The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Huegel  

Joined: 26 Jul 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 20 Mar 2007
Threads: Total: 1 / Live: 0 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 296 / Live: 26 / Archived: 270

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26 Jul 2006
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

haha That made me chuckle! Know exactly how you feel!

Love this thread, but my GF's not gonna be too impressed! :)
12 Oct 2006
Language / Polish sayings [237]

Baba z wozu koniom lżej - When the woman gets off the wagon, horses have an easier time

ouch!! :)

Keep them coming, there are some real gems there.
12 Oct 2006
Language / Polish sayings [237]

You shine like a pitchfork in manure

THAT is quality....i love Polish sayings, they really hit the mark, don't they!! :)
13 Dec 2006
Language / Interesting Polish tongue twister. [69]

That's a bit like:

I'm not a pheasant plucker, i'm a pheasant plucker's mate, i'm only plucking pheasants, because the pheasant plucker's late. (try it, fast as you can!) :)
28 Jan 2007
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

Achtung, Achtung

Leider! :(
Alle nach vorne aussteigen.

Hey uk I see you same old pleasant person that you always are!!

Oh I don't know, he seems to have mellowed a little bit, don't you think Sledz. The R&R seems to have done his spelling a world of good. Only about 3 grammatical mistakes so far plus there's not quite so much vitriol dripping from his posts yet.
28 Jan 2007
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

Ya know maybe he finally got laid????

Mrs hand and her five lovely daughters finally succumbed to his charm. Wow, miracles do happen :)
28 Jan 2007
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

They make such a cute couple.
Oh, i'm so happy for him, I could cry, but unfortunately i'm too busy laughing. Nice one Sledz :)
3 Feb 2007
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

My guts are full of pizza right now

Lucky bugger.

ok it's slightly too early for Pizza here, but....mmm could really eat one atm. If you heard that, that was my stomach rumbling. :)
4 Feb 2007
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

The "friendly fire" (There's a nisnomer if ever there was one) incident is all the more disturbing as these plots couldn't identify shockingly different vehcle profiles, even though that is one of their primary functions in the role of CAS.

What makes it worse was, the Brits involved radioed the FAC shouting stop, stop, stop check fire and the FAC replied that the A-10's had gone rogue. Meaning, that they were tuned to different frequencies and talking to each other, so he was unable to contact them.

To top it all, the brits even popped smoke, identifying themselves as friendly, which would have been visible as the A10s made their second strafing run... I guess at that point the uh rah red mist had decended.

A tragedy and i'm sure it'll go the way of the last FF inquest. No blame apportioned to the Brits but no charges brought against the americans.
19 Feb 2007
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

Now that's what I call polite

Pah, you're mere amateurs.

Toff 1: I say, were you looking at my lady companion in an amorous manner? Why, you fiend, you've just gone and offended my principles to their very core. I demand satisfaction.

Toff 2: Why, I am most dreadfully sorry, however, I wouldn't want to insult you further by refusing to give you satisfaction.
Toff 1: Jolly decent of you. Would you mind stepping outside?
Toff 2: Certainly, i'll even remove my spectacles. I wouldn't want you to cut your hand on any glass fragments.
Toff 1: I do hope you enjoy hospital food.
1 Mar 2007
Food / The name of a Polish pastry? Chrust? [60]

The one and possibly only good thing about my ex's Mother was her ability to make the most incredible dish..well snack really. I do not know the correct spelling but to a British ear it sounded like it was called:

Pastacheeky. Any ideas? God that was lovely. :)
1 Mar 2007
Food / The name of a Polish pastry? Chrust? [60]

Hmm, sounds right, but definitely no egg or mushroom.
I'd have said more a glorified sausage was minced meat, other goodness (green stuff usually) wrapped in puff pastry, cooked and enjoyed. But she definitely said it was called pasticziki (pastacheeky)

Is there more than one version?
14 Mar 2007
UK, Ireland / Cheap calls to Poland from the UK [134]

If you have the internet (apparently so) some kind of usb telephone/headset britney mic combo, then may be your answer. :)
14 Mar 2007
UK, Ireland / Cheap calls to Poland from the UK [134]

Hmm. That's a shame.

If you only lack a mic, usb phones shouldn't cost too much (Currys £14.99, thanks Google) but, if it's calling cards or the like that you're after then you'll have to hope there is another Brit about with a dose of insomnia/early morning munchies who might be able to help.

Good luck anyway. :)
15 Mar 2007
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Anyone can say that about anything. Give reasons. You know the drill: Point quote analsyis. :)
20 Mar 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

I'd try: Poland is bleeping bleep hole. Why the bleep don't they clean the bleep up of the bleeping streets. I wouldn't even let a lady of the night out alone round here. :)
20 Mar 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Yep, we have a winner. Try that Anglik. Guaranteed success. :)

Let us know how you get on.
20 Mar 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

I think he meant would your man kick you out of bed if you called him a homo. :) But thanks for the info.
20 Mar 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

are lots of polish men like that?

What? Like that as in sensitve, lovers of interior design and Barbara Streisand... that
