The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by szarlotka  

Joined: 20 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / Live: 0 / Archived: 8
Posts: Total: 2205 / Live: 134 / Archived: 2071
From: UK
Speaks Polish?: Nie
Interests: Skiing, mountains, music, reading, taking the mickey and terrapins

Displayed posts: 134 / page 1 of 5
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2 Sep 2013
Travel / Poles the worst-dressed tourists in the world? [25]

Where from do they get the idea the British are among the best-dressed in the world?

I can only assume the target audience for the poll were all Brits. We do tend to think we're the height of sartorial elegance (after all we invented the shell suit)
17 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

What is Kondzior on about? He states women can't hold their own in physical tasks quoting music as an example. What a load of baloney. I've just been listening to Eva Cassidy, Adele, Aretha Franklin, Sandy Denny to name but a few. Tell me they're inferior

He gets my vote for the most inane drivel ever posted on PF and believe me that's going some.
3 Jan 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1090]

So after over five years of deep contemplation the answer is still out there somewhere?

If anybody's interested I stand by answer from way back then.
10 Jul 2012
Food / What's more popular in Poland beer or vodka? [59]

Correct.... but that doesn't stop a very dedicated friend of mine from making hops infused vodka. Take a load of hops, pour loads of vodka on it, leave for four or five days shaking gently each day and strain out for a differnet tasting vodka. Vodka for the beer lover lol.
29 Apr 2012
History / Poland and Britain started WW2 [307]

Next you will be saying that Ireland tried to invade England during the war.

Which of course is ludicrous. Mind you Ireland does invade England every year for the Cheltenham Festival;) As invasions go it's a great party!
4 Aug 2011
Travel / Why do you visit Poland? [223]

I'm experiencing a "re-awakening" of my Polish-ness. I'm not sure why

Those were almost the identical words my wife used after not returning to Poland for eighteen years. Now ten years on I can't keep her away. She has found old school friends and found some of her more distant realtives. Now that the last of our kids is away at university she just keeps popping back over.....

if I were the suspicioius type......

All I know is I can't wait for September

Have a great return to Poland. It would be interesting for you to let us know the changes you see when you are there.
30 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Why Poles will never belong in England [283]

Steady on Nomad, you're ruining your chances of that honorary knighthood. Perhaps you will have to settle for the dumbest post of the day award.
22 Jul 2011
Love / Online matrimonial - a good way to find a true Polish man/woman on the net? [51]

You can take internet seriously because you have no way to test whether the other person is fake or real so try not to indulge in it

Er, weren't you the one that started the 'testing' thread which opened with the revelation that you had a 'testing' online Polish girlfriend?
20 Jul 2011
News / Polish immigrants contribute to the world [36]

like the Enigma cracking, they often go unnoticed :( :(

see my post above - in this case the efforts are recognised fully (but not by film makers);)
20 Jul 2011
News / Polish immigrants contribute to the world [36]

I am aware of the fact that there was a british movie called Enigma

Just a movie. He and the other Polish mathematicians are remembered and honoured at the one place that really counts - Bletchley Park. They hold an annual Polish Day.
16 Mar 2011
Life / St Patrick's day in Poland [272]


Spell it properly please. A degree of reverance is required here. I'll ask for a pardon for you tomorrow.

Szarlotka you forgot William Trevor..:)

18 Jan 2011
Love / Do Polish women talk too much? [74]

Women say thousands more words per day than men

That's because women utter the word 'do' all the time;)
31 Aug 2010
Life / Cost of Utilities in Warsaw. [23]

So you're paying roughly the same amount (1000Zl a quarter) for electricity as I do in the Uk living in a large house. I think you must be being ripped off big time. If RWE won't talk to you (as you are not the customer) I suggest you ask a Polish friend if there is any consumer protection body you can complain to in Warsaw. Maybe you can get the name of such a body from your embassy/consulate.
30 Jul 2010
Off-Topic / Introducing: The Hug-A-Pole-Day! [53]

How much time are you doing, Charlotte? And how long is there left

Are you asking me about my period of internment at her Majesty's pleasure or my marriage?

PS I hug my Pole every day - usually during visiting hours.

On the 14th August I would like to hug Pani A. Pan M may not be amused. Even platonic gestures are frowned upon.
30 Jul 2010
Off-Topic / Introducing: The Hug-A-Pole-Day! [53]

full of ideas

And what a good one this is. Perhaps we can nominate exactly which Pole our fellow inmates have to hug.
30 Jul 2010
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Oh! that would be the strawberry tart you are thinking of, very nice with cream!

i had a piece of apple pie with my morning coffee today ... smakowite! ;)

Must you?

The keyboard is starting to resemble bacon quiche, the mouse looks like blackberry crumble and I'm starting to have irrational desires to eat my pen.
9 Jul 2010
Law / Poland's going forward while Britain is still trying to wake up [86]

Something to be proud of? NO...

You are correct in that it not something to be proud of. Our last administration have an awful lot to answer for. It was painful to watch as, for the first time ,our national defecit rose so quickly depsite an increase in fiscal revenue through one after another 'stealth' tax rises.

However, the size of the debt is not the issue as to whether, as you have claimed earlier in quite frankly Daily Mail style lurid headline talk, the UK is about to collapse. It is the structure of that debt that will either enable or disable a recovery to a sustainable long term and also the timetable for repayment. If you were to take the time to analyse the contrasting debt structures of say Greece and the UK then you may come to a different conclusion. Have fun doing the research and please get back to me when you are in a position to have a sensible grown up discussion.
9 Jul 2010
Law / Poland's going forward while Britain is still trying to wake up [86]

and now I don't wanna hear anything about it anymore

I don't wanna discuss it - what a marvellous lyric from Cream, from the days when we had art, culture and music before we descended into the primeval depths of depravity, poverty, shoddy windows and smelly carpets.

Can some of us get real and recognise that all countries have good and bad. There is no Nirvana and any compariosn will be coloured by the experiences of the individual concerned. If people were to preface their comments with 'in my experience' and elucidate what that was' instead of generalising either unintentionally or by deliberately flaming the thread then I promise I will stop making one line snidey replies - such as who is the Polish Eric Clapton (last one promise)

Have a good weekend everyone and if you are in the UK don't forget the sunblock.