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Posts by Vlad1234  

Joined: 25 Mar 2013 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 21 Apr 2022
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21 Apr 2022
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

indeed, though it may well be a bumpy road on the way.

Quite likely. Personally I'm especially concerned about the rumors that some Eastern Europeans are kidnapped and brainwashed and basically kept in slavery. Is it the kind of "freedom" that the descendents of slaves and fighters with racism have dreamt about?!
21 Apr 2022
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

most people never had to truly fight for anything....where should the "will" come from?

Ideally it has to be inborn. And the right man will always find the right cause to fight for. Just look around and think deeply...
21 Apr 2022
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

She ask you what you are! Ukrainian, Russian, Soviet, Slow?

I self identify as a Ukrainian. As majority of those Russian-speaking people who were born in Ukraine.

unlanded nobility living on lands that belonged to the Dutchy and later to the Polish Crown

Yes, but this is some vague constructs, not an absolute sharp-cutting border. Could anyone tell a sharp distinction between a German and an Austrian even though the later lived in Habsburg Empire?

See duble standarts.

Very simple. The winners dictate standards. Europeans lack will (to life), spirit and solidarity and they became the loosers.

Basically a ticking time bomb.

Fortunately not for us personally, unless we are going to live 100+ years.
20 Apr 2022
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

But, hey, people find it easier to hate Muslim and/or African countries

Probably it does have much to do with refugee and migrant crisis?
20 Apr 2022
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

As for "possible reconsiliation"... Now? With a psycho Nazi-like Putinist Russia??

What about Eastern Ukrainians? Or Ukrainians in general?

Vlad1234, so what is your ethnicity?

It depends on how you define "ethnicity". It is not exactly scientific, but rather a domestic concept. I was born in Ukraine and my native language is Russian (as with majority of those who was born in Ukraine), but I can understand and read in Ukrainian since childhood. There are no completely pure ethnicities. Many Ukrainians have plenty of Polish, Tatar and many other admixtures. Those nations they contacted, or who live in Ukraine. Around 50% of Ukrainians have R1a haplogroup which is the most common among Northern Slavic people, which still make valid the assumptions we are still predominantly Slavic nation. I don't know how you could draw a sharp line between Russian , Belarussians and Ukrainian ethnicities, for example. This is just an approximate constructs...
20 Apr 2022
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

I think that in the last decades and years Russian public thought had blamed all the historic Russian problems on the West

I don't closely follow Russian public thought. I live in Canada longer than I lived in Ukraine once. I thought this thread is dedicated to the history of Polish-Russian relations. And therefore want to know what do you think about Polish-Russian relations in 16-17 centuries and possible reconsiliation. Many Ukrainians still feel connected to Russians through language, culture and history. And religion. I think that sanctions give Russian economy a chance to abondon hydrocarbon dependency and concentrate on manufacturing and high-tech sector.
20 Apr 2022
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

I think in the last decades and years Polish public thought started to went into seduction to blame all the historic Polish problems on Eastern Slavs and demonize Ukrainians (aka "banderites") and Russians. But ultimately Poles will need to recognize that history was more complicated than that and not only they suffered or were the heroes. Study history of 16-17 centuries about Eastern Ukraine and Russia and pre-war history about Western Ukraine. And you will discover many interesting things.
20 Apr 2022
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]
"What if ye have captured me, ye devilish Lyakhs? Think ye that there is anything in the world which the kazák fears? Wait; the time will come when ye shall learn what the Orthodox Russian Faith is like! Already the peoples, far and near, are beginning to understand it. A Tzar shall arise from the Russian soil, and there shall not be a Power in the world which shall not submit itself to him!" But the fire had already risen above the faggots: it was lapping his feet, and the flames spread to the tree... But can any fire, flames or power be found on earth capable of overpowering Russian strength?"

I think that both novel
And 2009 movie
Are bombs! Have much to do with Eastern European self identity.
20 Apr 2022
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Obviously, that pure battery EV is irrational due to the price and weight of the batteries. Therefore the near future belongs to either charged hybrids or biofuel. Hydrogen has few times smaller density than biofuel and probably doesn't have future without strict compulsion.
29 Mar 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

Attention to small and medium business owners. Share of small and medium business in GDP steadily declines throughout the history. For example, in US it shrinked from 48 to 44% of GDP just between 1998 and 2016. The vast majority of small and medium business owners will inevitably go bankrupt within few decades. Many small businesses in US are already heavily subsidized by govt. like agricultural farms or barely meet their ends like many convenience stores, restaurants and services.
15 Mar 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

You tell me.

I don't know. I never read that cooperatives are more corrupted than sole-proprietorships on average. Or that they are more interested in state corruption. So, how could I tell it?

"Macquarie business academic Dr Nikki Balnave believes that co-ops offer an alternative to for-profit business models which will hold greater appeal to a society disillusioned by growing reports of corporate corruption and greed."
15 Mar 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

Corruption is how Socialism/ Communism functions.

Why exactly?
14 Mar 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

Sure, this is true, but to a lesser degree, of democracies

In Eastern Europe corruption have became even bigger problem during capitalism.
12 Mar 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

Andrzej Duda says LGBT 'ideology' worse than communism
I think nowdays there are many efforts done in some countries including Poland to discredit all the varieties of Socialism by using "communism" and "bolshevik" rhetorics. But there is a big question whether we could call the system which existed in Poland 33 years ago a variety of true Socialism. This is a propaganda speculations.
11 Mar 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

I think these recent dances around oil and gas anti-Russian embargo show how sluggish technological progress have became in 21 century. It's already deep into the 21 century, but there still no close replacement for hydrocarbon energy carriers! In the mid of 20-th century many people believed that in 21-th century majority of people will fly personal flying cars equipped with some kind of nuclear fusion engines. What would be their dissapointment... For now there is no even normal batteries for electric vehicles on the market.
10 Mar 2022

You are only able to produce military stuff

Canada produces more, but in the last decades our manufacturing is stagnating. I think it could be better. Some factories have been outsorced to China or Mexico.
10 Mar 2022

Another thing that comes to mind is Russian culture.

I can imagine the following conversation:
Madzia - "Ja ne używam pierogi Ruskie, - to jest jedzenie dla zwierząt ."
Agnieshka - "Nienawidzę ich!.."
10 Mar 2022

Total embargo on all things Russian in Poland! Not only resources.

Resource embargo may work well for Russian economy in long run. It may start to concentrate on manufacturing. Canada is other shamefull example of a resource supplier.
10 Mar 2022
Off-Topic / Ukraine, Belarus, Russia in EU in 2030? [89]

I wonder if some extensive law enforcement cooperation is possible between European countries. Could such things as European police, European courts and European prosecutors be created in large numbers in those European countries which want to become EU members? For example if some Moldovan citizen suspects that a corrupted judge or police act not in his favour, he could just fill a complaint to EU court or EU police division in his own country. Obviously such EU divisions need to have all the legal power to do investigations, arests and court decisions and their power should prevail over national institutions.
5 Mar 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

With everything being automated, 50 would be plenty.

You cannot automate everything. Robots are neither creative or inventive. Fewer people = fewer scientists and inventors = slower progress in all the fields. You need to have many scientists and inventors at least to stay competitive in the field of weapons. Otherwise large countries like China or India will either conquir your country or convert it into a semi-colony with puppet government. Also robots cannot be an artists or develop culture. World is very boring without great composers, writers, movie directors and phylosophers.
5 Mar 2022
Off-Topic / Ukraine, Belarus, Russia in EU in 2030? [89]

Before the RuSS invasion it had been divided and conflicted.

After 2014 they were united mostly by EU dreams and expectations. Sadly, many of them still sincerely believe that EU will accept Ukraine quite soon. And that after that they will live "like in EU". Some Ukrainian politicians continue to fool people in that way right now... I think without that propaganda very few Ukrainians would resist Russia willingly (with exception of Western Ukraine).
2 Mar 2022

there is a brotherhood.

I think it would be a good historical start for Poles if they will create strong friendship and brotherhood at least with Ukrainians and perhaps Belarussians. I think Ukrainians are open for this.
24 Feb 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

In difference from the Nazis I believe that during eugenics policies the most human way of implementation must be followed. For example birth control techniques are favored over extermination. I truly wonder why such countries as South Africa, South Rodesia, US and all other Western countries haven't implemented full scale birth controll policies. Some people proposed to do it from long time ago. Some pills and substances should be readily available since 1970-80.
23 Feb 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

I don't think that the Nazis did big stress on personal qualitues. Their slogan was "if you are a German bastard you are good, if you are a Slavic smartie your are to be exterminated". But they used real, serious and long persistent problem of genetic deficiency in their propaganda.
23 Feb 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

What sells are the ones about evil.

We had enough of bloody history to scarry to death 1000 of the future generations. And more fiction will follow... Also inborn moral qualities may strongly reduce crime and especially regular crime, but not completely exclude it. There always will be some situations when suduction becomes stronger than moral values...
23 Feb 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

Sounds like eugenics.

I believe that if genetic engineering would allow as to create humans with exceptionally strong moral qualities, it is the must to implement everywhere. Probably this is one of the main tasks, that humanity has to work on as soon as possible.
22 Feb 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

Whether you are green or not, what are your plans regarding humanity? Total degradation and return to what epoch?