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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
2 Mar 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

explaining that Germans will be a minority in their own land. is only that one guess you keep repeating. No German source says that the Germans will be a minority in Germany by 2060, and how could they.

You keep repeating that one opinion from one lone writer from back in 2012 ad nauseam, but that doesn't make it any more true!

The difference with Russia is that it's been a diverse country for centuries partially due to its size and due to its history as the leader of the USSR.

Look at a map...of course Germany can claim the same....we are in the middle of Europe with no natural boundaries...of course Germans are diverse, always have been. We even had our own diverse Empire for 1000 years...the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.

Nonetheless, the russians and Russian leadership make sure that they're still in charge

And Germany has leaders from Mars or what?

has the balls to say Russia is for Russians first and foremost

And still he keeps inviting foreigner....for demographic reasons, for labor reasons and even now for military reasons. Again Russians make up only 77% of Russia, Germans make up 89% of Germany! WE WIN! :)

The Germans however do.

Yeah well...if that's your only gripe...I can live with that.
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Mar 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

It seems like you are the one ignoring Germans eventual replacement in their own country

I wonder why you keep ignoring the even "worse" demographics of Russia and keep on harping on about Germany?

The figures released by destatis on Wednesday show that roughly 19.3 million of Germany's population had a migrant background in 2017

Can't you differentiate between european immigrants and non-european immigrants or are the...say... polish immigrants to you the same as...say...afghan immigrants?

Honest question know, (89% european make up to less than 10% non-european). Why do you keep ignoring that?

I guess the Russians would be glad to have that much european immigration...
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Mar 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

And the German governments own stat that Germans are a minority in Frankfurt is also not a fact,

Frankfurt am Main is our main banking sector. If with minority lotsa international super rich banker and their entourage is meant, yes...I bow my are's a minority ghetto, a very expensive at that!

....A further 61 per cent of residents who were born abroad have come from other countries within the European Union.


Home to as many as 180 nationalities, Frankfurt is very much a multicultural city.

It has large immigrant populations from countries such as Turkey, Italy, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Russia, Macedonia, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Portugal, Spain France, China, the United States, Japan, Austria, the UK, Morocco, Pakistan and India.

Frankfurt also has the second-largest Korean community in the whole of Europe, as well as Germany's largest Sri Lankan Tamil community. must look elsewhere for that muslim invasion/take over...
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Mar 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Germans will become a minority in their own country by 2060.

That is not a FACT, you numbnut. That is ONE wild guess into a far away future in ONE paper...not more not less...

You keep repeating it because it pleases you to do so and because it fits into your worldview...we could be all dead by 2060...nuked out...or not...we could all live under palms by then or grow three arms...nobody knows that. But you know that, don't you...but again, you give a **** about facts and real stats.

You just don't like them, the real stats...they make your holy (pure) Russia into the same mess of a pit as all other countries...If Germany is cucked Russia is even more so, heh:)
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Mar 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

A guess against facts, huh?

Yeah well...keep ignoring the numbers, but please spare me the Russia-worship...its ridiculous!

PS: I know you don't care for REAL stats but here are some more for the interested reader:

A 'perfect demographic storm' is crippling Russia

The men are dying too young; the women aren't having enough kids; the country has more immigrants than it knows what to do with; and it's running out of working-age people to support everybody else.

Plus: vodka
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Mar 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Nobody is claiming that because it's impossible. How will a minority of not even 10% become 51% in two generations...THINK, Dirk...THINK!!!!

And you so totally need to start you campaign for Russians to stay and become pure again...its a much more urgent case than Germany, they need your help and advise immediately.
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Mar 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

You keep on ignoring the facts and instead you keep on throwing new ones in the discussion? Well I can match them will hate that:

Demographic Collapse of Ethnic Russian Nation Seen Accelerating

Take that Dirk:

....Russian demographers predict that the total population of the Russian Federation will be relatively stable over the next two decades but only because of massive immigration from Central Asia and the Caucasus and still high birthrates and relatively low death rates among the traditionally Muslim nationalities of Russia itself....

And that:

Summing up, Shustov says that "in the majority of ethnic Russian regions, the demographic situation on the whole is worse than in the [non-Russian] national republics" and that the only hope for improving the size of the Slavic component of the population of Russia is to actively promote immigration from Ukraine.

To bad that many Ukrainians are leaving for the West instead...."survival of the fittest"! Yup! :)

Dirk, Russia will be much earlier "lost" than Germany, their starting point is lower....I wouldn't look to Putin and Russia as a role model, not really...have fun digesting that!
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Mar 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Your stats are skewed because a turk, Arab African etc with a German passport is considered a German.

As long till you can buy your ethnicity with a passport then these stats are not skewed because they explicitely are about ETHNIC demographics.

However one in four Germans have a migrant background.

...and the overwhelming majority of them is european!!! Nearly 90% of the german population is EUROPEAN!!!! (Mostly Poles I guess, heh:)
Compared to the meagre 77% of Russia...beat that!

Maybe we should invade Russia and breed to make them pure again, heh:)
....or better much fuss....
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]


A majority (not all of them though) of the young ones has totally different problems. All things war and borders have become a thing of the past for them...but it will take awhile till they can make it count in the voting booth. Many of them see immigration also not as problematic as we old farts...climate change for example is much more important for many of them.
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Mar 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

PS: The ethnic make up of your holy Russia is 77,7 % Russians, the rest are not. And it's 78,8 % Germans in Germany (the other european immigrants not even counted, that would be then 89,7 %).,_1926-2010

You can stop presenting Putin and Russia as some role model now...WE WIN! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Mar 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Putin once said Russia is for Russians first and foremost.

Putin wants immigrants from all over, he even lets them serve in his forces...get with the time!
In a country with 186 ethnic minorities there is no such "Russia for the Russians". When you would visit Moscow you could see.

Read and weep...
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Mar 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Germany would probably be better off if the Russians invaded.

Erm...they have invaded....and they stayed in the East for over 30 years....have you forgotten?

Not to mention that Russia consists of 186 ethnic minorities.,_1926-2010

They didn't and can't help you with your idea of German "purity" or whatever that is you dream of...
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

Palestine exists;

If there is an artificial construct, its Palestine...before Israel was founded there was no Palestine and no Palestinians either.

It's a construct to beat Israel with, to keep a reason to wish for its destruction and to drown Jews in the sea. That's why Arabs are still vegetating in refugee camps after so many decades. The only reason their super rich "brethren" can't be arsed to help them out...they are pawns in a dirty game.

They are kept there for a reason and it's not out of sympathy for them but for hate against the Jews!
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

That is concerning, because the evidence is there for everybody to see.

What evidence?

Did an AfD politician kill a Jew? Asked for a boycott of Israel? Sell weapons to Jew hater? Congratuled a country whose dearest wish is the eradication of Israel? What???

What is antisemitism to you?

PS: Interesting....
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

"Gaffes" like this are so common among the AfD that only the more egregious get attention nowadays.

Whataboutism at its finest! :)

No...Germany doesn't behave like a true friend of many Israel enemies it its own ranks.

Maybe screaming "ANTISEMITS!" at the AfD is meant to be a red herring...but its no longer working. Frankly I don't believe these screechers anymore...and since there is a jewish group inside the AfD it gets harder and harder. The baton "Nazis" is not as functioning as in earlier times...

The late Karl Lagerfeld put it so nicely:

"One cannot - even if there are decades between them - kill millions of Jews and then bring millions of their worst enemies in their place,"

Nuff said! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

Frankly I don't understand this Zentralrat anymore...where is he when Germany votes with Israel's enemies against Israel in the UN? Why doesn't he say something about the massive arm sales to Israel's enemies.

And now the lateste gaffe by Steinmeier, congratulating an arch enemy of Israel in the name of the german people..but hey, the AfD is the problem here, suuure!

If deeds count more than words than most of Germany's mainstream parties don't look good....big sunday speeches at the holocaust remembrance day not withstanding.
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

Especially when this critique comes from the left with all their "boycott Israel" demos....

Broder himself recently was at a AfD meeting...the same who was chucked out from the Spiegel a few years back...
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

Is Steinmeier not in leading position? He is an open antisemitic.

He is just stupid!

But yeah...there are some circles within the SPD who are not averse to some "Diktator kuscheln"...

Just think about Schröder and his bromance with Putin!
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Feb 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

I just know history better....

And it wasn't me who put a preference to looks....that was you.

You are definitely a racist. Your anti-german hate is not normal anymore and can't be explained historically as other Poles are alot more rational. In your eyes anything German is bad in your eyes, even innocent landscape becomes "wasteland" the moment the border is crossed, see treatment pronto! You have some deep seated problems, this forum is not good for you.

To not aggravate your psychological problems I put you on ignore for now!
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Feb 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

[moved from]

Oh if they didn't rape Poles.

Joanna Ostrowska and Marcin Zaremba of the Polish Academy of Sciences wrote that rapes of the Polish women reached a mass scale during the Red Army's Winter Offensive of 1945.[3]

According to Prof. Chwalba of Jagiellonian University, this behavior reached such a scale that the Polish communists installed in the city by the Soviet Union, composed a letter of protest to Joseph Stalin himself. At the Kraków Main station, Poles who tried to rescue the victims of gang rape were shot at.

German women were protected (at least partially) by strict instructions about their treatment during transfer, issued by the Soviet command. However, there were no such instructions, or any instructions whatsoever about the Poles

Forgotten story of Polish nuns gang-raped and made pregnant by advancing Soviet troops

Hell, they even raped jewish women just freed from a KZ....only stupids believe they would chose their victims only after nationality!

I've thought you knew your history...
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

My guess is that the slavic look is more pronounced with Russians than with Poles who mixed with other central western Europeans in a much bigger way because of the proximity.
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Sadly, but this one type is on the verge of extinction, probably.

They have always been the smallest part of the european makeup, doesn't mean extinction though....only less visibility.
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

I prefer my Polish human face to any horse face thank you very much :-)

Acknowledging diversity and declaring one "better" or "preferable" are two different things! That's more the field of right wingers/nationalists though...