History /
Life in communist Poland - personal relations [472]
what do you think of communism being used in advertisements?
Propagating totalitarian systems and their heroes is illegal in Poland. Of course, due to a well planned transition, the communists retained control over key sectors of government, one of them being the justice system. So, even though there are laws against carrying around communist flags around, the courts are very unlikely to prosecute the new "progressives." Since there was no decommunisation, the same judges, prosecutors, and often now their children sit at the bar.
See? KPP is quite open about it kompol.org
It is worth mentioning the "useful idiots." Ruch Palikota, SLD, Krytyka Polityczna crowd, Gazeta Wborcza, Antifa, etc., who are continuing the fight against the family, the Church, and Poland as a nation state. Of course, you can join them by concentrating on a struggle against racism, homophobia, antisemitism, and patriotism. You will feel good about yourself for being progressive and modern, a "New Man, " and you will be delighted in your contribution in bringing down Western civilization. In Poland, your main enemy is the Church and PiS. This is not personal to you Sean, but if the glove fits...