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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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5 Oct 2018
Off-Topic / Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians. [84]

No, Russians aren`t lambs but to use BBC article against them is equal to madness. Didn`t you heard how venerable US pan Trump speaks negatively of BBC? After all, as if you aren`t aware of all BBC lies against Serbians? Don`t you see that BBC have ugly agenda? Altogether with complete UK?

Man, Brits are greatest urinators of Poland ever and you using them against fellow Slavs. Who have Brits for friends, don`t need enemies
30 Sep 2018
News / Poland Sports News [1079]

Congrats to Poland for winning the Men's World Championship in Volleball 2018

4. Serbia 7 million

7 mill for now. We are now i era of yoke and partition. But freedom will come.

Anyway, Serbia is true sport world power. Spirit and mentality of victors. As Hungarian Victor Orban said these days- `You Serbians were top and you will be top again`
26 Sep 2018
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

Don`t say that. Its not the same. Problem with those who feel ethnic Ukrainians is that Germany have initiative and not Poland. This situation only increases my fear in how Duda directing Poland. And not only Duda but, frankly, previous Polish administration, too. Its like that Germany decided to use NATO and EU on European soil as it suits to Germany while official Poland accepted it.

Before this madness in Europe and world finishes, you would all, together with Serbians sing this song about white breasts of your mothers and about dawn of Sarmatia >

You don`t know the song but you shall learn
26 Sep 2018
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

I think not. No Polish Ukrainian confederacy.

Why that now?

Intermarium is out. We have Three Seas Area.

I myself rather talked about New Commonwealth but again, Intermarium (Międzymorze/Medjumurje) also sounds acceptable.

As for Three Seas Area, its solution that actually always can lead to Intermarium. Add Serbia and Ukraine in Three Seas Area and we speak of Intermarium. But if somebody wants to exclude Serbia from Three Seas Area, then Serbia can opt for other solution for itself and suggest formation of Centroslavia or name it as you wish. In that case, in start we can count on Hungary (you heard Orban said he see Hungarians and Serbs in same future integration). Then also Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Czeska and Ukraine. They gravitate to Serbia, while, as I always thought, Poland and Serbia gravitate to each other. Ukraine as it is would gravitate to both- to Poland and to Serbia. So, if Three Seas Area isn`t for Serbia and Ukraine to join then they are territoriality separated, what isn`t acceptable. See, in any case, it means that if somebody excluding Serbia from Three Seas Area, he actually canceling Three Seas Area or simple isn`t realistic. Not to speak that one actually can`t define current Three Seas Area correctly, considering Croatia can`t be considered for a country that has definite borders. In fact, all states that emerged from former Yugoslavia aren`t defined with their real borders. We now have borders that defined communists and then western Europe and US Clinton`s accepted them because it suited them. We yet have to see some future international conference to help in defining real borders.

Ukraine itself also yet to define her real borders. Then, have in mind that all countries that recognized separation of Kosovo from Serbia, actually violated their own sovereignty. Poland for example recognized Kosovo and now, by same principle, Poland can expect Germany to unilaterally recognize separation of Silesia from Poland (same as previously that same Germany unilaterally recognized internal administrative (!) borders within Yugoslavia and that way deliberately fueled Civil War here).
25 Sep 2018
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

Spot development

Suverenistic political option prevails now in Sweden and Sweden starts to go closer to Central European countries such as Hungary, Serbia and whole Visegrad Group.
21 Sep 2018
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [251]

You know people, I contemplated on this. I think that Duda works for Serbian government. How he works Belgrade would be Capital of Intermarium, not Warsaw.

I also thinks that Duda don`t like Poles. He maybe have sense for business but he don`t like Poles. His actions suggest such a conclusion.
19 Sep 2018
History / Not proud of my Polish heritage [110]

Well, only one that isn`t aware of proportions of its Polish heritage may not be proud of Polish heritage. Somebody failed to explain to you.
19 Sep 2018
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

When Serbians from Balkan/Central Europe speak to Chinese, Jews, Japanese, Indians,... when speak to them as part of the club of old civilizations, human centers that were civilized even in prehistoric times, there is the unique spirit in the air. And when they salute survivor of us Serbs as of last Sarmatians that still using their original ethnic Sarmatian (Serbian) name, no matter all historical odds, when they congrats to us that we- Serbians from Balkan/Central Europe, secured continuity and survivor of our ancient Sarmatian civilization, they are by Serbians reminded that we are not last one, that there is one more point on the map of Europe and world that preserving continuity with its deepest Sarmatian roots. Then, Lusatian Serbs are mentioned and it is then pointed out that they also deserve support and solidarity of old civilizations of Earth.




By focusing attention on position of Lusatian Serbs, Balkan/CE Serbs repaying debt to their Northern brethren but also practically neutralize German threat to Slavic world. When Serbia restore its full economic, diplomatic and influential potential, Drang Nach Osten would finally become just episode from the past.


Not Greeks, not Romans, we Sarmats are givers of West. We gave it, we are parent to it! Old civilizations of Earth know it. You can`t lied to them.
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Are you serious here? You are using Nazi propaganda to describe the Americans?

All traces of crime suggests that US bankers created Hitler, same as previously Germany invented Lenin. Sure, not just bankers but big magnates, too.

US administration before Trump, Clinton and friends, look whom they supported... Nazis of Croatia, Nazis of Ukraine, Nazis of Baltic states, Muslim-Nazis in Bosnia and Kosovo. Look what propaganda machinery they used to justify their deeds... real Nazi way of propaganda. Trump ending this trend, I hope.

You don`t understand how is humanity ruled?
12 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

When western Europe blocked Serbia, Serbia opened doors to China and Russia. It was initial combination. Then we mediated between Russia and Israel and Jews came. Then we mediated between Russia and Japan and Japan came. Then we mediated between China and India and India came. Then we mediated between Russia and US and US came.

It all proved to be very good cure for western European domination. That is also good recipe for independence. It is as closest to independence as one can get.
12 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

I like to think of EU as of cow. I understand Poles.

Thats why i love china. Best people to do business with.

Chinese invested more then 2 mlrd US dollars in Serbia in last two months.

BDW, did you heard that China plans to buy some 7.000 passenger planes in next 20 years. Prepared some 1.200 mlrd US dollars for that. Imagine that. No sh** with China.
12 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

And someone who gets money from a sugar daddy

is rather wise. Wise to take back what in centuries earlier western Europeans stolen from Polish ancestors. Wise to see EU as decent cow.

Actually, when I think better, Poles don`t need to hurry to abandon EU. On the long run yes but urgently only if Serbs are excluded from EU. So, on the short run, Poland needs to support fastening of Serbia`s EU accession. Then, to form closest possible relations with Serbia within EU. And finally, when the moment come to abandon EU madhouse, Poland should use Serbia as shield while moving out from EU. Let stupid western Europeans stub themselves on Serbian d***, if they just dare to move against Polish-Serbian coalition (every evil empire learned how are Serbians bad luck- too much powerful interests behind them- especially now).

Serbia already sharpening d***. We know they would come. They like to stub themselves. They like it hard.
12 Sep 2018
Love / Why do so many Polish girls dye their hair BLACK? [124]

What was/is hair color of Baba Yaga in Polish myths? Maybe that`s the answer. Maybe Baba Yaga is copied or girls tend to use exactly opposite color then she have. It also depend on mothers. What mothers prefer, to be witches like Baba Yaga or to differ
11 Sep 2018
News / Poland's Future in the EU under PIS [51]

Poland will stay in EU only if US and Russia (in talks about configuring new world order and civilizations) sold Poland to the western Europe and of course, if Poles stay inert and fails to overthrown their government and EU on street protests.

As Austrian politician suggested, western Europe will move closer and closer to merging of large parts of northern Africa until finally annex it. In process they will create unified army and EU will obviously turn into federation. As Huntington and others predicted world moving in globalization and forming of global civilizations. In such a EU Poland will be needed only for sedimentation of large number of Africans and possible because of territory.
10 Sep 2018
News / Mister President Andrzej Duda - Best Poland could get. [70]

My Polish brethren should ask themselves who is behind Duda.

Polish patriots aren`t. They support Serbs. Ultra right Polish Catholics also aren`t behind Duda. They also support Serbs.

Vatican also isn`t behind Duda because Vatican now also support Serbs. USA now also support Serbs.

And we immediately see who is behind Duda. Its western Europe and on the first place Germany and plus, former US administration.

This is key. Former US administration. See, Duda is obsolete. Man of past. Man of time when Poland was weak, humiliated and obedient. Of time when Poland worked against interests of Poles.