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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 1 hr ago
Threads: 4
Posts: 7515

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20 Jan 2024
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Let me start:

1. I was never hungry
2. I was never homeless
3. I never saw a Soviet soldier or vehicle
4. I received my first communion and confirmation
5. I was never interrogated by UB or Milicja
6. I never belonged to any party
7. I was never forced to parade on May 1
8. I was never indoctrinated
9. I got my MSEE for free
10. I left for the Netherlands in full daylight in 1966

If you know of other horrors I just forgot, please let me know what those were...
20 Jan 2024
UK, Ireland / Polish engineer and family found dead in village. [26]

The tragic incident involves dead children.

So what? What makes it extreme? A couple of kids?
Learn English and keep "extreme" for extreme events, little girl...
20 Jan 2024
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Really? You are almost as nutty as Pawian......

It was not the Brits, the French, the Americans, or the Poles who liberated Poland, including Auschwitz, from the Germans. It was the Red Army.

They were greeted with flowers in Poland just as the Americans were greeted in France.
If my facts are wrong, tell me...No personal insults.
19 Jan 2024
UK, Ireland / Polish engineer and family found dead in village. [26]

Those calls to prayer drove him nuts.

Whatever happened, it's extremely sad.

Extremely means at the end of the scale. If that was "extremely", what about the 2004 tsunami? Did your head explode from 250,000 victims that day?
19 Jan 2024
News / Coronavirus in Poland - part 2 [323]

They are miserably cads, and nobodies for the most part, lefties and corrupt

Hey, easy...What happened to that famous Western "freedom and democracy"? Are those two concepts only for show and as debating tools on PF?
19 Jan 2024
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

but that the rape did not cancel out the overall "GOOD".

...and the Red Arny did plenty of good for Poland, Poles, and me. Like preventing the Western warmongers from "liberating" Poland...and never mind how many of us would die in the process.

Red is always better than dead, so FU, Western liberators, and your "freedom and democracy"...
19 Jan 2024
Language / Is it possible to master the Polish language fluently for a non-Polish speaker? [120]

a brytyjski jest trochę brzydszy od niemieckiego. to krąg brzydoty.

...and that's why German is so widely used all over the world...
American was invented by the people who listened to the British illegal aliens and said: Hell, no way! These clowns don't even know how to spell color, program, and shop.
18 Jan 2024
USA, Canada / Where can I meet Polish women in Chicago [85]

Where i can find a Polish Woman Right here in Brighton Park , Chicago, Illlinois ?

No Polish woman with date a guy whose name is Kurkomo.
Besides, those that can be found are lost in more ways than one. Don't...
17 Jan 2024
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

their lack of a health system and all the gun crime however on the whole they're decent people.

The US healthcare system is the best.
No system can effectively cope with suicide idiots who snort, smoke, drink, overeat, and then expect miracles.

The US white murder rate is 2 per 100,000. In the exceptionally white states, it's 1 per 100,000 and lower than in France.

I am not going to take responsibility for African thugs and Latino gangs.

There is zero causation between guns in white hands and murder rates. If guns cause crime, police stations should be the killing zones in the US. They are not. That's where we are the safest.
17 Jan 2024
Work / Are there any jobs for Americans in Poland? [46]

Today I would gladly hire an American to clear snow.

Try a Muslim migrant. They just sit there doing nothing...

Oops...except making lots of babies to outpopulate the natives...

Are you a German?
17 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Things People Say in Ireland - Even though Novichok thinks they can't. [66]

But if it's a Syrian claiming Irishness, it does cause some cognitive dissonance.

It's all about meltability and welfare locals are guilted into providing. Less melting, more welfare, more migrant kids, a fvcking disater ... See Sweden.
Today, Sweden is 20% not white Swedish.
15 Jan 2024
News / Coronavirus in Poland - part 2 [323]

World leaders meet in Davos to thrash out plan to protect against 'Disease X' - a hypothetical pandemic that could kill 20-times more people than Covid

That was the title. Now a reader's comment:

they should bomb the place while they are all under the same roof

Pure genius...
14 Jan 2024
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Culling your child on t.v. might be a bit much to watch, Novi.

I wouldn't want to watch a child being delivered, either.
My comment is aimed at the proabortion feminazis who use the word "healthcare" to make abortion more acceptable.

If it's just another case of "healthcare", show it on TV to all of us and pregnant women, specifically.
14 Jan 2024
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

If abortion is healthcare, let's show it on TV - all of it, including what is going on inside. I remember an open heart surgery as well as a colonoscopy ... live and in color...
14 Jan 2024
News / Coronavirus in Poland - part 2 [323]

Are there any errors in the sentence below?
I saw two Black men and two white men walking down the street...