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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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13 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Germany in general acknowledged past wrongs. Russia is in a full denial mode

One comment here

Nature of Polish-German conflict is different then Polish-Russian conflict. In first case we speak of conflict where genocide, assimilation and extermination of one entire culture was included into primary motivation, side by side with mere looting and grabbing. It was organized in Rome, within Vatican and agreed with Germanic leaders. It later continued and whole process is known as Drang Nach Osten. It never ended actually.

With Russians is different. Poles and Russians, their elites, competed for the domination within Slavic world, to attract as much as possible client Slavic tribes into their dominion. That`s how started, speaking of last 1000 years. In that competition, where luck was changing for both sides, idea of genocide never existed. Motivation was control, rule, assimilation and domination. Sometimes dominated Poles, sometimes Russians. Shamefully, both pledged alliances with foreigners in order to achieve their aims.

So, how I see things, Poles and Russians are ok. In fact, they are both victims of Rome.
12 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Oh please shut up Crow.


Who are you?

We are currently unavailable, freed from many nice things and were and are object of bestial war propaganda and lies against us. But, we will come back soon enough. We are necessary and unavoidable.
12 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Well, I would be happy to be a Russian.

If I`m not Serbian already and by that 300% Polish, my chosen identity will be Russian. See, hand on heart, Russians are last free Slavs (ie Sarmats). And that generates hate, my dear.

What is puzzling here is that "you are a Russian" is meant as an insult.

Of course. Biggest Russian stupidity is that they force agenda of being `Third Rome`. I can imagine Russian Orthodox telling to Polish Catholic: `Your way is wrong. Come to my wrong way.`

Much better is to return to rodeverie or at least incorporate elements of it within Christianity. That is Serbian path. Middle way. Way of old core, where old ways never ended. Tradition is too deep here, considering that here was `Ice age refugium` and all of you retreated here every few millennia. You were in move, in changes but here, some things never changed- for good or for the bad.
11 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Poles and Russians giving their best to prove who is dominant and both of them are just Serbians. On the other side, all Whites are Serbians and what does it matter when comes to mutual killing. Its that sado-mazo Serbian impulse that flow in entire family.
8 Jun 2018
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

If you people love Poland then criticize Poland. A lot of. That is love- criticism of cretenic policy of official Poland.
7 Jun 2018
Travel / Are Polish people as unfriendly as Slovaks? [84]

Slovaks aren`t unfriendly. They are decent Slavs. Spot how their officials talk to Serbians >

"If someone should join EU soon, it's you, Serb brothers"


"If somebody should become a member of the EU soon, it is you, Serb brothers," Speaker of Slovakia's National Council Andrej Danko said in Belgrade on Thursday.

6 Jun 2018
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [251]

But what this mean. If brat Chairman Jarosław Kaczyński say: ,,Duda eat sh**.`` Duda won`t eat sh**. But, if brat Chairman Jarosław Kaczyński says: ,,Duda don`t eat sh**.`` Duda would then eat sh**, just to do opposite of what brat Chairman Jarosław Kaczyński says. Is that it?

I don`t know dobri brate Ziemowite, its all too complicated to me, this Polish political scene. When would Poles just start to be Poles? When would return time of dignity? Time of normalcy? Time without serving foreigners? Time of Polish interests and zones of Poland`s influence?

Did we lost it forever?
6 Jun 2018
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [251]

I am in phase of forming my own opinion. So, what are your opinions? Thank you.


I sill kindly ask my Polish sisters and brothers to participate in discussion of this thread. Politicians are there to serve us and not the opposite. Their work is public and they should be criticized for all they doing.

I have my doubts about Duda. Several. See, in the beginning he spoke of Intermarium. Then he never again spoke of it. Or that situation regarding Poland`s security. Duda stimulates Muslim fanatics on Kosovo. Sure, he doing it as part of NATO machinery but, does this make him innocent. Of course not. Still, he push for it. Then there is the aspect of betraying Serbians. Its also very popular in our time to stone Serbians and many doing so but, still, why Poland. Why would president of Poland penetrate to Racowie, fellow Christians and fellow Slavs and people 300% loyal to Poland. Still, Duda stabbing Serbia and Serbian interests with penis non-stop, on wide region all around Adriatic and Balkan. After all, take Duda`s stance on Russia. He provoke and offering Poland on the silver plate to NATO for the use as shield. And that same NATO is nothing but army of czarnybog that would one day attack Poland itself and we all know it, as brat Jan Lopuzanski of right wing Catholics told it very nicely in Polish parliaments back in 2008.

Now, convince me that I`m wrong. Try.
4 Jun 2018
Genealogy / Was name `Szczerbin` first and original Polish ethnic name, local version of Sarmatian name ? [11]

Admine, dobri pane brate, please don`t merge my posts with previous posts. I here creating structure of my thread, post by post. Every post is unique information. Its behind what Sulmirski wrote about Sarmatians. Thing that Sulmirski was aware of, as it is obvious but was reluctant to tell. Its revealing real native original name (that was little bit different from region to region) that is behind foreign given form of the name- Sarmatian name. Revealing real Polish ethnic name prior to name of Polani what replaced Sarmatian name as universal name for number of Slavic (ie Sarmatian) tribes.

So, let me continue.

What we have until now? Yes, name of WEND (VEND) as nothing but short form of SRBIND/SRBEND (SARMAT). By the way, you have that exact form written in Indian Rg Veda manuscript (from 1700-1100 BC) describing the hyperborean (Aryan) invaders from the other side of Ind river, where is `Srbinda` (exact form in Vedic Sanskrit) described as foe of Indra, that after defeat retreated back to where he came from- in northern realms. So, its nothing but story about invasion of one branch of Sarmatians onto the Black India behind Ind river and then their retreat back to their old lands.

Anyway, later more on this. For now focus on Europe and wherever you in old texts encounter ethnic name of WEND and other form of it VENET but also WAND and VANDAL, just replace it with one of these words: Srbin, Szczerbin, Serbjan or Serbyan. Words that we can tell with high degree of certainty, represent form of local version of Sarmarian name.

Srbin, Szczerbin, Serbjan or Serbyan = SARMAT = WEND = VENET

From western most Europe via Eurasia to the Ind river all was Sarmatian realm.

Old Sarum in what is now Britain

Roman period................ British hillfort was called Sorviodunum .................. Roman road network and Sorbiodoni.

Norman period........... In 1075, the Council of London established Herman as the first bishop of Salisbury (Seriberiensis episcopus)

See, not that Picts just were Sarmatians. They were Serbs, that was their name. And not only them.
2 Jun 2018
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

See, Anglos are wise. They erected few monuments to Poles in Britain. Just in case. To keep Poles properly oriented.
29 May 2018
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

You talked about Serbians more than Poles :) Actually Serbs are worse than Poles about hating Turks. I can understand them but I still dont get Poles.

Serbs didn`t invade Turkish realm but the opposite, Turks were invader. Anyway, we can`t correct what happened in past. What we can is to work for better future. Few months ago Erdogan visited Serbia and regions that are populated with Islamized Serbs- Bosniaks. It was first time in history since Turks invaded us, that now, after more then 100 years of cease fire in Serbo-Turkish wars that one Turkish leader came to Serbia and spoke to Islamized Serbs without trying to increase antagonism between them and Christian Serbs. On the contrary, Erdogan to to Islamized Serbs that they have to turn to Serbia, to their people, that they can in peace live with Christians. After that, great number of Turkish investors came to invest in Serbia. Also later, these days, when Erdogan visited Bosnia and Herzegovina, he again acted as stabilizing factor between Christian and Islamized Serbs.

You Turks can consider that Serbs gave you chance. If you are sincere, long lasting war between Turks and Serbs, with it between Turks and Slavs can finally occur. If just Germans can stop meddling in Dalmatia, Slavonia, Croatia, Herzegovina,... Serbian ethnic being would start to heal and Serbians of all three faith- Orthodox, Catholics and Muslims could live in peace and restore united Serbian state. Actually, its rather irony that Muslim Turks offering this kind of understanding and peace to Serbians while fellow Christian- Germanics (and other western Europeans), still exploit religious division among Serbians. At least Vatican shows signs of reconsideration of its policy on Serbians.
29 May 2018
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

I dont get it. In history Turks helped Polish people for too many things.

Just be nice to Serbians and Poles would tolerate you. Greatest f*** in Polish history was Turkish medieval invasion on Serbia. It was like cut the leg of Poland and open Poles vulnerable to two fronts, against Germanic and against Islamic invader. Not to speak that Turks destroyed last remains on ancient amber trade route that was Polish-Serbian business since time immemorial. Polish Kings tried to stop Turks over this and that effort utterly exhausted Poland. Disaster of that wealth flow on the long run greatly weakened Polish Kings. Plus, without active free Serbian state, balance within Slavic world was violated what led to Russians making business with Germanics instead with Serbians. It was putting Poland in very unpleasant strategic situation what resulted in great ruination of Polish might.
27 May 2018
News / Do we finally see that Russia doing something positive for Poland, by successfully resisting to EU ? [44]

What Britain doing is next. Accepts millions of Poles, hold them on lowest as possible standard of living and that way make them socially equal to peoples from colonies, use them for sedimentation of blood of all those from colonies (by stimulation of intermarriages and multiculturalism), use them as cheep labor force, pump them against Russia and everything Slavic- against Poland after all, assimilate Poles in various ways.

Wait. Germany, France, they all doing the same to Poles? What was population of Poland? 40? 37? Less then 35 million?

See, that is how we coming to thread like this one. This isn`t of Russia being perfect. Far from that. This is about that Poland profit on clash between EU and Russia. And why not? Really, why not? Russians aren`t perfect kin people but Brits are lethal friends.
27 May 2018
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

Well, US would survive but nobody said that US must survive as country of Europoids. Odds are too strong. Maybe Trump came too late. Maybe British royalty pushing things too far. I don`t know.

Fortunately, Americanized Slavs have where to retreat. Slavic world still standing.
27 May 2018
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

How can you not love a president of the USA who says: my nukes are bigger than your nukes. With the subliminal message: don't f*** with me.

Yes, stupid Anglos don`t understand what novelty is Trump. Idiots don`t even know what kind of president they got. Among other things, he tries to awake manly stance in that deeply womanized society. Not to speak of media freedom that he restoring. Trump is man of many aspects. Just look at him. He makes US great again but with new mission- to contribute to Multi-Polar world. Actually, its only way for USA to survive.
27 May 2018
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

When we are at different influences and contribution, this all puts Vatican in new situation. I mean, Vatican didn`t only took part in extermination of pagans, Orthodox, Protestants, Jews and Muslims but also in extermination of Polish Catholics. So, to remain in focus of action, Vatican would have to offer something new- maybe to acknowledge Svetovid and allow respect of this old guy in similar form as it is already allowed in Serbian Orthodox Church.

Everything becoming so dynamic and interesting. Say that you feel it.

Trump helping a lot of in reshaping world for better. Somehow he gave rhythm to social evolution.
27 May 2018
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

Its sickening how Britain, France and Germany developing their relations with Russia and China, while pushing Poland aside, crippling her diplomatically and economically.
27 May 2018
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

Sad development during last session at UN Security Council, last week. On the pressure of Britain, representative of Poland as preceding over the UN Security Council refused to initiate demand of changing format on talks about Kosovo within SC where Serbia could be excluded from discussion. But then Britain insisted and initiated it itself and after the short consultations representative of Poland obliged to demand of Britain and even joined to the British stance against Serbia.

On that Serbian FM Dacic reacted that it is 100 years since Poland and Serbia established official modern diplomatic relations, which was culmination after very dramatic part of Polish history. It was subtle reminder of Serbia`s FM what was Serbian role in establishment of Polish independence and what was British and French. Serbian FM Dacic also said that Poland don`t need to forget its old friends in order to satisfy its new friends (referring to Poland`s recognition of Kosovo).

Whole situation became even more unpleasant for Poland when Chinese representative in Security Council supported Serbia, and underlined that China as permanent member of UN SC won`t look favorable on change of the stance of Poland as country that currently presiding over the UN SC.
27 May 2018
News / Do we finally see that Russia doing something positive for Poland, by successfully resisting to EU ? [44]

This thread I must say, proving to be good experiment of mine. Let me explain.

I noticed general rise of anti-EU feelings among Polish diaspora and ethnic Poles in general. For obvious reasons. And Poles are more and more willing to openly criticize EU. Expat persons in Poland have mixed feelings. They would like to follow Polish feelings but, their feelings often differ. For obvious reasons. Comments on EU are various.

Now, when one initiate thread that in its title on one side underlines EU-Russia conflict and on the other side benefits for Poles from it, you get something like we have so far in this thread. First, Poles rather ignore such a thread. Poles would hardly dare to criticize EU in situation when it (to those who looking from outside) may look like that Poles rather support Russia then EU. Actually, most of Poles start to speak of positive sides of EU, no matter that in other threads they criticize that same EU.

This is so humanly, I must say.

But, its not nice that due to constant Polish-Russian antagonism, hostile non-Slavs, always have open maneuverable space to molest Serbia and Serbians just because we exist as Slavs. We must have assistance of Poland and of Russia to be able to survive as Slavs who live in region where we live- in the heart of Europe, exposed to influences of Western and Eastern Roman Empires and plus influences of Islam. If Russia solely coming in our aid, hostile non-Slavs say its over Orthodoxy. When Catholic Poles are able to do something for us, hostile non-Slavs have less maneuverable space to manipulate. Not to speak of combined effect of Polish and Russian support. Effect is then multiplied by fact that are hostile non-Slavs terrified by the possibility that Poland and Russia founded something in common interest, even if speak only of interests that both- Poles and Russians share positive feelings for Serbians and do have interests that we survive as Slavs.

As a Serbian, which tries to write here having in mind interests of Serbia and Serbians, I would like that Poles and Russians understand how is also their own best interest that normality prevails in their relationship. Normality means behaving normally. No big positive emotions, no big negative emotions, no alliance, no too much of cooperation but some minimum level of cooperation when both sides have interest, rather peaceful coexistence as good neighbors.

What is my point here? Point is that Poles and Russians must start to show respect to each others when there is reason for respect. See, my sisters and brothers, there is time for critics and times for respect. If you don`t have this in your relationship, you don`t have normalcy. Without normalcy, sooner or later hostile non-Slavs would grab that opportunity and put you in situation of mutual conflict.

So, I must say, behavior of Poles in this thread so far, does not change next facts:

1 - EU is increasingly hostile on Poland and Poles, for all sorts of reasons.

2 - Poland and Poles do profit from fact that is Russia able to resist to EU, because thanks to that Poland have bigger maneuverable space to itself resist to EU. If not for Russia, in Europe, EU would be unstoppable and resistance of Poland would be impossible. Anybody`s resistance would be impossible.

3 - If EU pressuring Serbia and Russia is able to support Serbia, that is also Russia`s support to Poland.