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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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2 Apr 2018
Polonia / How do Poles feel about Romanians and Bulgarians? [27]

You are all crazy and deluded. One Serbian blonde and Bulgaria and Romania are out of NATO in 24 hours!

Here, Serbians are overlords. Living heartland of Sarmatia. The core! This is Slavia! Racowie are coming back to bring light and changes to Europe, to make it as need to be, to make it better and as it suits us.

Lepa Brena - Koncert na stadionu Vasil Levski - ( Sofia, Bugarska 1990.)

Lepa Brena - Perice, moja merice - (TV Grand 2014)

Bulgarians are Sarmatians/Thracians that were for too long exposed to Persian yoke.

See, similarity in Persian and Prussian names aren`t just accidental. I explained already that ancients for reason unknown (there are theories) used two names parallel to designate itself. Those are Sarmatian and Thracian names. So, Sarmats that were on Baltics were exposed to some foreign influence (I suppose to Jewish and Roman) over trade/culture with time became Prussians. P-russia > from Th-racia. Same happened in case with Persia. It was land on the fringe of Sarmatian world in Asia so it turned to be Pe-rsia > from Th-racia under the influence of foreign factor.
2 Apr 2018
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Article by Polish military analyzer Jaroslaw Adamowski

On development of situation in the region after new NATO and Albanian pressure on Kosovo Serbs and Serbia in general.

Belarus signed special agreement on military cooperation with Serbia, what includes sending to Serbia this month systems S-300V and S-300PG, as well as 7 more upgraded Mig-29.

Serbia rapidly increasing its military potentials, since her sovereignty on Kosovo was endangered. Just to give you picture. Serbia has more then 800 tanks, famous M-84 tanks by Yugoslavian technology, among best tanks in the world. Think about it. Its twice as tanks as Germany have. And twice as Britain have.

Serbia to buy S-300 missile systems, MiG-29 jets from Belarus
2 Apr 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

I dont worry about them ruining relations between poland and russia as they're already bad.

Then you should worry. Always can be worse. I clearly can imagine British Theresa May ordering detonation of nuclear bomb on the soil of Poland, just in order to be able to use it in propaganda war against Russia. Woman is lunatic no less then that Hillary Clinton. Where they just founding all those b******

But sure, don`t panic.

What i fear more is eu trying to drive a wedge between poland and hungary.

Oh, but they must. In that plan only Poland is destined to burn. That for one. Its about securing safety of Hungary, while sacrifice Poland. I wouldn`t do it better if I wanted to do it. Give sane politics to Hungary and insane politics to Poland. Then, when sh** happens, Anglos would declare `crazy Slavs did it to itself`.

Second reason for isolating Poland from Hungary is similar to reason why isolate Poland from Serbia. That is, Anglos and Germanics knows that influence from those countries directly affect Polish nationalism and patriotism. From different reasons but, always had and have serious effects. So, if Poland is isolated from Hungary and Serbia, effects are prevented and both, ruling position and opposition of Poland can sell out Poland and f*** Poles in the brain.

Merkel and Theresa gets orgasm after orgasm due to this Poland`s situation.
2 Apr 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

What I worry most are malevolent Anglos or even Germany. They would hardly miss opportunity to ruin relations between Poland and Russia, once and for all. Best thing to do it is to cause a war and then everything is possible. Even if Russians somehow manage to avoid to nuke Poland, Anglos would detonate it themselves and then blame Russians.

I worry for Poland seriously. Sure, not that are Serbs in perfect situation when it comes to security. Far from it.
2 Apr 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

I agree to all you said. But don`t expect many to support you publicly. That is madness.

I can only add that in any case that leaves Slavic West without Poland, its the end of Slavic West. In turn, it would make Slavic South even more vulnerable and its also our end, too. We are all connected by subtle balance and that balance is best Poland`s protection from Russia. That balance suits Russia for Russia`s own interests and Russia won`t ruin it if not forced to do it. It would again in turn harm Russia itself.

Not to say that in case of war, I clearly can imagine NATO itself detonate nuke in Poland and accuse Russia for it. It would be perfect opportunity to destroy Slavic world once and for all. Be sure that Anglos won`t miss that opportunity. Theresa May style. Millions of dead Poles and Slavs in general sound always very good to them. I have no words to describe how I feel.

Its all very sad. But, essentially there won`t be winner if war goes globally nuclear.
2 Apr 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Polish investments in defense have sense in case of attack from Germany, in situation when Russia decide to respect Poland`s sovereignty. Only in that case Poland`s investments in air defense and in arming in general are investments in Poland. In any other case, these kind of investments for Poland are investments in security of other NATO members while is in case of conflict considered that Poland sacrifice itself.
1 Apr 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Poles and Russians shall all turn to Serbs to learn and incorporate concept of SLAVA in your ways of Christianity. Nothing will change, Catholics would remain Catholics and Orthodox would remain Orthodox. Just, you would all have one icon at the walls of your houses. On icon would be your chosen Christian saint that will be your chosen connection to Svetovid and your oldest ancestors.

That, or you shell all perish and become Semites.
31 Mar 2018
History / Let's talk about the POLISH ARMY [79]


Brace yourself Poles, Islamists are in the move. It starting its final stage that involves Poland.

In a region close to responsibility of Polish Zawisha Czarny motorized brigade in seceded Serbian province of Kosovo, started tribal clashes among rivaling Albanian clans from Albania and Kosovo. Initial conflict started over road toll that was set on highway that connects Albania and Kosovo.

Add to this newest Albanian (Shquiptar) provocation of local Kosovo Serbs, Serbia and also Macedonia and you get picture how is deteriorated security of Polish troops in the region.
31 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

You said great truth here. Hungary and Serbia are best proof of it. Russian relations with China, Japan, India, Brazil, etc world players are also proof to it. Trade with Russians, talk to them, don`t try to isolate them, don`t try to exterminate and assimilate them, don`t cut their trade routes and you can believe in whatever God you want, chose whatever other trade partners you want, choose even your own politics. Its all fine with them. Only business matters. At least somewhat fair business.

Western Europe and USA? First, they subdue you and then you have feeling to exist only to serve them.
23 Mar 2018
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

That's the whole point.

No. That is something what is civilizational standard. Point is necessity for sanctification. Point is not to be selfish. To support your civilization to survive, in environment where partner and state doing their part, helping as much as they could.

And that is up to the woman, how many kids she wants or whether she wishes to be single or partnered.

Partners in marriage have joint decisions or there is no need for marriage. State have right to encourage birthrate because state have instinct of self-preservation.
23 Mar 2018
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

I do respect Polish woman. In that name I urge on Polish brothers to be good support to their woman.

Say that to them, and they'll pull your beard off.

I don`t have beard. Polish sisters would understand my message. They give birth to children or Poles extinct. Its just so simple. Sure, Polish brothers should be responsible fathers. Woman aren`t machines and factories for children. Man must be with them to give maximal support to them and to children. Man must sacrifice himself for his woman and children.

We all must change. We all have to accept our responsibilities.

Minimum four!

You know for the new law in Serbia? Woman that give birth to third and fourth child, for 10 years receives material compensation from state in amount of 300 eur.

To clarify. 300 eur per month for 10 years.
23 Mar 2018
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

I deeply respect Polish woman, our sisters and mothers. From birthrate in all Slavic countries, from more children depend future of Poles and all Slavs. For the good of Poland I wish that Poles make pregnant all their woman. Blessed them with at least four babies. Give them motherhood. Don`t hesitate.

Long live Poland!
20 Mar 2018
History / How much Poles trust to France? [93]

In fact,the world spends very little time,if any,thinking about that relatively unimportant little country.

I don`t give a sh** for worlds affairs. But we Serbians expect Poland to show respect on Serbian interests, same way as Serbs respect Polish. Serbs are now attacked and if official Poland can`t help, it would be wise not to complicate us. For we will push for our liberation and there would be what must be.

In terms of deception and lies,all countries,including Serbia are guilty.

See, investigation of Polish parliament said that Serbs aren`t guilty but, NATO.

That`s the historic document. Its written down back in 1999. Pope Paul II also aid Serbs were right and urged on Poland not to take part in NATO attack on Serbia.
20 Mar 2018
History / How much Poles trust to France? [93]

France is much bigger snake then Russia. For France, Russia is little naive baby. France betrayed alliance with Serbs and serve just as satellite to Britain, Germany and USA. But, they all well deserved each others. Napoleon and Hitler were on the same job. Less Slavs was guiding idea to them.

Serbs trust Russia.....???

Western Europe and US Clinton clan attacked Serbia and Russia and China coming in our aid. Serbs expect Poland not to complicate to Serbia. Last time when Russia came in aid to Serbia, Polish prince Czartorisky was well involved, coordinated with Serbs, hoped for independence of Poland and exactly that happened after WWI.

What media in Serbia writes these day is that Duda suggests forming of new divisions to increase pressure on Russia, on the explanation that Russia prepares for war with NATO on Baltics. Well, good morning Duda. Russia prepares but not for the Baltics as Duda intentionally lied and he very well knows that Russia prepares to come in aid to Serbians, to help us liberate Kosovo. Duda`s mask seams to falling down. Duda wants Poland to move in war against Serbs. Against Racowie! Duda is little peace of sh**. F***** traitor. For the first time in Polish-Serbian relations Serbian media begins to worry what Poland doing. For the first time in history Serbians aren`t sure what happening with Poland. This is blasphemy!!!

But, don`t think that Duda just betrayed Serbs. No, he sold Poland, too. You shall see many nice things thanks to moron. Idiot, wants to sacrifice Polish children for salvation of western Europe in situation when even God gave up from western Europe.

What official Poland doing now is to spit on entire Polish history.
20 Mar 2018
History / How much Poles trust to France? [93]

I see monster Sacrozy is arrested for taking money from Libyan Gafadi, at the same time when even more monstrous France took part in destruction ob Libya. I have no words to tell you how low is my opinion on Franch scamy state. You look for terrorists, you go on internet and search for members of French government. Same way you do with British and German governments and you know who are leading and ruling terrorist of this world. Every one of them. Plus, Clinton US clan and their friends.

How are ugly Poland`s partners in EU and NATO. I hope my Serbia never become part of EU. To put cross on myself, its like becoming member of hell.

Now go trust to France. Trust to snake.
20 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

People, whatever we says now, it doesn`t matter. Its too late for the time being. So, let`s just survive, for now and, let us hope that new politicians may bring something better for Poland and for general Slavic cause. Russians are in the move and they don`t moving against Poland so I warmly suggests to Poles and to official Poland to refrain itself from ruining Poland for the sake of Britain. Especially considering that most of expert simulations of incoming conflict suggests that Poland may stay intact in case that nothing hostile on Russia move from Poland`s territory.


See, Serbian political and military expert of Polish origin, Miroslav Lazanski, speaks of simulation by British `Guardian`, in which nuclear conflict starts with Russian use of nuclear missiles when USA and Britain move to support Estonia in hypothetical Russian attack. Russians first nukes USA and British troop transports and warships and then USA retaliate on Russian military installations within Russia, on Baltics. By the simulation, Russia then immediately obliterate London with its Sarmat ICBM of 100 megatons makings inhabitable that complete part of western Europe, considering that, in simulation, actually NATO have no way to properly protects Britain from Russian nuclear submarines. It is admitted in simulation. Then, after London, Russia and China sending warning to all NATO countries that every next nuclear attack on either China or Russian, means retaliation by absolutely complete Russian and Chinese nuclear potentials at the same time. In simulation USA immediately accepts truce and cease of all hostilities, while Russia keeps Estonia and western Europe and USA starts to save what can be saved considering consequences of Russian blast of London. Literally, Britain cease to exist.

Lazanski - kako bi izgledao nuklearni rat...

Poles, my sisters and brothers, trust to Serbians. You have all historical reason to rely on Serbians. Declare military neutrality on global military alliances. Don`t you worry that would Russia invade you. Serbs would never allow for that to happen. Such a disturbance Russia wouldn`t survive from within. We Serbs guaranty you that. Don`t mistake. Go out of NATO, turn to Visegrad and to Serbia. Turn your back to idiotic politicians and pro-Anglo-Franco-Germanic sold souls.

See, even this simulation by `Guardian`` of eventual nuclear war confirms that Russia won`t even try to harm Poland, if possible to avoid it in any way. Russian interests and forces and balance within Slavic world still protects Poland.
20 Mar 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

American bombs kill our enemies, so yes, they smell sweet.

Serbians arn`t enemy of Poland.

Go to hell.

He told well and you sending him to hell. Why would you that that? Are you boosted by some complexes? Don`t you feel yourself Slavic? Are you Anglo? You think if NATO and EU powers ever make Russia collapse that they intend to reward Poland with love? No, if they ever destroy Russia, the day after that, they would reward Poland with oblivion. They just now need Poland to use it against Russia. Its so sad that Poland represent country that is so easily used by others. Like some banana state
19 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

On Jewish forums, Serbs would explain that peace between Jews and Slavs, means also peace between Poles and Jews. Peace is and will be peace. We Slavs (ie Sarmatians/ie Thracians) won`t eat western European sh** anymore and I don`t believe that Jews themselves wants to continue to do it.

Let us take care of our two civilizations, in mutual respect. Our civilizations are much older then any of newly born western European nations.