12 Sep 2020
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]
I think the very notion of Eastern Europe is a Cold War relic. Until 1990 even Eastern Germany on Western geographic atlases was part of Eastern Europe. I think there is no country which could be regarded as completely Eastern European because even Kaliningrad region of Russia is located in Central Europe. I think it would be better to move away from divisions of Europe into West, Center or East. Why all European countries cannot be just in Europe?!
I think the very notion of Eastern Europe is a Cold War relic. Until 1990 even Eastern Germany on Western geographic atlases was part of Eastern Europe. I think there is no country which could be regarded as completely Eastern European because even Kaliningrad region of Russia is located in Central Europe. I think it would be better to move away from divisions of Europe into West, Center or East. Why all European countries cannot be just in Europe?!