The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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29 Feb 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Each of those groups, Silesians included, indentifies as Poles first and formemost.

You have wrong info.

Kashubi for example, who in past had one of their oldest Capital named Belgrade, consider themselves Kashubs, Serbs and Poles, while also says that in past they were only Serbs. After all they have language closer to Balkan Serbian then to Polish what is not surprising to us who knows for ancient Sarmatian line from Balkan to Baltic when Europe first time was populated after Ice age.


As Kashubs themselves say they were victims of Germanization and then also forced Polonization, what is to me abominable considering Poles themselves were Serbs in past. Man, Germans were Serbs in past. Proof how madness don`t have boundaries. Sure, no boundaries but there is Rome.

That is just one example.

Even a German-sponsored "Silesian Autonomy Movement" has completely lost its momentum

Expected. Other worries now. Soon we will have German Autonomy Movement within Germany.
28 Feb 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]


Election euphoria yet to start, so don`t cry like an old woman. And even if Poles wouldn`t need Serbs to hear their opinion, all other brethren who live in Poland would need... Kashubi, Silesiani, Gorali, Kursenieki, Luzichani, Lemkosi, Oledrzi, Mazuri, etc. But, we know, Poles do need.

After all, you know who is Champion of Polonia here in the region? You know who receiving funds of Polonia via especially formed company? Of course, I talk of Serbs. Of Racowie. Because brat Lewandowski and all Polonia love us very much and invest wisely.
27 Feb 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Chose wisely Sarmats of Poland, my most venerable and noble sisters and brothers, Poljaci, Kashubi, Silesiani, Gorali, Kursenieki, Luzichani, Lemkosi, Oledrzi, Mazuri and others. Chose wisely. Morning of Sarmatia is at hand and we need wise leaders, so we retake throne that belongs to us since time immemorial. Sarmatians, reclaimers.

God bless you all. God bless Poland and elections in Poland.

Sons of Dragon gathering
27 Feb 2020
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

That is not a concern, because it is not possible to change a child's sexual orientation. In fact ....

Let us not speculate. Why would we? In my country LGBT have all rights, same as heterosexuals. Except adoption of children in cases of dead heterosexual parents, if parents themselves didn`t allow possibility child to be adopted by LGBT person. Dead parents have their rights. That`s how it is here where we have respect for ancestors (child do have right to inherit presumable sexual orientation of parent/ancestor). Principle of justice is universal and applies to all. When LGBT person dies prematurely and have children, right to adoption is reserved for other LGBT person (or other option if parent himself predicted) or state taking care of child. Logical and normal, isn`t it. Normalcy is nice.
27 Feb 2020
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption

Exactly to avoid these kind of things, one must give to LGBT persons their deserving rights. You must give them right to marry between themselves, to have their own children, etc, but, if LGBT wants to adopt child from heterosexual parents, it can`t be allowed. Why? Simple, because we must presume that heterosexual parents (if dies prematurely) desire heterosexual orientation to their children.

In my country this is clear- rights of parents and rights of their children to have choice to remain oriented as their parents must be respected no matter if parents died prematurely.
26 Feb 2020
News / Poland's new golden age : shifting from Europe's periphery to its center [29]

Poland's new golden age : shifting from Europe's periphery to its center

Yes, interesting development. Its result of blessed Multi-Polar era of the world, you know. Poland thrive in it. Literally thrive.

I am curious what would Vatican now. It did all to prevent rise of Poland, to support assimilation of Poles/Slavs (ie Sarmats) into Germans and other western Europeans and now needs to take Poland seriously. More seriously then western Europe. Say that God don`t have sense for humor.
24 Feb 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Corey or Robert ?

Brat Corey lead projects.

Duda has done the maximum to satisfy the real boss :) other than that I am struggling to think of a true achievement.

Duda is too close to Germany. He sat Poland in strategic situation where Poland was at a time of German annexation of Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia and when Poland itself was involved by annexing borderland region known as Zaolzie.

To soften his close relations to Germany and to confuse Polish patriots (and world public), Duda buys USA armament and pays high price for USA gas. He also softened his stance on Serbs (because effectively taking part in partition of Serbia), under pressure of Visegrad Group and Polish patriots- allowed to Serbia to import heavy armament from Russia. In turn he tried to seduce Serbian president Vucic to himself buys USA gas but Serbian president refused saying //citation//: ``I can`t do that Duda. How can I explain to citizens that I pay 3 billion US dollars for USA gas, when I now pays 1,5 billion US dollars for Russian gas.``

So, what to tell you. Duda just pretend to be pro-USA and Polish people pays that. In reality, Duda works closely with Germany, German satellites and deep state of Vatican. I mean, that we see by his actions behind the public scene.
23 Feb 2020
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Who says Poland don`t have hawks!


Poland Vs. Spain, today in basketball > 80:69 (15:19, 23:16, 27:20, 15:14).
23 Feb 2020
News / Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations? [510]

Poland has a smaller economy than the city of munich.

Its on who is behind Poland. I mean in real, behind Poland. As for Poland`s economy, it will only grow.

And what you think what is future of Germany, when becoming clear that EU represent 4th reich. What you think? You think Germany will survive? This sex, condom named as Germany, won`t survive.

Crow you get more problematic with each day.

Its the matter of having info and abundant necessity to share it.
20 Feb 2020
History / Saint Virgin Mary Queen of Poland crushes the Red Army [66]

In communism, theoretically, people are same. Like in Islam. Like in Christianity.

You just have to think global and refuse your ethnicity. When you do that you find out some are equal more then others. Then comes the leaders who knows what is good for you. Etc. Same, really. Its just on us what we choose. And we always choose right path. How could we mistake.
10 Feb 2020
History / Saint Virgin Mary Queen of Poland crushes the Red Army [66]

repeat .............: "Totus Tuus!" - I am all yours, my Queen.

I respect you Torq, I do. But look this from another angle. Let Poland just try dare not to repeat "Totus Tuus!" - I am all yours, my Queen and Vatican would not only once kill Poland but trice. One would be anyway. But trice would be for lack of full obedience.

That is just my humble opinion.
10 Feb 2020
History / Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? [65]

All who consider themselves a Christians should see this and learn how to avoid being manipulated by religion >>> Truth about Medjugorje

>> go to video 1:10:26 >> Supposed appearance of Medjugorje Holly Mary took place 1 km from site where entire Prebilovci village of Orthodox Serbs (children, woman and man) was thrown in the pit and killed by Croat Nazi ustashe (aka banderists in Ukraine) during WWII and, exact site of Maria`s supposed apparition is on the exact place where entire monk brotherhood of Serbian Orthodox monastery was slaughtered by Nazi Croat ustashe in WWII. Supposed apparition took place in 24 June 1981, exactly same day when 30 years before those Serbian monks were slaughtered on that site. Its not the coincidence. Its manifestation of demonic symbolism.

That is Medjugorje. Now, who could go there to pray to Christ and call himself a Christian.

Pope Francis have negative stance on Medjugorje but no apology came to Serbs from Vatican yet.

Sons of Herod (genocide in independent state of Croatia WWII)
10 Feb 2020
News / Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations? [510]

Sure. They just care for Serbian natural interests and seek meddling in them. Like destruction of Yugoslavia and helping in transition of ethnic Serbs into something else, like Croats.

See, Germany control Croatia and Croatia isn`t Croat land. Things aren`t that simple. Its actually land of Serbs. So, Germany do have serious problem with Serbs. Now, NATO is or WAS behind Germany and Serbs were alone. Now Serbs aren`t alone anymore. Many powers are with us and Germany seams itself came on menu.
10 Feb 2020
Food / Which foods are generally disliked/unpopular in Poland? Which non-Polish foods are slowly gaining popularity? [140]

Bulgarian food


I teased both cuisines and I founded how is Serbian cuisine most balanced. Bulgarians put too much spices, especially mint. Greeks doing same- too much exotic plants. Hungarians often put too much cayenne pepper. So, how to give you a picture...., if you want to give food to a child, you would give it a Serbian food. Not Bulgarian, not Hungarian, not Greek. At the same time, as an adult you also can enjoy Serbian food.

Though, not that all those cuisines aren`t good. They are testy. But its the question of balance. Digestion and health.