

Not purposely, only existing.

So if the treatment saves the mother but kills the baby it's a no no too?

If the intention is to kill the baby, that's bad.
12 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


the end result is the same isn't it?

No, the baby is innocent.

How about getting treatment that will save the mother but kill the baby?

That's the point. If the baby can survive, do not murder the baby. Also majority of Abortions are out of convenience anyway, not health.
12 Nov 2021
Law / Getting Dual Citizenship without father...? [4]

I'm curious. Right now I'm trying to get my Great-great-grandmother's death records (from New Jersey) for genealogical purposes, but I don't want to get my dad involved (for proof of blood relationship) so I'm acquiring my Grandfather's help to bypass that problem. Easy.

My dad? Well I don't want anything to do with him, Long story, Also irrelevant story. do or can also I aquire dual citizenship in Poland, again without using my dad? I'm sure I need to prove my ancestry going back to Poland. Just a couple of generations back (my Grandfather's father). Is this doable?
12 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


Self-defense is if a person is attacking you. A baby existing doesn't count. A toddler with a knife doesn't count. A ten year old with a hammer shouldn't be killed either. 15 year old with a gun...Now we can have a discussion. But a baby existing.... no.


A foetus is not more important than a person.

Well a foetus (young life) is a person.

Notice everyone the dehumanization? No
wonder there's that Hitler/Anti-abortion poster.
12 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


Can you explain to me why the fetus life is more important than the women?

If the baby is terminal regardless and an abortion saves the woman, fine. But if killing a healthy baby saves the woman's life, that's bad, as measures are still being taken to intentionally execute one life. In the prior scenario, the baby's demise is incidental, that latter must purposely destroy a life.

Both thr Woman and the Baby are of equal value. It is the Pro-Choice advocates who value one above another and dehumanizing the other.
12 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


What if it does endanger the life of the women but the baby is healthy?

An excellent and well frames question!
Don't kill the baby.

making Catholicism a major source of our moral based laws

Whoops! I shouldn't have said "our" because I am not an inhabitant of Poland. Just genetically Polish.
12 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


He could as easily be the originator of this thought and it would not be any less brilliant.

I actually hardly come here, rather just saw this thread and wanted to drop my thoughts here.
12 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


Can you please tell us what Catholic Church has to do with it?

Last I checked Poland is still a very Catholic country, making Catholicism a major source of our moral based laws.
12 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


Already born and fully developed children?

No I mean human being who already exist regardless of stage of development
12 Nov 2021
Genealogy / Want to find a person [766]

Oh no! This person is deceased five generations back
12 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


Abortions should be limited to extreme cases,

Catholic church, if I'm right, allows abortion ONLY under the circumstance that the woman's life is in danger AND the baby's life is ultimately terminal. The motive in this case, preserve life where a life can be preserved. I might be wrong on if it is the Catholic Church's ruling.

But abortion is mostly to save not life, but save lifestyle.
11 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


Leave them alone and let women is not your business and nothing that you can decide about.

I've been watching interrogation videos lately on YouTube starring parents who did not want to take care of their children anymore, so they killed them. That made me wonder: Why is it anyone's business what one person does or two people do to their own children? I mean, the children are not productive members of society yet. They just consumed resource. Why does society get to decide what happens to those children? Well maybe they are too much of a burden on parents, society even. Like, we should just leave every decision to pro-choice women, because that can do nothing but good, right? 🤥 (I hope the point I'm making is understood)
11 Nov 2021
Genealogy / Want to find a person [766]


How to find Katarzyna Pękalska (Linda)

So I'm American, English speaking only so far, with no immediate way to get to Poland. What is the best way to find an individual of this description below? I've tried grave finder by the way, nothing.

Katarzyna Pękalska (Linda)

Birth: estimated between 1814 and 1874 ???

Immediate Family:
Wife of Jan Pękalski
Mother of Zofia Bekasz
10 Nov 2021
Genealogy / Zofia Bekasz (Pękalska) [3]

I am reaching out to living relatives of a Zofia Bekasz, nee Pękalska, who may be the older sister of my Great-great-grandfather (Austria/Poland). I'd love to find her grave, proven to be a challenge, as well as that of her parents and other immediate relatives. Old photos and more information would be amazing!

Zofia Bekasz (Pękalska)
Birthdate: 1879
Death: 1924 (44-45)
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Jan Pękalski and Katarzyna Pękalska
Wife of Antoni Bekasz and Filip Biały
Mother of Paulina Głuc and Jan Jakub Biały