The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by calcedonia  

Joined: 20 Sep 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Jan 2012
Threads: Total: 4 / Live: 1 / Archived: 3
Posts: Total: 67 / Live: 30 / Archived: 37
From: Istanbul
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Baroque music,Cognac,History,Go,Cigar

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21 Jan 2012
Life / Grandma's Day in Poland [5]

Merged: Dzień Babci

I thought Polish have polite and respect culture and I was right first time I seen in my life Day for old people,day for grandparents ,realy I congratulate polish culture, I read about first time celebrated in poland in 1964 after couple country also used this, if some culture is respect their old people and family recpect their grandparents I thing fellings will be strong. I read but I dont understand too much whats is story of Dzień Babci? And for all grandmother happy Dzień Babci and thank you for grown up new generation polite and respect like that,dont let nobody spoiled your own culture.
12 Dec 2011
Life / The Adult Entertainment Industry in Poland? [67]

So what are all the Polish language prn mags in the kiosks etc and all the sex shops and brothels? For expats?

We are not talking about that, there is prn industry every country in the world, you cant stop but Poland less and prn industry not much like other countries. I dont want to give example but some countries the worst even they made film in street ,you cant compare Poland with any other European country, in Poland people or government they never let this.
12 Dec 2011
Life / The Adult Entertainment Industry in Poland? [67]

Polish people are very decent, family life,moral,conservative, its not work in Poland this industry, They respect women, and women are respect to family life,I seen many countries after 1970s made prn like crazy,and many countries join them because of economic crisis. But in general Poland and polish not like this they sell clothes in the street but not join that dirty industry,they are not cheap like that ,I believe Polish society must be model for European life.
13 Nov 2011
Life / If I'm agnostic, deist, atheist - can I say that to Polish people in Poland? [72]

med; you cant compare tunusia and turkey, tunusia arabic country and over there hot ,they can wear like arabic costume but in Turkey not about culture, whos cultures? I seen in street front of restaurant people wear old historic polish costumes,and if its cultures now people must wear and walk in the street? First sorry for my english Im sure terrible but I try to write anyway I hope you can understand,and in Turkey this headscarf absolutely politic, not culture .We dont have culture like that, 75 years ago destroyed that culture.Islamic country they let people walk in street without headscarf? NO, and who wear headscarf in Turkey them mentality same like other countries headscarf rules.
13 Nov 2011
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [120]

I remember boniek how he played football,I think he was the best polish football player,and he is in pele's all of the time best of 100 football paleyer list onley one polish.

All very well, but this is not a football thread. If you don't get back to the topic this thread will be closed.
13 Nov 2011
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [120]

Rock sorry Im not talking about you but sascha is right about labelling. Yes sascha Turkey they like to labelling people, patriot,religious,communist,socialist,liberal,soscial democrat, you must to be something ,all the time if you denied all they will angry to you and they say ''you must to be something''. I dont like this. But I seen something in west ,they give advise to Turkey all the time but they dont do themself what they advise something.
13 Nov 2011
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [120]

World demolished and all wars because of most people thinking others naive and utopic. But I like to be naive and utopic,I dont force to nobody what I believe,but they forced naive and utopic people all the time you know right? Nationalism,patriotism,religions,communism,capitalism. Just imagine he said. imagine rock noting lose.

forget about power or other bulls.t and do it what he say.
13 Nov 2011
Life / If I'm agnostic, deist, atheist - can I say that to Polish people in Poland? [72]

mad you are wrong, they can wear headscarf in everywhere in Turkey ,western Turkish and Agnostic Turkish even they dont like but never say anything all streets they can walk but eastern Turkey women go with miniskirt or girls go hair like that girl,tatoo and piercing or che guevara tshirt and in street people let them walk? All islamic they come europa and they say we have right what we wear and they walk with headscarf and if you go islamic country with miniskirt or without headscarf they let you walk in street? But problem is Turkey religion is not christian ,in Turkey islam but some people try to leave modern, some say no you cant change religion what goverment or western want. No if you talking about headscarf freedom you dont feel if will be no freedom for no headscarf covered people, you dont feel this fear and you talking about freedom very easy. That girl was right maybe how many times people bother her in street you dont know this, headscarf is normal but hippi look no right?
12 Nov 2011
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [120]

I never heard what you talking about,it was not correct,lie history but if its happen how many years ago maybe 500 years ago, and this time civilization not much, even if happened like that realy disgusting,Ive never proud of turkish war and ottoman history I hate all empires all of them, I just proud of humanism doesnt matter nationality , for me good person greek or serb or russian what ever better than bad turkish person. But you cant say this for you importand just wars, glory,nationality,religion, you cant broken your box,you are in box inside nationalism, wars,hates. I just want to say if Turks did this I hate them and sorry for 500 years ago but after wars our relitionship with polish so nice ,we help and we worked with them and we didnt fight with them because we respect this people in that century,they have high class carecter, our relitionship realy good you like or no doesnt matter you cant change this with give exemple 500 years ago. What you say about Turkish you can say about russians ,and germans,and austrians what they did to polish people and country? Can you say to them? No you cant ,your target is diffrent, just near history happen things you cant write in this forum, but give exemple 500 years ago right? You can say sorry of Bosnian people? Please I dont like to talk this barbaric talks,but if some body must to say about turkish in history happen, Polish have right to say not Serb,ok?

I read your messages you dont write like civilization european, all the time write some hate and angry,you insult turks all the time ,I read read read I keep silent and what you try to do,whats this hate? I dont hate serbs I tell you and greek and armenian no of them I dont care also Im turkish I dont believe nationality.I hate turkish patriot also ,some turkish forums they write same like you, but I know one thing whole world civilization cant establish with this hate and discrimination. Ok you see us barbaric mongoloid 3 class people and I ask you I write anything barbaric anything with hate? Civilization people all the time eastern are agrasive and angry and with hate,but I ask you who write with hate? You just angry about Constantinapol Istanbul, you write this all the time ok I will go and say turkish prime minister we must to leave Istanbul give back to Greek, But first you must to go Usa and say them leave this land this land for american indians, and go south africa and say this whites leave this land this land owner Africans,and go new zelland and say to govement leave this land this land real owner is polinesian, If they agree to you and leave, give back to lands to american indians,africans,and polinesians, we will give back and leave ok? Turks has many mistakes Im embarrassed many thing but in history not onley one and all biggest empires did same I dont like all,but you say some of them have right to do everything some no? No you are wrong.
12 Nov 2011
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [120]

Crow what is Cevap? Cevap means Turkish answer. And whats is connection arabs and serbs, of course Kebabs came from Turks but Turks took this name of arabs and west Turkey kebab name Iskender Kebab(Alexander kebab) this named came from Bursa old named ( Cius) and best and first one this kebab and what sale in poland as a kebab orginal name is Doner, russians call shaurma, yes arabic dont have this style food ,they have grilled kebab,with farsh or piece of meat, and Turkish and balkan orgianl food is Kofte you know this ,balkan countries best koftes because of they have nice lamb meat. Anyway Greeks also call baklava is greek,but doesnt matter I eat greek baklava ,if you give greek baklava in turkey free even nobody eat ,because so amateur. If someone eat baklava in Gaziantep Oldest city in the world'' Ayintab'' syrian Turkish cultured,They never eat baklava nowhere else.
12 Nov 2011
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [120]

Southern I dont know are you greek or no but I would lile to say I respect greeks not because of they are nationalist or something I respect them anarchist charecter, realy we dont have this , Turkish still worship goverment and religion, I think our minus this of european, but Im not talking stupit arabic spring, they show how they can bring democracy with lynch culture. But I can tell you Im respect greeks how protest all this crisis. Maybe some european angry to me they thing they dont have right because they are lazy,its not correct, all southern country same because hot weather, but yes Turkish are so angry and agrasive but empty onley for flag or other stuation I dont like nationalistic act ,but greeks fights for their rights. realy I congratulate to greek, they changed goverment.
12 Nov 2011
Life / If I'm agnostic, deist, atheist - can I say that to Polish people in Poland? [72]

Thank you Amathyst, realy women understand better,Im 100% feminist, If women controld the world never be war,I just read on internet some news ,one young polish guy say about ''I cant say my oppinion about religion'' and I wonder and asked Im sure and I seen polish people so toleranted and educated,and intellectual people but just I asked.Why people right away thinking something behind this thread? And I want to say I respect all religion believer. Anyway I got my answer thank you all Im deist anyway like Denis Diderot.
11 Nov 2011
Travel / What can Poland do to attract more tourists? Llamas farm? [71]

Smile enough I think ,politeness SUPER also,

Im from toursim country ,nature,historical place,are NOTİNG.

First; Poland need just more enjoy area ,like amsterdam,or Bodrum in Turkey halikarnasos,1. class bars,clubs,Bar and clubs street, old city wonderful place but empty nobody in there because not enogh place for enjoy, must to be 24 hour enjoy not sleep.

Second; Casinos, poland casinos very small and games too low, poland must open all 5 stars hotels casinos but not small like now, minimum 25 table and 5000 slots ,and must works with Casinos taravel agency bring customers from other countries,realy good business.Im sorry but europa doesnt know about casino business ,USA and China are best ,Just las vegas made money and tourist more than other 49 states. Las vegas in desert.

I think if poland tourism and culture minister pay attention this Poland perfect contry noting wrong,beautifull and cultured contry and people.
11 Nov 2011
History / History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship [120]

Dear Polish friends I don't like to write here about'' Polish what thinking about Turks'',because if some Polish met with bad character Turkish,he knows all are bad,some Polish met good character they knows good about Turks.I don't believe nationalism and religion friendship ,friendship could be any time any where,we are so far with Japanese but Turkey Japan friendship so strong believe me,and we love Poland and Polish different than other Europa because I'm sure Polish high culture and character,they are so modest,calm and gentleman people, and war they acted like that and Ottoman empire was respect them, we know about Polish '' they respect even their enemy'' and doest matter who doesn't know about history and culture don't like Turkey and Turkish, but someone's really jealous if Polish likes Turkish all the time they show Turkey eastern primitive,underdeveloped country, I make remember them when we were empire some country was like village but any way we respect all if shows just Turkey is Islam religion because of primitive they are wrong ,I can say many country less civilization than Turkey and near history barbaric war they had but I never say this,Kebab's name I thing came from Arabic,Please like all Italian open pizzeria and all Turkish open kebab shop wrong and in Poland Turkish kebab not good and class. Islam in Turkey really better than other Islamic country because of Ataturk, he was agnostic and establish new Turkish republic like that but not finish this,I'm not accept Islam I denied ,many Turkish same but government closed this. west and north side people believe Islam they are not fanatic very soft religion believe and good Muslims but east near the Iran Iraq yes Islam is not soft many stupid guys try to marry with 4 women I am ashamed of this ,it is not Islamic republic ,modern Turkish law never let this,yes we have problem with primitive believer,but west Turkey,north,and south really good for vacation and live ,if Polish didn't visit go visit specially Istanbul and please compare vith other big cities London,Paris,Moscow,if you seen difference please tell ,yes we have also ghetto problem eastern moved west but what can you do if free country people can move in their country freely,I just want to say in history 200.000 Polish stayed in Turkey in SAFE, some other countries attack them we protect those people ,and we will do all the time this beautiful and good people. we dont forced people Turkish Polish friendship must to be ,if even they don't like Turkish ,we respect this people. ALL POLES WELCOME TO TURKEY.
11 Nov 2011
Life / If I'm agnostic, deist, atheist - can I say that to Polish people in Poland? [72]

Yes I read all message,and no one asked why you don't believe? Its the different,really if Poland religious like this I think super,because of course if you say about you are atheist,deist,agnostic in Turkey ,they ask why don't believe,''of course in Saudi Arabia,Pakistan,Afghanistan,Iran even you cant say'',in Turkey you can say but they asked you like you are alien and you don't have right,they treat you like you are stupid and they try to proof something but they educated noting when you start to proof or not proof something , explain to you don't believe they start to be angry,they thing they little education chanced my mind,and conversation finish,I prefer for future Turkey will be at least %50 agnostic like Sweden,Estonia and Czech republic and Japan.I would like to see atheist president of turkey,agnostic prime minister of turkey,but they will declare not hiddenley.I don't say no more religion because must to be you can never forced like communist regimes,but 98% Muslim false record. As I know many people agnostic in Turkey specially west after they put on IDs religion Muslim,and count %98 Muslim,and why one government write on ID religion? Anyway in Turkey 2 July 1993 religious people made ''sivas massacre'' intellectual people had some seminar in hotel they were agnostic mostly,most famous writer ''Aziz Nesin'' in head of conference ,fanatic religious people attack and hotel start to fire 1500 people start to out of hotel 37 people cant run and they burned,who start this fire still fugitive ,when people try to run of hotel they didn't let they let them burned live.Government didn't stop this massacre.They did for save religion of agnostics,yeah right. Anyway I give some example some modern turkish girls answer some religious tv speaker questions, she answer but stupid guy forced her and didn't understand. Maybe you understand me well. sorry for my english.
10 Nov 2011
Life / If I'm agnostic, deist, atheist - can I say that to Polish people in Poland? [72]

I wonder how they act, because I heard about they dont like not believers. Im sure not same like in Turkey in Turkey goverment write id religion even dont ask to you, if you try to erease that sh.t in your id , goverment workers shows reaction to you,I dont like religion specialy islam,its arab superstition I dont care Turkish prime minister believer or not,and Im sure in Turkey Agnostic,deist,atheist population more than 30% but they covered and never show up,Laicite they said but agnostic,deist,atheist not free in Turkey ,they cant free speach and 50% uneducated,bigot people reaction too much I hate that. In ramadan people they dont eat food until afternoon,if they seen somebody eat they look at angry to him,specialy I got my burger or kebab and eat street,because I hate people forced,and some times ramadan they closed alcohol restaurants, this forced not freedom must to change they wait everybody act like muslim but no some who refused never act same and fallow their rules. How about in Poland,they also dont like Agnostic,deist,atheist or no matter ,there is free thinking?
10 Oct 2011
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

Today first time I seen some rude Polish woman, she works bank and she was rude like stone, but not only for foreign she was rude for all people, it means some people could be rude some not,but Polish I've seen 95% so friendly and polite,I have been in metro with my 6 years old daughter and two times guys gave place to sit for my daughter, really even they didn't thing a second. In England are they give? I never been there but I heard about, never happen,even I seen some TV show here west European is don't like to tradition give place to sit for old people,and they said'' they look at in my eyes like I cant sit I must to give place for her/him.'' Sorry I'm not agree polish are rude ,They don't need defended to them but I'm also foreign and what I seen and I tell through. Sorry but let me criticize about UK people ,I never been there just many of them tourist in Turkey,and we seen those people they never listen others opinion,when they talk just they act people must to have same idea like them ,and they act front of people like ignored ,when he/she said their opinion. Yes many of that like this but polish ever never like that, they know very well how to listen, they know very well respect to others opinion,never ignored other people what I've seen. And maybe they are also know what does it mean to be immigrant, what doest it mean to work hard for get future,and they seen poor times, they know how to share if you have something, even conversation ,even when they are tourist they are the most respect and frank,really in my country people respect polish tourist so much. I don't know but really they know how to act . If you act like you are better than others , maybe they act could be cold and rude. Feeling also important, people can understand acting fake or real. You know UK people in Turkey they show act so fake sorry for I say that but feel like that like Turkish are primitive first human and they come close them like that. But polish they act what they act ,but 100% REAL, NOTİNG IS FAKE. Please don't miss understand to me I thing you are kind person but you said about what you seen on polish people act ,and I said what I seen UK,and Polish people act and difference between . Best regards
9 Oct 2011
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [305]

I think polish are not racist,they are friendly .If some country has 40 million population and 40.000 are racist you cant call all of them racist, smart and intelligent people never use racism.
8 Oct 2011
Life / Rate Poland (Life Quality / Culture and People / Food): 1-10! [232]

Turkey has 4 sea ,Mediterranean,Black sea,Aegean sea,marmara sea. I dont like Mediterranean sea, its too hot water and salty and not delicious fish. Balck sea is too dirty and wild waves not good for swim. Marmara also dirty but most delicious fish I dont know why. But Aegean ITS IS THE BEST realy, clean,delicious sea food,water between cold and warm windy at night and nice natures forests and flora and spirit realy its the best and aegean food realy so nice if you like sea food must to try mostley greek orgin but mixed with Turkish food so delisious. In poland I see many travel agency reklam about Turkey ,Kuşadası(in aegea area but doesnt have nature just building and bars),Antalya,Alanya please dont go over there just too hot too strong sun,very hot sea water,diskos,beaches and big hotelsand cheap quality worker and people who bothers tourist ,seasons worker they came from other cities for season work, its noting interesting in there. I tell you realy good place feel relax and for good vacation and not expencive like Mediterranean area,and nice people . Bozcaada, Alacati, and Asos,they are north aegean area cheap, good quality and very pleasant holiday. About Baltic sea I seen pictures looks so beautiful I like northern seas, but sea food importent baltic has what and they are delicious?
5 Oct 2011
Life / Rate Poland (Life Quality / Culture and People / Food): 1-10! [232]

-Quality of life 7-8 /10

-Polish culture and people 9-10/10

-Food 2-3/10

Quality of life I compare with Turkey.Turkey is %25 more expencive than Poland , Turkey is 1600PLN minumum salary but not enough for live ,and education in Turkey classroom 45-55 student ,in Poland 20-25 max. Private doctor in Poland 50Pln for control in Turkey 300Pln, Traffic turkey people use horn for call friend better than ring a bell,in Poland no horn voice, in Poland special way for buses can go without trafic jam turkey even security road driver use for run of traffic jam. Food are chipper than Turkey but not so delicous, Poland is imported from other country. In Turkey fresh and delicious.Textil in Turkey chipper but Poland also so tasteful poland brand names. Car in Turkey extreme expencive because of tax ,Poland expencive for eurropa but its ok. Gas in Turkey 12Pln for litre here its ok.Rent in avarage place in İstanbul 2 room one living room no furniture new one 2500Pln ,Poland is better. City view warsaw so clean and historical city but Istanbul is oldest and most historical and best view because of bosphorus, in europa.

Polish culture and people ,I never seen most polite like polish people except japanese.Poles are so intellectuals,so cultured,so polite and smart I seen and they respect other people,in Poland also they give sit for old people ,in Turkey we used this but I thought european doesnt like this ,after I read western europeans doesnt like but Polish use this its good for respect I think,and they are never angry if foreign people doesnt speak polish ,they wait and try to understand and help,never rude behavior they show other people,I heard about if you go eastern its will be more rude act. Turkish people bother tourist and other foreign people with seling some stuff or talking and asking when people goes street,in Poland everything with limit,they know how to act,in russia people and saler are so rude and irrelevant to other people or foreigner,in Turkey too curious its so bothering and boring. Turkey they fight and shout too much in street with no respect each other even in zebra crossing or traffic light but here they care of pedestrian,in Poland some young guys doesnt like who look like southern countries ,they show and act like this sometimes,in Poland you cant understand who is rich who is poor people quality avarage mostley,n turkey poor is realy poor you can understand rich realy rich they like to show how they are rich,I dont like this. Poland people wear clean and tasteful but sometimes not good hair cut still and shoes still Ive seen and some people wear sandals with sock its not good but they have clean and tasteful wearing general.I think they are realy civilized society.

First Poland has no lamp and sheep meat,I asked in market they act like I asked like gold or diamond why I dont understand? Lamp chops no in Poland I went polish german restaurant, Im deist and I dont have religion problem with food I ordered pork chops and I cant eat. I understand why american and southern european dont eat pork too much I heard in usa they eat T bone steak in steak house and southers italian ,greek or spanish eat lamp and sheep more because pork meat realy not delicious in sausage could be delicious also bacon could be good but just meet realy zero quality meat. Anyway I went some Kebab restaurants here ,please close this shops and go home ,if in Turkey you give this things as a kebab realy you close your business in 1 week. Poland workers and waitres so nice smiling face but no aesthetic of presentation. Im sure they try to best but more attention will be better .In pizzeria pizzas realy not good Im sory but food not just for eat must to pay attention like art,anyway I give good tip of waitres because they try to best they are so polite and they so smiliy face and hospitality I love them, sory for criticized them just for show and seen with foreigner eyes. Bless all.
2 Oct 2011
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1090]

Sory but I realy dont understand whats diffrents between if central or eastern? İf people call eastern europan country what will happen I realy dont understand,I think most polite and civilized country its not importent if poland will be more west but not be polite and no civilized,crime,racism,is it good? Many polish went western for work they are more difrent than polish more civilization? I never been more west but I dont have any idea how they are but I think all european people and culture almost similar,if country near to east cant be civilized? Ofcourse they can do I know polish history and proud history clean than many western countries, you just fight for your land with honor, you never go other continental and not civilized poor indians made them slave. Your people respect even they enemy in war. I dont know I read like that,but in Turkey also some people try to say no no we are european hahah its so funny why they must to prove we are european no I think not,I can say Istanbul was European capitol in history now also biggest economy and modern city but its not proof we are european,and many european nations lived in Turkey before than turks and turkish came and mixed with europeans,many of balkans,greece,albania,italy,kafkasia,russia,armenia, but it does it mean we are europeans, in bizantion empire times many viking settle down in istanbul,and many celtic people also moved anatolia they are pure european we have them blood also we mixed nation but we cant say we are european, Im not embarrassment to say Im asian,because I dont belive nationalism just belive people if you take some japanese baby and grown up in poland he takes all polish cultures and you cant call him japanese because he become polish, if take some spanish baby to china and grown up with chinese family and school and culture he is chinese after that. İf some body go dna test in turkey and test result show this guy has %75 european gene this person is not european. Usa has actor Charles Bronson he was tatar blood and he look like but he is american you cant say he is tatar asian,even he never knows about tatar cultures and rules,anyway sory for long write but if people say eastern europa noting is wrong I think people is people,just good and bad.
2 Oct 2011
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1090]

I dont know poland is central or eastern european country, but I know and Im sure poland is realy good civilized country, Congratulations them for they established culture and civilization society like that. BRAVO.