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Posts by PennBoy  

Joined: 7 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2013
Threads: 76
Posts: Total: 2432 / Live: 2325 / Archived: 107
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Tak

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10 Jul 2012
News / What really happened at the Krakow restaurant? [53]

Who knows what happened. Maybe some poles said a few harsh words to the jews or maybe the jews were being aggressive (like in the documentary about jewish high school kids travelling to poland to visit auschwitz, "defamation" i think) towards the poles.

I think it was foreign Jews fed up with Poland (not giving them reparations) who instigated this whole thing. Why wont they start with blaming Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine before Poland this was the county that took them in for hundreds of years when no western European nation wanted to. Very selfish.
10 Jul 2012
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [380]

LOT Polish Airlines received the modern Boeing 787 Dreamliner

'LOT Polish Airlines is the first European airline to receive the modern Boeing 787 Dreamliner. The Dreamliner is a true breakthrough. The modern construction - with new engines, light composite materials, aerodynamic elements, reduced noise and much more pleasant onboard atmosphere, will allow for a significant improvement of the flight comfort for passengers and will provide airlines with an airplane truly ready for the 21st century.'
10 Jul 2012
Food / What's more popular in Poland beer or vodka? [41]

Poles drink over 100 liters of beer per person, that's almost as much as Germans, who drink between 103-105 liters. prawie-tyle-co-niemcy,nId,601490
13 Jul 2012
History / Unusual soldier (The bear - named Voytek) [71]

New article about Wojtek in SpiegelOnline, The Nazis' Furriest Enemy
15 Jul 2012
News / What really happened at the Krakow restaurant? [53]

On the other hand the "desire to anihilate Jews" can be described more accurately as paranoid schizophrenia. If you ever get that desire, go to a doctor real fast.

LOL that was funny Yehudi.

We do. I know I do anyway.

Well good as long as Poles aren't the only ones (apart from Germans) blamed for killing Jews in WWII. The latest statistics done by CBOS show that 33% of Poles have sympathy for (like) Jews. That's a mighty step up from just 15% back in 1993. Arabs, Gypsies and Vietnamese are at the bottom of the ranking.
16 Jul 2012
Genealogy / Do I look Polish? (my picture) [375]

Do I look Polish?

Could be Polish, but at the same time be any ethnicity which has Nordic blood in the mix, (German, Estonian, Russian, Swedish, Dutch..) You don't really have a typical Slavic face, light(er) hair and eyes with a slight Asian twist to it.
19 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK

It's pure Media embellishment nothing else. Someone already put stats on the forum that Poles commit just 5% of crimes in the UK. It's like in America they blame illegal Mexicans for murders and rapings.
19 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

No my fault didn't double check. 'In 2010 the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) recorded that 6777 convictions in England and Wales concerned Polish citizens. On the face of it this is still a high number, but in view of the total estimate of Poles in this country, it does show that less than 1% of Poles in this country have been convicted of committing a crime in England and Wales. Or, put another way, less than one Pole in every hundred has been convicted of a crime.' Just 1% of all crimes. 1 million Poles in the UK and UK population is 63 million that makes in even less than average.
23 Jul 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Also, Pennboy, I've noticed you posted many girls that are of mixed descent. Having trouble finding 100% Polish women? ;-)

What? you gotta be joking..look at the last few pages, those models and actresses are all full Polish.

The funny thing is 80% or more of Polish men are ugly/goofy-looking with weird shaped heads.

Can't comment I don't look at guys. But Polish men do have some positive features, like the 'no neck' stereotype, of a muscled up bad boy.

Here's two more full Polish girls for you, club goers.

1 Aug 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Fat because uneducated? So if a poor, uneducated man wins the lottery he'll still be fat? lol, But seriously, it's true that educated people (usually) make more money and thus can afford to eat better, healthier food. It's not though entirely true that poor people have to be fat because they can't afford to eat better, it's probably due to being stupid and lazy!!. Buying food at a supermarket and making it at home is no doubt healthier and cheaper.
3 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

Polisk Sklep

Hudson the same thing has been going on in the US for the past century nobody cares, you're been paranoid. The are Polish speaking areas in and around New York or Chicago where one doesn't have to leave the community or communicate with the natives to shop, find employment, doctor, anything. In places like Miami where some 80 percent of people are Latino and half were born abroad, it's the same thing but on a much larger scale. Assimilation happens much easier on it's own not by force.
3 Aug 2012
News / Does Polish hotel have right to turn down Americans and Israelis? [62]

What could be the hotel owner`s motives?

Hmm..A friend from Lezajsk told me about how Israeli and American Jews (largely Orthodox) come there for a pilgrimage to visit the tomb of Elimelech at the Jewish cemetery. They stay at the local hotels, completely trashing the place, showing absolutely no respect. That could be the reason.
5 Aug 2012
Language / Interesting inconsistency between Polish and Russian [71]

genetics confirmed that Russians as a population originates from Polish population, from Polish territory what means that Russia was/is populted from Poland

About this you are correct Crow. The genetic (DNA) similarity of Poles to Russians is at 79.07%!,29088,120459809,133320024,Podobienstwo_Polakow_do_innych_Narodow.html
6 Aug 2012
Language / Interesting inconsistency between Polish and Russian [71]

The genetic similarity between humans and chimps is 96%... ;)

Ha ha no, I meant it real human DNA halpogroups. Closest to Poles are Russians, then Belorussians and Czechs.
9 Aug 2012
News / Why are Czechs more effective than Poles and Poland? [116]

But Poland is catching up. The distance was much bigger when communism fell.

Why ahead?

The answer is simple - in the past, all Czechs were under Austrian control, while half Poland was under Russian control. Austria was better developed than Russia.

Not just that. Russia's policy was always to suck dry the resources of the nations it conquers or dominates, not to put anything in. Remember the wide track rail line (which I believe still exists) from the Soviet Union to southern Poland? For years they were buying coal from Poland for a fraction of the cost. Not to mention things which were stolen from Poland by the Red Army in 1944-45, art work, trains, heavy machinery etc. Same thing in former East Germany, the GDR was building ships (cargo) for the Soviet Union for 45 million dollars a piece, while the cost of building was 140 million!!! The difference was paid by East Germany, constantly losing money on that deal. The only thing Poland got from Russians was the Palace of Culture, and I'm not sure if it wasn't paid for by Poland. Btw, the Czechs got a 3 or 4 time smaller work force than Poland, much easier to find them employment.
9 Aug 2012

How strong is Poland's army as of today? Could they handle an attack on their territory (ex. Germany, Belarus. I know Russia would obviously be a problem.)

It could handle a Lithuania or Czech Rep, maybe Belarus but not Germany or Russia. Poland never had a large standing army (with the exception of Polish People's Army 400 thousand strong). It's mostly relying on military alliances (NATO, the US) and hoping the International Community wont allow it's sovereignty to be taken. In all honesty large standing armies have rather become a thing of the past. Poland only really needs 120-150 thousand professional soldiers with a decent amount of modern equipment to successfully defend itself.
10 Aug 2012

You may be missing the point. European Armies are now being shaped not to *handle* outside forces but simply to *handle* the citizens of Europe...........
Britains standing Army in a year or two will actually be smaller than the entire contingent we sent to Iraq in 03.....

I think you've misinterpreted the point you were trying to make isthatu2, *handle* citizens? keep them in check, put down revolts!?? Or do did you mean to protect it's European citizens? What I meant was that there's no telling what might happen in a 'united' Europe, every country is looking out for it's own interests. Besides Poland isn't only bordered by EU states. Off the record politics sometimes play a deeper role then a alliance on paper. The Lithuanian president said that Poland's foreign policy has changed and it chose to ally itself with Russia! That Poland and Russia are bypassing Lithuania. Closer economic ties, I believe that the Russian citizens of the Kaliningrad exclave will be allowed (or already are) to travel to Poland without visas. Going back to Poland's Armed Forces, President Komorowski has stated Poland's own plans for the military. This is what he said ' Poland needs its own missile defense shield while the agreement with the United States on the deployment of an anti-ballistic-missile defense system on its territory was "a mistake," ""We must have this element of the Polish defense [missile defense system]. Spending large sums on military hardware is actually meaningless if it is not secured from... the missile attack and air raids," Such a missile and anti aircraft defense system would cost roughly 15 billion dollars.

Shield in Poland is not a new idea . Americans for several years want such installations have just with us , but not necessarily so , to protect our country . A Bronislaw Komorowski is clear : shield - yes, but to protect Polish . And that's consistent with NATO system , which will be built in the future.

The idea of President praises military expert Wojciech Luczak . In his opinion, the proposal would balance Bronislaw Komorowski ideas for American anti-missile shield.

14 Aug 2012
Language / Polish regional accents? [141]

Yea, being surrounded by Eastern Slavs for generations had an effect on the way they talked. I remember hearing a Polish highlander speak to me for the first time in a thick accent, I barely understood what he was saying.
15 Aug 2012

The Polish Armed Forces will get rid of all T-72 and PT-91 tanks by 2018. The 128 Leopard 2A4s in it's arsenal will be upgraded, a prototype of a Leopard 2 upgraded to A7 standards is expected this year. The Polish arms manufacturer Bumar is expected to produce a Polish Infantry Fighting Vehicle to replace the obsolete BMP-1s, the army expects roughly a thousand such vehicles. The army will also receive 500 new tanks, most likely the Polish Anders tank.
15 Aug 2012

Especially pennboy!

Come again? wtf r u talking about? we're discussing the future of the Polish Army.
15 Aug 2012

don't splatter PB! The thread topic is - the reality of the Polish Army!

The topic always drifts off

It is a perfectly legitimate exercise in military circles to attemt to predict the future shape of a nations armed forces.

Exactly. Besides I'm not speculating, I'm discussing arms agreements which have been signed by the Polish military with local and foreign suppliers.
24 Aug 2012

i dont understand how a missile defense shield can be wrong and right at the same time, this to me says they will buy russian technology rather than american.

He meant that it's wrong because the Obama administration scrapped the Bush plan after he promised it. Changes in US presidents shouldn't affect Poland's safety, that's all he meant. Poland should have it's own missile defense, where it alone controls it. Russian S-300,400, & 500 series missiles are rated as very good, but I don't think they are an equal to American SM-3s. The THAAD system still needs tests and improvement to become fully operational.
25 Aug 2012
Life / Why are Poles in other countries called "Plastic Poles"? [168]

The term Plastic Pole sounds funny to me. I never knew such a term existed until I visited Polishforums

Neither have I. I get it and all but just have never heard it used. I guess the term is used back in Europe, not in Poland.

It's like, if you saw a manly looking guy who was really domesticated by feminism, he would be a "Plastic Male."

LOL women can do that to a guy these days. Especially is you let them dress u.
26 Aug 2012

S-300 can still strike 4th and some 4.5 gen fighter jets
S400-S500? I would think these can down anything out there. Im betting S400 can down F22s.

This is why the US and Israel were protesting so loudly the possible sale of the S-300 &S-400 systems to Iran.
Poland's defense ministry has announced that it plans to purchase a fleet of 41 UAVs or drones for it's armed forces.