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Posts by Czarnkow1940  

Joined: 5 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 14 Dec 2010
Threads: Total: 5 / Live: 1 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 94 / Live: 16 / Archived: 78
From: Australia

Displayed posts: 17
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14 Dec 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

We won't even discuss how they talk about being so proudly Polish, yet they can't speak the language.

You Claim to speak it badly. It must irritate you when so called Plastic Poles as you call them such as myself are able to speak perfect Polish ;)
4 Aug 2010
History / Polish history is 100% glorious [297]

Poland's history is an unbroken chain of glorious events

No everything was glorious but Poland history is something we should be proud of.

no Pole has ever done anything wrong

There have been many Poles that have done terrible things but there are way more Poles that have done good things.

have never lost a war

Your right about that one ;)
21 Jul 2010
History / Chances of Moscow becoming part of Poland again? [102]

It isn`t impossible in Slavic Confederation with Warsaw as capital and Polish language as official.

Crow you seem obsessed with something " Slavic Confederation" that wont happen for happen for a number of reasons the first being that Russia would never join a confederation of any kind where Poland or any country for that fact had a major influence over it.Also you seem to think that Poland needs and wants Serbians help for some reason if Serbia were to disappear from the map it wouldn't make a difference to Poland.If anything it is Serbia which needs Poland's help not the other way around.
16 Jul 2010
History / Chances of Moscow becoming part of Poland again? [102]


Population increases and the lands get scarce.

Poland's population if anything is decreasing it dosent have enough people to take back Lwow , Brest ect let alone Moscow.
23 Mar 2010
History / Future of Kaliningrad Oblast - is it possible to annex by Poland or will it become an independent country? [137]

I dont like nazi or jews they have both caused problems for Poland in the past.Do you think its alright for jews to blame poles for the holocaust when it wasn't there fault at all and then lie about the amount of jews killed so the look like the only victims and try to collect compensation from Poland im sorry if i offended you but that's why i don't like jews .

So you and Joe are getting your will but in the end you will lose because people hate ignorance and prejudice no matter nationality, race, skin color or religion. Please do not say you hate Nazis because if so then you hate yourself.

I dont hate all jews only the greedy ones who think that we should feel sorry for them why they dont feel sorry for us and waht happned to us in world war 2 .Alot of Israels hate poles for no reasons and blame us for what happened to them. maybe if your ancestors were put in concentration camps and killed you might be able to understand.BTW Im not like you friend Joe who uses stormfront to express his racist views I just happened to be seaching for infoamtion on kaliningrad independence and it was the first result that came up see for your self . :)