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Posts by Pol attorney  

Joined: 29 Jul 2015 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Mar 2016
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From: Gorzow/Poznan
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: swimming, cycling,business

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Pol attorney   
30 Jul 2015
Law / Poland's residence permit lost abroad? [11]

Well, at this point the best thing to do would be to apply in a fast -track process for a replacement copy of the card and for a special certificate which proves the loss of the document. The procedure is quite simple in fact. Within 3 days since the loss of the document, its holder must notify on a special form the office which had issued the card, about the loss of the card. You will receive then a special certificate which proves the loss of the document and your right to reside in poland (it will suffice to prove your legal status until you get a new card).

a new card should be issued within 1 month.

Because he is overseas now, he can do it through a lawyer or a representative.

maybe a Polish embassy /consulate would help, but this is doubtful.

There is a penalty for non-compliance.

I am a lawyer based in Poland, so I can help you with this. If interested, you can send a message to me/PM me and we shall proceed with your case.
Pol attorney   
10 Aug 2015
Law / Poland's residence permit lost abroad? [11]

Yes, they will have to accept this document at every border and at every airport because this is an official document issued by the Polish government and immigration office.

Of course, Polish officers, before they issue this document, will make sure that your friend did have a residence permit in the past.

This will require some additional paperwork but this is something which can be done :)

I am a lawyer here in Poland. If you are interested, you can send me a private message on this forum and we shall proceed with your case.
Pol attorney   
21 Dec 2015
Genealogy / Records from pre-1914 Będzin and Sosnowiec [10]

I would say that you will find those records in the Polish archives in Katowice or Bedzin and Sosnowiec. You may also try to search churches' records and archives there to find baptism certificates (if there was Christian baptism in the family or marriage, etc.). Some records could have got lost or damaged due to wwi and wwii, but it's still very likely that birth records will still be there.

It's also possible to check Court records and archives in case if there were any legal or court cases involving your family members.

In some cases, it may be necessary to go to Katowice and other towns personally to verify this.
Pol attorney   
15 Jan 2016
Law / Parental responsibility removal in Poland [20]

If you have a contact order from the Polish court, the child's mother must allow you to have regular contact with your daughter pursuant to the court's decision.

if she refuses to comply, the court may warn her or place heavy financial penalties on her -- so sooner or later she will have to give up and comply with the court's decision by giving you regular access to your child.

I am a lawyer from Poland and I am quite familiar with Polish family law regulations. They don't have any reason or legal cause to deprive you of parental rights if the child's mother knows your place of residence and if you were not convicted for any crimes, felonies against family, child abuse, drug or alcohol problems, etc.

Now she is looking to take me to court on 09/03/16 to remove my parental rights.

Polish Court CANNOT deprive you of parental responsibility, remove it or restrict it (or remove parental rights) unless there is a permanent obstacle/hindrance which makes it impossible for you to exercise your parental responsibility towards the child -- and, from what you say, this is clearly not the case in your situation. So in fact, the court in Poland and the child's mother won't be able to do it and shouldn't be able to do it.

If the child's father is not known or his place of residence is not known to the child's mother, then parental rights can be removed from the child's father in some situations. But even then 2 or 3 court hearings will be needed and the court's final decision must be made according to the submitted documents and evidence. So this is not an easy thing to do.

I am a lawyer based in Poland and I would be able to help you with your case.

If you are still interested, you can send me a private message on this forum, and we might be able to proceed with your case.
Pol attorney   
20 Jan 2016
Classifieds / Korean looking for a job in Poland [18]

There is no big problem here really. If you marry your girl friend, you will get a residence card quite quickly with the right to live and work legally in Poland. The only problem would be to find a JOB, although I presume that foreign companies, especially th eones from Asia, may be looking for Asian/Korean job applicants with the right skills.
Pol attorney   
15 Feb 2016
News / Poland to return to Catholic tradition? [177]

I am not a freemason by the way)

you are lucky then because masons go straight to hell after death...and there is no escape from there..
Pol attorney   
18 Feb 2016
Work / Expatriating to Poland... good career move for a young male? [50]

And especially as a pole it's basically something you shouldn't say out loud..

Complete nonsense and BS! if the wesst and usa didn't rip off Poles and Poland right and left since 1945 (or better yet since 1772), Poland would be right now one of the wealthiest nations in Europe... who attacked and robbed Poles in 1655?
Pol attorney   
20 Feb 2016
UK, Ireland / Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English? [437]

Is there something I'm doing wrong or something I should being doing and more often? I

I don't think that you are doing anything wrong. I have lived in poland for many years, and yes indeed there are many rude, primitive and arrogant Poles in every town and city with lack of culture, knowledge, education or basic understanding. On the other hand there are many young and well-educated Poles in big cities with manners.
Pol attorney   
25 Feb 2016
Off-Topic / Is it worth to stay? [59]

You will learn quite a lot about Poland and Poles on this forum, but if you want to learn some Polish, you would probably have to enroll in online Polish classes somewhere (or regular Polish-language school).
Pol attorney   
8 Mar 2016
History / Current Polish-Russian relations.. What do the Poles think? [60]

It should be noted that Russians since xv c. have suffered from"inferiority complex" towards Poland because of Poland's long history and close relationship with the West.

The first Polish king B. Chrobry was enthroned in 1025, whereas Russian tsars were known only since XV/XV c. -- before that Russians were occupied by Mongols (hence their constant need to take over Polish throne to make them feel equal with old European dynasties).

Poland, up till now, is the only country which effectively occupied Moscow and kreml in 1608 (then Russians ousted Poles from Moscow).

But then Poland, because of its many sins, treason, pride, arrogance and ignorance, collapsed completely in 1795 (however it should be said that after reformation in Germany, all the major powers in Europe and Asia wanted to destroy and conquer catholic Poland).

Culturally, we Poles are very close to Slav Russians, so I presume that this tale about Lech, czech and Rus may be a real story.
Pol attorney   
9 Mar 2016
History / Current Polish-Russian relations.. What do the Poles think? [60]

It would effectively destroy chances for military conflict between Poland and Russia.

why would you even think so? serbia has no impact whatsoever on Polish-russian relations -- it's just too small with small economy and small army, and I also doubt if Serbs could have any impact on putin's policies.

With or without Serbia, if Putin decides to attack Baltic states + Poland, he will do so without Serbia having any say in this.

The only question which remains unanswered is : how will Nato and US react to any Russian aggression against Baltic states and Poland...?