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Posts by AdamKadmon  

Joined: 23 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 14 Aug 2014
Threads: 2
Posts: 501
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: History

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18 Mar 2014
History / What Hitler really thought about Poles? Hitler's letter to Himmler 1944 [111]

Czeslaw Milosz's book for you to read

The colored peoples did not suspect, when they were subjugated by the white man, that they were already avenged at the moment of their fall. The conquerors returned home with their greed and converted it into an idea of supremacy over inferior races- even white races. That idea acquired a life of its own and was found not only among advocates of naked force but also, in a veiled form, among many democrats. In the experimental laboratory known as the Government General, the Nazis divided the local population into two categories: Jews and Poles.
11 Mar 2014
Language / Thank you note/letter to a professor in Polish [14]

Or just start it "Witam" to be perfectly polite and avoid the Szanowna Pani.

Not a good advice! This is a very casual and overly familiar way of welcoming someone. I would advise you against using it even in a business correspondence.

"Witam" won't fit in here, witam is some of kind a good-day its no chance to avoid Szanowna Pani / Szanowny Panie in this case.

You get it right
23 Jan 2014
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

The fact that hardly anyone wants to move to Poland isn't really something to be proud of.

The poverty is truly the best and in fact the only shield against the invasion of foreigners who want to prosper in a foreign country. France should then lower her living standard and make poverty her highest virtue - Res sacra miser.
23 Jan 2014
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

Jean-Jacques Rousseau on Freedom. The French should take his belated advice, thou it was originally directed at Poles.

Wolność jest pożywna, ale trudno strawna, trzeba bardzo zdrowych żołądków, by ją znieść. Śmieję się z tych upodlonych narodów, które podburzane ośmielają się mówić o wolności, nie mając o niej pojęcia, i pełne wszystkich wad niewolników wyobrażają sobie, iż wystarcza buntować się, aby być wolnym.
15 Jan 2014
History / Walesa says without meeting Mrs Thatcher in Gdansk Solidarnosc wouldn't have won [51]

Watch the film and you'll hear what he said to her about unions.

The proof of a good piece of propaganda is in the feeling of revulsion it evokes in the majority of people; there come the times when the official story will be more to the likings of the common people. So you'll just have to wait and see.
15 Jan 2014
History / Walesa says without meeting Mrs Thatcher in Gdansk Solidarnosc wouldn't have won [51]

Strange was that love of the Polish trade union leader with the British PM who brutally crushed trade unions in her own country more or less in the same fashion as Jaruzelski did at the same time in Poland.

A separate document reveals that the prime minister, who survived the Brighton bomb in the same year, secretly considered calling out troops and declaring a state of emergency amid mounting concerns that her government was facing defeat in the epic 12-month strike over plans to close 20 loss-making pits which sparked brutal picket line clashes such as the infamous "Battle of Orgreave".

The Independent Wednesday 15 January 2014
9 Jan 2014
Life / The Polish Dream - move out from Poland as fast as possible [74]

Poland had its Great Crisis during the German Occupation. How many great crises can one country have??

Joseph E. Stiglitz: Gdyby w 1935 r. zapytał pan, kiedy skończy się Wielki Kryzys, który zaczął się w 1929 r., nikt by panu nie powiedział, że w 1939 r., kiedy wybuchnie wojna i Ameryka zacznie się zbroić. Nie wiadomo, czym by się to skończyło, gdyby nie ta wojna.

Jacek Żakowski: A czym mogło się skończyć?

Joseph E. Stiglitz:: Totalną katastrofą. W 1936 r. sytuacja zaczęła się odrobinę poprawiać. W 1937 r., pod potężną polityczną presją na zrównoważenie budżetu, prezydent Roosevelt wprowadził delikatne cięcia. Recesja od razu wróciła. Roosevelt nie miał już wystarczającego poparcia politycznego, żeby uruchomić nowy program stymulacji. Gdyby nie wojna, moglibyśmy nie wiadomo jak długo tonąć w tej recesji. Jak teraz Europa.

This is an English language forum. Please translate or it go to the bin, thank you.
3 Nov 2013
Language / -ski/-ska, -scy/ski, -wicz - Polish surnames help [185]

All in all, Dziemieszkiewicz is the son of an Egyptian goddess.

If you're going back as far as the ancient Egypt then the Polish surnames' endings go back also the ancient time:

Proto-Indo-European *-iskos

Balto-Slavic: *-iškas
Latvian: -isks
Lithuanian: -iškas
Slavic: *-ьskъ
Germanic: *-iskaz
2 Nov 2013
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

: Is using "Murzyn" politically correct in Poland?


1. Murzyn «Black person»
2. pot. «(deeply) tanned man»
3. pot. «one who works for another without revealing his identity - a ghostwriter»
4. pot. «one who works very hard and is exploited»

It may be offensive depending on the intention of those who use it and sensitivity of those who are called by it. It is etymologically neutral as calling a white person a white man.
31 Oct 2013
Life / Halloween vs All Saints' Day in Poland [48]

I think that the idea of putting on a costume (you can make it yourself) and going to a party where there may be carved pumpkins sitting around is quite nice.

The Eve of All Saints, last night of October, the last night of the year in the old Celtic calendar, where it was Old Year's Night, a night for witches. A pagan holiday given a cursory baptism and sent on its way.

Thomas Cahill acknowledge that preserving in the Christendom of the "unique Irish psychological identity is one of the miracles of the Irish history". The Irish did not trouble themselves too much with eradicating the pagan influences (today's feast of Halloween is only the best know example of it), monks learned the Latin and even the Greek language, copied endangered Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian works of culture, but they also preserved their native literature. "Thanks to such copyists we inherited the rich treasure of the Old-Irish literature, the oldest preserved European literature written in the language of the local people." The Slavic Poland did not have such a good fortune as the Celtic Ireland.

The Christianizing of Ireland
16 Oct 2013
News / Lech Walesa vs Immigration: Brits humiliated him at London Heathrow Airport [105]

It's a reference to Józef Beck's speech from 1939 and this is what makes this "poem" funny in my opinion.

You're wrong. The quoted words are not of Józef Beck but of Stefan Starzyński.

Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Józef Beck, 5th of May, 1939:

Pokój jest rzeczą cenną i pożądaną. Nasza generacja skrwawiona w wojnach na pewno na pokój zasługuje. Ale pokój, jak prawie wszystkie sprawy tego świata ma swoją cenę wysoką, ale wymierną. My w Polsce nie znamy pojęcia pokoju za wszelką cenę. Jest jedna tylko rzecz w życiu ludzi, narodów i państw, która jest bezcenna. Tą rzeczą jest honor.

Peace is a precious and desirable thing. Our generation, bloodied in wars, certainly deserves peace. But peace, like almost all things of this world, has its price, a high but measurable one. We in Poland do not know the concept of peace at any price. There is only one thing in the lives of men, nations and countries that is without price. That thing is honour.

President of Warsaw, 1st of September, 1939: - Stefan Starzyński:

Halo, halo. Tu Warszawa i wszystkie rozgłośnie Polskiego Radia. O godzinie 5.40 oddziały niemieckie przekroczyły polską granicę, łamiąc pakt o nieagresji. Zbombardowano szereg miast. Za chwilę usłyszą państwo komunikat specjalny - mówił spiker.

Po chwili do słuchaczy przemówił prezydent Warszawy Stefan Starzyński.
- A więc wojna. Z dniem dzisiejszym wszystkie sprawy i zagadnienia schodzą na plan dalszy. Całe nasze życie publiczne i prywatne przestawiamy na specjalne tory. Weszliśmy w okres wojny. Wysiłek całego narodu musi iść w jednym kierunku. Wszyscy jesteśmy żołnierzami. Musimy myśleć tylko o jednym: walka aż do zwycięstwa - powiedział Starzyński.

15 Oct 2013
News / Lech Walesa vs Immigration: Brits humiliated him at London Heathrow Airport [105]

If he'd jumped the fence they'd probably have tasered him

Take it easy.

The Limey won't spit in Lech's face,
Nor let him go with socks to race - As he did with everyone but those intended
His mob will rise in his defence
The Man of Hope will jump the fence - As we all know he just jumped over the fence and the communism collapsed as the result of that;

Btw, The Man of Hope is the name of the latest film about him, the one which Walesa promoted in London.
15 Oct 2013
News / Lech Walesa vs Immigration: Brits humiliated him at London Heathrow Airport [105]

Nie będzie Angol pluł nam w twarz
ni w majtach nam buszował
orężny stanie hufiec nasz
Lech będzie nam wodzował

And how do you like this one:

The Limey won't spit in Lech's face,
Nor let him go with socks to race
His mob will rise in his defence,
The man of hope will jump the fence.
3 Oct 2013
Po polsku / Ohmnia oszukuje ludzi w Norwegi [15]

Snakker du gott norsk? Nesten alle norrmen forstaar engelsk.

Nie znam dobrze norweskiego, ale norwegowie znają bardzo dobrze angielski. Czy to nie wystarczy?

Byłes w Kopenhadze?

Tylko raz.

Przpraszam. Pytania były skierowane do Pawła.
2 Oct 2013
Po polsku / Ohmnia oszukuje ludzi w Norwegi [15]

Ohmnia oszukuje ludzi w Norwegi!,oferta,3113472 - Czy to ta firma +45 7877 3677 - MT Højgaard

Ulica Højgaard: - mapa w googlu

Ale jaki jest dokładny adres?

Jakis facet z Irlandi Firgal Olochlin, czy jakoś tak do mnie zadzwonił

Adresy, imiona, nazwiska (dokładne), gdzie zadzwonić, napisać mail, z kim się skontaktować, co napisać - nic więcej. Całą historię można napisać poźniej.

Fergal O'loughlin z Irlandii ale skąd dokładnie?
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

When a Pole in the UK gets beaten up for being Polish he is a victim of the locals and when anybody anywhere does anything bad to a Polish person because that person is Polish then one who's done this may be called a thug, a hooligan, a bad guy, a brute, a criminal, a crook, a cutthroat, an evildoer, a hoodlum, a monster, an ogre, a ruffian, a scoundrel, a terrorist, a thief, a vandal - a wrongdoer of a kind, anything but a racist. It seems to me such a strange concept that racism and seeing it as a reason for beating someone even stranger.

It requires your explanation.
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

What point of view is that, and how was it biased and/or misleading?

Propaganda does not have to be biased and/or misleading - that's for definition.

And the point of view was the one of the BBC journalist making a programme with one theme: Stadiums of Hate
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

But was it not a propagation of information or ideas by an interested party, esp. in a tendentious way in order to encourage or instil a particular attitude or response?


Either your No means that the BBC programme is not a piece of propaganda
or Barney's Yes means that it is. You both at least agree to measure the BBC programme by the same standard.

Is then a way to make an objective judgment?
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

I simply said that the BBC broadcast a sensationalist programme that was effectively a piece of propaganda.

It wasn't a piece of 'propaganda'. It wasn't 'promoting or disseminating any particular ideology'. You may not have agreed with the programme, but the word you have used to describe it was entirely inaccurate.

But was it not a propagation of information or ideas by an interested party, esp. in a tendentious way in order to encourage or instil a particular attitude or response?
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

No, but I am British, I lived there for thirty years, go there about twice a year, and so on. And this gives me a greater insight into what people think and feel there than someone who gets their opinions from the dross that is posted on Polish Forums, I would imagine.

Would you be so kind and share your insight into...?
1 Oct 2013
News / Poles start to feel arrogant and superior to Southern Europeans [182]

Witch trials were all the rage in 17th century England, so maybe they'll catch on in Poland in another four hundred years or so.

For now the latest craze is is to remain on the cutting edge of debauchery.that is to sleep with 100 000 men - every one a devil of a kind.
1 Oct 2013
News / Poles start to feel arrogant and superior to Southern Europeans [182]

That is what some Catholic Poles say about Jews. I think that they mean Jews in general and not just Polish Jews.

If there is a trait of character or a vice for Poles to reproach themselves with it's the mindless imitation of the way of thinking of others:

Blood libel:

In 1144, Jews in Norwich were accused of a ritual murder. A rumour sprung up that a Christian child had been kidnapped by Jews, tied to a cross and stabbed in the head to simulate Jesus' crown of thorns.

While the Norwich account did not contain the accusation that the child's blood was drained and was then ritually drunk at Passover, and so does not constitute the full blood libel, it is a story of the same type and is generally seen as the entry point into England of such accusations.

The rumour was false - for one thing, the Torah forbids the eating and drinking of any form of blood - but it became the first recorded case in Europe of 'blood libel'. The accusation was enough to get Jewish leaders in the town executed.

The other main charge that early 11th-century Christians levelled at Jews was that of host desecration. The host is the wafer used during Christian communion; England was Catholic at this time and to Catholics the host is literally Jesus's flesh, so mistreating it was an incredibly serious thing to do.

Jews were variously accused of stabbing the host wafer with pins, stepping on it, stabbing it with a knife until Jesus' blood flowed out and nailing it in a symbolic re-enactment of the crucifixion.

Jews were also accused by their Christian neighbours of poisoning wells and spreading the plague. Each fresh claim gave rise to new massacres.

Accusations of blood sacrifice continued in the 12th and 13th centuries:
1181 - accusations were made in Bury, St Edmunds, Suffolk
1183 - accusations were made in Bristol
1192 - accusations were made in Winchester
1244 - London Jews were accused of ritual murder

In 1247, Pope Innocent IV ordered a study into the charges brought against the Jews. The investigation found no evidence to justify their persecution.

The Jewish community was vindicated by four more Popes but accusations, trials and executions continued to rise.

But that ancient way of thinking even among most backward looking Polish Catholics is the relic of the past mentality.
25 Sep 2013
News / Ania Lisewska, Polish Woman, Wants To Have Sex With 100,000 Men for Guinness World Records. [55]

So for any of you guys looking for a girl to sleep with...... well she has a website GO sign up, you'll get an authentic Polish women!!!

What a pity that she did not invite some belligerent Polish feminists - do not afraid of Polish feminists and make your show a really good one and at the same time combat stigmatized - yet visually powerful - stereotypes of American idiocy.