The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by vndunne  

Joined: 12 Jan 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Jun 2012
Threads: Total: 43 / Live: 2 / Archived: 41
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From: Dublin

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3 Oct 2011
Work / Proofreading - What is the going rate in Warsaw? [40]

Hi. I remember seeing a thread covering this topic some time ago but I have been unable to locate it.

Can anyone tell me what the going rate for proofreading in warsaw is?

2 Jun 2011
Real Estate / How do I rent a flat in Poland? [44]

Not sure if there is further confusion over the Visa thing, but thought i would mention about the Shengan zone.

The Schegan zone things does NOT affect whether you need a Visa or not. As an EU citizen you do NOT need a visa. What the Schegan zone relates to is the ability to cross borders without having to show your passport. Most of Europe i.e. EU contries is in the Schegan zone which means you can travel between countries with no border controls i.e. you dont have to show your passport. However, Uk (and ireland) opted out of this. I think it was because of terrorist threats and Uk wanted to keep an eye who was coming in and out of the country. All this means is that when you go to the UK, you have to show your passport. As stated before, this has nothing to do with requiring a Visa.

PS as a result of mass immigration, i think some coutnries are looking at re-introducing border controls.
31 May 2011
Real Estate / How do I rent a flat in Poland? [44]

HHmmm..something about that rings a bell, alright. It has been so long since i looked into it i cant remember but that does sound familiar. That being said, EU citizens are ok. I was here a few years before i got around to registering.
31 May 2011
Real Estate / How do I rent a flat in Poland? [44]

website with a Polish government URL that I could depend on them?

Fully appreciate your frustration on this but this is somewhat a reality here. I think part of the problem is that up to recently, Poland has not had to deal with that many people coming to poland but this is changing. Unfortunately, the process is not. It can also be different from city to city. As i said, I appreciate your frustration but if you are coming here to live, best to count to 10 and accept it. I know it is a defeatest attitude but otherwise you will go mad with frustration.

No worries - excuse my earlier tetchiness.

Sad but true!!!
31 May 2011
Real Estate / How do I rent a flat in Poland? [44]

I think if you are more than 90 days in poland, you are suppose to register that you are here. This is very different from needing a Visa, and as part of the EU you are able to live and work here without a visa. I lived and worked here for year before actually applying for the residency card. dont worry if you are here for more than 90 days, they wont be knocking on your door!!!

In relation to renting an apartment, normally a months deposit and the first month paid is required when you sign the tanancy agreement. You can get tenancy agreement with open ended finish dates. This will realy depend on the landlord you are dealing with. Normally, there will be a stipulation of both parties having to give a months notice of termination of agreement. Hope this helps.
8 Apr 2010
Language / Polish in 4 Weeks CD-ROM [46]

No, I don't feel the least bit guilty about downloading because I paid for the book.

Exactly....!!! When i bought the book, i got the CD with it and you do need it. All the best with the learning...i do think that book is one of the best out there. Though, learning it is 4 weeks, is a BIT of an exageration!!!!!
26 Nov 2009
Off-Topic / PF members MEETUPS.....everyone welcome! [97]

I guess we will be as always :)

Drop us a text if you are venturing out..i am actually in poznan this weekend so would be around and it woudl be nice to catch up.
25 May 2008
Life / Gyms in Warsaw [44]

There is also a gym up at the Arcadia shopping centre. Cant remember the name of it.