The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
7 Jul 2020
Food / KETO DIET - is it known in Poland? [30]

I don't mean bad breath, I mean a horrible feeling inside your mouth and that perpetual dryness, I felt the need to sip something all the time...that put me so off and that never ended.
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Jul 2020
Food / KETO DIET - is it known in Poland? [30]

The best diet is to avoid all the sugar that you can.


That's it! I fully agree....I cut down even my beloved bread and potatoes and it showed....fresh veggies and fruits are a good exchange!
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Jul 2020
Food / KETO DIET - is it known in Poland? [30]

I did it for about half a year, wanted to know too what all the fuss was about...couldn't stand it longer lose weight definitely, but you get a mean feeling in your mouth (for me the most disturbing thing)...if you don't watch your salt you get headaches and frankly all the time a quite similiar food get's boring...In time I missed my carbs and my fruits and what not horribly.

My personal it sometimes, do it even regularly but it's not for all the time or even a longer time.

PS: But you get out of it smarter, be it even because you learn the science behind good and bad fats...
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Jun 2020
News / Tesco abandon Poland [66]

Update: For the fans of KAUFLAND here...they plan to buy about 100 former REAL markets from that russian finance tycoon...they have already asked the german federal cartel office to control this fusion. Also EDEKA plans to buy about 50 markets. But many others will be closed or, if buyed out, changed into something else.

For me personally interesting ist that the online market place "" will probably live on under new KAUFLAND ownership. I liked real online...good offers to moderate prices and easy delivery. A real life saver during Corona! Of course also abit overwhelmed during the was hard to get delivery slots and no paper ware (wc tissues) at all :)

PS: KAUFLAND belongs to the "Schwarz Group" which also owns LIDL....
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Jun 2020
News / Tesco abandon Poland [66]

Different rules and law for producing stuff?

What does the polish food safety inspectors say to that?
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Jun 2020
News / Tesco abandon Poland [66]

What do you mean? Close down everything?

So it was to read in the news...
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Jun 2020
News / Tesco abandon Poland [66]

Update.....REAL has just been bought bei a russian investor...he plans to destroy the warehouse chain, ending thousands of jobs...
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Jun 2020
News / Tesco abandon Poland [66]

....not my cup of tea either....maybe we are to old for such fashion!
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Jun 2020
News / Tesco abandon Poland [66]

REAL is getting broke up in Germany....the future of the staff doesn't look good...
Bratwurst Boy   
30 May 2020
News / As a Time Capsule From The Holocaust Was Found In Zlocieniec, Poland [24]

Interesting polish german history of Münsterberg/Ziebice!

After the death of Henry IV in 1290, during the period of fragmentation of Poland, Bolko I the Strict inherited the towns of Münsterberg (Ziębice) and Frankenstein (Ząbkowice Śląskie). Around 1300, he finished a castle in Münsterberg. When he died in 1301, his possessions were divided among his three sons.....

"Bolko I the Strict" ??? Why oh why can't modern politicians not have similiar meaningful names! :):):)
Bratwurst Boy   
28 May 2020
Polonia / Polonia in Germany [59]

Hmmm....that doesn't sound like a future to look forward to!

There is no reason at all to correct our ways if that's what we get from it....

It would be psychologically smarter to give Germans an incentive, a reward for correcting our ways, otherwise they might cling to their wrong identity even stronger!

(The Kulturkampf reverse)

I hope you are in a more lucky part of Germany.

I live in Berlin as you very well :)
Bratwurst Boy   
28 May 2020
Polonia / Polonia in Germany [59]

I also have very developed imagination but its not a realistic scenario.

But you must have an idea how the Germans could rectify their wrong ways, otherwise it's quite useless always to lament the history....what would be your most realistic scenario?
Bratwurst Boy   
28 May 2020
Polonia / Polonia in Germany [59]

Its transition founded on lies. So, its wrong.

I try to imagine how it would work out if over 80 Million Germans (including the millions non-native Germans by now) would tomorrow see the error of their ways and declare to be Poles now...

How would Poland react? What would PiS do? We are Poles now, we can vote and work and live everywhere in Poland now....right? Okay....with the language it will take awhile but we could do it....the next generation will totally be polonized....will we all be happy then?
Bratwurst Boy   
28 May 2020
Polonia / Polonia in Germany [59]

That still constantly beats us at football. Some thing never change, eh? :)

...only with enough Poles innit! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
28 May 2020
Polonia / Polonia in Germany [59]

....Germans are a dying breed and ongoing population swap will change its mentality forever.

Why don't you end that planning for an anti-german Poland and an union of anti-german countries then?

Start embracing the new Germany! You get a totally new neighbour!!! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2020
Polonia / Polonia in Germany [59]

a good reason why Poles can't be a recognised minority in Germany.

Because Poland got bigger after got german lands...That's why Germans in what is now Poland deserve minority rights, they didn't move into another country. Poles in Germany did!

Minority politics is about the rights of the natives and who counts as such, immigrants are just...well...immigrants!
Bratwurst Boy   
27 May 2020
Polonia / Polonia in Germany [59]

What's important is to keep Poles living in Germany strongly connected to Poland and to prevent Germanization of any kind.

Good luck with that....Poles are fantastic Germans! :)

but Poles are denied the same right.

When immigrating Poles get the minority right then Syrians could get it too...

....come to think of then East Germans in West Germany could get it too! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
24 May 2020
News / Poland GDP growth surprises on upside [32]

....Well, take a look at the same graph -

Hmm....maybe you are onto the only graph I could find there is a hefty rise of East Germany too:

...including a short, sharp dip down during the 1990's....but no numbers...

*goes searching*
Bratwurst Boy   
24 May 2020
News / Poland GDP growth surprises on upside [32]

When it comes to hard work, thrift and ingenuity, we leave most of the world far behind.

Hmmm....I always said that! :)

But I would really like to know more about that numbers...Poland, East Germany, Russia...the whole ex-Soviet Empire has just broken down, their industries no longer supported by state and wholly uncompetitive and unprepared for the modern world. Many people lost their jobs as alot companies closed. The first years had been painful for all of us, you can't have forgotten about that difficult time Torq....

What are these numbers about?
Bratwurst Boy   
24 May 2020
News / Poland GDP growth surprises on upside [32]

Polish GDP 1990 - 65,98 billion USD.
Polish GDP 2004 - 255,1 billion USD. 386% growth

Do you have a link to these stats?

Because that growth is just astounding! During that time after the wall fell East Germany would had had a hard time to show such growth during the re-structuring of it's outdated economy....and that with the help of West-Germany...
Bratwurst Boy   
24 May 2020
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

PS: If your dream-Intermarium is one of ethnical, religious, political and sexual oppression (only the "right" choices will be supported, everything else is "verboten") then I'm sure we will see alot more Poles and others chosing Germany to live in, preferring their freedom, packing their bags and wandering westwards...especially the young ones...

And the end of that is also already predictable!

Do you really want to repeat that sad old history?

Please stick to the topic
Bratwurst Boy   
24 May 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Tell me that I'm wrong.

I don't hope so!

Because I want to keep living in a country where my choice of religion, political party and sexual orientation is only my own decision and nobody else's. Where I can create my life after my own wishes, undisturbed and unhindered by some governmental or clerical judgement. Where I am free to do as I please as long as I don't disturb somebody else's freedom.

That was what I longed for as I grew up behind the Iron Curtain, that was what people died for fighting the Third would be a nightmare to go back to that.

And btw....people still make their choices with their feet. People (not only from Africa or Arabia) are storming Germany, dream to live here, because it's a good life here, with all these freedoms!

Think about that one for a minute...

but this one is the most modern and fundamental difference.

Oh bin it, Spike!

You hated Germany long before that refugee-crisis! It's as I said, it's a strawmans argument now...

Germany could start shipping Muslims out tomorrow and you would still call it Nazi and how Germans can be trusted because of that. You take what you can get to feed your Germanophobia!

1. The EU is a failed project for various reasons.

Well...the EU is about to shell out 1 TRILLION of support funds to Corona-suffering EU members....most other countries can only dream of such big failing! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
24 May 2020
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

Tell me more about these differences please....what exactly are those?

Because if you are talking about...national mentality and similar language, religion down to worldview, art, music, folk traditions....then you can forget your Intermarium immediately...because ALL nations are different in that regard...that's what makes them to different nations in the first place. They are no "little Polands"...

And still, you want them to work together for a common greater good, in a you believe they are able to overcome these differences...because they identify with a common greater good.

Bingo! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
24 May 2020
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

I'm talking about cultural background, religion, worldview and dominant set of values not genetics.

Me too....

There are many Poles with German heritage who are as good as any other Poles.

Of course...why shouldn't they!

It's YOU who persist on fundamental differences....but they don't exist....Poles make good Germans = Germans make good Poles....all these "irreconcilable" differences exist only in your head and in politicians greed who always like to rile up one people against another to secure their position and to make themselves indispensable!

I rather look up to the future glory of Poland which is within our grasp.

Not as long as you want to rebuild a foggy glorious past against a past enemy with refighting past will only lose the future again!
Bratwurst Boy   
24 May 2020
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

I always wonder where you take that from.....Poles and Germans are probably the most mixed peoples in Europe!

How can you differentiate between them so clearly when over the centuries millions of Poles and Germans have many Poles and people of polish heritage have influenced Germany

These masses of people have assimilated and integrated so flawlessly...culturally and socially...they can't be that different...where and HOW do you draw the line? And one so clear at that?

Serious question here...

Yes, and that's why I'm against the future EU membership of Poland in this clerotic socialists club

Right now it's rather you who is harking back on a long gone past...past hostilities...past glory...past energy resources! Old and sclerotic....set in old ways...unable to dream of a better future.

Against you Germany and the EU look pubescend actually! They at least have dreams and visions....