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Posts by ConstantineK  

Joined: 10 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Jun 2024
Threads: Total: 26 / Live: 2 / Archived: 24
Posts: Total: 1298 / Live: 230 / Archived: 1068
From: Moscow(Russia)
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: History of Late Ancient World, Tragedie Lyrique (J.B.Lully)

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29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

How Constantine can compare lives to mere ideology is beyond me.

Oh come on, just please don't say to me that the "life" is a God given gift!!! Look around, we are in the internet, not in the Roman Catholic church! People are just animated pieces of meat.....
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Communism, an idea for idiots.

Don't deny this marvelous idea with such uneducated boldness! Or may be you want to compete with such genial men like Marx or Lenin? Communism is perfect and ideal, it's a human actions were corrupted
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

As you can remember, Soviet coat of arms contains the world globe as a part, so the main aim was the worldwide prevailing of communism and the death of 20 thousands of Polish officers is nothing being compared with it...sorry, but if I were on the Stalin's place, be patient, the decision would be the same... the same thing with you, I don't have any doubts...
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

there is much more to it.

Clarify please
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

I don't take into account the Polish education as a system, but education as a way of how you educates your children to hate russians or germans and disgustingly to pick at your "bleeding history"
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

That's proof of nothing. Prince is but one Pole anyway

Not at all, don't think that I have intention to accuse Prince, but these words are really the proof, because they are unconscious. That is why they are proof, they are proof of Polish way of education....
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Because The History taught us this fact

And here you can observe the proof:

That is the difference between Russians and Poles.

29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

That is the difference between Russians and Poles.

Mmmm, once again I hear that Poles stand slightly higher then Russians on the cilivization ladder....ha-ha.... (it's excusable, becase you are hardly able to break off with your arrogant Polishness instantly)

THERE IS NO ANY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RUSSIANS AND POLES, because we have the same number of limbs and the same mincemeat inside us....
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

What a load of bull ! What do you mean, saying about Putin's heritage? Russia is Russia, Soviet or Tsarist, it dosen't matter! And Rusians are proud by every bit of their history, anyway I would never change one most miserable piece of Russian history on all arrogant Polish heritage!
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

claimed to be victim of anti-polish plot he was commie Soviet to the end.

Soviet = Russian
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

As I've said Jastrzembski is Russian.

Certainly! Even more, Dzerzhinskiy was Russian too
29 Nov 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Come on guys....don't fool yourselves... The fact is, there are no any "Russian Poles", because if you are Russian, then you are Russian, and there is no metter what kind of roots you have!
14 Nov 2007
History / 1612 new russian epic movie. Polish troops in Moscow. [25]

Be careful - it has as much to do with the history, as "Troy"...and as much with Spaniards as with Poles.:) Just a quite boring fantasy...

I bet , that even contemporary Poles could not perform the Poles in 1612 with true.

Like Kain and Abel, I guess?

Romul and Rem
31 Aug 2007
History / Poland's January Uprisings of 1863 [86]

If they are assassinating their own journalists today, why would they go out of their way to apologize to the Polish people.

you can`t blame Russian gov-nt in this assassination because you have no true evidences! So it would be better to keep silent, otherwise you will show your partiality and lack of information...:-(
25 Jun 2007
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

'Yes, it is possible to love this country, not being a Pole'.

Thaks God!!!! I like those Poles!!!!
20 Jun 2007
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Quoting: ConstantineK
try to love for example russia being pole?
Well... I am Lemko, and have realised that I'd loved Poland strongly... I had to leave the country, and to live some time in UK to awake but... It just happens. So I might be an example I believe. :)

So and you being Pole, love your brothers Russians which opressed your grandfathers in past, isn't it?
18 Jun 2007
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

To love Poland being Pole is not difficult..., try to love for example russia being pole? ;-)))
18 Jun 2007
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Quoting: ConstantineK

Of course Poles are much more moral than other nations, i have no doubt that it's a moral heart of the world....;-)))))


Ha...typical Pole in my comprehension is Tadeusz Rejtan...bravely but senselessly.

Bravery * inanity = stupidity

I think we both (you russian me finn) should look up to them...

As i'a a "Tadeusz Rejtan Syndrome"....i think that Finns are more claver to cooperate with us than always annoing Poles...
8 Jun 2007
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Polish are proud people with strong morality. That's why.

Of course Poles are much more moral than other nations, i have no doubt that it's a moral heart of the world....;-)))))

~I love Poland because it is the greatest country ever!

Russia occupies 17.075.400 km2 and Poland only 312.683 km2, so about 54,60930079345535254554932631451 times greater than Poland ;-)))))

The country is lovely! the mountains, the flats, the cities.

There are alot of countries which have more mountains, flats and cities....I assure you!!!

Poland gave us John Paul (God Bless him)

AMEN!!!! And Germany gave us Benedictus ....hemmm, i think XIV......god bless all popes dead or alive even Alexander VI Borgia.....