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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 13 mins ago
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
23 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Massive importation of sperm loaded Canes of Bedouin

Yeah...well....they come on their own....and most are actually still other EU members....but that source is drying up now slowly...

but if it stays as it is Europe will simply die out.

Or we just shrink to a sustainable level (Berlin is just to full already!)...but to keep our living standard we either need humans or robots!
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

...since demography is pointing downwards in all western countries (also the WWII victors) it points to something socially and/or physiologically and not politically.

More and more women want to have a life now and also the quality and quantity of male spermatozoes are declining (probably because of environmental and food toxins)....


PS: Since to many people is one of the worst ecological problems a declining population shouldn't be so bad...once we have so much digitalization in place to supplant the lacking work force with computers...or we keep on importing the workers in masses as we do now...
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

In hindsight, maybe the best solution would have been to evaluate the East German economy properly before pegging the Ostmark to the DM.

Maybe....but people sometimes don't work like in rational...pragmatic...chosing what's best....

There was a saying in East-Germany back then:

"Wenn die D-Mark nicht zu uns kommt gehen wir zu ihr!" ("If the D-Mark doesn't come to us we go to her!")

Kohl never really had a chance to do things otherwise...also with hindsight.
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Humans are complex beings who grow accustomed to clime and culture and moving to a dramatically different place is going to instill trauma...

I see it differently....wandering comes natural to people, especially the young ones. Not wandering means staying with mom and dad curiousity for the the world and it's possibilities at all. These people exist, but most move at least once!
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Honecker made never any attempt to reform the GDR's budget

Well...Ossis had a good comparison in Hungary, the socialist brother country...every holiday in Budapest was a little bit like in the West TV. And then you had to come back to the dreary, grey, stinking, detoriating East-Berlin with nearly empty shops and only a few kinds of cars on the streets...if that wasn't enforced austerity than what is?

Not at least that for starting reforms you have to admit that things are just not working...but the news paper told every day only about victories on the proletarian front!

"If I ignore a problem, it will go away."

He and all his standing ovations clapper in the Zentralkommittee...even today I could vomit hearing that kind of rythmic steady applause...

PS: Of course that austerity was only so bad for these poor chaps without any D-Mark or contacts in the West who could help out with packages...or Party fat cats with connections...
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

You call it an unbridled liberalism and I call a freedom to decide what to do with the fruits of my labour.

Yeah....but if that's the rule then you can close down the nation!

If it's everybody for his own then there is no nation anymore....there is only a weak government and the rule of the one who can buy the most with his money.

That is diametral to your wish of a strong independent Poland. There would be a few rich and influential Poles with alot of weak, dependent Poles and no state which could do anything, especially concerning foreign powers.

They would actually do their thing with the powerful Poles...there would be no strong strong security....the infrastructure would be destroyed in time and the country would be wide open for any foreigner.

Did you really did think it through what a weak gov means? And a gov without enough tax money is is a starving gov.

Maybe you personally would be one of the lucky ones and you could save alot of tax money, and maybe it would even be enough to pay for your own security forces prowling around around your fenced in house and the doctor when you need one, but the land you would be living in would be very instable and violent...and your country would have not much of a voice.
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

You should promote this view among those who believe in a EU welfare state and socialism in general.

PS: I'm not sure what you mean by this....after all Germany isn't a socialist country....and just today the very capitalist DAX index thrived to new heights...

Recently the state reached another's so much that there are discussions now about what to do with all the doesn't look like an impending collapse of the country because of the welfare costs.

Germany posts record-breaking budget surplus

...It is the third time in the last five years that Europe's largest economy closed the year with a budget surplus. The 2019 surplus overtook a 2015 budget surplus of €12.1 billion.....

Something doesn't add up here....
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

So you're basically saying that muslim refugees freshly off boat living on handouts.....

"Freshly off boat" they live in a "Flüchtlingsheim" which is paid for be the state (also by me)....there they are housed and fed as long as the bureaucracy does it's thing and decides about their future status.

A regular EU-citizen does not. He is free to fight with everybody else for an apartement....

You should promote this view among those who believe in a EU welfare state and socialism in general.

What promoting? It isn't exactly a secret...
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

...instead of work they are looking for welfare state handouts...

Yeah....well....EU membership and the free movement means that any EU citizen...say....a Pole...after working one year in Germany...get's unlimited access to the german Hartz IV, which is the welfare for the unemployed.

And even if you are looking but don't find any work you have access to the basic benefits. Which is in Germany often higher than a regular income in poorer EU countries....

So for the german social system it's not that much difference if it's a muslim refugee or an EU immigrant!
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

If we leave now

Not to mention at least half of the Poles would be deeply unhappy and resent the other half...

and make coordinated actions against "ever tighter union".

I doubt that is possible!

After all for that it doesn't need the "nay-sayer"....just the "yeah-sayer" cooperating and doing their thing. Poland can take part innit or not...but not stop it.
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Jan 2020
News / Coal-Powered Poland Refuses to "Go Green". EU Ain't Happy. [304]

So....investing lotsa money first panels would come alot cheaper in the long run, don't you think?

What's smarter keep using a dirty but cheap energy source (which is not endless available) or building up a clean energy source which will only run out in a few billion years? (That won't explode and contaminate everything that is)!
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Well, that's whats happening...

But if Maf is correct with the differences of western Catholicism and eastern Orthodoxia then that explains why german Catholics and even the catholic Pope think so differently about helping than you or this Konfederacia party...

Jesus said how his followers treated strangers should show disciple-like behavior.

... I was a stranger and you invited me in.

-Matthew 25:35

Are you saying that G. Britain is not a democratic country?

As I said before....GB didn't let monarchy stop it from becoming one of the oldest democracies...they are good for the yellow pages, not much more. Nobody has something against THAT! They don't disturb the political process!:)

But that's not what you have in mind...
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Democracy only works when there is a healthy society and universal values which unites it as a nation.

And democracy decides which values are healthy and universal...that's the point! Not you or some autocrat!

Opening their arms and purses for poor strangers no matter the religion or color might be seen by others also as healthy and universal..

What would such a democrat as yourself said about it? :-)

A democratic decision to end democracy? There is hopefully something written about it in your constitution....

Merkel is still quite popular....imagine she get's voted for "eternal Queen"....with alot more powers than she has now, no longer "hindered" by party politics and coalition partners and laws etc...

I doubt you would be happy about it!