The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Wedle  

Joined: 27 Sep 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Feb 2012
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26 Oct 2011
News / Will Poland be badly hit by Recession ? I don't think so. [70]

2) Every week we hear that new international Businesses are outsourcing in Poland or setting up a base ( for instance Samsung and LG are opening new plants soon)

This is also what was happening in Ireland.

Moody's might lower Poland 's rating if Tusk does not restrict public spending but not beeing able to borrow too much may be good to avoid getting huge debts passed on future Polish generations.

The rock and the hard stone for PO/Tusk is how to appease both EU and Poles with the forth coming austerity measures. Higher unemployment and more business's failures in favor of Maastricht treaty.Furthermore if there is a significant slow down, within EU proper, it will effect the Poles working overseas, therefore less funds being repatriated.
26 Oct 2011
News / Will Poland be badly hit by Recession ? I don't think so. [70]

All of the big ticket items that Poles never had before are still being purchased,

I am not quite sure about that pip, the Poles have taken to credit like a duck takes to water, this is what is driving purchases.Warsaw is also the epicenter of Yuppies in Poland, " all flash no cash mostly " although I am not disputing there are some very wealthy Poles in Warsaw especially in Zoliborz. If you did an audit on the majority of people in Warsaw, I am convinced the credit to debit ratio would be above 60% now, if as some are suggesting the value of real estate goes down after Euro 2012 by 10-20% then we are up to 70/80%

There is also a strong desire for foreign companies to invest still- they haven't saturated the market yet.

This has been based on Poland being the only Oasis in Europe during the previous crisis, we have since found out that mistakes were made and the figures revised, so it was not as good as first reviewed. Further more most companies that are setting up shop in Poland now are looking at Eastern markets. It is not a foregone conclusion these markets will open up fully, it is still work in progress.

Crucial steps in overcoming the predicted slowdown in the Polish construction industry - October 2011

This autumn business confidence index in the Polish construction sector fell to a level previously seen in the spring of 2009. The sentiment among market participants was adversely affected by such factors as continued uncertainty in financial markets, most projects for Euro 2012 reaching completion, required cuts in public sector investment spending and the lack of clear signs of recovery in private investment. However, companies mention numerous factors facilitating doing business in the construction industry in Poland.

The results of a survey of high-level professionals from the management and operating divisions of 200 largest Polish construction companies, which was conducted for the purpose of the report “Construction sector in Poland H2 2011 – Comparative regional analysis and development forecasts for 2011-2014” show a sharp downturn in business sentiment in the construction industry in Poland. PMR Business Confidence Indicator for the construction industry had a value of -2.4 pts in September 2011, demonstrating that construction companies were significantly less optimistic as to the present and future situation in the sector after two years of relative stabilisation.

Poland faces economic slowdown: experts

Poland faces an economic slowdown in 2012 due to the deepening global crisis and much in this respect will depend on foreign markets, economic experts said Monday at a conference hosted by the Lewiatan employers confederation.

According to Lewiatan's observers, Poland's industrial sales were going down, as was foreign demand for Polish products and the inflow of foreign investment to the country.

They also warned that Poland's trade deficit was oscillating strongly and less and less companies were willing to take credit.
1 Nov 2011
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [380]

A friend of mine is currently on a LOT flight from JFK-WAW, circling around Warsaw bc the tires wont come out! Preparing for an emergency landing. Very angry with LOT....its simply despicable.

The Plane landed safely, hats off to the pilot.
2 Nov 2011
Genealogy / DOBZYN, PLOCK ? Need more information [15]

Dobrzyń nad Wisłą had a very large jewish population before WW2. It was a wealthy trading port on the Wisla in times gone by.You can still find the ruins of a castle built by the Teutonic Knights

Here is a link []

Here is another link for you to look at
7 Nov 2011
Love / English Men vs Polish Men [207]

Technically we don't need men any more. We can have babies via a sperm bank, we can look after ourselves emotionally, physically, materially.

Until some of you women decide to sue the sperm donor for child support. Lets face it some female lefties just don't care who they scratch. Whatever happened to don't bite the hand that feeds?
20 Nov 2011
Law / Polish Zloty rates 2011 [20]

if Greece gets the Push the safe haven currencies will be US$ C$ and Aus$
20 Nov 2011
Law / Polish Zloty rates 2011 [20]

It's possible but highly doubtful that the Canadian and the Australian dollars will benefit so much.

I understand we are talking about a specific scenario, which is the exclusion of Greece from the Euro currency, If that was to happen then it would affect not only the Euro, but sterling as well.

USD, would appreciate as institutions would follow back to base policy.
C $ and Aus$ are both commodities backed currencies, seen as safe havens in times of political uncertainty/ financial turmoil.

Gold would sink as everyone would want to be in cash.

Swiss Franc may not appreciate as much as you think, most of the financially wealthy from Austria and Germany already have their money in CHF.

There will be a sharp fall in Global stock markets in the 2-5 weeks as fund managers try to salvage their portfolios for 2011, by cashing in on best performers to tie in their end of year bonuses.
28 Nov 2011
Food / British food products in Poland? [334]

I do like good tea and coffee though.

The M & S range of teas is good and the price is very fair about 8PLN for the 20 sachet box of exotics/organics/fairtrade and about 10 PLN for the standard char 50 box. The quality of the tea is leaps and bounds above the regular Polish dust bags. Although I do not claim M&S to have the best tea selection in PL, there are speciality shops that sell loose tea the selection is very good although a touch more expensive.
1 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

I think what you are experiancing is a cultural differance per se.

I agree with your comments 100%

Polish people don't lie more than other nationalities

Words have no value in business in PL, Poles are happy to sit there talking bo11ox and when you pin them down, it was only a suggestion, it can not be in the contract as it is only between friends.

just in a different way.

Yes in a lying way.

Be it on the telephone or in person they make things up as they go along like little children.

They are a little like the asians, they do not wish to loose face, a Pole always have to give you an answer even if it is bu11shit, they just don't get it, its better to say " I don't have an answer to that question so I must come back to it later" all the time Poles are focused on the money and getting it NOW. Poles don;t trust Poles, so how can they trust anyone else.
1 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Poles a nation of liars?
Why shoud we be?

Here we go, someone trying to suggest that morals are high in Poland, I will remind you of According to Transparency International, two out of five managers have at some point offered a bribe to public officials.But the general public appear not to be fazed. A recent poll conducted by CBOS highlighted that only 4 percent of Poles strongly oppose corruption and 98 percent believe official matters can be dealt with using cash

Cheating and lying is a way of life for Poles, it will take a good generation to change.
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Great that you like Canada, I like Poland, the documented fact is Polish society accepts lying and cheating as the norm. If Poland wants to be seen as the business/financial center of E/C Europe, they have to clean up their act. Just a small fact to take into consideration.
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Even those who participate in corruption hate it.

Not when they are spending their ill gotten gains.
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

PLease answer me one question, why do Poles find it necessary to deny cultural and social problems that exist in PL.

THREE years ago the World Bank's office in Warsaw issued a damning report on corruption in Poland and told Polish politicians to tackle graft as "a mainstream public concern". It has belatedly got its wish. Since February Poles have been gripped by a parliamentary inquiry into allegations of high-level bribe-seeking, broadcast live on television. Might the revulsion provoked by the inquiry bring down corrupt politicians and businessmen and thus prompt a general clean-up of public life, as happened in Italy in the early 1990s? Maybe. But there is a long way to go.

Lying and cheating has been a way of life in Poland, since the fall of communism, its now time for you Poles to clean up your act and stop denying the facts.

Magdalena and boletus you are both denialist's on the subject of lying and cheating being the accepted norm in Poland.
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

But neither lying nor bribery are Polish inventions

The Poles do it very well though, we have the 2012 Euro overshadowed by corruption

When People outside of Poland view the country through the media, it is not a country you should do business in.
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

You completely missed both of our points


boletus, did you happen to accept my point. There are many goods things about Poland, unfortunately in my opinion, many Polish business people need to ' grow up to their position' instead of acting like market traders. Cheating and lying is deep rooted in the Polish community, therefore it is a very big problem and is not acceptable in todays post financial crisis world.
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Please, give me examples of this cheating and lying. I particularly want to see how you came to the conclusion that it's "deep-rooted" in the Polish community specifically, as opposed to other communities.

Role of Non-Governmental Organisations in the Process of Corruption Limitation

Grażyna Kopińska - director of the Stefan Batory Foundation's Anti-Corruption Program

Democracy in Poland, still being in its formative stages, faces a number of threats; one of the more significant of these is the alienation of authority. The lack of effective mechanisms for societal control over those in power fosters a corruption of the system on the one hand and a growing feeling of helplessness among ever-greater circles of the citizenry on the other. This is a very dangerous phenomenon in that it can lead either to thorough corruption of the system (there is a general, if tacit, acknowledgement that, in order to get anything accomplished, one must allow for a kick-back, a cut of the contract value, etc) or to entrenchment of the sentiment that the authorities are, by their very nature, evil and immoral and - as such - should be ignored in the unobtrusive pursuing one's own interests (if such views permanently establish themselves, the next step may well comprise a longing for a strong-handed ruler promising moral renewal and punishment of the guilty).

Already today is Polish society dominated by the view that corruption is a malady to which all levels of power are susceptible, a diagnosis which finds corroboration in the annual research carried out by Transparency International, in reports of the World Bank and of Poland's Supreme Chamber of Control, and in the studies about the social perception of corruption carried out by Demoskop and CBOS on instructions from my own programme. Poland scores someplace in the middle of all the international rankings, being as distant from, say, Denmark as from Yugoslavia or Nigeria. It is worthwhile to consider for a moment how the situation in Poland differs from that prevailing in the countries on either end of such a scale. A Dane or a Swede, the inhabitant of a country which is just about corruption-free, may occasionally read a newspaper article about a corrupt politician or about a minister abusing her/his powers, but it is highly unlikely that he himself will ever slip a bribe to a physician, policeman, or to a magistrate clerk. And it is this involvement in small-scale, quotidian corruption - "street corruption", as it is sometimes referred to - which is the common lot of many people in Poland. In a study by Dr Anna Kubiak commissioned by the Against Corruption Programme and the Institute of Public Affairs (carried out by the CBOS Centre for Social Opinion Research in November of 2000), only 14% of the respondents admitted to giving or accepting bribes. When, however, this result was adjusted to take into account the honesty of the responses, it ended up looking drastically different, with the percentage of bribe-givers swelling to 56%.

The difference, meanwhile, between Poland and, for instance, Ukraine lies in the fact that, in Poland, corruption is a phenomenon which, although commonplace enough, is still a pathology, a factor which interferes with the system. It yet has to become an inherent element of the system of power.

Combating corruption in places where it already occurs is very difficult in that both parties concerned, he who offers the bribe and he who takes it have an interest in keeping their offence a secret. It is for this reason that the prevention of corruption assumes paramount importance.

All the different entities participating in public life have a meaningful and distinct role to play in fighting corruption.

Magdelena, I hope you are not going to tell me that corruption is not lying, cheating or stealing.

Could you give a first hand expierience of that cheating and lying? I mean your own personal experience with Polish people lying and cheating you.

A.K, the fact that you are trying to defend a case that lying, cheating and corruption is not deep rooted in the Polish psyche, means you must be considered to be a liar or at best deluded.

It's mot lying, just a way of ducking you. No one in poland will tell you straightforward that he won't help you/like you/go for your party.

Thank you a.k. we are now in agreement. Poles never tell you what they believe and are not straightforward.
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

A certain kind of Pole lies just like a certain kind of Brit lies or Nigerian, take your pick. It's how you go about the lie that might differentiate nations to a point.

We should not accept that it is ok to lie or cheat, because others do, it is wrong and it is always better to draw a comparison against the good NOT the bad. The argument I find with many Poles is I am not bad because he/she is bad as well, its a very poor excuse.
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

How is corruption / lying / cheating Poland-specific?

No one is suggesting that corruption / lying / cheating Poland-specific although you seem to wish to justify the bad and unacceptable habits of many Poles, by suggesting it is ok, because other people in other countries do it. This is exactly the point that Poles always jump to, you wish to justify your bad habits, its about time you cleaned up your own house. Further more you don't even live in Poland, if you are so nationalistic come back to Poland and pay your taxes here, contribute to the country you claim to love, instead of sitting in the UK.

I say that it exists everywhere.

We are not debating everywhere, we are debating Poland corruption,lying,cheating.Unless someone has been living in the boonies for the last 22 years, they should know that corruption is a problem in Poland and needs to be stamped out.
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

No one? Maybe read the title of the thread fist.

Poles - the Nation of Liars?

A.K, the title does not read ONLY Poles are - the Nation of Liars. or Poles - the ONE AND ONLY Nation of Liars?
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Now you are twisting everyone's point and apply a new suitable for you interpetation because you can't give us an example when you were cheated by a Pole.Magda is right - you're a never-wrong Wedle and now you've lost your grip.

Please stop your diatribe a.k, you just don't want to see another point of view, you are now hiding behind Magda's skirt. I have provided plenty of information from other qualified sources, that indicate Poland has a problem with corruption, lying and cheating.

Corruption: Dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.The action of making someone or something morally depraved or the state of being so

Lying: the deliberate act of deviating from the truth
Cheating: To act dishonestly

All three fall into the category of acting dishonestly, now if you prefer I will change my angle to, Dishonesty is rife in Poland.

Here is an example of a lie - Polish People are Idiots

The reason it is a lie.

IQ tests aren't perfect, but if independent IQ studies repeatedly determine that a country has one of the highest average intelligence quotients in Europe, and if you average a bunch of different national IQ tests together and that country does better than your own, it might be time to scale back all the submarine screen door jokes. Yes, Poland handed America its ass in the IQ department, and if Europe was a high school, Poland would be the resident nerd (which might explain why Germany and Russia made such a habit of taking her lunch money.
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

about your personal experience.

a.k, what is the use of me giving any examples, all you are going to say is you don't understand Poland or you are not Polish. Standard excuse remarks.

what other country does not have the same problem?

Magda the same countries that have been told by both the EU and worldbank to stamp out corruption.

why are you so worked up over Poland as opposed to the rest of the world

We are debating Poland on this thread, if I started to bring up other countries I would be generalizing and non specific

It's like saying that some Polish women are prostitutes and you have a problem with that specifically

I would consider a prostitute of any nationality to have a lack of moral fibre.

If you cannot stand the level of corruption in Poland, you can always leave,

Corruption in Poland is an issue for the government to deal with, my only issue is people coming on this thread and trying to hoodwink us into the belief that dishonesty is not rife in Poland.
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Show me the evidence (i.e. so called hard facts) and I will see the light. Otherwise, stop with the generalisations already.

Magda, just place " corruption Poland" in your google search option, there will be a plethora of articles.reports and facts for you to read. Now enough already.
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Your method of using the google number does not stand up you may want t check this link
Canada comes in as the number 6 spot. wow
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Backpedaling much? You are hysterical :)))

There is absolutely no backpedaling, it is apparent from your comments, you have very little knowledge of reality in Poland.

A google search for corruption canada shows 113,000,000 hits and it comes number 6 for corruption at yet corruption UK also gets 113,000,000 hits and comes in at number 20 at
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Actually I suggested Magda go to google to find examples of corruption in Poland as there are many.


But Wedle was caught in his own trap … again; these are the numbers for google results for <corruption some-country>, as he advised:
Poland 24,900,000
Britain 46,200,000
Italy 55,500,000
France 108,000,000
Noooooo… :-)

I am sorry but if you believe the number of hits in google is an accurate statistic for corruption figures in Poland more fool you my friend, I would be more inclined to believe the quantitative analysis.

Jadis, a.k. boletus, grow up to Polish reality and stop clinging at straws...