The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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11 Apr 2012
Love / Do Polish people like Scottish people (friendship or relationship with a Scot)? [56]

Believe what you want. Being half Scottish I think I have a better understanding of Scottish history

BLAH BLAH.... I was born in Simpson Memorial, Edinburgh.
Scotland invaded England far more times than the other way round.
If you like the poor wee victim role,thats fine,but keep that to your Polish side :)

OP, you will be fine. Poles in general still believe all the celtic bollox about oppression and all that guff, they love us :)
Try telling them how many Scotsmen were Kings of England and it blows their minds :)

PS, pahh to Wallace, about time *they* made a decent film about The Bruce,now there was an interesting story of greedy opportunist turned absolute heroic patriot,with still the trace of shady barstewerd.....
11 Apr 2012
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Gun ownership is legal in the U.S..I was just curious if this is so in Poland

Maybe compare murder rates between the two countries and make a wild guess.
Basically, people with a good reason to own a firearm can.
The pro gun lobby in the US constantly lies about European gun laws just to stir fear. Ive no criminal record or history of severe mental disorders so,if I wanted to I can get a firearms licience pretty easily here in the UK. Maybe not some of the absurd stuff I could own in the US (come on,who needs assault rifles for hunting or *home defence* ?) but certainly something that could put a stop to,say, a two legged Deer if I needed to ;)
9 Apr 2012
History / Warsaw Rising 1944 - National Disaster or Triumph of Spirit ? [515]

Well,thats pretty easy to do just going through the time line. Im hopping to expand a little on that,showing the various enclaves ,areas held or captured by the AK etc.

The 1935 views are helpfull mostly for showing whats missing from the 1945 views. I know that sounds like comparing,sorry if Im not putting it well but,its slightly more complicated than that, for instance what would be missing is any sense of the scale of destruction from 1939,so an honest *before and after* has to take that into acount .
9 Apr 2012
History / Warsaw Rising 1944 - National Disaster or Triumph of Spirit ? [515]

Thanks for the post pawian. I normally hate colourised documentries but that wasnt too bad.
Im working on a few maps of significant events in the Rising using (shh,not sure of copyright issues) Google earths 1935 and 1945 images of Warsaw at the moment,will start posting them once they are complete if anyone is interested. Got a local history one to work on first though for the county archeologist so it will be a week or so maybe.
8 Apr 2012
Travel / Any Anglican churches in Poland? [35]

from what I gathered they were all the same as me - not the slightest bit interested in religion

Maybe,but,a lot,like me,would never talk about things in person.
There is far more a tradition of keeping your religious views to yourself here,probably because of the wide variaty of Christian denominations as well as plain old reserved embarrassment :)

The ones that do open up tend to be born again types,evangelists,very little actual religious learning,lots of blind faith and illogical ignorance.
8 Apr 2012
Travel / Any Anglican churches in Poland? [35]

"....the smell of incense nearly knocked me out.."

Is that "High Church" (no druggie pun intended)? I know part of the Church believes in transwottsits,not cross dressing,afaik,but that literal wine being blood and crackers being flesh at the point of eating.......and another part doesnt.

BTW, mod, you are just publicaly showing your stupidity again by deleting this post. High Church is the Anglican branch that believes in the same mumbo jumbo as the catholics.

Any chance you will man up and say why you are randomly moving posts to the bin tonight?
7 Apr 2012
Travel / Any Anglican churches in Poland? [35]

Well,ignorance isnt a crime yet :)
I suppose it makes sense to presume a vast majority are,but, TBH, certainly not around my neck of the woods....mind you, Im a mornings walk from where half the Pilgrim Fathers came from and a 20 minute bike ride from the village where Methodism was born :)

ps,always found it *odd* that there are Anglican Churches in the US,so not really worried about 200 people going Papist :)
7 Apr 2012
Travel / Any Anglican churches in Poland? [35]

Why do you presume "Brits" are all Anglicans?
Ive Methodists,Anglicans,Church of Scotland,Roman Catholics,even a Dominican friar and some distant Jewish relatives in my family :)
6 Apr 2012
News / History lessons no more in Poland (Tusk's change) [61]

And many other subjects are taught on a higher level in Poland than in the West.

Junior school in the UK is from 5 to about 10,so, lets ease up on the kids a bit yeah :)
Dressing up as Victorians sounds weak,but, this usually combines with a field trip to a "Victorian" location, a country house or a reconstructed village ( Beamish or Crich etc).

Anything that inspires a bit of fun and interest in History is fine by me. As Barney picked up on I was just unfortunate to do my High School years during a period of transition from one style to another.

But,we here also share worries that "real" subjects are being replaced by so called "easy" subjects just to get schools grades up.
6 Apr 2012
News / History lessons no more in Poland (Tusk's change) [61]

Im not sure. They are on the BBC during Childrens TV time and the books have been very popular for at least 10 years now (kept me sane when I worked my shifts in the gift shop lol).

What I do know is that in my time in high school( early/mid 90s) we were sat in front of the TV and watched BlackAdder Goes Forth during the module on WW1 :)
4 Apr 2012
News / History lessons no more in Poland (Tusk's change) [61]

Spot on. I always loved history,would pour over my Grandparents books as a pre schooler and relatives would send me Postcards of Romans or Knights or Vikings instead of traditional Birthday cards. But,History as taught at school was utter trash,boring and twisted and very one sided,as raised above,a series of events seemingly out of the blue with no depth just either hard facts or the silly, exercise in empathy stuff we had to do,ie, one short lesson on WW 1 followed by 2 or 3 lessons taken up with writing an imagianry letter from the front line(we had not been taught much about..)...

Some people always like and have an interest in History,most people though find themselves growing into it in their 20s or 30s. Mates of mine who when we were younger had no interest are now just as big fans of Time Team as me :)

History is something best learned away from the classroom beyond the very basics of how to shift out pri' and sec' evidence etc.
The stuff people "remember" from school history lessons is often the reason arguments flare on here, jingoistic,simplistic rubbish more suited to hollywood than history :)
16 Mar 2012
News / "Lack of Common Sense in Politics and Society" - political correctness in Poland [32]

Now ,my liberal gut reaction to the OP was similar to his first respondant. But then my genuine liberal nature said,no,read again before commenting.

It has to be said,many good points are raised.
The wrongs that were commited 50 years ago were wrong even though the law often protected the wrong doer. The balance has shifted now the wrongs are still of course wrong and are now rightly seen as such by law, BUT, these laws are now being used often as a sledge hammer to crack a peanut.

Are 6 year olds really "rascist" for asking a class mate in a school with a high immigrant percentage whether a little boy is black because his mummy and daddy come from Africa?

According to crazy legislation,yes,he is now a labled "rascist", this will stay in his school record untill he is 18 years old......

So, instead of being at the point where we were a few years ago where PEOPLE were protected by basic rights known to us all in the western world we now live in a world where rightly or wrongly it is percieved by many that some peoples "rights" are more important than others.

The only foreseeable future if we carry along this path is a backlash of potentially horrific scale for true lovers of liberty.
Take the Human rights Act, fantastic, it has been great for getting basic rights ,those we all have,granted and enshrined in law to groups and individuals who really needed the help, these days all we read about are terrorists and murderers abusing the system to avoid deportation and continue to live at tax payers expense in a country they have often plotted to attack....craziness,but I dont want the baby thrown out with the bath water,it needs sorting soon before the easily led, more or less decent silent majority are so easily turned into the easily led,not very decent majority able to turn blind eyes to horrors.
15 Mar 2012
Travel / Krakow during Easter - good or bad idea? [19]

Yes, and there are "baby" Priests everywhere too. It reminded me of the old Stella Artois advert :)
( the one with all the Polish Priest ice skating)
Oh and Nuns,lots and lots of nuns,very sharp elbows those brides of Christ!!!!

But, just to save my mortal soul.....I did find it very sweet to see skater kids crowded round the Church doors involved in the services rather than using the steps handrails to do crazy tricks :)
14 Mar 2012
UK, Ireland / There's not a lot wrong with Poles in the UK. There's just too many of them. [72]

Who in Britain uses Mall for a shopping centre?

Sadly this last couple of years our misguided youth seem to have adopted many 'mericanisms, " Mom" seems all the rage amongst a certain class too......

Mind you, Im hearing ********" more often in US TV shows so... :)
13 Mar 2012
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

yes,but Mama, the " N" word was not a "hate " word in its day was it? It was turned into one later. And the N word is just a Southern pronunciation of negro....or was,now its obviously been twisted as a term of abuse.

Negro is simply Spanish for black, suddenly using the English term for ,erm,black ,was that really an improvement ?
Its still technically as wrong as calling us "white" people white rather than caucasian( but some smart arse will tell us thats greek for white lol) "black " people are brown......

Its all a bit silly really, most of the harm is in intent rather than the word itself.

Edit, guessing Murzyn comes from Moor? ie, Black a Moor ...
13 Mar 2012
Travel / Krakow during Easter - good or bad idea? [19]

The Churches are crowded, but Easter Time in Krakow is lovely, lots of traditional gifts for soviegniers (or however you spell that lol)
21 Jan 2012
Life / Poland - abandon all logic [25]

if you press a firearm into their side.

lols yes, using France in the examples was a bit of an own goal....France, the country where they speak perfect English right up to the point you complain about the soiled sheets and electric wires hanging loose in your room....

Deventer! TBH You were lucky there, that neck of the netherlands is a bit of a backwoods as far as multi lingual skills go, though,the Dutch will always go out of their way to find someone who does speak your language,even if you are a poor looking student back packer type at the time.

Thing is though,using a countries rail network is not really a trail ...any half decent phrase book and a bit of pointing stops you looking like an Imperialist tw@t who expects everyone to speak the Queens English :)
18 Jan 2012
News / Poland fines singer for bashing Bible [159]

At least Poland is not deporting people to face charges for "crimes" that are not even crimes in the deported persons home country where the said "crime" was commited.
17 Jan 2012
Language / Polish language would look better written in Cyrillic Script? [212]

English transcryption is not without its problems (sometimes it's not very precise and can lead to ambiguities) - Polish transcryption is a pretty good

good points, I tend to look for the Polish translation over the English translation of Russian words Im not 100% sure about (Iknow,I just wasnt writing transliteration twice,inks running low in lap top...)

Cant see Russia dropping it any time soon. Russians I know love the fact its "their" writting and that it baffles westerners, remember most Russians I know still seem a little funny about outsiders learning Russian,sort of check you out a bit.....cold war paranoia much :)
12 Jan 2012
UK, Ireland / Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up! [447]

Exactly: one is a deterrent.

If it worked as such it would never be used would it.......a nuclear bomb is a deterrent, sado masochistic/homo erotic torture of young lads is just perverse.

To expand, have not got drunk in Krakow for about 5 years now and never had any trouble aside from dodging the odd Polish p!ss heads fighting in the street.

About 3 years ago a mate told me how his kid brother had been swept up with a completly seperate group on a stag weekend by the Police ( to be clear, the lad was not with the group or involved with the group just came out of a bar at the wrong time speaking the wrong language) and had gone through some serious abuse from both the pigs who did the arresting and the scum he was left with overnight. Frankly ,at the time I thought he was full of sh!t and that,at the least the lad must have been up to something............unfortunatly,nope, like I say,the sickest thing is that people are proud of this caveman behaviour from the so called forces of law and order....
12 Jan 2012
UK, Ireland / Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up! [447]

What a bunch of fekked up Dickensian tossers................suppose its that RC self loathing bollox again,something the irish mum should know all about......her own countries corective institutions acted much the same 30 years ago.

TBH, Id take it as far as you can love,that treatment is torture plain and simple and another reason why it was stupid expanding Europe when half the newcomers are frankly backwards tin pot nations with totally perverse ideas.

Stroll on 2012 when all this shabbiness is exposed to the world, you can get away with acting like the fekked up commies most of your institutions are still run by for only so long.

The saddest thing is that so many *people* seem proud of this sort of thing......weird gits.
12 Jan 2012
Genealogy / Russian Poland-what general area would this be? [30]

Its like Tourettes for those two :(

between 1914 and 1918 there was this little thing called World War One, little spats like that can make travel a tad akward between beligerant nations ;)