The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by InPolska  

Joined: 19 Jun 2015 / Female ♀
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Last Post: 9 May 2016
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 2 / Archived: 7
Posts: Total: 1796 / Live: 467 / Archived: 1329
From: Warszawa

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24 Oct 2015
News / School shooting in Sweden. Should Poland be worried about a copycat? [24]

Any alibi to be used for the millionth time to spit on Muslims! Don't you have anything more interesting in what you call your life? Have you seen in the (including Polish) news that in Sweden a refugee shelter got burned down? Do tell us more about it so you and your racist buddies shall have something to spend the weekend on.
24 Oct 2015
Love / Do Polish girls like to marry a man from Lebanon ??? [41]

@Bazz: it's not a matter of nationality but of culture. When cultural differences are so huge and one (= the man, usually ;)) imposes their cultural/religious code to the other, it creates problems. Back home, I have seen many Christian-Muslim or Jewish-Muslim married or unmarried couples and things could work because none of the partners was deeply in their religion. I have also met Western women married to Muslims and their life had very soon become nightmarish: need to cover their hair, not to go out, not to talk with other men. I even used to know an English girl born from Polish parents who did date a Lebanese (surgeon that she met in Montréal) and she decided to stop 6 months later. He wanted her to cover her head, to wear long sleeves even in summer ....

However, oriental and Polish cultures are different so not always obvious. I am NOT saying that it canNOT work (because everybody's grandma will come and tell me that they know 1 or 2 persons who are ok ;)) but that cultural différences do matter. I personally would feel better being in a couple with a Briton, a Norwegian or a Belgian than with an Afghan, a Tanzanian or an Eskimo ;).
24 Oct 2015
Love / Do Polish girls like to marry a man from Lebanon ??? [41]

It just depends upon the woman and upon the man. There is NO rule. PS @Dany: 54% Muslims according to 2014 CIA World Factbook so why the he..ll do you want to change reality?;) However, even if guy a Christian, the Lebanese culture is so different from Polish culture that things may not be so easy for them.
22 Oct 2015
News / Duda invited to march in Poland's Independence Day parade [182]

@Crow: maybe you should start travelling and meet people instead of living in your own imaginary world. No one in Poland (and in the West more generally) gives a sh... about Kosovo, Serbia, Albania and consorts. I have never heard any Pole talking about that. 99.99% (if not 100%) of Poles look westwards.
21 Oct 2015
Love / Best, safe Polish dating sites? [95]

Great for you! However, it's very rare since the vast majority of people on dating sites are people with problems and/or just want to play around.
18 Oct 2015
Life / Polish loos have made great strides.... [12]

Thanks for all the details! ;) My first trip to Poland was in Spring 1990 and I've experienced all this ;). In a lot of public buildings including hospitals even in Warsaw, it has not improved much and in Polska B, it's still very "exotic". Fortunately, we can now go to McDo!

And what about the grey paper? ;)
17 Oct 2015
Law / Asylum laws in Poland [33]

@Marsu: you have answered wrong post ;). In Poland, ALL Western Europeans are well appreciated so I doubt that Italians and Spaniard (I'm part Spanish) were victims of ... "racism".

Anyway, a lot of trolls in PF in order to maintain a xenophobic, racist, antisemitic, homohopic climate...
17 Oct 2015
Law / Asylum laws in Poland [33]

@Maf: so IF he's an atheist (but I doubt he's a famous writer ;)), best bet is ... France but he is not eligible to receive work permit there. The refusal to issue work permits to most migrants forces English speakers to leave France for UK. If people are not allowed to work (working illegally is very dangerous in France because if caught, no mercy), they don't want to stay (or maybe, it's the idea ... :)).

Sad life when from sh###ty countries!
17 Oct 2015
Law / Asylum laws in Poland [33]

@Marsu: I don't know about the guy's (most probably most unfortunate) situation but what he says does not sound correct. He claims to be from Bengladesh and to have received a refugee status. There is no war there and there is no such a thing as an economic refugee status.

Nevertheless, it's very sad. When coming from sh]]]ty areas, we are stuck and cannot do it better...

Of course, Poland is no answer to his problems.
16 Oct 2015
Law / Asylum laws in Poland [33]

So, if you can't apply for asylum within the EU, you cannot do it in Poland ;). Since you are from Bengladesh, how come you have the refugee status? Is there a war over there? Yes, Poland is a poor country (millions of Poles have to go abroad for work). Not all countries are rich in the EU. Bulgaria and Rumania are poorer than Poland.

What would you do it in Poland? You wouldn't get a work permit, wouldn't get a job. There is no welfare and salaries are low. It is cold and grey and people are racist (you"ve got quite a few examples only in PF ;)). Poland would most probably be the worst option for you.
16 Oct 2015
Law / Asylum laws in Poland [33]

@Moon: sorry, nobody in a "random" forum like this one can help you. As to Poland, you'd better forget it!

Why not Sweden? They are open, generous and easy going
16 Oct 2015
Law / Asylum laws in Poland [33]

@Moon: your situation is of course very sad but Poland is not the country for you. Poland is a poor country (millions of Poles move abroad for work) and is a very closed (everybody is white, everybody is catholic...) society hence not tolerant for others. On top of that, it's cold and grey most of the year.

If you speak English, try in the UK. Or what about India?

PS: if you are from Bengladesh, you cannot get what is offered to current migrants.
16 Oct 2015
Law / Asylum laws in Poland [33]

@Moon: migrants do currently get 1,010e, so probably you did not qualify for the whole deal;). And as to free medical programs for migrants, they are called "AME" and not "CMU" like I said ("CMU" is not for migrants).

You know, in Poland you will get nothing. In order to work in Poland, you need to speak Polish, most salaries are very low, the climate is bad and as a 3rd Worlder, you'll have it tough. Today, in Gazeta Wyborcza, there is a report of Muslims being (verbally and physically) attacked in Wroclaw and even if people are not physically attacked on a daily basis, they suffer from racism and believe me, it's not very pleasant ;)

The easiest country for English speakers to get work permits is UK so why don't you try there? Forget about Poland!

What is your nationality, the language(s) you speak, your age, your marital status, your education, your work experience?
16 Oct 2015
Law / Asylum laws in Poland [33]

@Maf: also do NOT forget that they have huge communities in UK and therefore it makes sense for them to go where they have friends, brothers and cousins so they can help each other and also feel a bit like at home. If they don't speak good English, at least they do speak SOME whereas they speak ZERO French so GB much easier for them. Also, in GB they can get work permits quickly and may work while illegal; in France, most of them are not eligible to work permits and are not allowed to work without papers so not interesting to stay in France unless they are just interested in (too generous) welfare.

As to applying to Poland, it does make no sense (not only financially but also for all the rest). Since Merkel has invited everybody, the OP should try Germany ;)
16 Oct 2015
Law / Asylum laws in Poland [33]

@Maf: the reason why they move to UK, it's because it is easier to get papers while there and also they speak English. Most of those migrants don't speak French (no way to get a job without being fluent in language) and are not allowed to receive work permits in France.

@Moon: trust me, if you know how French administration works, you'll get around 1,000 + free flat (or help through CAF) and free medical care throuth CMU. In Poland you'll have nothing and to work, it's very unlikely that you'll get anything and most salaries in Poland are very low.
16 Oct 2015
Law / Asylum laws in Poland [33]

Nice troll! Very unlikely: in France you can get 1,000 euros/month just doing nothing, free accommodation, free medical care (CMU) and in Poland, you'll get nothing and if a job, no more than a few hundreds of euros if you are lucky
15 Oct 2015
Travel / I'm so bored in Poland! [129]

Absolutel, Atch, better to buy a bottle of good wine and prepare one's own....
15 Oct 2015
Travel / I'm so bored in Poland! [129]

Of course, Atch, "mulled wine" is as old as wine production is.
15 Oct 2015
Travel / I'm so bored in Poland! [129]

Coud be (re GB) and most probably it's very recent in Poland (post 1989?) but it has always been very popular in wine producing areas. In France, they've been drinking "vin chaud" in various recipes ("mulled wine") since close to 2,000 years ;).
15 Oct 2015
Travel / I'm so bored in Poland! [129]

Don't you have "mulled wine" in GB???? It is not a Polish thing but a (continental?) European custom.
14 Oct 2015
News / Duda invited to march in Poland's Independence Day parade [182]

Absolutely, Polsyr! :) I used to live in Centrum on Hoża and from some of my windows I could watch the socalled march and I guarantee that 100% were hooligans and other garbage (only youngish men and of course no women, no kids..). Maybe at the origin "normal" citizens did attend but they have stopped over the years. It is too dangerous. When I lived in the neighborhood, I stayed at home on Nov. 11 because if I had gone somewhere, it would have been impossible to return home due to the "events"....
5 Oct 2015
News / Polish President vetoes PO's dingbat gender law [173]

Same about me: I've met one transgender in Poland ...... A. Grodzka herself. I admire her courage because not easy.

"Absolutely a plague on both their houses...natural supporters" = 100% agreed!
5 Oct 2015
News / Polish President vetoes PO's dingbat gender law [173]

@Pol: thanks for search! I am lousy at maths too but I can figure in a country like Poland with respect to its adult population, it may mean a few hundred people at very most.

If someone has an exact number, feel free! :)
3 Oct 2015
News / Polish President vetoes PO's dingbat gender law [173]

If PO and their buddies want to hurt Duda and PiS, they need to introduce topics that most Poles favor and not things at least 99.99% including MPs are not concerned about. With topics such as "gender", they show that they are completely disconnected from Polish voters' concern and they help PiS....
3 Oct 2015
News / Polish President vetoes PO's dingbat gender law [173]

@Delph: since at least 99.99% of Polish population not concerned and most probably against, Duda's veto can only be seen by Polish voters as common sense. If the Parliament for instance voted to declare war to ... Luxemburg, according to you, the President (whoever he is) should approve.

Gender is not an issue in Polish society so why in the world wasting time and public money to discuss it?

There are (just 1 example) millions of Poles working on garbage contracts but amazingly, MPs are not concerned about that.

MPs show once more than they are completely disconnected from Polish reality and as a result fewer than 50% of Poles bother voting.