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Posts by Paulina  

Joined: 31 Jan 2008 / Female ♀
Warnings: 2 - OQ
Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: 17
Posts: 4,425
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: yes

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14 May 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [280]

I certainly wasn't thinking of you when I said "we". And let's leave it at that. :)

No, let's not :), because you do that quite often. So who were you talking about when you wrote "we"?

But we are going to be. :)

Really? How? lol
14 May 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [280]

@Torq, the enemy is not only listening, but also using your careless words:

Torq, you are a genius!!! Russia feels exactly the same! Let's celebrate this rare moment where Poland and Russia are in agreement.

14 May 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [280]

@Torq, are you Borg or sth? lol 馃槀 And you clearly don't know.

Sorry, Torq, but you don't speak on behalf of all Poles or Poland.

And no, Novichok, Poland/Poles don't feel exactly the same as RuSSia. Poland and RuSSia aren't "in agreement" here. Torq is a nationalist and he doesn't represent majority of Poles, imho.
14 May 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [280]

The reports of a major lack of manpower are coming from everywhere, which means it's most certainly true.

Yes, I've read about them long before this interview...

All because the wardogs wanted to see Russia on its knees drawing its last breath and Z and his boys wanted to be some kind of Uke hero or something.

I think many "boys" wanted to be heroes and they were and still are. It's normal to want to defend your country and kick out the invader completely - who wouldn't want that?

Also - who wouldn't want to see RuSSia on its knees? That vile country f*cking deserves it. But
dreams and reality are two different things, I'm afraid.

Why PAK?

Because he kept repeating that Ukraine should have mobilised earlier, etc.

He isn't pro-Russian.

I didn't claim that he is.
14 May 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [280]

I can see why Russia is insecure and defensive.

Really? Why?

Maybe Putin realized that he better strike before being stricken first by those who want his vile country brought to its knees.

My dear oikophile... I only started wanting to see RuSSia on its knees when RuSSia invaded Ukraine... Not before... Get it?
14 May 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [280]

Even a genius like me couldn't say it

That's because AntV is even a bigger "oikophile" than Torq (even if closeted, unlike Torq) :)

Now let's figure out quickly how to justify billions spent and 600,000 men dead...

As far as I remember Putin claimed that it's to protect Russian speakers in Ukraine from "Nazis" :)) I wonder if they feel "protected" six feet under.
14 May 2024
Genealogy / Looking for ANNA MARIA. MISIUREWICZ - P J PROBY the American/British singer [11]

@jon357, yes, if I understand correctly she got married in 1974 to Alan Maskell (his parents: Edward Maskell & Eleanor Greenway) and is known as Maria Maskell now (judging by what is written on that site).

You'd be surprised. Many people in Poland inherit a flat from parents or grandparents and stay there.

14 May 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [280]

The difference: Putin can show tangible benefits from invading U.

Yeah, like Finland and Sweden in NATO - he did well with that, I've got to admit :)))

Oh no! I'm out there with my oikophilia. I wear it like a badge of great honor.

Oh, look at that - I didn't know! Duly noted. 馃ぎ

Well they have people like you thinking they are vile and want to see them on their knees. Kind of puts one on edge.

Did you miss that part where I wrote: "I only started wanting to see RuSSia on its knees when RuSSia invaded Ukraine... Not before..."?

So, how can that be a just justification of RuSSian invasion of Ukraine? Me wanting to see RuSSia on its knees and thinking that it's a vile country is a direct result of RuSSia invading Ukraine. Can you comprehend that or did your RuSSophilia eat your brain? :D 馃う
14 May 2024
News / Northern Lights in Poland [33]

Stayed up on the Saturday in the vain hope of a repeat performance, but nothing.

Welcome to the club... I didn't see anything either :( I missed my probably only chance to see the aurora in my own city... 馃槶 I wish the media informed about it sooner, so I'd know beforehand and prepare or at least I'd look out of the window/go out on the balcony... 馃槥

Love the Bieszczady Mountains photos :)

Me too :))
14 May 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [280]

I called Putin and asked him if he was still shaking in his boots.

Really? So, surely, he wouldn't be shaking in his boots if Ukraine were to join NATO either :D

that if he will not strike NOW, then Gaza in 2024 will be compared with Donetsk, not with Dresden.

Yeah, sure, and this is why this "NOW" took him 8 years ;D

Yes, I did.

How?? Are you blind? lol

Loving your home makes you vomit?

So you're RuSSian now? o_O I thought you're American. So who are you exactly?

Btw, I thought "oikophile" is some new PF term for a RuSSophile. Isn't that it? 馃
16 May 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [280]

Honestly, this whole state is built on rotten and evil foundations, and that's why they can never find happiness in life.

You can say the same about Putin's RuSSia. So, what kind of "uniquely retarded RuSSian Scenario" do RuSSians deserve?

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, Bobko.
16 May 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [280]

Russia has been around for 1,200+ years.

And it didn't learn anything... How f*cking sad is that?

Ukraine emerges every couple centuries

And you haven't noticed a pattern yet? You didn't learn anything? I will explain it to you then - every time you make Ukraine "disappear" it just pops up again - eventually - and hates you even more. So how about you take a more healthy approach and change your diet? Leave them be and they may hate you less after a while.

....maybe just leave them alone and heal on its own at the fresh air? ;)

16 May 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [280]

We'll leave them be, in their historical Galician and Wolynian borders, but we must take our cities back.

You see, a RuSSian can be honest, when a RuSSian wants to :))) So it's not really about "Nazis", it's not about NATO, it's "good old" RuSSian imperialism and revanchism, as usual.

Russia did just that...

No, it didn't.

Never having to listen again to your lectures, hysteria, and insults.

I don't see how a border shift would change anything in this regard.
16 May 2024
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [280]

We learned to survive, keep our statehood through wars and revolutions, and live in peace with 220+ nationalities and all major religies

I doubt we need any advices from poland in any of listed aspects..

You didn't learn to have normal relations with a bunch of your European neighbours though and due to that you have to live with the "suffocating fear" of NATO "surrounding" you ;D You allegedly live in such a great "fear" and under such a great "threat" of NATO that you even had to invade your "brotherly" nation and kill your Slavic "brothers"! Wow! :O Meanwhile, Poles have normal relations with majority of their neighbours and don't have to invade them to feel safe... Maybe RuSSia can learn something from Poland (and other countries, like Germany, for example) after all? 馃

Every time before we left process not done completely, tried to show more humanism thet we should be...

If what you did to Ukraine was "too humane" then what's left? Complete genocide?
16 May 2024
Language / Terms of endearment in Polish [216]

Would it be strange to call a child (a girl, if it matters) "little fern" (papro膰) as a term of endearment?

It would be unusual, but not impossible... It could be like some inside-joke in the family, I guess, for some reason...

how would I form the diminutive?

"Paprotka" - for a girl. It actually sounds nice and cute :) Next stage of diminutive would be "Paprocia" and even further: "Paprociunia", for example.
2 days ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [280]

Just would like to advise you not to project your national complexes and nightmares onto your neighbors.

But I am not projecting! :D I once watched a fragment of a political TV show of a RuSSian propagandist (I think it was Solovyov) and he said there that NATO "surrounding" RuSSia is "suffocating" for him (he even put his hands to his throat and made a suffocating gesture in order to visualise his feelings ;D) lol

And as far as I remember it was you who wrote that if Ukraine joined NATO the US could place nuclear weapons in Ukraine that could fly in a shorter period of time to Moscow :)

So, that's 100% RuSSian "national complexes and nightmares".

And even if there are no other options than to make small changes in the political map of Europe, this will be acceptable to us.

Of course there are always other options than invading other countries and killing people, but you either decided not to choose them or you're mentally incapable of chosing such options.

Some of the papers I read were as recent as 2015.

Could you link to them?

a large majority of russians have values that are antithetical to the values of most Poles.

I don't know about "large" majority, but judging by what's going on in RuSSia it defenitely looks like a majority. And I agree with that "antithetical to the values of most Poles". Discussing with RuSSians (as opposed to Russians) was like talking to people from a different planet (not only politically and historically, but also in terms of morals/ethics, mentality, etc.). My Russophilia didn't die away completely at that time only because I thought that the people I was discussing with must be on the fringe of the RuSSian society. Only the annexation of Crimea and Putin's speech afterwards made me realise that they are the majority.
2 days ago
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [424]

Poza tym nawet Bobko napisa艂 kiedy艣, 偶e polepszenie relacji Rosji z Polsk膮 b臋dzie znowu mo偶liwe dopiero po powrocie anty-europejskiego PiSu do w艂adzy.

No bo Bobko to taki "ekspert" od Polski i polskich spraw, 偶e g艂owa ma艂a, acha ;D ;D

My艣l臋, 偶e PiS poprawi stosunki z Rosj膮

;D ;D ;D

ale my艣l臋, 偶e maj膮 wiele wsp贸lnego z naszymi ch艂opakami.

Oj, tak, maj膮, niestety. Ale s膮 te偶 bardzo istotne sprawy, kt贸re ich dziel膮.

Tylko jako艣 ten "anyestabliszmentowy antybrukselizm" by艂/jest finansowany z rosyjskich pieni臋dzy. Zar贸wno Le Pen jak i W艂osi ju偶 sie z tego t艂umaczyli (bardziej lub mniej pokr臋tnie), a o Orbanie to ju偶 mi si臋 nawet nie chce gada膰.

PiS to popaprani hipokryci...
2 days ago
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [424]

(tylko, jak na m贸j nos, mniej tam agent贸w ni偶 w PiSie).

;D Ilo艣ciowo czy procentowo? :D

bo przecie偶 kto, jak kto, ale taki autorytet jak Donald Tusk to napewno przejrza艂 jak bardzo prorosyjsk膮 parti膮 jest PiS

Daj mi spok贸j z takimi pierdo艂ami. Kiedy PiS by艂 u w艂adzy to twierdzi艂, 偶e to PO jest prorosyjskie i pokazywa艂 zdj臋cia Tuska 艣ciskaj膮cego si臋 z Putinem (niekt贸rzy na PF te偶 to robili):

wygl膮da, 偶e nie mo偶na mie膰 wszystkiego naraz albo popapranych hipokryt贸w albo niemieckich dupow艂az贸w

We藕 przesta艅, tak jak PiS w艂azi艂 Trumpowi w dup臋 to chyba nikt nie w艂azi艂 :))))
2 days ago
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [424]

je偶eli PiS Trumpowi w艂azi艂 w dupe to g艂贸wnie symbolicznie (lub zgodnie z polskim intresem),

Je偶eli PO w艂azi艂o Niemcom tudzie偶 brukselskim elitom w dup臋 to g艂贸wnie symbolicznie (lub zgodnie z polskim intresem) :)

natomiast Tusk i jego ekipa s膮 gotowi po艣wi臋ci膰 jak najbardziej realne polskie interesy aby wle藕膰 w dup臋 Niemcom tudzie偶 Brukselskim elitom

Natomiast PiS jest got贸w po艣wi臋ci膰 jak najbardziej realne polskie interesy aby wle藕膰 w dup臋 Amerykanom :)
2 days ago
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [424]

@gumishu, no wygl膮da na to, 偶e jeste艣 niedoinformowany:
2 days ago
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [424]

@gumishu, nie 艣ledz臋, ale wybacz, co PiS robi艂 w tej sprawie kiedy by艂 u w艂adzy? C贸偶 takiego korzystnego dla Polski wynegocjowali? Ju偶 pomijam PiS-owsk膮 afer臋 wizow膮... 馃檮
2 days ago
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [424]

nie b膮d藕 dziecinna

Nie jestem dziecinna - po prostu to co dla wyborc贸w PiS jest "po艣wi臋caniem polskich interes贸w" cz臋sto nie jest tak odbierane przez wyborc贸w PO i na odwr贸t.

jakie polskie interesy PiS po艣wi臋ci艂 by w艂azi膰 w dup臋 Trumpowi?

Zakup du偶ej ilo艣ci ameryka艅skiego sprz臋tu wojskowego (za pieni膮dze podatnik贸w), kt贸ry b臋dzie kosztowny w eksploatacji, a w wypadku wojny cz臋艣ci zamienne itd. trzeba b臋dzie sprowadza膰 zza oceanu, itd.

PiS-owsk膮 afer臋 wizow膮, kt贸ra okaza艂a si臋 wydmuszk膮, ale ty tego nie wiesz bo nie ogl膮dasz wiadomo艣ci

Nie okaza艂a si臋 偶adn膮 "wydmuszk膮" i o tej aferze to si臋 akurat naczyta艂am, wi臋c nie wciskaj mi PiS-owskieo kitu. 馃檮
2 days ago
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [424]

poczytaj sobie ten artyku艂 to mo偶e ci si臋 tam co艣 rozja艣ni -

Nic mi to nie "rozja艣ni艂o", bo ja czyta艂am rzeczowe artyku艂y na temat tej afery, gdzie nie by艂o nic o "zalewie setek tysi臋cy migrant贸w z Azji i Afryki". Problem by艂 nie w liczbach tylko w tym, 偶e ta afera mia艂a w og贸le miejsce - to dosy膰 komiczne, 偶e akurat za rz膮d贸w PiS-u :)))

to narracja PO (w tym samego Tuska) si臋 ca艂kowicie rozje偶d偶a - w艂a艣nie przed chwil膮 s艂ysza艂em w telewizji jak Tusk m贸wi艂, 偶e Polska beneficjentem Paktu - to dlaczego kaza艂 swojemu ministrowi finans贸w g艂osowa膰 przeciw

Tusk powiedzia艂 tak:

"- To jest moje zadanie, i ja si臋 wywi膮偶e z tego zadania. Polska b臋dzie beneficjentem paktu migracyjnego. Nie b臋dziemy za nic p艂aci膰, nie b臋dziemy musieli przyjmowa膰 偶adnych migrant贸w z innych kierunk贸w, Unia Europejska nie narzuci nam 偶adnych kwot migrant贸w. Natomiast Polska b臋dzie skutecznie egzekwowa艂a wsparcie finansowe ze strony Unii w zwi膮zku z tym, 偶e sta艂a si臋 pa艅stwem goszcz膮cym steki tysi臋cy migrant贸w g艂ownie z Ukrainy - powiedzia艂."

No zobaczymy.

albo dlaczego za czas贸w rz膮d贸w PiS do przyj臋cia paktu nie dosz艂o

Bo nadal nad nim pracowali? Z jakie艣 10 lat negocjacje w zwi膮zku z tym paktem trwa艂y.
2 days ago
News / Poland's aid to Ukraine if Russia invades - part 11 [280]

This is this brazen Jew's personal nightmare. It should not be extended to the whole of Russia.

But this paranoia clearly extends to the majority of RuSSia, including your brain :)))

And this is a cold fact

Another cold fact is that there are no NATO nukes in any NATO country "at RuSSia's doorstep". So why are you so convinced that they would be put in Ukraine?

There will be no consideration of Polish and Ukrainian hysterics here


just as the anti-missile batteries in Romania, which only need a program update to launch Tomahawks

"Do the Russians have a point? Technically, yes, but it's complicated. Few missile defense experts buy Moscow's argument that the Aegis Ashore system is a covert cover-up for putting cruise missiles closer to Russia's borders. But the MK 41 launchers inside the missile defense batteries could be adapted to fire Tomahawks, experts said, if all the supporting hardware and software is also upgraded for that purpose. Those updates-or trucking in new weapons-would be difficult to do without tipping Russian intelligence agencies."

In the same way if RuSSia started turning Iskanders in Kaliningrad (which can reach Warsaw) into nuclear weapons it would be difficult to hide it from NATO too.