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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
30 Oct 2018

he gained 12 kg on German beer. Holy cow! That criminal!

He liked Germany though....Merkel speaks russian and he german...I wonder which language they use between them...
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Oct 2018

Here is an interesting link about Putin in the GDR...he didn't do much though....
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians. [84]

Could it be because the Russian life span is about 59 for men and its population is shrinking?

Yeah...that is abysmal...can it really be all the Wodka everybody blames?

The West loves democracy and self-determination until it benefits Russia. Is that it?

Na ja, it isn't as if Putin gives a sh'it about it either...after all his support for the secessionists with money, public and weapons he is not really the victim here.

Imagine other countries could get the idea that a border change would be the thing to strive for..
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians. [84]

Not killing journos and poisoning critics, not supporting secessionists and helping himself to some extra territories would be a good start...letting gays alone would be a nice touch too.

But migrants don't feature in that list...that's one topic they have already checked (better than Germany I would add):

Russia maintains one of the world's most liberal immigration policies; anyone who works in Russia for five years and develops fluency in the Russian language can become a citizen....

...The large non-Slavic immigrant populations arriving in response to Putin's liberal policy have sometimes been met with xenophobia; to counter this, the Russian state has shut down various anti-immigrant group.

Tha manly man Putin is quite pro-immigration...who would have thought, huh?

PS: Crowie better hurry with his slavic empire thingy...
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians. [84]

but are you compatible with the Turks and the current refugees?

Not really, also works only in small doses.

Germans and Russian may not be compatible, but, in my opinion, you would be complementing each other in a way I just mentioned.

Maybe we are to big for each other? I just dunno, Rich....
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians. [84]

Germany and Russia should be allies.

I wonder if that would be possible at all.

The dream of a russo-german alliance is old (even before Catherines times), the advantages for both clear, but are we compatible? Social, mental, cultural?

many admired Mother Teresa.

Na ja, but she was rarely seen as a rival to the own gov head either... :)
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians. [84]

Thus we can tell something about the Russian domination in Eastern and Central Europe.

Yeah....I'm glad it's over and I can't understand people going all nostalgic over it.

No naked male breast on a horse can convince me otherwise...
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians. [84]

Yeah, we, Americans, are pussies because we like Putin more than that gender-confused, metro-sexual idiot we had to suffer with for 8 long years.

I wonder how far that "liking" goes...the number of USians immigrating to Russia wanting to live under Putin's system is quite limited, isn't it?

Could you post a link to these polls?
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Oct 2018
Genealogy / Mongolian the Golden Horde - do Poles have Mongolian ancestry? [256]

But that's what happens to a country that starts "Total War" and then loose.

Oh please...they raped what they got, even newly freed inmates of the concentration camp for women, Ravensbrück!

...When Soviet forces liberated the subcamp at Neustadt-Glewe, "they raped all the women and girls: Jewish, Hungarian, German-it didn't matter."

That revenge rape myth may for you maybe kind of consoling, but it just isn't true:

....But he admits that he was "shaken to the core" to discover that Russian and Polish women and girls liberated from concentration camps were also violated.

..."That completely undermined the notion that the soldiers were using rape as a form of revenge against the Germans," he said.
Bratwurst Boy   
10 Oct 2018
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]


Crowie, the mind behind this art is a japanese manga/anime artist....just google "Hetalia"...or how a japanese artist sees Axis/Allies Europe! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians. [84]

He is Russia`s citizen, alright.

Think about it just a moment when you play with other peoples future again, Crowie! Your future slavic empire would contain automatically many millions of such people.

What are you gonna do with them?
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Sep 2018
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

What is typical to a leaders of a countries which were a large empires once.

Oh crap...what would happen if a german chancellor cries tears openly about the loss of the huge territory in the East and would like to have it all back!
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Sep 2018
History / Not proud of my Polish heritage [110]

Poland has simply been a victim of horrendous public relations over the past centuries

Really? It's all down to bad PR???
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Sep 2018
News / German state declare diplomatic war on Poland. [56]

Your media are obviously controlled by the establishment that support your current gov so you are not getting much of the info.

That would be so easy, wouldn't it?

To declare any political opponents and their arguments as being "brainwashed" and "misinformed" when your own arguments don't do it anymore

But believe me Iron, I have the same access to the world of information as do you, I speak and read english, the whole net is open to me to look for information...and contrary to you I speak and read German too. I have a much deeper insight into the german politics than you can ever dream of. I'm not dependent on foreign blogs explaining to me what happens in Germany.
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Sep 2018
News / German state declare diplomatic war on Poland. [56]

In fact German state is nothing but... so your argument is based on your opinion and on your view what going on.

Heh:) And your's is not?

Iron, we all here are only exchanging personal opinion and views. I would never claim for myself to be the only wise one around...
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Sep 2018
News / German state declare diplomatic war on Poland. [56]

Maybe some normal people in power would change the way German state is acting.

You will so miss Merkel an Co. once she is gone. Nobody will be more considerate and polite to Poland than her, I can give you that.
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Sep 2018
News / German state declare diplomatic war on Poland. [56]

Dude, your government declared war (diplomatic) on Poland and you wasn't even aware of it.

Yeah...that's it. Nobody was aware of it! Because it's crap! You shouldn't use that word so lightly...not with our history...

When the opposition blasts Merkel for that meeting too, what are you gonna do now? They are Germans too...

PS: The gov says the meeting was confidential, I have a guess was surely about Syria. That whole topic get's slowly serious. Contrary to the opinion of the majority of the Germans Merkel is already lobbying for supporting the US in Syria...I think that meeting with the russian high top officer was about clearing the path for that, gaining intel, preparing them and whatnot...

Not everything the Germans do is about Poland...
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Sep 2018
News / German state declare diplomatic war on Poland. [56]

Germany isn't a monolithic bloc....there are party's who have more sympathy with Russia than others, "Die Linke" or the "AfD" spring to mind.

We are no dictatorship or an authocracy either, what politicians do is not always the responsibility of the government. Neither does the comment of some news paper reflect the opinion of Merkel, you need to differentiate before declaring war on the whole of Germany when you smell some german fart...