The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Oathbreaker  

Joined: 4 Jul 2021 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 11 Aug 2022
Threads: 4
Posts: 347
From: Warszawa/Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: Tak/Yes

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2 Aug 2021
History / The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are. [180]

Even a mice will jump at a cat when cornered, why is it so hard for you to grasp that? There was no other way, you got to be insane to think that Poles would agree to prolong the war and dig trenches for the germans in 1944.

Your evaluating the situation from a comfy chair behind a computer screen 77 years later, the uprising was bound to explode either way and the leadership knew it. They had a choice, start it themselves and have some authority or lead to a chaotic mess they had no control over.

If you think any of the men would survive the trench digging and not sent to concentration camps, then you are an idiot. But seeing how vile you are on this forum. I wouldn't surprised if you think that every Varsovian should been sent to the camps and died. It's rotten of you to write like that when you obviously survived it, things could had gone even worse for you. Which you don't seem to even imagine
2 Aug 2021
History / The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are. [180]

Ah ok, my mistake then. I am so used to anyone trying to smear anything positive about the Warsaw uprising that one never knows what an other poster is up to.

Btw the ghetto uprising and the Warsaw uprising are two separate events. There isn't any reason to be aggrevated about it tho, there were Jews liberated in 1944 who wanted to join the uprising as well. (I don't know further, most likely they didn't get any weapons as many of the insurgents themselves had little weapons and ammunition)
2 Aug 2021
History / The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are. [180]

That if the left wing govern where I would have lived, they wouldn't bat an eye if I were hanged. Or that I don't exist/shouldn't exist.

So even voting for them is suicidal in my case, just like nationalists who don't think of me to belong to their nation.

So yeah, not very fond of communists or Nazi's to say the least
2 Aug 2021
History / The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are. [180]

Interesting read, some fair points. Especially about PiS's political strategy, although clearly regarding anyone like me with a similar background as an enemy -.-

I hate reading about class struggle or class conflicts, reminds me of theft, murder and divisive language. Just for the sake of having political reason to create chaos.
2 Aug 2021
History / The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are. [180]

Are you serious?
The Kielce pogrom wasn't done by any lone wolves, especially not any type of partisans... But by communist authorities, by the people's militia and soldiers from the people's army...

Even the NKVD refused to intervene with the matter, that should tell you something.
1 Aug 2021
News / EU, Germany, Euros and Poland. [54]

Whoa! *phew*

I have a sentiment for the Afghans, but inviting millions of em (who many most likely are cape able of manufacturing firearms with simple tools) is a very bad idea for any European country

Unless PiS gets the bright idea to only invite those for the creation of new firearms lol
1 Aug 2021
Life / UFOs in Poland [38]

The whole UFO was about Soviet spy vehicles using new technology developed in Hungary during world war 2.

The U.S tried to avoid the embarrassment of acknowledging the Soviet Union taking the lead in the Cold War with gathering intelligence.

I remember watching a documentary about the whole thing, and the U.S government is more then happy to continue the facade as it lead to the increased interest in science, space programs and science fiction in movies.

Whenever I hear somebody believing in aliens, I just roll my eyes internally and facepalm cause it's too much to grasp for most people and a lot to explain
1 Aug 2021

I studied migration in history (mostly Norwegian&american) and there it was about how many of poorer countries and Catholic refused to attend the school system as much as possible (in the U.S.A) seeing it as useless and a waste of time, compared to Scandinavian immigrants who had fewer children and focused on them gaining education (as high as possible).

Among other things, Polish immigrants tended to wife up Americans of African descent (most legal migration was/is performed by young male men, as it takes a lot of bravery and courage to venture outside ones comfort zone. Later on comes the closest family members if there are any)

So I am not surprised by the fact that the Polish Polonia uses white knee socks, or even socks in sandals for that matter (German tradition). A lot of Poles during the 1800's were oppressed by partitioning powers, and easily could sympathize with the African-American plight. Only Poles who truly are racists are those who have succumbed to their hosts country's social rules and lifestyle/mentality. Which history proves time and again
1 Aug 2021
News / Poland to get the newest version of M1A2 Abrams tank [90]

I agree, military experts have the most to say in such matters. Alas the final decision is up to the President of Poland, which the ministry of defense takes care of in times of peace. So your very idealistic with your approach, the militaristic faction in Poland is dependent on the good will of the bureaucrats as they are the ones who organize wages, have the most contact with the ministers, and take on the micro scale management of hiring new members in to the army (soldiers, officers, doctors, clerks etc). There are tons of formalities going on and regardless of what the colonel of an army unit wants or pleases, they are stuck and blocked by an ridiculous amount of regulations which bureaucrats can mercilessly use to their advantage at the slightest mistake that's performed.

Since promotions, setting wages and recruitment is supervised by an civilian administration. The needs of the non-civilian part of the military is not only misunderstood but, also actively worked against at every possible step of the way. Going so far as creating an entire new operational military branch "territorialsi"

So the idea I came up with would simply be a way for the military to check out possible new recruits capabilities, without much paperwork (and tax money) and less formalities before anyone of them would be recruited.

It wasn't about creating a new combat unit per say, but an improved method of recruitment so that actual combat units will be more easily created.

The amount of testing and check ups, are rather pointless if it's possible to do it without the use of firearms, by testing of physical skills and the amount of obedience and loyalty a recruit has.

Generals and the like have very little influence with their personal contacts as they are easily countered by regulations. Which again creates a need for party loyalty (the governing one obviously) in case they make a mistake, if they desperately want to keep their station.

Cause of the PRL traditions within the army, connections and the actions during the 1980's when Jaruzelski tried to fix PRL with a firm "army discipline"

Many became quite sceptical and wary of the army cadre (as it was heavily tied to the commie party, but also seemingly with Moscow) and it has been a goal by the labour union parties (PO+PiS) to exchange, drive out or reform the military faction as much as possible while reducing their operational activities as much as possible.

It has been possible thanks to the servile nature of the Polish people's army since it's foundation in the Soviet Union. The tradition was that disobedience+disloyalty lead to excecution.

Thankfully it's not that anymore, but the possibility of getting thrown out at a whims notice. Removing privileges, bonuses and wages which by many soldiers were part of their life plans and throwing them out from the food table they get heavily accustomed to that most grudgingly in fear are careful of doing as little wrong as possible, and punish anyone severely amongst their own if they rat out about anything.

So when journalists not knowing about this, find out about mismanagement or worse. Writes an article and makes them feel better, while an entires lives can get ruined cause of it. Creating arguments for further regulations and more restrictions.

Problem with terrytorialsi in my view, which many are worried about aswell is the high chance of it being mainly an hub for sicophants.

There is no hiding it that one of the main motives behind work in Poland is driven by money, as to how plan their future. Anything threatening it, can easily lead to unnecessary conflicts.
30 Jul 2021
News / Poland to get the newest version of M1A2 Abrams tank [90]

I would have voted for an enactment of military drills and training (unarmed) with instructions of what to purchase for usage during such training (on Saturdays).

Like an blueprint how to make an rifle out of wood for training purposes etc. what kind of cloths to wear etc. then allow the formation of training fields build and organized by "Gmina" to point out which area could be used.

Then later on as it's better organized improve from there, what type of equipment would be legal to purchase, what would require a license etc.

Making it as cheap as possible, and as non-funds reliable as possible. Then the government can decide what to do or improve it etc
30 Jul 2021
Life / Polish patriotic music! [40]


Patriotic music video's

I found this one right now and wanted to share:

Beautifully made version of Rota:
30 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1079]

Congratulations to the runners! Wohoo! New european record! :D
30 Jul 2021
News / New American Ambassador to Poland? [26]

Within diplomacy, when it comes to military matters they are rather fond of helping out. Especially in the middle-east, south-america and in east asia (Afganistan, Vietnam, Korea). While helping out anti-communist elements pre 1989, past 2000 it has changed a bit due to the twin towers terrorism. The needle that hit the heart of America, kind of like the Doolitle raid in ww2.

The difference is that the twin tower attack was the peak of terrorist achievements from the anti-U.S terrorists, while the Doolitle raid was a show of force and a warning of the upcoming bombardment coming towards mainland Japan, which only increased until the two atomic bombs right before the end of ww2
30 Jul 2021
Language / Are czegos and coś interchangable? [14]

czegoś - An item or /something belonging to someone/somebody
coś - something
Depends if your vague about it or not, and if you want to underline it belonging to someone or dismiss it. "Coś" is far more applicable and general while "czegoś" is used in a more specific situation or situations regarding the relationship somebody has with said item and who or how many possess it
30 Jul 2021
Po polsku / Targowisko - Bazar - Handel [36]

To racja, w pewnych rozmowach w przeszłości jak grałem z Czeskimi graczami to uważali że Śląsk należy do nich... Nie wiem co im odbija, teraz biorą się za Polskie jedzenie?

Kocham Polskie jedzenie to prawda, ale jak się próbuje używać ten sam przepis z składników w innych krajach. To nie smakuje tak samo
29 Jul 2021
Po polsku / Targowisko - Bazar - Handel [36]

Zastanawiałem się nad tym lub też firmą ochroniarską, ale to trzeba mieć kursy zrobione. A to MSZ bez ukończonego papieru z wyższego wykształcenia zapewnię nie wezmą choćbym bardzo chętnie chciał tam pracować. Zwłaszcza w wydziale skandynawskim.

Miałem wybór robienia wyższego wykształcenia ponownie lub szukać pracy teraz. Mam dosyć bycie studentem i chodzić do uniwersytetów gdzie uczę się o sprawach których sami w żaden sposób nie praktykowali a chcieli abyśmy się nauczyli na pamięć bez chęci pytań z strony studentów aby cokolwiek zrozumieć.

To wolę teraz działać i zarabiać pieniądze, znam dobrze język angielski, Norweski i Polski. Podchodziłem dosyć ideałowo do służby zawodowej i się spaliłem na tym. To teraz muszę działać z założenia że nikt mi pracy nie da, i sam ją tworzyć. Miałem niedawno rozmowę o pracę, ale zapewne i też to nie wyjdzie. Więc stawiam najbardziej na pracę w targowisku, tam to będzie zależało w 100% od moich zdolnościach a nie od jakiegoś stereotypach rekrutacyjnych ludzi.

Dobrze znam samego siebie i swoich zdolnościach, tyle że jak o nich mówię to ludzie nie wierzą bo myślą że powinienem być już miliarderem dawno temu czy coś. Bo wychodzą z założenia że pieniądz rządzi światem, a tak nie jest. Jest jedynie narzędziem wymiany i to co ludzie wierzą aby było. Wcześniej wartość była kierowana na wagę złota, i czy to było prawdziwe złoto czy inny metal tyle że ozłocona czy nie. Póżniej dzięki technologii Chińskiej (waluta z papieru) to Waluta miała wartość co rząd zdecydował i inni musieli się tego trzymać nie patrząc z jakiego materiału to jest zrobione. Więc wtedy "pieczęć" monet lub papierkowej gotówki decydowało o wartości narzędzia i decyzja ilość tego w obiegu.

Jakość produktów/towaru/żywności też ma sporo do powiedzenia jeżeli chodzi o popularność pewnych walut.

Dla mnie na przykład to świeży dostęp do Polskiego jedzenia jest bardziej warte niż zarobki w koronach Norweskich w Norwegii, chociaż że mógłbym zarobić więcej według kantoru. Ale patrząc na co mógłbym to wydawać, nie kusi mnie to wtedy zabardzo.

Więc płata 4 000 złotych miesięcznie w Polsce jest dla mnie bardziej atrakcyjne niż na przykład 30 000 koron w miesiącu (12 000-15 000 złotych?) w Norwegii

Po prostu w Polsce jest większy dostęp produktów i więcej ludzi, w dodatku masy dobrego jedzenia bo nie musi być konserwowane zbyt długo ( są zmiany oczywiście w porównaniu z wczesnymi latami 90ymi, ale nadal lepiej)
28 Jul 2021
History / Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939? [71]

@Bratwurst Boy
It's from a book "Armia Berlinga"
It's in Polish, don't know If It's translated. Book is still in Norway so I am not able to give accurate 100% detailed information about it tho. Only what I vaguely remember (read it a long time ago)

Polish history books tend to have very high quality content, main problem is most are in Polish and tend to write about things regarding Poland, but accounts of contact with foreign allies or enemies like in this case happened.
28 Jul 2021
History / Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939? [71]

@Bratwurst Boy
There is still hope! I remember reading the account of a German officer during the advance of the Soviet army (reading the accounts of common soldiers of Berling's army) where a Polish soldier reached a Wehrmacht officer who lamented being out of bullets cause he couldn't save his honor with his last bullet so he wouldn't lose it to the red army.

That's when the private said: "But I am a Polish soldier from the Polish army"

Then the Wehrmacht officer in surprise answered: "We are fighting the Polish army?! Then why haven't we surrendered already?!"

Then came an Soviet officer dressed in Polish officers uniform (most of Polish people's army officers were Soviets) and shot a bullet to his head at close range. Then ordered continued assault

There is still hope for mankind BB
Poland just has to be Poland :)
28 Jul 2021
History / Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939? [71]

@Bratwurst Boy
I haven't read much about sexual assault committed by Germans during World War Two. The general impression of Germans/German troops conduct was that they were of higher culture

(which is why it was such a shock when the world were given evidence of all the atrocities committed by Germans during ww2)

Still to this day U.S elite, businessmen and everyone having anything to say commend German efficiency and products (even Poles too mind you, although Poles have every reason in the world to say the worst out of spite, German tanks being in the Polish army and German car products in Poland is another example of that)

While Soviet rapes were prelevent, it came out of feeling of revenge. Most citizens of the Soviet Union at the time had been growing up with propaganda of "Polish landlords" being the wicked enemy and reason for all their misery and poverty (directed mostly at former Polish territories, all the way up to Smolensk) and Nazi Germans ideology of superiority towards other races (Slavs in this context) and were met with bewilderment from Soviets when entering German lands which were far more civilized and richer in equipment compared to villages in the Soviet Union.

It lead to wants of revenge and it was taken out on German women, no matter their age, looks or anything as it was motivated by revenge and a power trip "You think you better then us? See how much weaker you really are"

Reading those accounts and listening to documentaries of live witnesses was dreadful, it was literally hell on earth during ww2
28 Jul 2021
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [764]

Not surprised, I expect good football skills. Not the ability of lecturing students or going through university degrees by football players.

PS: Just started reading the article and I got to say: WHAT THE ACTUAL *self-censorship*
27 Jul 2021
Po polsku / Targowisko - Bazar - Handel [36]

ZUS to jakieś 300Zł~ na początek pierwsze 6 miesięcy bo nie prowadziłem działalności wcześniej.

Mam wystarczająco blisko aby nie płacić za benzynę ani samochód. Więc mam bardzo niskie koszty oprócz inwestycji
27 Jul 2021
Po polsku / Targowisko - Bazar - Handel [36]

Sprawdziłem i nie trzeba płacić poniżej 1300 złotych miesięcznie jako że to można zaliczyć jako nierejestrowane.

A jak będzie powyżej to jako jednoosobowa działalność gospodarcza, za jakieś 100 złotych w miesiącu są firmy które robią całą księgowość i załatwiają wszystkie formalności za mnie. Więc mniej papierkowej roboty. Jak będzie nowy ład to próg dochodowy urośnie do 120 000 złotych zamiast 85 000 złotych zanim będzie trzeba płacić 32% podatku zamiast 17%

Posprawdzałem trochę co warto, wydaje mi się że zimną wodę na ochłodzenie w takich temperaturach, koszulki i gry dla dzieci.

Powinienem też skarpetki i rajstopy, ale to póżniej

Tu jest filmik który mnie zainspirował sprawdzenie sprawy
26 Jul 2021
News / Polish universities for Polish students (only?) [47]

A republic with a federal government and with federal institutions thanks to the American civil war. The states aren't independent or in a confederacy co-operating together, but have federal laws (decided by congress/senate? Not sure how it works from there)

The EU is definitely not an republic in a democratical way as they are proposed and discussed by sovereign states (elected representatives) rather then directly voted in for as a whole. The EU parliament is tho
26 Jul 2021
History / Why didn't Britain declare war on USSR for invading Poland in 1939? [47]

Same with Poland's agreement towards the Soviet Union. Romania was prepared to co-operate with Poland regarding the 17th September invasion. Just that Poland's leadership at the decided for Romania to not step in, so that the evacuation to France would be faster/easier.

Poland's leadership simply overestimated France's political&militaric capabilities cause of France's prestige since France was seen as the one holding off the German advance.

The unfortunate lack of knowledge about the French society's pessimism towards war which was a result of the amount of losses from ww1, wasn't understood from a Polish point of view. Until it was too late, it wasn't until later that after 1940 that the main ally switched from France to the U.K.

Which stinged really bad and again cause of the Yalta agreement, then also the Potsdam conference. Cause U.K's influence, economy and power was waning due to the attrition of ww1, then also ww2. (It's not without reason that Churchill was desperate to get U.S.A onboard in to the European conflict)

U.S.A&Soviet Union having no formal obligations towards pre-ww2-Poland. Was doing how they liked and how they saw it fit.

The power shift was heavily on Stalin during the negotiations, while Churchill's influence was waning as Roosevelt was determined to end European Imperialism (colonial rule in Africa&Asia)

Which is why he wasn't interested in strengthening U.K international position in any way. Poland was simply unfortunate with her prospects of potential allies as the Soviet Union had an axe to grind (with Stalin it was even on a personal level cause of the 1920 war near Lwów) while the U.S.A simply had no ambitions to have any influence in slavic countries that would create tension and was fairly naive with it too. (Czechoslovakia is a particularly good example of naivety from the west)

I wouldn't blame U.K as much in this as Stalin simply hoped for the Germans to bleed on the French front (just like during ww1) while instead it happened in the east. With enormous casualties for the Soviet Union as well. The sad thing is that if the red army had come to the aid of Poland in 1939, the Nazi Germans might have been defeated earlier. But, that's of course just speculations now about top level discussions and possibility of outcomes. If Stalin wasn't paranoid and revengeful.

Alas Polish-Russian relations continue to be difficult to this day
26 Jul 2021
News / Polish universities for Polish students (only?) [47]

What? Just because the English ex-colonies created a federation in America, it doesn't mean that the EU has to do the same. Only a control freak would want that, most elements of the future is out of our control anyhow.

Besides, every time a strict centralized type of governing was tried in Europe it came down cracking. It's asking for trouble...
26 Jul 2021
Po polsku / Targowisko - Bazar - Handel [36]

Zastanawiam się czy by nie zacząć działalność na własną rękę, pytałem administracje na Targowisku Wiatraczna w Warszawie to tam mówili że wynajem wolnego pawilonu mogło kosztować z 1000 złoty (zgaduje że miesięcznie).

To nie wchodzi w rachubę jako nowicjusz bo nie wiem jeszcze ile bym zarobił, to dowiedziałem się że by sprzedawać na chodniku bez tarasowania przejścia muszę spytać o to gminę. To pojechałem do Praga-Południe Ratusz i spytałem jak się to odbywa, to dowiedziałem się że w moim wypadku muszę składać wniosek o dzierżawę terenu (3 m2)

Teraz czekam, ma ktoś z tym doświadczenia? Słyszeliście coś? Bo muszę jeszcze się dowiedzieć jak opłacić jeszcze podatek i składki na ZUS jak się dowiem ile zarobię w ciągu miesiąca.

Chce to robić uczciwie i porządnie, tyle że nie wiem jak. Bo wcześniej to zajmowałem się handlem w grach komputerowych czy aplikacjach telefonowych. A tam składanie papierów się nie uczyłem.

Ratusz na Pradze Południe bardzo mnie pomaga w sprawach o których nie wiem więc muszę pochwalić wszystkich tam pracujących urzędników. Jak trochę zarobię to bym chętnie napisał list wdzięczności i kupić dla nich prezent. Tyle że nie wiem co by pasowało