The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by perkujki  

Joined: 3 Apr 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Nov 2020
Threads: Total: 4 / Live: 0 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 26 / Live: 6 / Archived: 20

Speaks Polish?: NO

Displayed posts: 6
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24 Jun 2011
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [382]

We've flown LOT many times over the last 20 years. They are the only carrier to offer non-stop from the US to Poland. Prices are cheaper than others. We've flown with small children as a family, mother with child alone, and teenager flying solo. Crew, food, and service has always been good. Only time we had a luggage problem was returning through JFK.
8 Feb 2018
Law / Moving back to Poland - Healthcare [112]

Contact ZUS. Apply for a pension. They will take in to account the years worked in Canada. With few years worked in Poland, the pension will be reduced. However, once or if, your mother is approved, she will gain NFZ and then her spouse. Expect to be able to document work in Canada and Poland. From the USA we will use Social Security statements. Make sure they are still citizens. Do they have valid passports. There were certain periods of time when gaining citizenship elsewhere, voided Polish citizenship.
16 Nov 2020
Law / Karta Polaka to Poland's Permanent Residence [6]

I am currently waiting for a decision on my application for permanent residence having applied on the basis of a temporary residence card.
Our woj. office is currently only accepting applications by mail, easier for me, no 1.5 hour bus ride and waiting in line.
I would be very wary of paying some unknown firm for help. The instructions are clear, google around for some advice, and cross all of the T's and dot the I's, there is also an e-mail address to send questions to your local office for foreigners, the reply time is about a week.