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Posts by xzqbq7  

Joined: 24 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Oct 2013
Threads: Total: 2 / Live: 1 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 100 / Live: 26 / Archived: 74
From: USA, Hawthorne, CA
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: travel, sports, politics

Displayed posts: 27
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18 Aug 2010
Language / Do Poles prefer US American or UK English language? [185]

I think Poles are confused and English people in Poland only aggravate this confusion. There is only one English that Poles (and almost everybody else in the world) are/should be interested in and it is International English called American English or just English. There is no need at all to waste time for English accent. Unfortunately Poles even as they learn and use English are led to believe by some English folks that there are two versions of this language (of course there are almost countess accents) and they need to learn classic/proper/original (pick your word) version. So they opt for this classic but only in their perception. Anywhere and everywhere in the world including England people use International English and that's all they need. Anyway the 'classic' English is only spoken by queen, everybody else has their own heavy accent and really there is no need to bother with that.
25 Jan 2012
News / Communist era 'newspeak' appeals the most to Poland PiS supporters (what a surprise) [89]

Of course you all realize that Mr. Michnik and his Gazeta Wyborcza are not impartial observers in this study, do you?

Mr. Michnik calls Gen. Jaruzelski his friend and an honorable man. For your information Jaruzelski is a former communist
leader and responsible for thousands of deaths and broken lives during his rule that included declaring war on 'his' nation,
so called martial law. Mr. Michnik is staunchly anti-PiS and therefore his studies on the subject are to be taken with a lot of salt.
6 Mar 2012
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Its common sense for the group of people feeling persecuted in a nation to move to another nation

Suppose you are talking about a country that had a history of having problems with staying indendent (like in last 300 years was
indendependent maybe 30-40 years nonconsecutive ?) Suppose this country had powerful neighbors that always think about partitioning
this country. Suppose further that your minority had roots in this area.

Wouldn't you think that this minority would like to be present when the next partitionig of this country takes place?

And keep a lot of noise about their grievances so that a restitution is made to them? Maybe even a small area just for them?

Makes sense? I don't know, you tell me.
25 Mar 2012
News / The spiritual heirs of the Polish Communist Party [91]

It is amusing that you decided to defend Rymkiewicz The Hypocrite

in my humble opinion it is utterly stupid to take 77 year old poet to court for slander which while may not be provable, is nevertheles common knowledge

among population. What does he have to lose in court? On the other hand it motivates him to write more, if anything to express his frustrations.

And poems live forever.

What does it prove? That Michnik lost his sense of reality? Or after all he is stupid? Opinions welcome.
26 Mar 2012
News / The spiritual heirs of the Polish Communist Party [91]

it is hysterical lunacy to deprive someone of their freedom for mere words

No, it's creating a martyr.

When communist court sentenced great Polish writer Wankowicz to jail in 1960s, they never attempted to execute the order.
People say that Wankowicz on few occasions was seen knocking on the jail door requesting to take him in. They wouldn't.

So please go ahead, jail Mr. Rymkiewicz, this should inspire him to write a poem or two.
7 Apr 2012
News / History lessons no more in Poland (Tusk's change) [61]

the original decision was taken in the 90s to open up educational qualifications

wrong, what's happening in Poland is Americanization of everything, the American model has been proven beneficial (to those in power of course)
and it being replicated. That's all.
13 May 2012
News / The Political Circus of Poland [309]

well I don't know if laughing at people witth mental health problems and then running away is really OK...

I like this, but I think it should be improved by adding 'you accuse', like in 'people you accuse of mental health problems'
Then it's really perfect :-)
25 May 2012
News / Der Spiegel: "Poles are now the masters of Europe" [49]

Poland would like to show the world her new face, to prove that it has overcome the shadows of the past: the crimes of the Nazis,

Is this really what I think it is? German newspaper talking about "Polish nazi" past?
26 May 2012
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

He is bending facts like an amateur, not scientist.

Says you.

My question, if he is nobody, who are the government experts running away and hiding like rats (sick, busy, unavailable)?
Less than nobodies?

How difficult it would be to send just one expert and prove this 'nobody' wrong?

Any volunteers?
26 May 2012
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

The prosecutors wanted the technical documentation, which includes all the input data for the simulation Binienda did, long time ago. It was ignored or declined so far. I can present any visualization slides whatsoever, to prove that earth is flat. Any half-wit can do it. The proof is in the pudding.

I am sure he will meet with the prosecutors. I think right now they want to ensure that the meeting will be with technical experts.

Regarding input, he said he used many ranges of inputs since he didn't have the actual aircraft data. So insted of him providing input

data, shouldn't the officials provide measurements he asked for? In the official document it says the tree was 30-40 cm. Why didn't they

actually measure the tree and provide actual data (something like 35.5 cm)? Whatever you want to say about professor Binienda (and dont
hide behind "he is not professor in polish standards") he is not running away but presenting his data to Polish and international scientists.

He is just an expert that wants to present and validate his theory.
26 May 2012
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

prof. Artymowicz

1. Unfortunately I cannot find Mr. Artymowicz on University of Toronto Physics department professor list:
I got this: Your search for "artymowicz" has returned 0 results:
2. anybody who speeks Polish and English can easlily see that Mr. Artymowicz is not an everyday English speaker (his Polish says it).
3. his reaction to an offer to invite prof. Binienda and other international experts (to basically de-politicize the investigation) as well his participation
in such body, is very shady. I believe any scientist would be enthusiastic towards discussion with other experts. Instead he proposes to assembly
another body controlled by the government (experts from Polish Accademy of Science).

Nice try though.
27 May 2012
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

replied: I have no time for crap/boolshit.

And what do you want to prove with this response from a 'scientist' asked to defend his research in front of another scientist?
You still want to contest prof. Binienda credentials? Pleeeease.

Pospieszalski guy who runs the programme looks and sounds like a possessed maniac. That is my impression.

I may say the same thing about you, and you about me and it only means that we are mean and nothing else.

I do have a problem with Pospieszalski though, and it is that this guy let's his guests get away with crap, does not pressure them.

For example when calling government experts he should had said "I am such and such from TV station, making a program (not programme)
about Smolensk tragedy, I'd like to invite to this program Mr such and such. And that's it, when they refused, he should restate what they said

and add that Polish public has a right to hear from experts in such an important matter. Instead he was too emotional, kind of begging

them to come. But we cannot complain as he is the only guy representing national interests on all official TV stations. Other stations/programs
reduced themselves to attacking opposition and defending government. Nice freedom of speach we have in poland, don't we?
In addition the government is trying to shot down the only TV station that does not subscribe to official propaganda, TV Trwam.
27 May 2012
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

What business have Prosecutor Office in this ?Are they experts on aviation accidents ?

I did find out what the deal with the Prosecutor Office is, it is actually very smart. According to Polish law a person that is interviewed

by a Prosecutor becomes an official 'witness' in a case and as such he/she is not permitted to talk to anyone about the case anymore until

the end of case.
Not even to say what questions the Prosecutor asked. So they can ask, 'how was your day Mr. Binienda?' , 'enjoying your stay in Poland?' and

'I think that would be it, we thank you for coming'. It's basically a perfect way to shut up anybody, totally legal.

To avoid it, the parlamentary commission said that they (the prosecutors) could interview prof. Binienda, ask any questions they wanted,
but within framework of a parlamentary hearing, not an official prosecutor interview.

So here is the answer why prof. Binienda is 'running away' from prosecutors, I believe that's exactly what he should do to.

Do you have any idea what is involved in modelling and simulation of superstars, etc.?

Wow, Wow, Wow. Do you really want us to believe that modeling real, physical, earthy (how else to describe to you the things that
we can touch) material response to different stresses has anything to do with ET (extra terriestial) body movements and processes?
I didn't understand why he was so hesitant to join the expert group. I would be too.
27 May 2012
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

similarities between dynamics of tangible and intangible objects

Just one thing, how does the science of astrophysics deal with temperature of their objects? Obviously the temperature ranges
of objects involved in aircraft crashes are very limited. I think we know how important the temperature is to behavior of objects, right?
Simple H2O can feel and act very differently in temperatures of just 100C different (e.g. below freezing and above boiling).
6 Nov 2012
News / Let's protest censorship in Poland's mainstream media! [90]

Cezary Gmyz, an investigative reporter for the Polish newspaper Rzeczypospolita had been fired from his job today for writing an article on plane crash in Smolensk that was seen unfavorable by the government of Mr. Tusk. The newspaper chief editor met with the prosecutor office before publishing the article. The prosecutor office waited until afternoon the day the article was published to call a press conference and deny the story. The denial was not really a denial as they said that could not confirm the news either way, because laboratory test were needed and they would take 6 months.

I think it is the duty of all decent people around the world to contact their news organization to protest this clear act of censorship that brings Poland to Belarus standards. Mr. Gmyz did his job and now we should do ours.
11 Nov 2012
News / Let's protest censorship in Poland's mainstream media! [90]

If they had got it right - the journalist and editor would be in line for immense praise. They got it wrong, and so they fall.

What a spin. How does it fit the story that the owner of the newspaper decides to return to Poland the day before publication, then decides to call Tusk spokesman at 1 AM, then meets with him in person at 1:30 AM (interesting connections, ain't they... or just a normal way of doing business). Then next day the owner decides that the article is less than professional....much less, so much less in fact that famous reporter with 20 years of experience must be fired on spot.

One more. The prosecutor office knows about the publication day ahead and can make a statement at any time since the article is so explosive it can take down the government but instead decides to wait until late afternoon the next day... waiting for... yeah, what were they waiting for? Certain politician to make a statement? Worked beautifully, the whole thing.
28 Nov 2012
News / Grzegorz Braun's firing squad? [39]

we still have prosecutors

I'd like to know who are 'we'.

Obviously we didn't have them (the prosecutors) when Wajda was tweeting to the world that they were going to shot conservative reporters 'like dogs'.
29 Nov 2012
News / Grzegorz Braun's firing squad? [39]

you're on the margins of our society

the famous liberal compassion and inclusion

as always Kali (from W Pustyni i Puszczy) philosophy: you include us (good), we exclude you (also good).
9 Dec 2012
USA, Canada / Can a Canadian Female Drive in Poland?? [30]

I consider myself as an excellent driver, but I have goose bumps when I'm driven in Poland

I consider myself an average driver, but never get goose bumps when driving in Poland. Generally I don't like driving,
never had any problems in Poland. It is funny how Polish drivers make sure they don't even smell any alcohol before driving while
in CA driving after a beer or a drink (one....) is no problem. This summer I was driving a rental with California DL,
got stopped because of not turning lights on (at noon in June), had a conversation with police and was quickly on my way after
exchanging pleasantries.
The only problem I see is with increasing number of radars (my GPS was good in picking them out though).

Good luck.

PS. Why do you get goose bumps when driving in Poland? Because of handsome drivers?
8 Jan 2013
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [538]

Poles are proud to have a Prime Minister who loves animals.

Will be be able to take the dog to prison (jail, więzienie, ciupa) with him? I think he should, dogs can have great influence on re-education.
31 Jul 2013
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

In 1989 when the Berlin wall fell we were freed from the Soviets

You are sure this is the correct order of events?

Russia and it's not really even that close

Not after Nazi Mothers and Fathers.

This is difficult question.
Russians did more bad things to us, more victims, longer occupation but in the end they just want to govern over us. I know many Russian people

and they don't hate us.
On the other hand does anybody have any doubts that Germans wanted us to disappear from the face of earth during WWII and would have done it

if they had the time. I am not at all sure they don't feel like this now.
3 Oct 2013
History / capitulation of Warsaw Uprising [16]

My friend's great-uncle was burned alive with other wounded insurgents by "Nazis".

Please don't use the word "nazis", even in quotes. There were no "nazis" during the war. The correct name is Germans, German troops, or bandits,

if you want to be politically correct you can say "bandits under German command".

Same with death camps in "Poland", they were "death camps in Poland under German administration".
Let's try to be correct.

There's a lot to be said for viewing the Warsaw Uprising

I think the most important to be said about the Warsaw Uprising is that the Poles would do it again, and again, if necessary.
4 Oct 2013
History / capitulation of Warsaw Uprising [16]

I DO know, who nazis were

No, you don't. There were NO "nazis" during the war, there were Germans and others UNDER German command.
You cannot invent something after the fact.
8 Oct 2013
News / Poland and Germany should unite, says Lech Walesa [113]

Does Poland have a successful auto maker like any of those? Nope...

Had they not attack us in 1939 and immediately proceed to arrest our university professors, we just might have one, or two.
27 Oct 2013
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

The guy above is insane. Much like Tusk's team of so called experts (Miller and Lasek) who claim they explained the death of Polish president, but are still testing the tree that was supposed to cause the crash and are unable to show who, when and how mesaured thsi tree. They never had independed access to any evidence, and the so called Miller commission is not even recognized by Russians!!! Sad days when the death of 96 elite Polish people is used by Peło as a political weapon to wage a war for votes. Cannot wait for Tusk to speak.