The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by PennBoy  

Joined: 7 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Dec 2013
Threads: Total: 76 / Live: 12 / Archived: 64
Posts: Total: 2429 / Live: 622 / Archived: 1807
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Tak

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31 Oct 2013
Life / Halloween vs All Saints' Day in Poland [48]

Oh Halloween, sure that's just a commercial thing from America

Well the media shows Hollywood Halloween movies or the news newsreels from America so Poles get their information from that. I think it's a interesting holiday and best felt out in the suburbs, in the city it's not the same. Wonder if our pagan Slav ancestors had anything similar.
11 Jul 2013
News / Poland to reject Snowden asylum bid [55]

I wouldn't mind seeing Tusk removed :-)
But yeah, Snowden is a hero, the government doesn't have the right to do what it does.
3 Mar 2013
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

no different than half of the USA

Especially minorities and Southerners..With accents i like the one they call Hollywood, it sounds really proper.

German often looks like it should be easy for English speakers

Polish no doubt is difficult to non Slavic language speakers, i think it's mostly to being just different. Since English initially developed out of German why does it use a C instead of a K like all other Germanic languages?
7 Feb 2013
History / "Westerner's" most ridiculous beliefs about the time of communism in Poland [73]

"Westerner's" most ridiculous beliefs about the time of communism in Poland

That people in Poland were starving because of shortages and empty shelves in stores. Meanwhile the truth was Poland until the 1970s was a major food exporter. There were shortages because Poland borrowed 25 billion in the early 70s from West German and US to build roads, hospital, industry... By 1980 it was time to pay back, with the economy is crisis, 870% inflation that year, it didn't have the money to pay. Some it paid with food. People didn't starve they drove to the countryside to buy directly from the farmers.
6 Feb 2013
News / Czechs most liked by Poles! [35]

yep, Visa waiver.

Perhaps, Poland's unemployment is once again on the rise, with the GNP dropping to just over 2%. The building sector has been hit worst over a 30% drop compared with the same period last year. So once again many Poles, especially working class, will be looking for work elsewhere.

"Today, U.S. Representative Mike Quigley (IL-05) introduced The Visa Waiver Program Enhanced Security and Reform Act, a bipartisan bill that will enhance the national security benefits of the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) while expanding the framework to welcome new countries like Poland into the program, and boost the economy.

"Modernizing the Visa Waiver Program will strengthen our national security and enhance international relationships with important allies like Poland, who have been denied visa-free travel because of an outdated regime." said Rep. Quigley. "I hope this bill will move quickly through Congress and to the President's desk, opening the doors for Poland once and for all."

"In Poland last month, Senator Kirk outlined his goal of adding Poland to the Visa Waiver Program (VWP)," said a spokesperson for Senator Kirk. "Poland is a strong ally of the United States, plays a critical role in NATO military operations in Europe and the Middle East and its citizens should be afforded the right of visa-free travel to this country. Senator Kirk is eager to work with Sens. Mikulski and Cardin and Reps. Quigley and Chabot on this effort and looks forward to passing this bicameral, bipartisan legislation to include Poland into the VWP."
5 Feb 2013
News / Czechs most liked by Poles! [35]

Exactly. I have never met a Romanian in Poland, ethnic Romanian. At the time of the fall of communism there were many Romanian Gypsies on the streets begging. Romania has a very large Gypsy population plus many Poles believe this is where they come from thus thinking a Romanian and Gypsy is the same thing. Sheer ignorance.
4 Feb 2013
News / Czechs most liked by Poles! [35]

My uncle is a Canadian! I think that (besides America's foreign policy) people who dislike the US are simply jealous. Of it's size, superpower status, wealth etc.
4 Feb 2013
News / Czechs most liked by Poles! [35]

i am surprised its so high

in 1993 It was over 70%. It would be higher it's just Americans foreign policy offsets this balance. Americans are likable people, they don't have this superiority complex like some other nations. Some are just patriotic.
4 Feb 2013
News / Czechs most liked by Poles! [35]

For the second year in the row Czechs have come in as most liked by Poles. 51% of Poles say it's their favorite foreign nationality, followed by Slovaks (48%), the English (47 percent), Italians (46 percent) and Spaniards (45 percent).

Amongst the most disliked are the Roma (Gypsies), Romanians, with 41 percent, followed by the Russians (39 percent), Turks (35 percent), Jews (34 percent) and Palestinians (33 percent).

The most controversial result is with the Americans with 43% of Poles liking them, with 21% declaring a disliking for them.

To the nations most beloved by the Poles Czechs are - according to a poll by CBOS . Sympathy for the people expressed 51 percent of respondents.

The following places are Slovaks ( 48 percent . ) , English ( 47 percent . ) , Italians ( 46 percent . ) And Hispanic ( 45 percent . ) . The least liked the Roma ( 52 per cent . Declaration aversion ) and Romania ( 41 percent . ) . 39 percent . Poles do not like Russians, 35 percent . Turks, 34 percent . Jews and 33 percent . Palestinians. Relatively most controversy arouse Americans to whom sympathy declares 43 per cent . , And the reluctance of 21 percent . respondents declared more often than the others.

According to CBOS, mostly Poles declare sympathy for those nations that provide them with a positive reference group - determine the level of their ambitions and aspirations , represent the world to which they want to belong and increasingly belong .

15 Nov 2012
Love / Are Polish men handsome to you? [182]

Try living in Poland for a while, they have just as many Mr Beans as we do.

Yea there are a few.

Its also a myth that most Polish men are masculine and muscular IMO. In the UK i wouldn't blame anybody for stereotyping them like that, but in Poland its a different story. Not too many nerds emigrated over here.

Ha..the jocks or bodybuilders usually come from working class, the office boys stayed behind.

I don't understand this stuff about Polish guys not being sexy.

Men like in any other country.. Some look boyish, some looks like hicks, some like criminals, some pretty boys, some Quasimoto.
10 Nov 2012
Food / What is your favorite Polish Vodka? [653]

According to the International Wine&Spirits Research whiskey consumption has doubled in Poland in the last four years.,124630,12401977,Whisky_rosnie_ja k_na_drozdzach__Czy_warto_w_nia___.html

I used to prefer vodka something has happened to the best vodkas, they taste 'cheaper'. Jameson Irish Whiskey and Jim Beam Bourbon are my favorites.
1 Oct 2012
Love / How do guys from Poland flirt? [47]

I thought you were an American.

Nope Polish, moved here as a kid.

I think he may have exaggerated a little.

Might have. I'm sure it's different in major city like Warsaw and smaller towns.
30 Sep 2012
Love / How do guys from Poland flirt? [47]

Trashy clothing, tanned? Sounds like "Jersey Shore' episode... ;)

I wasn't trying to make Polish guys sound bad I'm one myself. I was just just saying what my friend (also Polish) noticed after going back on a recent vacation. The guys who have pretty well paying jobs, dress nice, are clean have nice cars. Just the average guy in Poland, who doesn't work abroad, and doesn't have much money looks like a slob. As for the females, thankful things are changing. I remember how it seemed like every other Polish girl who was new to the States had bleached blond hair, orange tan, and wore very bright and colorful clothing. It was kinda embarrassing.
30 Sep 2012
Love / How do guys from Poland flirt? [47]

Pennboy; Thanks! Yes Polish men dont overdress that much. Personally I dont like men who spend more time in front of a mirror than women do, but hey, no one likes a guy who looks like a bum.

Neither do I lol, I didn't say overdress, many completely lack common hygiene and new clothing.
30 Sep 2012
Love / How do guys from Poland flirt? [47]

Whenever I greet him he puts on this huge smile, looks me in the eyes and quickly looks downwards.

He sounds a little shy or is a bit intimidated by your looks. Looks like you're just gonna have to go over and say Hi!

I remember that during my stay in Poland people gave me stares, but at that time, the amount of tourists was zero and they could tell youre abroad from miles away.

Funny enough my one friend just recently returned from Poland to the States. He says girls immediately noticed him on the street and could tell he was from another country, was well dressed, took take of himself. He said the average Polish man (in Poland) in his late 20s or 30s looks like a slob. Wears old out of style clothing, has a big beer belly, doesn't use deodorant and sits in a bar drinking that one beer for like 2 hours.
27 Sep 2012
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

french and irish leads to something that appears to others as german russian or polish which i get most often..

Well the French are "descended from peoples of Celtic, Latin and Germanic origin, and are today a mixture of several ethnic groups.'' so it makes sense.

if i could have gotten the french skin tone i'd be a much happier person on the whole... :( damn inability to tan ever.

I have pinkish pale skin myself. I do get burned pretty quick but don't get freckles.

and you penn boy look eerily similar to my boyfriend just a different mouth otherwise you could be twins

Ha, well thank you. Do you know which part of Poland he's from?
27 Sep 2012
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

what are my features that give me away? lol

skin tone, eyes, relatively thin hair Irish. Face shape, nose French.
27 Sep 2012
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

you've read this in a former post of mine or you actually knew? yes half french half irish

No I didn't I just looked at your features and guessed.
27 Sep 2012
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

guess which two

Ireland and France?
27 Sep 2012
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

I didn't know there is such a thing like generic western european look.

Not Spanish that's considered Southern. I meant like the Germanic peoples. You remember Adrian Pracoń the Pole residing in Norway who Breivik didn't kill because he looked Nordic and ''right wing'' to him?? Some Poles could easily pass for some other type of European.

  • Adrian Pracoñ
27 Sep 2012
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

I'd say the biggest giveaway is a straight nose that tips downward ever so slightly at the end.

tips downward? umm, I think pointy or tipping slightly upwards are more common. The button nose is more or less a Asian feature, Europeans have straight kinda long noses. I agree with the rest Poles either have a Slavic look or look western European. do I stack up?

You're of half Polish half German ancestry?
20 Sep 2012
Love / Dating a Polish man - how to impress his mother? [51]

His father adores me i just don't understand how she can think that i should have learned to speak polish by now

She sounds like a simple country woman. She probably wanted her son to be with a Polish girl, she needs to get over it. He loves you, you're in Canada she needs to learn English.

i am a nice half irish half french canadian girl :)

Nice, you've of European heritage. His dad like you maybe he'll knock some sense into her. btw some women are just plain and simple evil, because they're own life isn't going so well, because they're old etc.