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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
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Bratwurst Boy   
16 Sep 2018
News / German state declare diplomatic war on Poland. [56]

Frank Schwabe?


*goes googling*

Ooooh I have found something in were right Iron! It seems Schwabe has broken some laws to invite that woman.
It is also reported by a serious media in Germany:

She was invited by Frank Schwabe (SPD), Andreas Nick (CDU) und Gyde Jensen (FDP) ...
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Sep 2018
News / German state declare diplomatic war on Poland. [56]

I can't sign in into that, no info for me! :(

But seriously Iron, if it would be such a big thing that it could mean war, don't you think that the media in our both countries would be full of it??? I can't find anything about it...
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Sep 2018
News / German state declare diplomatic war on Poland. [56]

I can't find anything for this person after August 22....her being mentioned because she was expelled from Poland...and nothing about her in the me out here Iron!,Ukrainian-expelled-from-Poland-aided-Russia%E2%80%99s-hybrid-warfare-reports

....but that sounds abit nutty:

...According to Poland's website, the Open Dialog Foundation "drew up a 16-point plan to overthrow the Polish government" last summer.

Bratwurst Boy   
16 Sep 2018
News / German state declare diplomatic war on Poland. [56]

By the way she was deported not from Poland but from the EU as well. Germany is not honoring EU law!

The EU deported her???

When has the EU ever deported someone?

The fact that Bundestag is debating internal affairs of Poland with an Ukrainian/Russian with ties to the Russian intelligence

Oh it get's better. Just recently it came out that the austrian intelligence now lays in the hands of the FPÖ, a very Putin-friendly far-right party, which now is in a government coalition. Meaning nobody can be sure anymore what Putin get's to hear and whatnot.

...that was discussed in the Bundestag too btw...!
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

These elite nazis would be over 100 now. don't understand...they had their cryo chambers on the moon. EVERYBODY who is not brainwashed by the "elite" KNOWS the truth!!! *tsk*
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Profanity is more accepted in Germany, while depictions of violence are more accepted in the USA.

A great cultural difference, if you ask me. Advertising with guns is totally okay in the US...killing people gets only shrugs...but the horror if there could be a nipple to be seen...shock!

In Germany it really is the other way around, nipples galore...nude people no problems...There would never be a nipple gate in Germany. :) But drastic violence? Nope...
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Sorry to be the one to inform you of this but Germany is not a country. It has been under occupation since 1945 by Anglo-American Zionism.

Well...I was under occupation by the Soviets and their east German boot lickers till ' anglo-american zionist in sight.
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Define "certain"....

And I never heard of the second you have more info? Or do you mean that?

I repeat, I can say what I want!

PS: I think I know now what you meant:

Here is more about the video...

It was made by some "gospel singer" whose horrified voice can be heard. It was uploaded to his youtube channel by one Heinrich K. aus Eilbek.

....Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft haben am 20. April eine Razzia bei Heinrich K. durchgeführt. Begründung: Die Veröffentlichung der Bilder des toten Kleinkindes und seiner sterbenden Mutter verstoße gegen die Persönlichkeitsrechte der Opfer. Diese Rechte wirken auch nach dem Tod.

(my translation) "Police and prosecutors office justified the razzia with the personal rights of the dying mother and the baby. These rights are still valid even after their death."

Reminds me abit about that video of that beheaded American a few years back. It was deleted from youtube soon to, many people just find such a video inhuman and impious, disrespecting the can call it censorship if you want. Others would call it decency.

Even mentioning the ethnicity or national origin is frowned up:

I agree, that's stupid. People get only more suspicious...and since 2015 I personally don't feel anymore that the media go to any lengths to avoid the naming. If it's an Ali or an Aishe they say it, if it's an refugee or a migrant they say it.

It would be useless not to anyhow since people have alot ways to inform theirselves. That is a fight they surely lost by now.
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

That is true they never had much freedom of speech.

I can say what I want...I have no interest in denying the holocaust nor do I plan to call out for the murder of someone or a whole group of people I'm on the safe side... :)
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Not that bad huh?

Yes...not that bad! Me and nobody in my family or on my 'hood was beheaded, raped killed, mugged or stabbed. Nobody tried to convert us either...there are still the two churches chiming their bells loudly in the near (one catholic, one protestant), the supermarkets are full, the streets are is still mostly good here.

The biggest problem for Berliners is actually to find housing. There is an excruciating bad housing situation in all big THAT is bad! And you can justifiable blame Merkels gov for that...
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Dirk, I live here! No matter what they tell you, it's not THAT bad as you make it out to be... Trust me abit on that! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Karin Göring-Eckardt said that...she says alot of dumb stuff. One of the reasons I could never vote Green...
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Where were they during your did they treat you after WWII...and the cold war?

Poland had been burned because they relied on far away countries instead to get close to it's neighbours...a behaviour seen again today... Instead to immerse yourself into the EU, becoming an integral, essential part of it, shaping it for the best of Poland you (and Johnny) keep on blaming others for doing it. Again preferring the image of the "proud loner".

Maybe that has something to do with the polish mentality, who knows...
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Can't have closer political integration while you still have eurocrats punishing countries

In a closer union with a common army there will be no longer "eurocrats punishing countries" will be the same way Washington rules over Iowa, Montana or Idaho...

Decision time!

Or Poland could just develop its own nuclear weapons which I'd favor above all else.

Poland the next Iran? That's your vision for Poland?
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Eu doesnt come close

Of course not, that's the point!

Every EU member today keeps still his own army...invests billions in it....imagine Iowa having it's own army....and Montana...and Idaho...they wouldn't stand a chance against Russia alone on their own either. But as the US they do!

It will take time to build a functional EU wide army, with all armies unified into one, and all members sharing costs and personal.

But for that you need a closer politically integration too, something many nationalists want to fight at all costs. They would rather see their countries lose alone, each for its own, than win together.
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

It's an "what if" scenario! :)

If Johnny means Russia with "the enemy from the East" it's just illogically to believe Poland can handle it better alone...that never worked in the past and won't work in the future.

I personally wouldn't look to Russia as that enemy though....for me the rising rival of the future is China (also in the East). But also in this case the EU would be much stronger together than Poland or Germany or any other european country alone for itself.

That is no politics, or ideology but pure logic!

how do you think theyll fare against slavic warriors armed with modern weapons?

Because we still have nothing of that whats needed....yet...
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

An enemy from the East will decimate Europe to ashes.

And you fret over a new HRE? ;)

Actually if you live in that fear you should do everything in your power that Poland not only stays in the EU but that Poland works hard for unifying the EU's military, to build an EU-army.

Instead of breaking each finger on it's own that "enemy from the East" would think twice to attack that huge EU fist!

But you are lobbying for a Polexit...ensuring Poland has to face the threat alone and isolated....again! Not smart!!!
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Do you see a stage being set for a world war like never before ?

Nope...never again! In the EU there will be no other war ever again. I'm totally sure of it.

I can't give honestly a promise for the Balkans or Ukraine or other "outskirts" of Europe, but not ever between members of the EU.

Every year the countries inside the EU interconnect and mix so much more on the economical and human levels, even if the politics often don't mirror that, that war would be totally senseless, and self-destructiv for every one. It would be like kicking ones own balls...there is just no sense in that even more.

About a world war I'm not sure...who against whom?

Today almost all nations are divided.

Today in the EU most bitching and fighting happens over desks and through the media, not through weapons.

Germany is just seething at this to create their new HRE.

You are repeating yourself but I'm still waiting for your explanation....why did you choose the HRE as warning?
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

So don't get mislead by the Holy in the name of that organization. It wasn't lead by the Church.

....or as Voltaire said so nicely:

"The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor roman, nor an empire!"
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

This will give German a whole lot of leverage over the E.U.


The stage is being set for the violent resurrection of the HRE....

You mean soon Central- and south Europe will be split again into more than 500 tiny countries and Brussels as the main seat of power will be dissolved? :)

.... and Germany will be calling the shots.

Which statelet will that be then?
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

What makes the german empires so different to...say...the spanish ones...or the french ones...or the british ones and their ambitions?
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

You should look into the "Hanse" instead maybe. The "Hanseatic League".

Now that was a german trading empire...economically extremely successful and with it also came with high german as the lingua franca...because of the wealth it brought the traders and the lands.

That would be more comparable to the EU...maybe...
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

In 1814 at the end of the Napoleon wars there were 39 States called Germany but it wasn't a nation.

....the foundation of the HRE was build in 800, that's nearly 1000 years of history and you bang on about the last few years?

Germany has followed this pattern in both wars, the same pattern being followed by the E.U.

What pattern?

It is another try by Germany to build a new German empire.

Even if so, the HRE wasn't a german-only Empire...Germany wasn't even an idea for most f it's time....just look at the map.

I can't help it if you are fueled by anti-german paranoia but please leave the HRE out of it!
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Definitely the decentralization.

In the todays german borders there are alone 7 cities which had been capitals at their times (Aachen, Magdeburg, Mainz, Cologne, Trier, Speyer and Nuremburg).

But that's only the Germans. Look at that:

That's why the HRE is a bad example to fight the EU. Not if you want to portray the EU as an opressive dictatorshipl

Actually the HRE was a good place to be, for most of the time, for most people, even Jews.