The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Qacer  

Joined: 9 Jul 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Feb 2014
Threads: Total: 38 / Live: 1 / Archived: 37
Posts: Total: 125 / Live: 16 / Archived: 109
From: Florida
Speaks Polish?: Barzo Little
Interests: The world and its peeps

Displayed posts: 17
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14 Aug 2007
Travel / Collection of dress codes in Poland - what to wear? [96]

Any catholic will know that you should cover your shoulders and dress modestly in church..

I wish I would have gone to mass on Sunday while in Poland. In the US, the dress code seems to be more lenient. I've seen girls wearing skirts slightly above their knees, and guys wearing an outfit that is meant for the gym.

From my short stay, I had to wear a sweater and jeans while in Zakopane; shorts and a t-shirt while in the Tri-City area (Gdansk, Gydnia, Sopot). However, when I went to the beaches in Stegna, I marveled at how some people can go swimming and walking around in their speedos at 65 degree F weather.
17 Aug 2007
Travel / Photos from Poland [258]

Polish Beer:

Copernicus' crib:

Polish Taxi:

All the way up:

Uncle Gydnia:

Fresh meat:

Castle with a view:

For sale starting at 1 Billion USD:
17 Aug 2007
Travel / Photos from Poland [258]

through a straw were you trying to get p1ssed quicker

I abandoned the straw. I didn't order the beer. It just came to me that way. It tasted pretty damn good, too.
21 Aug 2007
Genealogy / Want to find a person [761]

I'm probably the person you're looking for (the daughter). I know it's been over 6 months since your posts, but I've only just read them. If you want, you can contact me by email (it's in my profile).

Oh wow! That would be an awesome story if you get reunited with your dad after so many years.

I'm also looking for a guy who moved to Poland. First name is Mike. Last name is Rotch.
25 Oct 2007
Law / How do I verify a Polish company's existence? [240]

This question applies to Polish companies in general. But in my case, I was looking at the following:

Interprint Sublimation
Lomzynska 20/22, Lodz, Lodz - Poland, Poland

I wanted to know of any websites that I can use to verify and see this company's profile.

31 Oct 2007
Life / Polish films... where to find them? [51]

I got many of my Polish films from Netflix. The selection may not be great, but its better than nothing. As far as any places where you can download it for free, I don't know of any. However, you may want to try The Pirate Bay.

Also, you may not "get" some of the old Polish films unless you are watching it with someone who is familiar with the cultural references. This happened to me while watching Miszu (spelling? I think it translates to The Teddy Bear).
1 Nov 2007
Life / Polish films... where to find them? [51]

I think I saw this film. Is this the film where a lady loses her husband and son in a car accident?

Another Polish film I like is Decalog. It's loosely based on the ten commandments. It was voted by Time Magazine as one of the best movie series in this century.
1 Nov 2007
Life / Polish films... where to find them? [51]

I guess you mean her daughter, not son.

Yeah, probably that's it. I don't remember the exact film details. I remembered that the other characters from the other Colours film had cameo appearances in each one. I believe one of the films involved a boat accident. I think I have to watch it again.
5 Jan 2008
Law / How do I verify a Polish company's existence? [240]

the best way to verify any company in the world including Poland is

Czesce Jess31! Can you clarify?

I do not see an option on to check for international companies.
28 Mar 2008
USA, Canada / Are there any Polish people in Florida? [311]

You just have to keep your eyes open. Normally, I would check out any store that sells European goods (e.g. food, drinks, etc.). You might encounter some Polish people there. Here in Tampa there is a store called Taste of Europe. It's a Polish store.

If you are in college, see if your school has any organizations catering to international students. There is a likelihood that you might encounter some Polish people in those organizations.
5 Jan 2013
Travel / Best place to exchange money in Poland? [98]

Merged:Using kantor cash exchange, credit cards, etc. in Poland

I thought I'd post my experience here in case someone can benefit from it. This is about the cost associated with exchanging cash at a local kantor as well as using a credit card to pay for services in Poland.

Date: 12/24/2012
Description: Exchanged EURO cash to Złoty.
Kantor exchange rate: zł 4 for 1 EUR ideal rate: zł 4.0873670933 for 1 EUR

Date: 12/30/2012
Description: Used US-based Capital One MasterCard (credit card) to charge for services. Credit card does not have foreign transaction fees. The only charge is the conversion rate of foreign currency to USD.

Credit card exchange rate: zł 3.096 for 1 USD ideal rate: zł 3.081 for 1 USD

Date 12/30/2012
Description: Credit card transaction
Credit card exchange rate: zł 3.105 for 1 USD ideal rate: zł 3.0946 for 1 USD

It seemed that using my credit card proved better currency conversion-wise.