The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by TheKruk  

Joined: 14 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 4 Apr 2008
Threads: Total: 3 / Live: 0 / Archived: 3
Posts: Total: 308 / Live: 10 / Archived: 298
From: Oceanside ca.
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: Many

Displayed posts: 10
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4 Apr 2008
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [451]

Most Polish men have no hair.

I thought the band who made that "Barbie Girl" song was from Danmark or somewhere around there.

I was also surprised to see a few red-headed Poles
19 Jun 2007
Work / Questions about teaching in Elblag or Opole? [23]

I have no idea about those schools but you should make between 4000 and 5000 monthly for 30 hours a week before taxes and ZUS (polish health care) or the school should pay it. Are they offering you a work Visa?
7 Jun 2007
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

What does being American have to do with anything?

Its the only other country I have a perspective to compare poland to, as i have only lived in America and Poland. don't pick on me I was waxing poetic.
7 Jun 2007
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

I first came becasue the opportunity just sprang up to teach english. Then I left for a year and came back. Living here is difficult at times, for example I am rarely paid on time and its infuriating as I have two kids and I cannot plan things around the beginning of every month. But man its the people some suck, but sometimes they are so damn beautiful an example. One of my students is going to denmark for the summer to pick strawberries, she is at University to be a physical therapist but needs to make some money. She will go and live in a tent and was so happy that she and her father and brother will go together. On one hand its sad because in most countries people don't have to resort to menial labor to make some extra cash especially the highly educated, but she is undaunted its temporary for her and the most important thing is she will be with her family all summer. I can think of no American 20 something who would be so happy to pick strawberries with her father and brother all summer. I just pray they don't exploit them too bad but we shall see. Please I realize its because of a poor economy that many Poles must find crappy (by western standards) summer work but its the spirit that I love sometimes the light in Polish eyes is so strong it puts my life in a wonderful perspective as to what is really important, family friends and love. Pure beauty.

But of course then someone pushes in front of me in a queue and I curse them.
4 May 2007
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

I agree with Daffy but why does everyone crowd into the bus or tram as if it were the last bus or tram EVER to go to their destination ? ole ladies push me and my 2 year old girl out of the way like we are not even there. And when my wife was pregnant no man ever gave up his seat for her only women. Its strange for a culture so used to waiting on lines they are terrible at it, they will cut in front of you any chance they get I constantly ask people in English if they would like to share my trousers with me, because they get so close. They just look strangely at me a few who understand laugh.
4 May 2007
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [451]

not all Poles are Blue-eyed with blonde hair, but most of the women are incredible. And its because of the eyes everyone here has amazing eyes. I have a Polish baby (I am Polish-American) and she popped out with amazing eyes too, a little Asian looking in the corners. I grew up in New York where there are beautiful women from everywhere but never was I so astonished by such beautiful women as when I came here, I had to stay.

In the summer my eyes are Red and in the winter white my hair is the same.
16 Apr 2007
Life / Why are Poles always so miserable? Why do they never smile? [512]

Oh yeah gentlemen I believe organized religion is simply a way of controling the masses
I call it a superstition I.E. the Christian Superstion: pray, and God will help you. It seems like if there was a God "it" is more interested in kicking humans collective ass (or worse) But that is another thread. But if we are "made in his image" what a scary thought imagine God is like one of us ? so he has no clue what he's doing, or what if he's like Bush? an incompetent boob with a god complex.
16 Apr 2007
Life / Why are Poles always so miserable? Why do they never smile? [512]

Hey i've just been reading this and am inclined to agree with much of what you have written. I am an american with a full-blooded polish pedigree I have been living in Poland 2 and a half years now I have 2 kids and a great wife who is Polish. I find I too must work far too much to support everybody in the family and find my face contorted like my fellow Poles here too at times. It goes beyond Poland being an abused-child nation with a tragic past. I can't answer the question about smiling and who can? But it is also the ridiculous Government and a illogically run country. My friend visited last year and all he kept saying was "This defies logic" and man is there a lot of work to be done at least America despite its vast flaws has an understandible and much more efficient means of conducting itself and a sense of humor and fun. Americans do also work a lot and struggle to make ends meet its a commom misconception here that America is a promised land, I warn everyone it is not, but it is far easier to find a decent job especially if your qualified. I wish and I say this truly and sincerely I could give Poland a big hug and say come on everything will get better. But some days I just want to jump off my fourth story balcony, but my family saves me from doing so. Lets keep up the talks and perhaps we can keep each other from going further into depression.