Law /
The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]
When liberals in knee-jerk fashion immediately call someone a "racist", "homophobe", "sexist", "gun nut", etc, they act emotionally not objectively. They don't address the issue at hand. Now you point out another pin-head professor with an agenda who has a selected small sample size ("
scientists at University College London who scanned the brains of two members of parliament and a number of students.")
Since I'm a long-term recovering liberal and have seen and experienced the folly of the leftist agenda, do you really want to believe that there has been some physical brain change? (there's a joke in there somewhere lol)
Interesting though that you use the phrase 'do gooders' disparagingly.
As a recovering "do gooder", I've realized that wanting the world to be full of rainbows, flowers and everything nice leads to naivete and harm. My many discussions with assorted lefties (commies, socialists, anarchists, feminists, etc)
has shown them to respond emotionally instead of addressing the facts. I've previously and frequently pointed that out and have shown examples. Rarely have those been addressed properly and instead lefties have appealed to emotion to make their naive points.
Many people in Chicago have saved their belongings, perhaps even their lives by scaring off a home intruder with a gun. Most have not reported such incidences because they didn't want to be hassled by prohibitive anti-gun rules.
However, it's doubtful that the home invaders would be back to the same house. That's success.