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Posts by Borrka  

Joined: 25 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Mar 2019
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13 Sep 2010
Po polsku / Tragedia jezykowa, czyli "stay on topic" LOL. [95]

Poniewaz w sasiednim watku pojawilo sie upomnienie, faktycznie rozpoczynam nowy.

Poprawnosc jezyka polskiego jest zagrozona, a zagrozenie lekcewazone.
Organa z urzedu kontrolujace te poprawnosc nie wypelniaja swej roli.

Dlatego bede tu wpisywal przejawy niechlujstwa jezykowego i prosze innych o to samo.
To raczej nie kwalifikuje sie do angielskojezycznego dzialu jezykowego.
Inny zakres.

Zaczne od tego, co juz napisalem.

Strasznie irytuje powszechnie stosowany w reklamach germanizm "od " i tu nazwa firmy reklamujacej swe produkty.
To jest moze zabawne w gwarze slaskiej "ujek od moja libsta", ale nie w powszechnym uzyciu.
Organa kontrolne nie reaguja, napisalem kiedys o tym na forum Gazety Wyborczej i zostalo wykasowane - wiadomo z czego zyja gazety.
13 Sep 2010
Po polsku / Przyjmowanie Komunii świętej w kościołach w Polsce [43]

Niedawno slyszalem spikerke TVN uzywajacej formy "w cudzyslowiu".
Na wszystkich kanalach telewizji slyszymy w reklamach makabryczne germanizmy, typu "od Gillette".

Buractwo, ktore najechalo i zatrudnilo sie za pol ceny w miastach, po polsku mowic nie potrafi
i jezyka nie szanuje.
Poslanka (do Sejmu RP) nie widzi roznicy miedzy "bynajmniej", a "przynajmniej".

Porownywanie bledow w jezyku obcym i ojczystym, to demagogia.
Jedno swiadczy o dosc naturalnym niedouczeniu.
Drugie, winno byc tepione na kazdym kroku.

Wytykane i osmieszane.

PS. Nie znaczy, ze sam nie popelniam bledow.
Ale sie staram.
2 Sep 2010
History / Why did the reformation not have a huge effect on Poland? [28]

Starting from Vasa kings Polish national unity was based on Catholicism and modified pro-Vatican Orthodoxy (Uniats).
As a matter of fact similar situation like in France but by far less politically successful.

In addition during so called Swedish Deluge Polish protestants (at least many of prominent protestants like Radziwils or Jan Amos Komensky) supported Swedish aggressor what had dramatical consequences for traditional tolerance in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
17 Aug 2010
Po polsku / Pomnik ku czci bolszewików? [26]

Co o tym sądzicie?

Jest to mi raczej obojetne.
Ale tak, czy inaczej, bedzie to pomnik polskiego zwyciestwa.
13 Aug 2010
News / Poland sends firefighters to help Russia [67]

Poland sends firefighters to help Russia and Russia sends Poland a hefty gas bill ;)

I think it's a normal human reaction - we are helping our neighbors and not Putin or Gazprom.
Sympathy and support to people fighting the fire is by far better than never ending barking, hatred, and schizophrenia.
13 Aug 2010
History / Is there any part of Polish history that's at least a bit glorious? [192]

To connect the Knights to Hitler is something only a Pole with lacking history knowledge would do...

Well ... it was German Nazi propaganda connecting Adolf and Teutonic Order - this commie conception is rather forgotten in Poland today.
Still alive in the GDR ?
31 Jul 2010
History / Endecja - State Sponsored Anti Semitism 1935 - 1939. [138]

Shoah really can alter your view on things

Take a group of primitive imbeciles from any nation, provoke them to discuss subject they only remotely understand and then you already got Lanzmanns movie.

I have to agree .
Probably every single element of Shoah movie was true.
Combined together and presented to some ignorant public it creates really anti-Polsh picture of Holocaust.
30 Jul 2010
News / Poland - the least liked German neighbour. [210]

those in the West who never met a Pole in their life.

Nonsense - Polish large scale post ww2 emigration to Germany was to the West only (the old Bundesrepublik).
Even now the "new" Germany is not very interesting because of its high unemployment.
30 Jul 2010
News / Poland - the least liked German neighbour. [210]

'm here writing about that part of German nation similar in their Weltanschauung to Bratwurst. They have also decent, smart and educated people there too.

Don't forget BB is an Ossie with all their inferiority complexes and he comes here in need of therapy - to play Great Zampano.

But in general Germans are not better or not worse than other Europeans.
29 Jul 2010
News / Pole loses language discrimination case in Germany; Scandalous! [97]

Back to "Jugendamt".

Jugendamt was creation of Adolf's bureaucracy but to call it a Nazi-nightmare is demagogy pure.
Denazification of Trizone (the old Bundesrepublic) was quite successful (on the contrary to so called German Democratic Republic where part of the Nazi-structures was peacefully reshaped to be in service of the workers and kolkhosnicks' state) .

Jugendamt is rather similar to Scandinavian structures with all their advantages and idiocies.
Not as bad as you try to portrait it but sometimes it's not easy to cut through the red tape and bureaucratic nonsense there.

The real troublemakers - Turks, Roma, Arabs are taboo to Jugendamt so in order to show activity they are looking for easy victims like Poles.

No political correctness necessary, no racism involved but nice language related communication's problems

28 Jul 2010
History / Endecja - State Sponsored Anti Semitism 1935 - 1939. [138]

state supported anti semitism in Poland

Trade Unions, political opposition, universities, radical movements and their propaganda tools are not the state.
So you definitely failed to prove charges of some state sponsored anti-semitism in the pre ww2 Poland.
28 Jul 2010
History / Endecja - State Sponsored Anti Semitism 1935 - 1939. [138]

130.000 Jewish soldiers fighting the Soviet troops in 1921

Nobody was fighting the Soviet troops 1921.

In the Endecja-years when anti semitism was made official policy in Poland.

"Endecja years" are fiction - phenomena you're talking about took place when Sanacja had the political power in Poland. We can speak only about general radicalization of political arena what was fully in line with the pan-European scenario.

the State conducted and sponsored anti semitism of the years 1935 - 1939.

Again fiction. Actually "the state" used to jail both ... Polish nationalists and rebelling minorities.
27 Jul 2010
News / Pole loses language discrimination case in Germany; Scandalous! [97]

I don't know anybody who speaks it...only Poles or relatives speak it.

There are more than one million so called Spaetausiedler aus Polen in Germany.
People with German roots but they speak better Polish than their "native" German language.
To find Polish interpretor (German citizen) is quite easy in West-Germany.
24 Jul 2010
History / My Great Grand father took part in the Battle of Warsaw! [90]

I must have been a very young boy when he used to listen Radio Free Europe celebrating the Warsaw victory.
Given more and more sophisticated jamming sounds in the broadcast's background I wasn't able to understand the message but I still remember his words:

1920 I killed five bolsheviks with my ulan-sabre !

BTW. In my family and neighborhood he was a well-known Russophile and loved to speak Russian.
I don't remember a single negative word about Ruskies from him.
Same goes for his diary.
24 Jul 2010
Po polsku / Trzymajcie się ciepło! :) [25]

Moglo Ci sie znudzic, ale takie decyzje z powodu jednego glupawego postu ?

Jesli kogos nie interesuje Gdansk, nie wymaga to komentarzy, szczegolnie, gdy "alternatywe" widzi w naszych cienkich Tatrach LOL.
Bo Gdansk jest fenomenem europejskim, a Tatry takie bardziej "low profile"....

To, ze jest wiele syfu ... nie do ukrycia.
To, ze coraz mniej tez.

Ogolnie glupota tego postu - Polacy szczupli z glodu - jest zabawna.
Z jednym sie zgadzam.
Moderatorzy sa i jeszcze im doloze, tyle, ze chwilowo nie mam czasu.
24 Jul 2010
Travel / Poland-My 9-day experience [239]

Glum and depressed is generally the Slavic demeanour

Slavic or rather post-commie ?
Anyway I see a bit of generalization here.
24 Jul 2010
News / Poland - the least liked German neighbour. [210]

What's wrong about me and Crow, dear BB ?

As for your discussion with Crow I suggest you some mental exercise BB.
Just imagine .
In some years the Turks-overpopulated area between Aachen and Mainz will be given to its legal owner ... Turkey.
All in accordance with some legally valid EU-decision !
Now you can (maybe) imagine Crow's emotions in case Kosovo.

Back to Alemania and Poles.
Your mass-media are still busy creating some negative picture of us.
And Polish equivalent of the Harald Schmidt show would cause disgust and provoke pro-German voices in Poland.
Take it for granted.
24 Jul 2010
Language / Are the languages of Russian and Polish similar at all? [94]

I think Russian's a lot easier than Polish, and part of the reason is due to grammar.

It means only you are not in position to compare Russian and Polish.
We share only about 60% of vocabulary with Ruskies (75% with Slovaks) but similarity of grammatical structures is really striking.
So any "easier versus harder" classification does not make any sense.
24 Jul 2010
News / Poland - the least liked German neighbour. [210]

300 years aggressive anti-Polish propaganda pays off - from Friedrich der Große to Dr Goebbels or his grotesque ARD successor Harald Schmidt.
And the result is what the average "standard" Heini says "ich mag die Polacken nicht, wie auch andere ost- und südosteuropäische Völker die Polacken eher skeptisch bis verachtend betrachten, so sollten wir als Deutsche immer Vorsicht gebieten im Umgang mit den Polacken.

Ich für meinen Teil würde nur mit einem Panzer und feldgrauem Ehrenkleid den nordöstlichen Nachbarn besuchen."
18 Jul 2010
History / Chances of Moscow becoming part of Poland again? [102]

at present we are selling more grain than Canada and USA

Hardly true:

Still you're entitle to say ""Russia produces only oil, gas and grain" now.

We have highly educated people.

Less than US, about the average European index:


I even don't start to discuss the quality of education LOL.

We have huge resources

Yes you do.

Russians are very easy for interbreeding.

An old Soviet myth again but even in Soviet times more wishful thinking than true.
Today, except for the Slavic population and Russian Tatars, intermarriages are portrayed as sinful issue.

We have enough money and means to make our industry and science modern

Sure. And that is the reason Akadem Gorodok looks like after heavy air raid and all Soviet R&D Insitutes were converted to small privet owned import companies.
18 Jul 2010
News / Why are Czechs more effective than Poles and Poland? [116]

Poland's main importer was the SU

Exactly like in case of Czechoslovakia.

.Czechs kept secret relations with Austria and Germany throughout the communist period

You're delirious.
Aren't you ?

they seem to do much better than every other former eastern Block country

Pre-ww2 Czechoslovakia was one of the top European economies (comparable with Belgium) and Czechia was the most prosperus and industrialized part of it.
This is the main reason for their good position today.
10 Jul 2010
Po polsku / Stereotyp Polaka brutala, gbura, antysemity? [67]

Dlatego wlasnie nie warto za bardzo sie angazowac.
Gdy emocje rosna, lepiej odpuscic.
A wracajac do tematyki watku, graniczy z niemozliwoscia stworzenie spojnego obrazu Polonii.
Zbyt wiele skladnikow.