The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by grethomory  

Joined: 19 Mar 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Sep 2022
Threads: Total: 1 / Live: 0 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 155 / Live: 20 / Archived: 135
From: USA, Chicago
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Karaoke, Volleyball

Displayed posts: 20
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29 Nov 2011
USA, Canada / Are there any Polish persons living in Louisiana? [18]

Merged: Any Polish in Louisiana?

My job is probably going to move me from Chicago to Louisiana. I work in the oil business. I'm not Polish, but my roommate is, so he's coming too. I was just wondering are there any Polish anyone knows of in Louisiana? We met one couple that's Polish from there. Let us know.

12 May 2010
Life / Smoking vs. Grilling on Balconies / High Rises in Poland [66]

In America, apartment buildings, balconies, etc. are generally built with Poland, they all seem to be built with brick or stone. It seems ironic that grills are largely allowed on American balconies but not on Polish ones..

Not where I come Dallas/Ft. Worth where I lived the apartments were made of brick...and they are not like the apartments here in Chicago where alot of people are co-habitating.. It's a little more spreadout, but you could get a good fine for grilling on the balcony. You have to be at least 100 feet away from the building to grill. Many apartment complexes have grills outside away from the building for you to grill on.
22 Feb 2010
Love / They seem nice, but could Polish girls be "gold diggers"? [196]

Someone has been taken for a ride. People often take when offered, there's nothing new about that.

Exactly right, I don't think Polish women are anymore golddiggers than any other types of women or men for that matter. If you put yourself in a position to get taken advantage of then that's what happens. I agree with you Seanus.
15 Feb 2010
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

It in the states Polak is a derogatory term for Polish. To use that word in America is a put down on Polish people. Although many here in the states have heard it, they have no realization they are being put down by their white counterparts here in America.
11 Feb 2010
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

That is correct it is all about context. How it's used. If you are using it in a derogatory statement by all means it is.
2 Dec 2009
Love / How do Polish boys feel about foreign girls? [163]

I know in Chicago, I've seen Polish guys with everything from Polish girls to Hispanic to Black I guess it truly depends on the guy
15 May 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

i haven't been there yet, but me and my partner will be going this summer...he's from Rodum(sp)
13 May 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

1. The Catholic Church and Religion
2. Closemindedness(is that a word)
3. The economy sucks
17 Sep 2008
Life / Why there is always around a horrible smell of sweat in Poland [188]

I don't know...I just always thought it was an East European thing. The Polish are not the only ones guilty of old roommate was from former Yugoslavia...and he never would stink, but he would get to the point where...if it were just 3 or 4 more hours without a bath...he would be full stink going on. I told him about it and he said we bathe too much here in America. He would laugh at me because when I lived in TX I would bathe 2 or 3 times a day
17 Jul 2008
USA, Canada / Polish language classes in Chicago or surrounding area? [44]

Hi my friends,

I as well want to take Polish classes. I live off of Austin and Belmont. Does anyone know where I could take them? I made a deal with my Polish buddy...he is going to take classes to speak better English and I figured since I am around Polish guys and girls all the time, I would take Polish classes.

Any help would be appreciated.

7 Jul 2008
Food / Bigos Recipe [151]

That is what my Polish buddy here in Chicago told me. Golanka and beer with mustard. He told me most people in Poland eat them at sporting events. I love them.
1 Jul 2008
Food / Bigos Recipe [151]

I love golanka. We eat them down south in greens or black eyed peas. I had no idea when I went to the Polish store with my best friend here in Chicago, Marcin that the Polish ate them as well. Now, when you eat must have a hot pepper on the side with a glass of will send you to the stars, :-)
23 Jun 2008
Food / Bigos Recipe [151]

LOLOLOLOL...sometimes you've gotta have that fat though, but not everyday, lol
27 May 2008
Food / Bigos Recipe [151]

Yep, all my buddies here say I can cook pretty good. I try to cut fat when I cook, but sometimes you just have to let the fat be fat and think about it later, lol
21 May 2008
Food / Bigos Recipe [151]

Taste it... you're good to go. Best served with fresh bread.

I love Bigos. Remember, I'm your black brother with all of the Polish buddies here in Chicago. Anyway a good friend of mine made some and it was so good that I have got to try to make it myself. I'll be doing it this it could be a disaster...I'm a cajun boy from the South.

14 May 2008
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [451]

not all Poles are blonde/blue. My best friend is full Polish with black hair and green eyes. Me...I am a black guy from Louisiana with grey eyes.