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Polish church music versus African-American gospel [29]
Polish church is BORING!!!
There is no Polish church.
If the abrahamic god actually existed then no place of worship would be boring and you wouldn't need humans to put on a show to make it exciting.
That is why so many youths don't want to go there.
It's simply a case of demographics. There are fewer young people. They are outnumbered by older generations who have a lot more time, money and fear of death to keep them in the pews.
African Americans like going to church
No they don't.
Black Americans See the Biggest Shift Away from
If they do then increasingly it isn't christian.
Black Muslims account for a fifth of all U.S. Muslims, and about half are converts to
these ppl are fun.
They have a routine: Saturday night sinners and then Sunday morning saints.
No wonder more and more younger wankers leave church and even if parents force them to go , once they turn 18 they show it the finger and rebel against it.
The women mostly return when they are older hoping to find a husband or when they are really old to make sure they can get a funeral and proper burial.
At that point you aren't going to see and hear entertaining services. It is just a bunch of hags who were male-hating feminists for most of their lives now shrilling praise to a male god figure. If the spectacle of that isn't entertaining enough for you then nothing will.