The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Kashub1410  

Joined: 24 Jun 2022 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 8 Jul 2023
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5 Feb 2023
History / The Battle of Stalingrad saved Poland [34]

"The act of removing or killing people who want to kill you" is not liberation but, defending yourself. Red army defended Poles from being massacred, inprisoned or opressed from the Germans.

However it was very temperory due to the fact that the communist authorities did similar things, just not in plain sight and more indirectly with a more subtle approach. All their talk of liberating was the communist talk about "liberating" workers from the authority of capitalists, priests, aristocracy and everyone they deemed burgouise. (Which they happily branded anyone opposing them, wether it was correct or not)

So yeah, again please read a dictionary!
5 Feb 2023
History / The Battle of Stalingrad saved Poland [34]

Just because Prussia had better planners and Austria had to reshape herself, does not mean it would been very great in a fully Austria controlled Poland, without competition with Prussia/Russia it could possibly been a lot more harsher to be honest.

I have a few times wondered if Poland was supposed to die then be reborn only as another miracle and show of Gods grace to the entire world (try creating a similar scenario/simulation with any other nation and one quickly finds out the probability of it all)

Outcome of Stalingrad was a positive outcome to the entire world, cause we all know what would happen if Nazi Germany ruled most of Europe/Asia/Africa.

It wouldn't be restricted to labour camps and death camps during ww2, but more and possibly more sinister and dreadful technology being used.

I only have to shiver if I start to think what they could do with mass spraying drones on a large scale with acids or sirup gasses, trying to kill most of the worlds population to only have "Aryan" kind
5 Feb 2023
History / The Battle of Stalingrad saved Poland [34]

What's so surprising, enemies of Poland won't be in Poland's interest. If Russians had 100% free hands and No repercussions they would gladly Russianize in similar manner everywhere.

One only had to play games like DayZ to understand human mentality amongst most people, left alone to their own devices most people prefer to shoot first rather then ask questions.

Honor is not to be expected from extremists, especially when earlier only shown opportunistic tendencies.

Thinking that one of the sides is good is a logical fallacy due to the proven fact of both people wanting to eliminate Poland from the map, verbally, culturally or later on even fysically.

Only reason most Poles are more positive towards Austria is due to Austria being now the weakest, one has to remember it was among the strongest and most harsh in the beginning and initiator of starting to partition Poland by her actions. (A Catholic nation non-the less)

Germany now can be viewed positively due to being weak at the moment (compared to earlier history)

We should all be perfectly aware what kind of groups in Germany did and thought they could allow themselves to do when being in position of power. All the culture and traditions honed for those that were the strongest and most influential has been ripped off by the French Revolution.

Cards were changed, playbooks and even rules of war.

I would advice not to succumb to this logical argument, due to one fact. God stands beside us, few others have.
4 Feb 2023
History / Ghetto Uprising better known than Warsaw Uprising? [111]

@marion kanawha
Cause most Jews lived in Poland, it was when Tsarist Russia started to conquer eastern parts of the commonwealth that many Jews became a part of Russia.

When Jews ran from one country to another, most of them found a safe haven in Poland and stayed as they weren't exiled but protected by law.

Until after ww2 it didn't change much and many more were in the U.S instead.

You are free to quote Dmowski or MoĊ›cicki supporting alliance with Germany or how it is you think they sympathetic to anti-semitism
2 Feb 2023
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

If there were clubs for shooting, it would be a safe place to deposit it or have a place to lock it up.

Most Polish households don't have such possibility nor sheds with coded safe or cellars adequate to stock up items that are not meant for children.

So for most part it will continue to be strictly regulated and controlled by the government as far as I can see it

For it to change, it would require more responsible men in Poland for it even to become an option
1 Feb 2023
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Amateurs around weapons are the gravest dangers, as shown quite clearly in your post.

Which is why gun owners should have them locked up in safe locker rooms, kids being taught how to handle weapons from a young age with wooden made looking weapons that cannot fire.

Or simply weak rubber/wood sticks swords as to know how to behave with weapons. Banning weapons momentarily is done in critical situations as to cool off hot heads from stabbing each other.

Problem in Poland is that hotheads are a constant, not an irregularity! :)

Boy Scouts should add practice with swords/firearms as to avoid such situations I think (with use of non-lethal weaponry)
31 Jan 2023
Study / Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies. [932]

I was thinking about pentagrams, besides your using a talking point typical for a charlatan: "How come you don't like hugs? Hugs are the best! Let me hug you!"

You either pretend that there are no ulterior motives, or will fully ignore the agenda that it has the destruction of family units.

Either way
30 Jan 2023
Study / Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies. [932]

As I stated earlier, it's a lie to think I don't support any human being to have and excersise freedom


How much do you support freedom and to what extent? Do you support killing? Murder? Hanging? Bullying? Torture?

If yes then, does it limit to the elderly? Unborn? Newborn? Women? Men? Minorities? Animals? Political opponents? Political allies? Family? Strangers? Your dog? Or a dog in China ready to be cooked?

Dolphins? Rats? Cats? Mice? Horses?

Ask yourself that, I can already guess your answer.
30 Jan 2023
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

England can afford to be a laughing stock, which is heavily implied and underlined by laughing off themselves, which Americans have copycatted in their own way. But being squeezed between Germany and Russia, does not come appreciative to hear from anyone about laughs about Poland cause Germans and Russians alike are the happiest and most joyful when they have partitioned and occupied Poland and can talk all possible nonsense and lies on Poland's expanse, every time somebody does the same, it only reminds every single Pole of the time somebody laughed of their feelings or tragedies and were told to "buckle up"

I assure it's not welcome at all and forever remembered.

If you want to challenge a Pole, man up and do it like a man. Just don't come here "whimping" "how rascist all Poles are" you should known better.
30 Jan 2023
Study / Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies. [932]

That is a lie, but don't come here telling me I look fondly to people celebrating and supporting evil, tyranny, trickery and creating mayhem and murder which you very often show support for on this forum.

You just like many others here chose and continue to chose evil, I do not, won't and have no plans of doing it.

If somebody chooses evil it is their choice, but if I have a say in the matter. I won't ignore if I have the means to alter their actions from dooming themselves.

You might tout all you won't about not stopping a reckless suicidal, I would, have and will step in if anybody tries doing it near me.

THAT is the difference between you and me, so don't come here trying to convince you are compassionate, kind or help the oppressed or downtrodden. Because you will not convince me even an inch in that direction.

And have a good day
30 Jan 2023
Study / Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies. [932]

You seem to be a lost cause, hopefully I am wrong about it.

What you don't seem to understand is that freedom comes with responsibility, using freedom as a carte blanche to ignore somebody walking off the cliff while you could have saved them from it, puts your own soul in trouble.

You are not a toddler as far as I know, yet a teacher and an adult. Nobody likes people butting in, but being a Christian isn't about being liked.

You can talk and write all you want, but if you declare yourself a feminist but avoid responsibilities and not take action when in need of it, I am surprised if any women would entertain the thought of being with you.

But again, I can be fully wrong! Maybe that's excactly what people need? Irresponsible not doing anything men?!

Now I am off and done with my frustrations for the day. Hope you are able to ignore me blowing off some steam today
30 Jan 2023
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

@johnny reb
First and foremost Polish accents are not funny yet dry and boring, and rather stiff. German accents are a lot more funnier to the ear in English, Polish and Norwegian.

If you want to make fun of Poles Please do it accurately, otherwise you only prove yourself ignorant and definitively not funny. Unless saying it among equally ignorant people.

I can give you an example, saying that Stockholm is too hot in the summer and expected it to be colder due to it being the capital of Denmark would only envoke anger and rolling eyes, while saying that you better not eat fish in Sweden as it's more rotten then the state of Denmark. Can be understood as witty and with class due to mentioning a reference from a famous play by Shakespeare.

So when you talk about "funny" accents in a way of

Funny accent ;)

Then it's not appreciated, while mentioning that thank goodness Poles got their accent like it is, cause in Czechia they got roofshitters. One might actually catch a smile or two from the audience.

If you try dry humour then dad jokes are typically more popular, especially wordplay

For instance: "Ever heard of a deaf German? Neither have I"
30 Jan 2023
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

Some people bond over mocking other people, since between friends it isn't considered serious. Yet ignoring public mocking was a very harsh lesson for most Poles with deadly and disastrous consequences, which serves more as a proof of hostile intentions.

Any form of harming somebody's reputation is a lot more sensitive to Poles then to other nations due to the fact of being isolated internationally cause of it, and anyone contributing to it for Russia is viewed negatively. To internet trolls great amusements due to their own perception of self worth and mindset of people should be able to "handle" such attacks and scuff it off. Especially from Americans who don't value one's own reputation to such degree as Poles.

Yet it only shows their lack of power and influence in their own lives and are overjoyed over such reactions just like a little child who enjoys attention while doing something bad.
30 Jan 2023
Study / Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies. [932]


Okey... just to make a point across. Cause it seems you are 100% blind to what you are writing.

As to #619

You think those same insurgents fought for every Polish citizens freedom to wear which ever or symbol they liked? Example: red and black coloured flags and to wear satanic symbols like stars or other symbols linked with mockery of God, faith or the church?

I would like to your honest opinion about it, comes comes across very often on this forum that you "claim" to be Christian, yet I see very little of it. I observe far more mind control initiatives then Christianity from you (and other members on this forum)

So do tell, how do you view freedom to sin vs "freedom" to be on the wrong side, a.k.a as a personal choice.
26 Jan 2023
News / Jagiellonian Politics on Steroids [19]

First it seems that Warzecha is basing his view on how eastern Poland is developing/improved compared to western Poland.

As far as I know Poland won't gain any form of direct/formal control over Ukraine so such worries are misplaced.

Besides, west has lost everything that was positive about in recent years, it has turned in to such decadence that it's compareable with falling Byzantium, falling western Rome and falling China of the 19th century.

Influx and increased contact with Ukraine and the east in general will not only keep Poland on it's toes, increase it's discipline and attention but, also create a stronger block of slowing down any decadence simply cause "We don't have time for that, look at Russia in Ukraine!"

Poland is still keeping it's democratical and anti-tyranical traditions alive. Mostly thanks to Polish women at large, given evidence from posters such as @Lenka, @Paulina and @pawian

So I don't worry about easternization of Poland, far from it. Far more concerned about practices who turn people away from love, but shoves it in to hate, malice and will to dominate all life. As one by one, countries fell to that power in the west.
25 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Male expectations and needs are not the same as with a female, humans, animals alike. We even need different food, so no. By not having a house or a job I might as well shoot myself, and that's not an option for me...

No I am not, there are many different kinds of women and those who are stubbornly passionate to copy-cat men and live a "man like lifestyle" are ruling the waves of opinions in the west to societies downfall.

A womens need for materials and ressources being insanely driven to the extremes turns capitalistic, while men's need to ensure a healthy women that can deliver a healthy child taken to the extremes wants to visit strippers and pay for it (which is also abhorant mind you)

Peoples lack of such awareness leads to downfall of western society piece by piece, one only has to look at the marriage ratings, people think it's exchangeable like gloves while in reality it's a sacred and holy commitment.

I will not be silent or stand idle as more children in this world grow up without the best prospects, simply because somebody feels "oppressed " toot hoot. Grow up
24 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

I ain't preaching, just stating my opinions in frustration over the situation in the world! :(((

Life could been so much better!!! :(

Don't need to tell me about it, a women is in her right to take care and mind what's in need to have a good and safe home for her and future children.
24 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

It would be a welcoming change to have women wanting and being able to stay at home, take care of the house, kids, cook, bake, invite her friends and their kids over for tea and biscuits while talking about the newest information.

Diametrically better then slaving off to some corporation that wouldn't give a rats ass about women that worsen their lives as much as possible and exploit them, just for the sake money.

It might come as surprising but I find most women to be abhorantly capitalistic, only pretending to want to share anything as not to "look" bad.

It's a farce!
17 Nov 2022
History / Recommended Poland's history books [186]

@marion kanawha
Your most welcome, glad to be of assistance to you.

When Polish history is read in Polish, it is grammatically correct to use "Zygmunt" due to it being the Polish version of the Latin name Sigismund.

Due to English history rarely touching the subject of Poland in the past, when great minds and historians decided in an orderly fashion which versions and words to use in the English language. It's fairly open to interpretation which form is best used. I would advice to use the form which is easiest for an English reader to read, as it's aimed at an English audience by use of English (or international with the use of English).

I would have consulted more with a somebody majoring English language, and history to solve that question
14 Nov 2022
History / Recommended Poland's history books [186]

@marion kanawha
That's caused by use of Latin in Poland to a much higher degree then other european states. (Especially compared to England, a English queen was quite taken aback when dealing with Polish diplomats due to Polish trade ships being attacked by english privateers. Due to useage of latin, which the queen had to brush up on.)

So many translations or use can be more connected to latin, then Polish. Sigismund (scandinavian is Sigmund) is latin version of Zygmunt and so on.
14 Nov 2022
History / What do Poles owe to Hungarians? [233]

To me it is unknown, but I wouldn't be surprised if major powers back then wanted Austrias ally to be stripped off as much power as possible so that Austria would essentially become unimportant and powerless + give Hungarians something more to dislike Austrians about.

Got to remember that the Germans (central powers in general) were vilified as "The Huns". So this most likely was a continuation of the thinking too.

Hungarians becoming so small and controlling so little became so insignificant politically that basically nobody were seriously considering them as a ally and too much trouble to help out and expecting help in return. (Anyone would have to pay more then to receive back, which halts most interests and limits it. Even to this day)

Have 1 allied state at cost of worse relations with 5-6 nations? And smaller then the rest.

We as Poles have looked sympathetically towards Hungarians due to history (common foe/rivalry with Austrians, standing up to Turks and shared fighting spirit with the Soviet Union)

Now that Hungary is dependent on Russia during the Ukrainian crisis and potentially wants a little land grab of Ukraine (ignoring Ukraines military capabilities and resolve+Polish backing)

National strategical interests change as Hungary doesn't seem to see Russia as a threat to Hungary