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Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]
he also said that he dreams of being to be the first to be able to marry a gay couple in Poland -
he said he is against homosexual couples adopting children
You do realise those are not the same thing and many people share such sentiment. Not to mention that the estimation is that around 50 000 kids in Poland are raised by homosexual couples now anyway.
half of which has been clarified long time ago as fake news. IF they are genuine those issues are not a big deal
Not buying it. One- if that is the case you can say it's wrong but instead you just rant and two- because I remember when I posted an article including the church statement and still you called it a leftie source and dismissed it.
And it's up to each individual poster to decide whether it's a big deal for them. For me it is because it's the same story over and over again- them thinking they are so important that they can endanger other people.
What ties specifically are you unhappy with ?
Seems Christianity stands right in the way of the Marxists and they want to destroy it.
All of them. And no, I do not want to destroy Christianity just want the Christianity to but out of politics and schools.
Can't you bean brains not see what has happened to other country's that have taken God out of the equation ?
Or maybe the see what is happening in their country and they don't like it?