Language /
Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]
What is your opinion guys on the reason why dizortografia is a modern pandemic
"disease" only in Poland and nowhere else in this world?
the amount of time that is devoted to teaching of correct Polish spelling in school is the one single most important reason
the programmes were enough 20 or 30 years back with children not spending most of their time in front of TV or a computer - children are now bombarded with information and being so distracted at each and every corner and AFAIK the curriculums of Polish language teaching haven't been revised to address that
- Polish children are taught (were taught) a lot of theory of literature and loads of cultural (greek myths, symoblic figures etc etc) and patriotic notions (greek myths, symoblic figures - especially theory of literature is completely useless - I would even argue whether patriotic notions should be taught (they are taught based on literature - like Mickiewicz, Słowacki, Broniewski etc etc) - with so much time spent on useless things in later classes children who haven't managed to learn proper spelling and other basic stuff in the first couple of classes are left out in the cold in this field - this is why with a fairly simple ortography Polish language has we have so many kids (and subsequently adults) who never learn correct spellings (or make tons of mistakes) - fortunately Polish ortography is even simpler in that respect that you have no problems in reading out what is written - i.e. with significantly few exceptions you know how to read out/pronounce a word by the form it is written (in contrast for example to English ortography)