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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 46 mins ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2131 / Live: 991 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
22 Dec 2023
Off-Topic / Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa [382]

I have found that Wilno accent and Lwów accent the most interesting (from movies), also old fashioned Jewish accent in Polish too.

A sketch about "Sęk" will never leave my memory, the accent, way of speaking and deminour is just too wonderful.
Mr Grunwald   
21 Dec 2023
Off-Topic / The Pope has officially approved the blessing of same-sex couples [60]

Nonsense, he is adding unnecessary confusion and tries to be empathetic towards those who live for destroying the church and drag the world to the barbarism and debuchery of ancient times.

By weaking the West like the woke and West does, it opens up for the West to surrender to the east without a gunshot being fired, thankfully the east has began moving too early, too fast, and too unprepared. So there is hope, but yeah. I will never forget the lefts betrayal of the west
Mr Grunwald   
20 Dec 2023
Off-Topic / The Pope has officially approved the blessing of same-sex couples [60]

Any law from time of Moses and forth, how would you view any member of your family rejecting it?

To me, in IT terms. Judaism is like group of people who still sticking to Windows 98. Cause it's better then Windows 95.

Then you got people who use Vista that was updated, attacking and complaining about the people using windows 98.

Finally you have guys that are using Windows 9 that complain about updates to it.

If you catch my drift
Mr Grunwald   
19 Dec 2023
Off-Topic / Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa [382]

"Man, why don't we have more guys like this on our side."

Certain civilisations appeal or try to attract certain type of people, especially if they remind them of people who did things that got that group on top or upper hand.

Russia has a very supressing society that leads to greater need for expressing their feelings, opinions in many shapes and forms. (Same as Germany used to be and how Japan is)

Great artists and appreciation for great artists have been been found there more, compared to countries like... Luxembourg, Belgium, Monaco or Portugal
Mr Grunwald   
19 Dec 2023
Off-Topic / The Pope has officially approved the blessing of same-sex couples [60]

Its not the churches fault but the "journalists" that have let in the pedo preists and homos! LOLOLOLOL

You can state it again when TCC starts having marriages between 6 year olds with 70+ old men and lesbians and gay men marry each other with full acceptance of TCC which is NEVER!

Until then, yea. Journalists conjured a lot of BS

Tell me, from another point of view. Yours mainly, if Jews during Moses time refused Moses and God and wanted to stick to old ways and... let's say... build a golden calf. How were they treated? Or how would you have wanted them to have been treated?

Just wondering
Mr Grunwald   
18 Dec 2023
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [870]

I honestly think it was due to incompetence and poor decision making in the moment. The price paid was too high, confidence too high and both sides unwilling to admit mistakes or fault while level of trust was and still is very low.

Polish society honestly was expecting some kind of invasion or military action. Since no military action was taken from Russias side, I bet it calmed down a lot of nerves that Russia wasn't opportunistic.

It quickly changed however after how things were handled, later on invasions and special operations made it become a lost opportunity to improve relations between Russia and Poland on national level.

I blame both Poland's and Russia's department of foreign affairs for that
Mr Grunwald   
14 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]


, including crashing Orthodox religious holiday celebrations, according to your "logic".

Thankfully we don't, Orthodox Church isn't only Russia, but also in Serbia, Greece, Ukraine etc.

Just as my advice shouldn't always be taken, same goes for other psychoes
Mr Grunwald   
13 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

I know perfectly well what it means, if the ruling elite will start deciding who is going to be in parliament and not the citizens at large. It will turn to a Oligarchy!

Holownia about this...
Mr Grunwald   
13 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

I think it's more likely he exploded in frustration over the candles being lit in a Polish sejm, after KO+the rest for what they stand for wants more of in Poland. (As compared to less of something else)

To him it was a theological no go, he no longer wished to tolerate. Before he might have been less certain and more suspicious. I think he is now 100% certain that all to the left of PiS are legitimate targets.

I see this as first step to a possible civil war if Holownia sucessfully kicks out Konfederacja over this.
Mr Grunwald   
13 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

@Bratwurst Boy
It's all about having pact with God, for Jews (who are still in Judaism), it's via Moses and upholding traditions defined at that time.

For Christians it is by Jesus Christ, for many Christians. Upholding Jewish non-Christian traditions, is like publically claiming that Jesus Christ is not the messiah and Jews need to wait longer (which is a lie) but, also written... (it's complicated)

For Islam it is pact with God (who they use Allah for, which is a pagan Arabic word for multiple Gods, which creates a problem translating God for Christians in to Arabic...) via Mohammed, which was a lot stricter and had more to do with traditionalism, and rules and obedience to do.

Most conflicts between them is when one tries to uplift their pact at cost of the other two or both.

In this instance with Brain, Jarosław pointed out perfectly well that this was enabled by leftists walking in to sacred religious buildings (during rituals) protesting politics. Which just enables the thought "They can? So can we!"

To most religions, leftists or leftist ideology is tightly connected with "the bad guy" using them to his own gains.
Mr Grunwald   
12 Dec 2023
News / Grzegorz Braun extinguishes Hanukkah candles in Polish Parliament [358]

For someone who represents the Polish government

I am sorry what?
Surely you mean a portion of Polish society that Braun represents, or were you thinking about somebody else, and Tusk has something behind his ears that I don't know about?
Mr Grunwald   
12 Dec 2023
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]


You, Torq and Miloslaw simply think with a more narrow tool to not see the vision. Focusing on the shadows in the cave, and not on the light that not only is outside. But could brighten and nourish Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarussian, Serbian, Croatian, Czech and Slovakian men, women and children.

Somehow, me wanting a bright future for them all. By wanting to bury the hatchet between Poland and Russia, once and for all. Called a traitor and not Polish!

What is it you guys want? Hmm? Warsaw to be burned, buried and rebuilt? Again? Again? And again? Uprising? After uprising? After uprising?

If it's gonna happen! Be my guest! But I won't move a finger as long as Brussels men rule Poland.

Thankfully pawian, you are not my priest. Otherwise I would need to have eat excrements for me to talk **** all the time like you do
Mr Grunwald   
12 Dec 2023
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

He has not hacked my account, not to my knowledge at least.

I owe no loyalty to any Oligarchs, in Brussel, Kiev, Moscow, Washington, Beijing and otherwise.

If that's what you mean
Mr Grunwald   
12 Dec 2023
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

Oh they sure do, given the chance. Their lack of knowledge and information protects me.

What they think does not exist anymore, does not threaten them. Hence, I am safe. Can walk and mix wherever I want, like a invisible shadow nobody is looking for or is able to see or wants to.

I have no need, incentive or wants to be Anglo-Saxon.

I think I have Romantiscism in general, wether I would be a hero of Russia or Poland is of little difference as it would be first step towards a United slavdom that would simultaneously unite the churches!

At least imagining writing about it, and switching out myself with a character. Wanted to be seen and heard in most places.
Mr Grunwald   
12 Dec 2023
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

Depression, melancholy and the like hits me very often. Suddenly, unexpectedly. I let it pass, and arrive as it wishes.

Besides, I cannot escape my fate. That it suits the political elites and the likes to vilify me. Wether it's called being tyranical despite fighting the possibility of having a tyranical system.

And by that extent, Poland does not need me, Lwów, Wilno or Brest back. We are entering a new age Bobko. Perhaps by future is in Russia who knows, or as a world traveler, a sedentary bookwriter in a cave somewhere.

I'll see what the future will bring, thanks for cheering me up
Mr Grunwald   
11 Dec 2023
News / Ups and downs of the democratic government 2023-2027 in Poland [363]

Excactly my point, just as every future government.

«Scratch my back, I scratch yours» it's politics 101

People support for support, most cases. Material support... They try to calculate who their backers are or possibly start supporting them (political party), when they know that they increase their budget. Then decrease budget of those who mostly do not support them.

Like removing TVP, to take budget of a pro-PiS group. To fund a pro KO group. I am not an idiot
Mr Grunwald   
11 Dec 2023
News / Ups and downs of the democratic government 2023-2027 in Poland [363]

the economy, and hopefully will return to a more traditional way to govern where they work for the benefit of the public

You honestly think a politician is able to do that

Here I thought I was one of the most naive people. Thanks for opening my eyes
Mr Grunwald   
10 Dec 2023
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

He is only fullfilling what was promised to happen, nothing to be raising schythes over.


Yes, I am a horrible human being ain't I. Especially towards women in general, right? No wonder I am not married. Women despise me, don't understand me.

I am a monster. Ask any women on this board, I do not expect any positive remarks.

I thought that has always been fairly obvious to you, you tried to cheer me up. Think of me as an exception to the rule, I was glad reading that. But... Yes, blame me. Throw all guilt, resposibility or worst you can. If that makes it easier for your day to go good and sleep better. I can take it.

Somebody has to, it's part of my duty
Mr Grunwald   
10 Dec 2023
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]


I am the villain in your forum story, nations story and Russia's story. Yet you try to brand me and my family to be in cahoots with those that robbed us of everything.

My family lost it's meaning to exist, yet yours did not. That's why I can understand Russians, while YOU do not.
Mr Grunwald   
10 Dec 2023
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

I am a live and let live type a guy, but if you ask me if drinking alcohol is healthy. I would answer that it isn't,

If you ask me if giving out loaded pistols to kids under age of 16 without proper training and supervision is «safe» I will disagree, even if it infringes freedom.

If you ask me if terminating a life, soul included. Is not a sin, not damaging to your own mental health or a threat to society. I would most likely *facepalm* and think that you are an idiot.

So if you think less of me for thinking AND stating what's best for humans in general. Women and men included, I will. You trying or think ill start lying about important principels like taking lives, especially unprotected evidently. Since we are writing about a captive being terminated by his/her caretaker.

Then I got News for you. Murder will always remain murder. It's not my problem you dislike Words or a dictionary!
Mr Grunwald   
10 Dec 2023
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

your vile grandpas who promoted stalinism in Poland and in the world.

One was a sailor and a drunk, other an architect. Neither were members of Workers party in Poland... Or Soviet Union

You look like a Rabid dog writing like that,

I am a very «live and let live» type of guy, so what more nonsense do you wanna throw at me
Mr Grunwald   
10 Dec 2023
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

stalinist grandpas

Beg your pardon?

Darling, why do you support gangsters?

Last time I checked, I don't

I am against hate, no matter the colour it is painted in. In which part of the parliament it sits, or what clothes it wears!!

Both Kaczyński spreads hatred, vile Tusk provokes people to become more hateful. They both cause trouble and worsens the lives of every Pole.

YOU by choosing the lesser evil have chosen hatred, so don't come hear telling me he loves his country when he makes it WORSE
Mr Grunwald   
10 Dec 2023
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [345]

There is nothing patriotic in enabling and promoting: Corruption, decadence in your own country! It's the very opposit of patriotism!

Becaouse of that, it doesn't look as if he loves Poland, likes Poland or feels part of Poland or wants to protect it! It looks like he wants it thrown down into a scrapyard! So don't come here telling anyone he is patriotic! It's a lie!