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Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland?

8 Feb 2023   #1
Don't tell me it's not like this, as a woman I know the exact situation.
pawian  219 | 24592
8 Feb 2023   #2
Don't tell me it's not like this,

Like what exactly??
OP TakToJaKobieta
8 Feb 2023   #3
Abortion ban, inadequate salary to work etc.
pawian  219 | 24592
8 Feb 2023   #4
Abortion ban

What is your opinion about it exactly?
OP TakToJaKobieta
8 Feb 2023   #5
Pro-choice, definitely.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
8 Feb 2023   #6
To me (as a man), a right to abort your own kid would be the same for a man to have the right to rape as he pleases (mating selection being in his favour, having more control and be the deciding factor to a larger degree)

Which is ridicules, even tho murder is obviously worse then wish/will/list to control their own situation. One cannot fully control reality around oneself, every human being is fairly limited. Presidents as well

For a women (as it correlates with the change of her physical body, by giving birth) it is a dramatic life changing event, which also can decrease her mating options, lifespan but possibly also her life as shown in the article.

Obvious solution to prevent such actions in the future would be to have a man protecting the women from such things happening (which is the norm), a brother, father, cousin, close friend or husband.

Yet I understand that some families are so f***ed up that even close family members rape their own daughters. Those are extremely special cases, and called exceptions. Which again should not cause the general public to change their ways cause of it, as it can lead to major negative changes at large.

To me personally I would priority the women's spiritual needs and morality before anything else. Which very often comes ignored or not understood by unbelievers or materialists in such matters.

So yeah, I am pro-life and have a rather harsh, radical with strong convictions stance on this.
Alien  22 | 5460
8 Feb 2023   #7
Don't tell me it's not like this,

Dura lex sed lex. You have to change the law.
pawian  219 | 24592
8 Feb 2023   #8
You have to change the law.

Soon, when rightists lose elections - national and presidential. When it happens, women will be fully liberated at last. I can`t wait.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
8 Feb 2023   #9
Freedom comes only from Jesus Christ, you are delusional pawian
pawian  219 | 24592
8 Feb 2023   #10
Freedom comes only from Jesus Christ

Exactly!!! If Jesus came down to live on earth now, he would fully support women against their Pharisee oppressors, like he did in his time.

I am really glad you agree with me.
Alien  22 | 5460
8 Feb 2023   #11
fully support women

I wouldn't be so sure, he had 12 apostles but no one female apostle.
Lenka  5 | 3471
8 Feb 2023   #12
Didn't you read DaVinci Code?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
8 Feb 2023   #13
I also have read Harry Potter, didn't make me start jumping in to walls to enter a school either
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
8 Feb 2023   #14
you are confused those are no women's right that a licence to kill.
Lenka  5 | 3471
8 Feb 2023   #15
My comment wasn't serious.
ProblemSolver  - | 3
9 Feb 2023   #16
Like most things in life, this goes back to parents, school and how we raise our kids.

Find it disturbing that it is acceptable /ok for boys to hit girls,

I've seen it at schools, playgrounds and in the instances I've seen, parents are just OK about it.

I'm seen as an over reacting person because it is my single biggest dislike and the only thing I would change in Poland (not my country to discuss politics).

This acceptance will not produce the Polish gentleman generation of tomorrow..

I'm not for or against abortion, it's not my body and I respect that fact. If I was given a womb and inseminated, then I'd make a decision on the matter.
pawian  219 | 24592
10 Feb 2023   #17
Find it disturbing that it is acceptable /ok for boys to hit girls,

It is not acceptable to hit anybody, not only girls. Polish schools and teachers work on students all the time to eradicate aggressive behaviours. If some parents condone hitting, they are probably pathological. Such people exist in every country.
Alien  22 | 5460
13 Feb 2023   #18
not acceptable to hit anybody

When I was in elementary school in Poland, the (female) teacher used to hit us on the hand with a ruler. 😭
Kashub1410  6 | 580
13 Feb 2023   #19
Happens when pupils are not disciplined by their parents, a pupils goes on the nerve of the teacher and it boils over or when the teacher is too strict and tyrannical.

Either way, it is hard to practice idealism among troubled children (and grown ups).

One should be prepared and ready to hit, but seclude it to sports/physical activities. Not to be used as a form of punishment unless there is no way out, due to constant disrespect. Borders have to be made, otherwise a person will go out in the world thinking they are allowed to do anything and disregards other people and their being.

Especially of possibility of encountering criminal environment or ending up in prison. Schools have a responsibility as not to push pupils in that direction
Alien  22 | 5460
17 May 2023   #20
when the teacher is too strict and tyrannical.

....he/she shouldn't be a teacher. But coming back to the topic, it seems to me that women's rights are respected in Poland. The only exception is the right to abortion. But this one can be done in the Czech Republic or the former GDR.
pawian  219 | 24592
17 May 2023   #21
teacher used to hit us on the hand with a ruler. 😭

You just got the rap on the knuckles. It was the act of nation`s wisdom.
Alien  22 | 5460
17 May 2023   #22
act of nation`s wisdom.

no, it was more of an act of state violence.
Novichok  4 | 7630
17 May 2023   #23
The only exception is the right to abortion.

There is no such thing as the right to abortion. Abortion is a medical procedure meant to terminate the life of a human being that happens to be inside a woman.

In some countries, doctors have the right to perform this procedure, in some, they are not allowed. The same with executions...

thinking they are allowed to do anything and disregards other people and their being.

With the exception of gender madness...Kids are allowed to be any gender they want and the parents are powerless to stop them from getting gender reassignment surgery. At least in the US, and soon in Poland.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
17 May 2023   #24
There is no such thing as the right to abortion.

Not even after rape or incest????
Novichok  4 | 7630
17 May 2023   #25
In my ignorant mind, flushing it out an hour after rape is not abortion.
Incest is trickier. I would abort the unborn before it is 8 weeks old but along with "daddy" - by hanging or firing squad.
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
17 May 2023   #26
In my ignorant mind, flushing it out an hour after rape is not abortion

So, how is that done?
"Flushing it out" I mean?

As to the incest part of your post, I agree.
Novichok  4 | 7630
17 May 2023   #27
The morning-after pill?
pawian  219 | 24592
5 Mar 2024   #28
The main effect of "Poless" would be to give 'Pole' and 'Poles' a specificially masculine meaning they do not have.

They have, Maf, in Polish they do. You just aren`t aware of it coz you are not native.

So, I will be using my Polesses coz it nicely fits the changes that are taking place in Poland now, namely paying more respect to our women than it used to be in a patriarchal society. HA!!!
Alien  22 | 5460
5 Mar 2024   #29
paying more respect to our women than it used to be in a patriarchal society. HA!!!

But Poland has never had a "patriarchal society", quite the opposite.
pawian  219 | 24592
5 Mar 2024   #30
quite the opposite.

You have been cheated on and deluded by males who made you believe it has never been such. Please, get a grip. Women have been debased for too long here. Time to stand up and fight for their rights!!!

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