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Joined: 12 Jan 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 4 Dec 2018
Threads: Total: 16 / Live: 6 / Archived: 10
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31 Jan 2007
Genealogy / Stanley Klimek married Czernek/Czerniak/Skulsk [13]

My great-grandfather's sister Maria "Mary" Czernek/Czerniak married Stanley Klimek and was born in £ęki, Brzesko, Poland. Her mother was named Marianna. Her known children were Stefania, John and Joseph. Stefania and John were born in Poland, but Joseph was born in the U.S. They family resided in Chicago and California in the U.S. Do any of these names match with the family of your wife's grandmother? Thank you for your time.
1 Feb 2007
Genealogy / Is tallness common among Polish people? [201]

I was reading the Godfather, and I noticed a point made about Sicilians' being short/average in general. It caused me to think about the usual height of Polish people. I'm about 6'3. My grandfather's cousin was nearly 7', and a Polish friend of mine is nearly my height. Is tallness a common thing in Poland? I haven't met many short Polish people in my life, so I thought I'd ask this.
4 Feb 2007
Genealogy / Where are the Lemkos now? Do they still exist in Poland? [32]

To my understanding, many of Poland's Lemkos returned to southeastern Poland during the 50's. Did the others remain in other parts of Poland? Do many Lemkos still inhabit southeastern Poland?
1 Mar 2007
Genealogy / Kocielko surname - I would appreciate any info [44]

Could someone translate this for an email, please?

I'll try to send this email again in Polish. I relied on the help of translators, to write my inquiry. I know very little Polish, and I think we'd be able to exchange information better over the internet. Is this okay with you? By the way are you related to one of the families?

This is my current information on the families: My great-grandfather Wasyl "Basil" Kocielko was born January 8, 1881 to Matt Kocielko and Eva Bucek. Those were the spellings on his death certificate, but those could be mistakes. His only known sibling was named Tekla. Most of the Kocielkos arrived at Ellis Island with the spelling of Kociolko or Kociolka. Both he, Tekla and other relatives lived in Joliet. Tekla, her blind husband and son Nestor moved to Chicago. Nestor married an Italian woman and had two children: a boy (his name was David or Richard) and a girl (Nadine). The Kocielkos belonged to the Orthodox religion. My grandfather and his siblings were raised as Catholics because of their mother's religion. Helena "Helen" Pilip was born February 12, 1888 to Albert Wojciech Pilip and Katarzyna Urbaniak/Urbanek/Urbanik (I've seen all three spellings on different records). Helen's known siblings were Marianna (married Steve Salamon in the U.S.) and Frank (married Katarzyna ? and Marya Poligaca in the U.S.), a brother who was killed by the Germans in WWII (his daughter Leona married a Stoklosa), and a couple sisters in Chicago. One sister married Jakob ? and another married Tomasz "Thomas" Jasbismyski.

I would appreciate any info you have (about ancestors, siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, dates, and places) if you want to provide that information. If you'd feel more comfortable, you can tell me what you know of deceased individuals. I can give you the information about the descendants of Wasyl and Helen.
7 Mar 2007
Language / Polish/Ukrainian words similarities [209]

There is a very little number of the Ukrainian language course-books oriented for foreigners. That makes this language difficult for learning by foreigners.

I was at my local Borders (bookstore) and saw two book on Ukrainian: Ukrainian by Teach Yourself (features two CDs and is rather thick) and a phrasebook by Lonely Planet. I bought the latter. For a phrasebook it's almost 300 pages thick. Just thought I'd share if anyone was interested in learning Ukrainian.

I browsed through my Ukrainian book today. Not only does it give hundreds of phrases, but it has about 20 pages on grammar.
9 Mar 2007
Genealogy / Wojtaszczyk family - does anyone have any information? [6]

Is yours a Franciszek Wojtaszczyk, who married a Wiktoria (died 1968 in Buffalo, NY) and died himself 1954 in Buffalo? If so, there's a family tree on the Ancestry website. It's free to see.
12 Mar 2007
Genealogy / Kocielko surname - I would appreciate any info [44]


Is her son the one named Ben? I spoke to him a while back over the email. I think that Theodore and my great-grandfather Wasyl were cousins, judging by the closeness of their birthdates, not brothers. The mother of Bazil, the bar owner, was Marya, according to his immigration papers. Bazil's son was called Eddy. His wife was named Antonina. Eddy's wife was called Anne. Bazil and Theodore may have been brothers. Did you know a Tekla Kocielko from Chicago? All I know about her husband is that he was blind. She's the only sibling of Wasyl's I know of. Her married name is unknown, but her son was named Nestor. He and his parents lived in Joliet for a time before they went to Chicago. He was married to an Italian woman (Maria or Mary) and had two children: a boy (either called David or Richard) and a girl (Nadine). Nestor and my grandfather Dominic were close cousins, I was told.

Hello again Cas,

My father remembers Pauline, Louis and Mary. He last saw Pauline and her family at my grandfather's funeral in 1968. Martin Luther King was killed a week before that, so there were a lot of riots in the streets. My father and uncles had a hard time getting there. To my understanding some roads and bridges were blocked.

Mary was named Mary Werner, wasn't she? She was my uncle's Godmother. She and my grandmother were friends when my grandparents lived with my great-grandparents in Joliet.

I learned more recently that a second wave of Kocielkos and Pilips arrived in the 1930's. I see other Kocielkos and Pilips on the SSDI, but I can't establish a connection yet. My father was told that his grandmother's family raised Clydesdale horses in Europe. I don't know if this is useful info or not, but....


I received this email. I was wondering if someone could translate it into English, please.

Przeczyta³am w internecie o poszukiwaniu rodziny Kocio³ko z £ubny. Moja
mama pochodzi³a z ³ubny k/ Dynowa nazywa³a siê Kocio³ko mia³a na imie
Melania . Jej ojciec mia³ na imiê Andrzej i zmar³ oko³o 1920 roku. Wiem,
¿e ca³a rodzina Kocio³ko w 1945 roku zosta³a przesiedlona do Rosji. Jej
siotra Hanna wyjecha³a do Stanów . Proszê o odpis
28 Apr 2007
Genealogy / Kocielko surname - I would appreciate any info [44]


I received two emails. Could I receive translations, please?

Dziekuje za wiadomo¶æ. Prawdopodobnie jeste¶my spokrewnieni. Wiem ¿e
mojej mamy ciotka wyjecha³a do Joliet, Illinois. Tam mia³a restouracjê.
Moja mama i jej siostra Hanka po zakonczeniu II wojny by³y w Angli,
ciotka chciala aby one przyjecha³y do USA. Hanka pojecha³a do USA i
mieszka³a gdzie¶ w ILLonois. Moja matka w 1947 roku wrócila do Polski.
Zaraz po przyje¼dzie do Polski pojecha³a do £ubny, ale ju¿ tam z rodziny
nikogo nie zastala. W Polsce ju¿ nikogo z rodziny nie znalaz³a.Ja w
1997 roku pojecha³am do £ubny, ale te¿ nic wiêcej sie nie
dowiedzia³am.Wiem ¿e jaki¶ daleki krewny ale nie znam adresu mieszka w
Chicago. Je¿eli wszystko sie zgadza to mo¿e sie przedstawimy . Ja mam na
imiê Mirka , mieszkam w Chodzie¿y (Polska), niestety nie znam

Zapomnia³am dopisaæ ¿e mojej mamy ciotka w Jollet nazywa³a siê Bucek

I meant to say could some translate into English, please.
28 Apr 2007
Genealogy / Kocielko surname - I would appreciate any info [44]

Thanks once again, Miranda.

Hello once again,

I received another email. May I have another translation, please?

Dziêkuje za odpowiedz. Jak sie domysli³am mieszkasz gdzie¶ w USA.Masz
du¿o wiadomo¶ci o rodzinie..Ja niestety ma³o. Moja mama bardzo ma³o
mówi³a o swojej rodzinie.Ona siê bala, przecie¿ ¿y³a za czasów komunizmu
w Polsce. Nawet ze mn± ma³o o rodzinie rozmawia³a. Jak przychodzi³y
listy z USA to przedemn± ukrywala, gdyz ba³a siê ¿e jako dziecko
moglabym siê gdzie¶ wygadaæ i ona mogla mieæ nieprzyjemno¶ci. Moja mama
zmar³a w 1987 roku by³a wiary greko-katolickiej . Wszystko co po niej
zosta³o to odpis zawarcia ¶lubu gdzie jest napisane ¿e jej ojciec mial
na imiê Andrzej a matka Magdalena. Mam je¿ star± kopertê która jest z
USA od ciotki Bucek z 1957 r. i jest taki adres 852 Colbrna ST Jolet ,
chyba dobrze przeczyta³am.
A tera napiszê tobie co¶ co mnie przerazi³o. Nigdy w ¿yciu nie
wchodzi³am na strone internetow± w poszukiwaniu rodziny.W dniu
27.04.2007 siedz±c w pracy co¶ mnie tknê³o abym wesz³a na t± stronê i od
razu zobaczy³am ¿e kto¶ poszukuje rodziny Kocio³ko z £ubny, chyba jest
to jakie¶ przeznaczenie.
Mia³am ju¿ podobny przypadek w 1987 roku. Wtedy by³am w USA. Opiekowa³am
siê starsz± pani±, której córki m±¿ by³ prezydentem banku w Chicago.
Wtedy obchodzi³ 25 lat pracy i zaprosili mnie na bankiet do restouracji
w Chicago. Siedz±c przy stole obok mnie siedzia³ Pan, który mówi³ po
polsku. W trakcie rozmowy okaza³o siê ¿e jego rodzina te¿ pochodzi³a z
£ubny . A jak sie przedstawili¶my to okaza³o siê ¿e te¿ nazywa sie
Kocio³ko i jest moim dalekim krewnym. On te¿ pracowa³ w banku. Ja
niestety na drugi dzieñ ju¿ wraca³am do Polski i nie wziê³am adresu.
Mo¿e co¶ ci to powie , mo¿e to kto¶ z twoich znanych krewnych. Czekam
z niecierpliwo¶ci± na odpowiedz.

I meant to say an English translation. I apologize for the different characters, but that is how I received the email. If much info about living people is included, could someone send it via private message, please?
28 Apr 2007
Language / Spelling "aunt" in Polish [142]

Dziadzia and Busia are shorter forms, like grandpa and grandma.
9 Jun 2007
Genealogy / Kocielko surname - I would appreciate any info [44]

I noticed that people in Pennsylvania, Ohio, California, and probably other areas had the surname Kochalko, which would be the phonetic spelling. My great-grandfather first settled in McKeesport, PA before he went to Joliet, IL. I wonder if a relative followed him to PA.

I also noticed a Stefan Koczolko, who came from Lubno. I believe this might be the Steve Kociolko I found in Kansas. Steve's wife was Stefania M. The children were John and Rose E. In Chicago a Helen Kociolko was boarding with someone.

I have a lot of names from various Kocielkos now, but now I can't link them together.
4 Aug 2007
Genealogy / Stanley Klimek married Czernek/Czerniak/Skulsk [13]

The age of your Stefania/Stefnja is too old. I believe that my great-grandfather's sister was born around 1886. My great-grandfather John Czernek/Czerniak was born in 1893. Also, my Klimek family lived in Illinois and California, not in Pennsylvania as far as I know. Do you have an immigration record, like from It might reveal your Stefania's native village if you don't know it.

The birth year of my Stefania's youngest brother Joseph was 1918, and she was born a few years before that, I believe.
8 Aug 2007
Genealogy / Polish Surnames Anglicized? [48]

Well, I noticed that the 'ie' in my surname has been changed to 'ha' by certain people.
13 Aug 2007
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

The above picture was taken in Calumet City, IL around 1940, but both of my great-grandmothers were born in Poland (then Galicia, Austria).
13 Aug 2007
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

This is another of my father's paternal grandmother. She's standing next to her nephew's plane at the airstrip in Joliet, IL.

That's all I seem to have. I wish I had pictures of my father's grandfathers. We used to have pictures of his paternal grandfather from his wake. It was held at the family's house in Joliet. He had a striking resemblence to Joseph Stalin.

15 Aug 2007
Genealogy / Stanley Klimek married Czernek/Czerniak/Skulsk [13]

Hi there,

My great-grandfather was John Czerniak, born 1893 in Leki, Poland. His older sister was Mary Klimek, your grandmother. Their mother was named Marianna Czernek. My great-grandfather and his family changed their named from Czernek to Czerniak some time after the birth of my grandmother. Her baptismal certificate lists her as Helen Anna Czernek. My great-grandfather John Czerniak married Veronica Blach, born 1889 in Dabie, Poland. John died 1954 in Hammond, IN. Veronica died 1967 in Hammond. I have more information once we can speak over the email or PM.
20 Aug 2007
Genealogy / Kocielko surname - I would appreciate any info [44]

Thanks. The website for the town spells it as Lubno. It may have been Lubna when the Lemkos still lived there.

If possible, I would like a translation of this email, please:

Dzień dobry.
Ja niestety nie rozumie po angielsku.
Co do Pani informacji to już wczesniej jak odebrałem pocztę szukałem ewentualnych krewnych. Z ustalonej lokalizacji rodzina Pani mieszkała "na dole" to jest taka nazwa części wioski. Obecnie w tym rejonie zamieszkują chyba tylko potomkowie, którzy niewiele znają swoje drzewo genealogiczne.Jeśli uda mi się jakieś informacje zdobyć to prześle odwrotnie.

Stanisław Tymowicz
12 Sep 2007
Genealogy / Kocielko surname - I would appreciate any info [44]

Dziekuje za pomoc, Jaworski.

Well, a volunteer located a picture of my great-grandfather Wasyl Kocielko's gravestone which listed his year of birth as 1877. I thought the 1881 date on his death certificate may have been incorrect, as his immigration record and WWI Draft Card both list a date in 1877 or 1878. If anyone else who is researching the same surnames has information, I'm interested.

I received the marriage certificate of my great-grandparents and learned some things:

They were married August 10, 1909 at Holy Cross Church in Joliet. He was 29, and she was 20. It was a first marriage for both. Andrew Olownik and Anna Wilk are the witnesses. Andrew's last name is similar to the Olepnik name I found for a possible stepfather to Wasyl's nephew Nestor. This Andrew could be him. The parents of Wasyl were Dymitr. (last letter could be i or o, I guess) Kuciełko and Ewa Buczyk - slightly different than what I had, especially his father. Helen's parents were Adalbert Pilip and Catharina Urbaniak.

According to Wikipedia, Dymitr is the Polish form of Dmitry, so the name on Wasyl and Helen's certificate of marriage is probably correct the way it is.
4 Dec 2007
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1464]

Some of my relatives have high cheekbones. I do to a certain degree, I guess.
9 Jan 2008
Genealogy / Kocielko surname - I would appreciate any info [44]

You can see pictures of the family's graves, as well as pics of my grandfather Dominic and our great-grandmother, at I don't have a memorial for your father Paul yet, because I didn't know his location of burial or if he was cremated. If you'd like him to have a memorial, I can add one for him if you tell me this info. Or, if you would like to add it yourself, that's fine.