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Posts by bimber94  

Joined: 13 Mar 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2010
Threads: Total: 7 / Live: 0 / Archived: 7
Posts: Total: 254 / Live: 63 / Archived: 191

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29 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

I was being cynical when I mentioned hell. I accept your point of view; it's all carrot and stick.
PS - After checking, I discovered there's someone else called Bimber (I'm bimber94).
28 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

I believe that the fullness of truth and God's revelation is present only in the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

Nothing personal, Torq, but that does sound arrogant. Do you seriously think non-Catholics (7-10ths of the world's population) are destined to feed the flames of hell? This is 2010 not 1510.
22 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

Here's my last word on this thread, quoting Mahatma Gandhi:
"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ".
"Those who say that religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is".
G'night all.
22 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

I wonder what he'd have done to the Israelites if it HAD fallen... mega zapping all round I guess

With ray guns maybe. And those two 'angels' in Lot's house? It's much more logical to see it in the light of von Daniken's works.
21 Dec 2010
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [382]

As for LOT, haven't flown them since they stopped being cheaper half of BA.

Ahhh, that probably explains why BA stopped trying to destroy LOT, as they successfully destroyed (Sir Freddie) Laker airways, and unsuccessfully tried to destroy Virgin.
16 Dec 2010
Language / Differences in Polish and English idioms [69]

One idiom which Poles sometimes still use makes me cringe: 'I'm as cross as two sticks'. This is infinitely older than Adam and is clearly from a veeerrryy old dictionary.

Other idioms sound completely different but mean the same thing: English - 'out of the frying pan and into the fire' - in Polish is 'out of the rain and under the gutter'.

This shows that different nations think alike but use different "mental furniture".
1 Dec 2010
Love / Making My Polish Girlfriend Feel Like She Is At Home At Christmas [83]

Yep, plenty of booze at Xmas here too (if it wasn't for the kids I wouldn't bother :-D)
From today December 1st, in UK, all the decorations are up; at least two weeks before Poland, so it's comparatively more miserable in Poland, and more of a joie de vivrein UK.

Also, we Brits send out our Xmas cards as from the first week of December, so here's mine to you all:
27 Aug 2010
Food / Buying alcohol, wine in Poland. It's very difficult. [85]

But I also understand the frustration, however this can happen everywhere not just Poland.

Like in a salt mine in outer Siberia?

No Olaf, I didn't talk to this "expert". You're right that I should have grilled her first. Being naive, I took her at face value. She seemed very intelligent and very plausible.

Yes I'm still angry, so I'll bend over so you can F my flabby backside. I deserve it.
27 Aug 2010
Food / Buying alcohol, wine in Poland. It's very difficult. [85]

Learnt a very costly error the other day. Had some guests from a far-away Polish town. One middle-aged woman - and her friends - all claimed she was a sophisticated wine expert. So to impress, out comes my only bottle of Chateau Haut-Brignon 1985 (a brilliant vintage!!!) which I bought in France ages ago. When I showed them the label they all ignored it. When I wouldn't put it down one of them eventually piped out: "hmmmm, looks nice". Too late to put it away again. When tasting, the so-called wine expert asks: "z czego to jest?". The words pearls and swine came immediately to mind. I could have kicked her butt!!!!! Wine expert my flabby backside! From now on it's a litre of bełt (aptly labelled 'FART') or the cheapest vodka. I'll never take Polacks seriously again. 99.99% of them are such potato republicans. F them!! And yes, I'm F angry with myself I wasted such good wine. I made a fool of myself for being so trusting and naive.
21 Aug 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

Sorry to hear all this, W-R. Wish you all the best. At least you won't be leaving us.
I got ripped off over 20,000 zł by a PL builder, so I empathise.
If you still have your farm in PL, keep it for another five years if you can; it'll be worth a decent sized fortune then.

However, I fear for you in Russia. You'll have to be even more careful you don't get ripped off there!!
2 Aug 2010
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

Looks like the loony left is raising its silly, Monty Python head again; like in the near future it can be a criminal offence to ask for a black coffee. That was actually a sackable 'offence' in the UK's Labour party in the 1970s/1980s. it isn't now, though. Funny, that!
5 Jul 2010
Life / Price of cigarettes in Poland? [192]

Well, here's a question: nevermind the health aspect, we all know about that. But how much of the tax on cigarettes goes towards financing Polish troops in the Middle East?
4 Jul 2010
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

You haven't answered my question, Piorun. And here's another: when did I even mention the word 'wieśniak'? Grow up, sunshine, and get a life. Niech ci piorun szczeli!!
4 Jul 2010
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

When did I say or even imply there's anything wrong with potato farmers? Seems like you have a big chip on your shoulder, and I don't mean of the potato kind.
4 Jul 2010
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

Yes to your first question and no to your second, Convex. What do you mean exactly? Even if Poland was occupied by Russia at the time, that still doesn't give USA the right to destroy Poland's crops. SOS! Save Our Spuds.