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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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12 Jan 2018
Life / Polish and Czechs [191]


I admit, its not worse from what brat Walesa got on London airport. Zeman at least didn`t got finger in dark place. To put cross on myself, what is this with Europe when maniacs assaulting Slavic officials. Is this some kind of revenge for maniacal Ferdinand??

and she is Ukrainian

no, you are wrong man. look better. Its some Gypsy woman, with all due respect on Gypsies, of course and all that
12 Jan 2018
Life / Polish and Czechs [191]

By the God, brat pan Czech president Zeman was today attacked by mad naked black woman. What a crazy times




Source: Serbian media, only truly free European mass media > b92/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2018&mm=01&dd=12&nav_category=78&nav_id=1346375
11 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Deduce one 0 and you'd be closer to the truth.

go seek truth for yourself on the Net

As for rest of your comment. Man, I don`t wish to ruin your fictional world but, NATO, EU, USA (Clinton`s and Barack`s administration) did cooperated with Islamic league and worse Arab mujaheedines, in project against Serbians. Its not Serbians who attacked but they were attacked and Serbs defended themselves. Plus, time proving that all what Serbians did to defend themselves contributed to Poland, to Slavic world, to Europe and even to world.
10 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]


After damage of 200 mlrd US dollars in NATO bombardement,

Serbia is a tiny, poor and - outside of the Balkans - irrelevant country. You have 7m people, ranking 30th in Europe per GDP.

My dear, damage that my country suffered from NATO bombardment on infrastructure and industry estimates 100-200 billion USA dollars. One can`t come back from that devastation over night. You know that, don`t you? It was back in 1999 and in those years when NATO and EU actively worked with Islamic league on remodeling of borders in South-Eastern Europe. I hope that you won`t tell how those were old good times when USA, western Europe, NATO and EU had pro-Polish policy. No, it was anti-Polish policy and it proving these days.

Plus, let me tell you what you don`t have in Wikipedia and what you didn`t make an effort to found out on the Net. Serbia is no.1 destination for the foreign investments in the world and economy recuperates and have significant results.

As for Serbian contribution to Poland, in modern time, to all who understand Geo-strategy is clear- that Serbia provides a point of equilibrium between Poland and Russia. Without that equilibrium Poland becoming object of trade. No, not because Russia force it but because Poland`s so called western European friends moving to grab Poland and then Russia grab in order to grab what can can be grabbed (Russians would tell- to save what can be saved). See, with strong Serbia on political scene in Europe, Serbian policy seek (due to strong public pressure in that direction) for stronger ties with Poland. If in such a situation western Europe moving against Poland, it means that moving against Serbia, too. To that Russia react in qualitatively different ways, act as ally to Poland. Now, its not only Russia. Serbia is independent and have on its own developed relations with China and countries of Non-Aligned movement from all over the globe. So, if western Europe moves against Serbia, western Europe must count on serious obstacles.

To conclude, that what NATO can offer to Poland is ugly joke in comparison to it what Serbia can offer to Poland, regarding safety. And no, its not about mere strength of Serbia (but strength of Serbia multiplies effects). Its Geo-strategic fact.
9 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

him being president is very harmful and potentially fatal for Poland's interest.

you are the one who don`t understand. Geo-strategy in Europe changed and don`t depend on USA crucially. Strengthening of Serbia doing more positive things then you may even imagine. With strong Serbia, things in Europe stays as it was before Turks appeared in Europe. Poland becoming continental power, again.
9 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Clinton is yesterday's news.

I agree. While Trump play his role, Hillary don`t pretend. She is really mentally moved and deranged.
9 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

More of a Vicky Pollard.

no. You don`t understand. You think daily politics is everything but its not.

Trump helping USA to found its place in Multi-Polar world. That is why he won elections and was supported from within USA and from outside USA. Its because USA was only greedy and pushed too hard before Trump and only alternative was nuclear war, end of civilization as we know it. Obviously US got clear signal to it and, here comes the Trump.

So, Trump may looks like joke to you but, he is just the man of transition. In Russia it was perestroika. In US, I would call it transition.

This is just my opinion. Non on Net speak of it, not even those naive who love conspiracy theories. Still.
4 Jan 2018
News / Americans incite hatred towards Russia in Polish media [75]

Tell me how one becoming paid troll. Please. I love money and females. Never enough money. Does this qualifies me? How one becoming Russian spy? Tell me please. Why things like that don`t happening to me??? I want to be spy!!!
30 Dec 2017
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

I wonder what the concept of Intermarium has to do with him

What you now want to say? Man mentioned Pilsudski here and we all know that Pilsudski contemplated on Intermarium. On the other side, idea of encompassing interests from Baltic-to Balkan starting before even Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It starting with Sarmatia Europae, in tribal unions of Cezch Boii and Serbian Scordisic. In cooperation between Iaziges and Alans and other Sarmatian tribes. It could be seen in efforts of Great Moravia. Etc.

Of course but, Pilsudski gave its contribution to the idea. Those who mentines Piludski in context of Intermarum aren`t drank.

those countries who doesn't want to be vassals to Germany or slaves to Russia must and should cooperate closely

See, exactly it was Piludski that underlined term `between Germany (ie western Europe) and Russia`. So, not against Russia, not against Germany, but for the sake of our independence, our- us from Baltic to Balkan that have our specific interests. That is Pilsudski`s contribution. Balance in Polish politics. On the contrary to idiots and enemies (such is British intellectuals) who want that Intermarium represent creation against Russia. Malevolent, manipulative and evil English who wants everything to use as their own condom.
30 Dec 2017
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

See, hardly that Piludski was motivated by generosity when numbered regions and states that should encompass Intermarium. He was statesman, politician, thinker. I think that Pilsudski was in the first place practical, moved by the logic, necessity and strategy. He mentioned Finland and Baltics in the sense of to say `maximizing effects of Intermarium` in political, military, economical, historical, in any sense. It had its historical background but development shows (what Pilsudski for sure was aware) that those regions moving from Poland, not to Poland. Moving in direction to Germany. So, Pilsudski mentioned Finland and Baltics rather to present alternative to them, having in mind that things may change- what is truth after all.

As for Bulgaria, particularly.... its not enemy of Poland for sure. I would even say that Slavs there even likes Poles, at least those who feel (!) themselves as Slavs and knows little bit of history (same as saving Serbs, Poles also greatly supported Bulgarians during initial Turkish occupation). Problem with Bulgaria is that can`t be trustworthy. Too easily obey to demands of super-powers. In Bulgaria, Orthodoxy means obeying to Russia. Bulgarians don`t know for different approach. At the same time, they have especial affiliation for everything German. They killing themselves to satisfy others. So, to put it in context with Poland, Bulgaria wouldn`t harm Poland because Bulgaria want that. No, it may happen as collateral damage of Bulgarian poltronic policy. Country absolutely don`t have backbone and people don`t have political culture that would move them to go on streets in the right moment and demand things from politicians.

When NATO bombarded Serbia from Bulgarian territory, back in 1999, Bulgarians started to awakening. Their public was against it. If they were lucky, if NATO bombed Serbia at least 6 more months and killed some 10.000 more people, I do believe that would give time to Bulgarians to organize some decent protest against NATO, in support to Serbs. But, bombing was stooped. So this way, we still don`t know where is the point when starting Bulgarian dignity.
30 Dec 2017
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]


How Pilsudski was generous to Serbians? How? Man, Serbians were military elite of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Those were Serbs who gave Winged cavalry military `knee to knee` doctrine to Poles, what was cutting edge in military war-craft. Not only that. Serbian ways were welcomed by Polish Jagilonian kings and whole of Polish nobility. Serbian gusle music players performed at the court of Władysław II Jagiełło since 1415. Serbians, as Racowie, entered in Polish epic legends.

So logically, Pilusdiski couldn`t imagine new Commonwealth without Serbians.

As for Czechs and Slovaks, I don`t know what went wrong between Poles and them. Strange. But, in any case, when it comes to Intermarium they will follow Serbs. So again, Pilsudski needed Serbs. Russians? Well, again Pilsudski needed Serbs. Only Serbs were reliable factor when it cames to Polish-Russian conflicts. For one, Serbians for their own interests acted as perfect mediators between Poles and Russians. Then, if Russians acted against Poles, Serbians ignored Christian Orthodox religious factor and sided with Poles. Unique example of ignoring such a factor, not only among Slavs but among all Europeans. See, Serbians are first Slavs (ie Sarmatians)- in ethnic and spiritual sense and, just then Christians. That fascinated Pilsudski. And not only him but also Adam Mickiewicz, prince Czartorisky and others.

For Croats, you are right. But, its not over yet. While Croats for sure have their right to go with Germany, Catholic Serbs would be saved from Croatian yoke and free to join with other Serbs and that way keep themselves and their property within Slavic (ie Sarmatian) realm.

Baltics, Finnes? Well, how things stands now, forget them. We have to be realistic.

Who knows what Serbians would have done if they were accepted into EU, after what Croatians have shown so far, I am sceptical about any Yugoslavians.

If you are familiar with Polish history, you wouldn`t have any doubts about Serbs.

Ukraine? Yes, dialogue, after Ukrainians make a deal with Russians about borders between of what would be Ukraine and Russia.

Belarus, Romania? Dialogue is good thing. Always.

Bulgarians? Well, same as Croats in history proved how Catholics can serve to Germany, Bulgarians proved how Orthodox can serve to Germany. Now, go figure that.
25 Dec 2017
News / EU triggers Article 7, could strip Poland of voting rights [91]

Its very stupid from EU to play nasty jokes with Poles. For that, EU would face destine of one Ottomans, Austro-Hungaria or Soviets. Oblivion.

WTF is that? You understand nationalists like crow are often Leftists, communist, socialists ?

Shoke, you calling me a nationalist?

No, I am rather tribal man. Simple tribal man. Rather tribal then corporative. At least, as long as I can choose myself.

Exactly Elites in Brussels

Corrupt corporative servants.

And PiS in Poland.

Yes. And PiS, too. In general. But see, how Multi-Polar world consolidate, rich individuals who sponsoring PiS starting to dig for themselves rather then for some unknown corporation. Its process of becoming self-aware. Awaken. I say, better our rich people then foreigners. If we preserve what is ours we can at least hope to go up the pyramid and one day ourselves rule within our own civilization, within our own culture, rule in our Slavic (ie Sarmatian) languages. If we lose ourselves, we can expect our children to be only servants and slaves to foreigners. To foreigners who harmed ancestors and still harming our civilization, stealing future from our children, consider us to be their colony, foreigners who grabbing for themselves.
25 Dec 2017
News / EU triggers Article 7, could strip Poland of voting rights [91]

Yes. Some people are by default blind for reality but, nevertheless they likes to patronize.

How those people grow up? With what grandeur fairy tales? Must be that is world, by someone or just like that, segmented on regions that receives different news. But anyway, what they expect? That we Slavs (ie Sarmatians) subjugate our venerable civilization to their malevolence? They are idiots. Imbeciles.
24 Dec 2017
News / EU triggers Article 7, could strip Poland of voting rights [91]

And how did western Europeans started this century, it was quite optimistic for them. Powerful economies, concentration of mass media, all seamed well. They could assimilate complete Eastern Europe in just 50 years peacefully or establish control with local conflicts such was instigated in Yugoslavia or Ukraine or as is obviously desired in Poland- this judiciary issue being just reason for making problems. And it was just then, these last 2-3 years, when world accelerated its evolution into the Multi-Polar model, when moron politicians from western Europe itself started to call for arrival of Islamic migrants into Europe and more precisely- into western Europe, when all started to crumble for the western Europeans. Stooped.

See, there is the saying from the Bible: ``Do what you want but you won`t do it as long as you want it.``
24 Dec 2017
News / EU triggers Article 7, could strip Poland of voting rights [91]

You want to say how he did service to Tusk and died? Grave to Lech and Brussels to Tusk. Is that it? Then Tusk could do whatever Tusk and his sponsors wanted.

But, patriots again won elections in Poland and ruined plans. Plus, Multi-Polar world and drop of western European power and influence.
24 Dec 2017
News / EU triggers Article 7, could strip Poland of voting rights [91]

They also helped force this issue hoping it will turn the public against the EU (rather than against them).

You mistaking here. I think that non can expose and turn public against EU better then Franco-Germanics and Anglos. Sure, Anglos retreated in their own purgatory but, before that greatly themselves contributed to ruination of EU.

On this one I am with Poland`s leadership. They won elections. They do have right to reform judiciary system of Poland. I doubt that there could be found any expert in the world who may say how are current EU`s or any other judiciary system perfect. Plus, Poles do have tradition of their own approach to democracy and freedom. Tradition that, BDW, as I already said, was true example of what is democracy at a time when western Europeans used their hands and fingers to eat (as it is well documented in medieval sources), or even before USA was even formed.

So, why not let Poles organize their own country?

Doing these kind of things to Poland is political suicide of EU among Poles. If EU continue like this we would witness coordination of Poland and Russia similar to that when back in past Sweden threatened both- Poland and Russia. Essentially, Poland and Russia would respond on situation by splinting wide region on Polish and Russian zones of influence. Meaning, Russia (ie Eurasian Union), as it is already clear, won`t make obstacles to formation of Intermarium. What is also clear, in a world that transiting into Multi-Polar world, Vatican as force that tend to be universal and planetary also won`t complaint when Intermarium form around Poland. USA? USA simply won`t have other option then to support Intermarium.

This is how Poland escaping to EU (ie western Europeans) and surviving as Poland, within Intermarium.

See, assassination of Lech Kaczinsky didn`t prevent this development. Slavs (ie Sarmats) shall prevail.
23 Dec 2017
News / EU triggers Article 7, could strip Poland of voting rights [91]

Poles supported Serbians against Turks. Saved us, literally. In turn, Serbs supported Poles in struggle against Teutons, Russians, Austro-Hungaria, Soviet Union and EU. Are we even? Say that we aren`t even
21 Dec 2017
News / EU triggers Article 7, could strip Poland of voting rights [91]

Many on the west of Europe who now lecturing Poland, should have in mind that Poland, in era that culminated with `Sarmatism`, actually gave founding principles to modern-day democracy. Democracy and freedom is in the being of Poland.
20 Dec 2017
News / EU triggers Article 7, could strip Poland of voting rights [91]

an Serbian media article

EU triggers Article 7, could strip Poland of voting rights

Polish news agency PAP is reporting that the move that could result in sanctions against Poland, including stripping the country of its voting rights and freezing billions of euros from EU funds.

What happening with EU? Is that even possible to do it within EU what EC doing? Its open attack on sovereignty. Not that I`m surprised but, still. Its madness
19 Dec 2017
News / Should Poland made an energy bridge deal with Russia? [122]

Braking News !

Poland can consider that solved her problems with gas, after today`s news that Serbia got license to re-export Russian gas. Any further Polish negotiations with Russia on this matter aren`t necessary. Poland already have all valid trade agreements with Serbia, including cooperation in energy sector.

It will be like with re-export of Polish apples to Russia. Just now in opposite direction, from Russia to Poland.

source: Potpisano: Srbiji dozvoljen reizvoz ruskog gasa (Eng- Signed: Serbia can re-export Russian gas)

In just one move is shown that neither EU, neither USA, can`t blackmail Poland. Also, in just one move is proved that Russia don`t hold Poland, that isn`t enemy of Poland, that Russia respects interests of Poland and Visegrad Group.

While EU blocking direct Poland-Russia cooperation and that way harming Poland, EU can`t prevent cooperation of Poland with Serbia, via Hungary. In this case, on gas.

You would now understand what would mean for Poland, if Serbia become EU member, while keeping good relations with Russia. Time has came for Serbia to be line of life for Poland. And its alright. We Serbians survived Turkish invasion only because Poland wanted that we survive.

Official Poland making mistakes under the NATO (ie US) and EU (ie Germany) pressure and complicates its relations with Russia. At the same time, USA and Germany themselves offering and making all kind of deal with Russia.

Spot this now. Serbian media rapports about newest Merkel`s proposal to Putin about on Northern stream 2 that can bypass Poland and connect Germany directly to Russia.

Presedan: Merkelova prkosi Poljacima - Putine, šta nudiš /Scandal: Merkel defy Poland: Putin, what you offering/
19 Dec 2017
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

This is the situation.

On the long run, USA abandoning Europe. Making deals with Russia, western Europeans (ie EU, ie Germany and France) and Turks about respect of minimum of USA interests on local level. In the picture also entering coalition of Hungary and Serbia that made deal with China, Russia and Vatican, while deal with USA still have to happen. But, considering weight of importance of two countries as meditative factor between USA and China-Russia, deal with USA about respect of USA minimal interests in the region is guaranteed.

Then, of countries that are logical candidates for Intermarium on the long run, western Europe strongly controls regimes in Croatia, Ukraine, Romania and Baltic states.

Poland plays on USA, while is actually right now isolated. So, in time in front of us, we shall see how Poland joining with Hungary and Serbia or how Poland becoming chaotic zone of competition, where would western Europeans try to instill internal turmoil and dissolution by the logic- grab what you can (Ukrainian or Yugoslavian scenarios). No third option for Poland, I can dare to say. So, Duda will hold to his word and pledge to work on Intermarium, or Duda may proved to be corrupt.
19 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / Polish Nazi's humiliated in London - anti-Jewish demonstration [60]

Its philosophical and not only religious question. Some would tell that you are wrong, some that you are right. Some would tell that Alexander of Macedon was great, some would tell that Greeks double-crossed and used him.